CY5671 PROCTM BLE MODULE CY5671 PRoCTM BLE Module is a complete, certified solution to add BLE connectivity to any embedded system. The module features a PRoC BLE device (CYBL10563), two crystals, a PCB antenna, and other passives while providing access to all GPIOs of the device. Visit for more information on Cypress's BLE solutions. PRoC BLE is a single-chip solution with a 48-MHz ARM(R) Cortex(R)-M0 CPU, BLE radio, CapSense(R) technology for touch sensing, two serial communication blocks (SCBs), a 12-bit ADC, four Timer/Counter/PWMs (TCPWMs), four additional PWMs, I2S, and LCD. Antenna matching network (AMN) Wiggle antenna Ctank Cmod P0_1 P0_0 P0_3 P0_2 P0_5 P0_4 P1_0 VREF P1_2 P1_1 P0_6 P1_4 P0_7 P1_3 XRES P1_5 GND P1_7 VDDD P1_6 SAR bypass capacitor (bottom side) GND P3_6 P3_4 P3_2 P3_0 P4_0 P4_1 P2_6 P2_4 P2_2 P2_0 VDDR CYBL10563-56LQXI PRoC BLE device VDD GND P1_5 P1_4 24-MHz crystal VDDA P3_7 P3_5 P3_3 P3_1 P5_1 P5_0 P2_7 P2_5 P2_3 P2_1 GND 32.768-kHz crystal (bottom side) 4-pin UART header Fig-1: Pinout Description for PRoC BLE Module Note: To apply power to the module, use the VDD pin (1.9 V - 5.0 V) and GND pin. CY5671 PROCTM BLE MODULE STANDALONE USE WITH PSOC CREATORTM IDE AND CY8CKIT-002 MINIPROG3 Pin Mapping CY8CKIT-002 CY8CKIT-142 VTARG VDD GND GND RES XRES SCLK P0_7 SDAT P0_6 Fig-2: Programming and Debugging with CY8CKIT-002 USING THE PROC BLE MODULE WITH THE CY8CKIT-042-BLE PIONEER KIT Step 1: Plug the module on the CY8CKIT-042-BLE Pioneer Kit baseboard. Step 2: Create your design in PSoC Creator IDE and use the BLE Pioneer Kit to program and debug. Fig-3: Programming and Debugging with CY8CKIT-042 BLE Pioneer Baseboard CY5671 is qualified for Bluetooth 4.1 specifications. The module, along with the CY8CKIT-042 BLE Pioneer Baseboard, has regulatory approval ( for development purpose only) for the 2.4-GHz unlicensed frequency range in countries including USA (FCC), Canada (IC), Europe (CE) and Japan (JRF/TELEC). Additional regulatory certification will be required to integrate the module into an end product. Contact for details. For more information about this kit, visit CY5671 Manufactured by Cypress Semiconductor. R 005-100920 Contains Model: CY5671 FCC ID: WAP-CY5671 IC: 7922A-CY5671 (c) 2015 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners. 001-96030 Rev.*A Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Cypress Semiconductor: CY5671