Test Description Requir ement Procedur e
Rev A 3 of 5
Solderability. Solderable area shall have a
m inim um of 95% sol der c overage. EIA-638.
Subject contacts to solderability.
Vi br ati on, random. No discont inuities of 1 microsecond
or l onger dur ati on.
See Note.
EIA - 364- 28, Test Condition V.
Subj ec t specimens to 7. 56 G's rm s
between 50 to 2000 Hz. One hour
in eac h of 3 mutual ly perpendicular
Mechanical shock. No discont inui ti es of 1 mi c r osecond
or l onger dur ati on.
See Note.
EIA - 364- 27, Met hod A .
Subj ec t specimens to 50 G ' s hal f-
sine shock pul ses of 11
milliseconds dur ati on. Three
shocks in each direction applied
along 3 mutually per pendicular
planes, 18 total shocks.
Durability. See Note. EIA-364-9.
Manual ly mat e and unmate 10
gold plat ed specim ens for 100
cycles at a maxi mum rate of 500
cycles per hour.
Mating forc e. 22.2 N [80 ozf] maxim um per
module. EIA-364-13.
Measure force nec essary to mat e
specimens at a maxi mum rat e of
12.7 mm [.5 i n] per minute.
Unm ati ng for c e. 5.6 N [ 20 oz f] mi nimum per
module. EIA-364-13.
Measure force nec essary to
unm ate specimens at a maxi mum
rate of 12.7 mm [. 5 in] per minute.
Thermal shock. See Note. E IA-364- 32, Test Condition III.
Subject speci mens to 5 cycles
between -65 and 125
Hum idity- temperatur e c y c li ng. See Note. E IA-364- 31, Method III.
Subject speci mens to 10 cycles (10
days) between 25 and 65
C at 80
to 100% RH.
Temperature l ife. See Note. E IA-364- 17, Method A , Test
Conditi on 4.
Subj ec t specimens to 105
C for
300 hours.
Shall meet v is ual r equir em ents, s how no physic al dam age, and meet r equir em ents of additional
tests as s pec ified in the Pr oduc t Qualification and Requalificat ion Test S equenc e s hown in F igur e
2. T he us e of alter nate gold plating t hic k nes s par ts (gold flash or 30
in gold) can be expec ted to
have the s am e elec trical, mechanical and dielec tric per formance c har ac teristics. Dec is ion to use
such parts should depend on c us tomer’s need for alt er nate durability or env ir onm ental
perfor m anc e c har ac teristics.
Figure 1 (end)