Specification 108-2139
23Jan06 Rev A
MICTOR SB (True SMT) Connector
©2005 Tyco Electronics Corporation
Harrisburg, PA
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1.1. Content
This specific ati on c overs performance, tests and quality r equirement s for t he Tyco Electroni c s Tr ue
Surface Mount (SMT) Style Single Beam Matc hed I mpedance (MI CT OR SB) Connector for m ezzanine
styl e boar d- to-board appli c ati ons. These two-piece connector designs accommodate a variety of
pri nted circuit boar d thic k nesses. Rec eptacl e assembli es are loaded with .006 thick M ICTO R S B
contac ts which mat e with blade c ontacts i n the pl ug assembli es. M ICTO R S B c onnec tors are available
in three contact c enterline versions and 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 positions.
1.2. Qualification
When tests are performed on t he subj ec t product line, proc edur es specified in Figure 1 shall be used.
Al l inspecti ons shall be performed using the appl icable inspect ion plan and product dr awing.
1.3. Quali fication Test Results
Successf ul qualification testi ng on the subject pr oduc t line was compl eted on 15Oct05. The
Quali fication Test Report number for this testing is 501-616. This documentat ion i s on file at and
available from Engineering Practices and Standards (EPS).
The foll owing doc uments for m a part of this specification t o the ex tent speci fied herein. Unless
otherwise specified, the l atest edition of the document applies. In t he event of c onflict between the
requi r ements of thi s specificat ion and t he pr oduc t drawing, the product dr awing shal l t ak e pr ec edenc e.
In t he event of conflict between the requirements of this specification and t he r efer enc ed doc uments,
this specific ati on shal l tak e pr ec edenc e.
2.1. Tyc o E lectroni c s Document s
109-197: AMP T est Speci fications vs EIA and IEC T est Met hods
114-13116: A pplication Spec ifi c ati on( M ICTO R S B V er tic al Connectors f or S ur face Mount
Technol ogy (SMT) Printed Circuit (PC) Board Applications)
501-616: Qual ification Test Repor t
2.2. Industry S tandards
EIA - 364: El ec trical Connec tor/ S oc k et Test Pr oc edur es Inc ludi ng E nvi r onment al Classifications
EIA - 638: Surfac e M ount Sol der ability Test
3.1. Design and Constructi on
Product shall be of the desi gn, construction and phy si c al dim ensi ons specified on t he appli c able
product dr awing.
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3.2. Materials
Mater ials used in t he c onstr uc tion of thi s product shall be as specified on t he appli c able produc t
3.3. Ratings
Vol tage: 125 volts AC
Si gnal contacts: 1.25 amperes
Ground c ontact s:9.5 amper es
Temperature: -65 to 125
. Charact er istic Impedanc e:50 ohms
3.4. Perfor mance and Test Descri ption
Product i s designed t o meet the el ec tri c al, mec hanical and environment al performanc e r equirement s
specified i n Fi gur e 1. Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be performed at ambient envi r onment al
condi ti ons per EIA-364.
3.5. Test Requirements and Proc edur es Summary
Test Description Requir ement Procedur e
Initial examination of product. Meets requirements of produc t
drawing. EIA-364-18.
Vi sual and dimensional (C of C)
inspect ion per pr oduc t drawing.
Final examination of product. Meets visual r equirement s. EIA - 364- 18.
Vi sual inspection.
Low level cont ac t resistanc e.
R 15 milliohms m aximum for
signal c ontact s.
R 5 milliohm s max im um for
ground cont ac ts.
Subj ec t specimens to 100
milliamperes maxim um and 20
millivolts m aximum open cir c uit
See Figure 3.
Insulati on r esi stanc e. 5000 m egohms minimum init ial .
1000 m egohms minimum after
Test bet ween adjac ent signal
contac ts, and between all signal
contac ts and ground of m ated
Wit hstanding volt age. 1 m inut e hold with no br eak down or
flashover. 0.5 milliampere
m aximum leak age c ur r ent.
EIA - 364- 20, Condi tion I.
675 volts AC at sea l evel . Test
between adjacent signal contac ts,
and between all signal contac ts
and ground of mated specimens.
Figure 1 (c ontinued)
Test Description Requir ement Procedur e
Rev A 3 of 5
Solderability. Solderable area shall have a
m inim um of 95% sol der c overage. EIA-638.
Subject contacts to solderability.
Vi br ati on, random. No discont inuities of 1 microsecond
or l onger dur ati on.
See Note.
EIA - 364- 28, Test Condition V.
Subj ec t specimens to 7. 56 G's rm s
between 50 to 2000 Hz. One hour
in eac h of 3 mutual ly perpendicular
Mechanical shock. No discont inui ti es of 1 mi c r osecond
or l onger dur ati on.
See Note.
EIA - 364- 27, Met hod A .
Subj ec t specimens to 50 G ' s hal f-
sine shock pul ses of 11
milliseconds dur ati on. Three
shocks in each direction applied
along 3 mutually per pendicular
planes, 18 total shocks.
Durability. See Note. EIA-364-9.
Manual ly mat e and unmate 10
gold plat ed specim ens for 100
cycles at a maxi mum rate of 500
cycles per hour.
Mating forc e. 22.2 N [80 ozf] maxim um per
module. EIA-364-13.
Measure force nec essary to mat e
specimens at a maxi mum rat e of
12.7 mm [.5 i n] per minute.
Unm ati ng for c e. 5.6 N [ 20 oz f] mi nimum per
module. EIA-364-13.
Measure force nec essary to
unm ate specimens at a maxi mum
rate of 12.7 mm [. 5 in] per minute.
Thermal shock. See Note. E IA-364- 32, Test Condition III.
Subject speci mens to 5 cycles
between -65 and 125
Hum idity- temperatur e c y c li ng. See Note. E IA-364- 31, Method III.
Subject speci mens to 10 cycles (10
days) between 25 and 65
C at 80
to 100% RH.
Temperature l ife. See Note. E IA-364- 17, Method A , Test
Conditi on 4.
Subj ec t specimens to 105
C for
300 hours.
Shall meet v is ual r equir em ents, s how no physic al dam age, and meet r equir em ents of additional
tests as s pec ified in the Pr oduc t Qualification and Requalificat ion Test S equenc e s hown in F igur e
2. T he us e of alter nate gold plating t hic k nes s par ts (gold flash or 30
in gold) can be expec ted to
have the s am e elec trical, mechanical and dielec tric per formance c har ac teristics. Dec is ion to use
such parts should depend on c us tomer’s need for alt er nate durability or env ir onm ental
perfor m anc e c har ac teristics.
Figure 1 (end)
Rev A 4 of 5
3.6. Product Quali fication and Requalific ati on Test Sequence
Test or E xamination
Test G r oup ( a)
Test Sequenc e ( b)
Initial examination of product 1111
Low level cont ac t resistanc e 3,7 2,4
I nsulation re sista nc e 2,6
Wit hstanding volt age 3,7
Solderability, dip test 2
Vi br ati on, random 5
Mechanical shock 6
Durability 4
Mating f orce 2
Unm ati ng for c e 8
Thermal shock 4
Hum idity- temperatur e c y c li ng 5
Temperature l ife 3(c)
Final examination of product 9583
(a) See paragraph 4.1.A .
(b) Numbers indic ate sequence in which t es ts are per formed.
(c) Precondition specimens with 3 durability cycles.
Figure 2
4.1. Quali fication Testing
A. Specimen Selection
Specimens shall be prepared in accordanc e with appl icable Instruc ti on S heets and shall be
select ed at random from cur r ent product ion. Test groups 1 and 2 each shall c onsi st of 3 mated
pair s (plug and receptacl e) of vert ical assemblies. T est gr oup 3 shal l consist of 5 unmounted,
m ated pai r s (plug and recept ac le) of vert ical assembli es with housi ngs fully populated with signal
contac ts and bus bars. T est gr oup 4 shal l consist of 5 unmated and unm ounted specimens.
B. Test S equenc e
Quali fication inspection shall be verified by t esting specimens as spec ified i n Figur e 2.
4.2. Requalificat ion Testing
If c hanges signifi c antly affecting form, fit or func ti on ar e made t o the product or manufact ur ing
process, product assurance shall coordinate r equalific ati on testing, consisting of al l or par t of the
ori ginal testing sequence as determined by devel opment /product , qual ity and r eliability engineering.
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4.3. Acceptance
Acceptance is based on verifi c ation that t he pr oduc t meets the requirement s of Figure 1. Fail ur es
att r ibut ed to equipment, t est setup or oper ator defici enc ies shall not di squal ify the product . If pr oduc t
fai lure occ ur s, c or r ec ti ve action shall be tak en and specim ens resubm it ted for qualification. Testing to
confirm corr ec tive act ion i s required before r esubmittal.
4.4. Quali ty Conformance Inspecti on
The appli c able qual it y inspection plan shal l speci fy the sampli ng ac c eptable quality level t o be used.
Dimensi onal and functional requirements shall be in ac c or danc e with the appli c able produc t drawing
and this specific ati on.
Figure 3
Low Lev el Cont ac t Resistance Measurement P oints