240 MHz SAW Filter
1.55 MHz Bandwidth
Part Number: SF0240BA03142S
Spectrum Microwave
400 Nickerson Road, Marlborough, MA 01752, USA • Phone 1-508-251-6400 • Fax 1-508-251-6401
DSSF0240BA03142S Rev A 19-Mar-2010
ECN 36650 Page 2 of 3
Parameter Min Typ Max Units
Center Frequency, FC 1 - 240 - MHz
Insertion Loss at Fc - 17.2 20 dB
1 dB Bandwidth 1.55 1.73 - MHz
20 dB Bandwidth 2 - 2.94 - MHz
40 dB Bandwidth 2 - 3.36 3.5 MHz
50 dB Bandwidth 2 - 4.90 30 MHz
Amplitude Ripple (Fc +/- 0.75 MHz) - 0.5 1 dB p-p
Group Delay Variation (Fc +/- 0.75 MHz) 3 - 80 130 ns
Device Delay - 1.71 - us
Phase Linearity (Fc +/- 0.75 MHz) - 5 8 deg p-p
Input / Output Return Loss at Fc - 6 - dB
Rejection (120 to 225 MHz) 2 50 60 - dB
Rejection (255 to 360 MHz) 2 50 60 - dB
Source/Load Impedance 50 ohms
Ambient Temperature 25 ˚C
Notes: 1. Defined as the average of the lower and upper 3 dB frequencies at room ambient.
2. All dB levels are defined relative to the insertion loss.
3. A smoothing aperture of 0.2 MHz (0.5% of span) may be used for this measurement.
Parameter Min Max Units
Storage Temperature Range -40 85 ˚C
Operating Temperature Range -10 85 ˚C
Input Power Level 0 13 dBm
Typical Component values: Ls1 = 52 nH Ls2 = 8.2 nH
Cp1 = 29 pF Lp2 = 18 nH
• Recommend 2% or better tolerance matching components. Typical inductor Q=40.
• Optimum values may change depending on board layout. Values shown are intended as a guide only.
50 Ω
50 Ω
11 5
All other pads