First Edition LCD Module Technical Specification Aug 28, 2006 Final Revision KRKKKKK TypeNo. F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN OPTREX CORPORATION Shigeo Suzuki QUALITY ASSURANCE DIVISION Apprroved : Checked : Toshiyuki Okamoto ACI ENGINEERING DIVISION Takashi Yuchi ACI ENGINEERING DIVISION Prepared : APPROVED By Signature : Date : Please return this specification within two month with your signature. If not returned within two month ,specification will be considered as having been accepted. F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 1/24Table of Contents 1. General Specifications oc ccccccccsccssessecsesseseessssscsessesseseesetsatsatsecsnsscsecseesetsanetstesceesenseeteeseeateneeseess 3 2. Electrical Specifications occ cscs ccsessessessesscsscsesseseeseeseesavsntssssessesseseesetsateatsntensenseeseeseesaeeansetencees 4 3. Optical SPeCifiCATIONS oc ccc cc ccc csessessessessssneenseessetstestessesstinsisesstessassesstsssatstsstessateeenseceasesenseeeeeeees 14 A MO TOP ind oon cece ccc seeesessssssseessesnsessesasessesasesstssanetistessanstsstassusstsstansesesstansersssssanessesstsaneeeteeceaseeeess 16 5. TOE occ ccccccc css sessssssssessesssntssesanstisessststssassesstisassssstissnstistasssnstsstsssesstissassessssssassessesssansessessatetsesscesneseeseseeeeees 18 6. APPCaranCe Standards... cccccccccsesessssssssssesssssesssssssssessessantssesssstsstassestsssassesessssansesetesaneeensecsaneeeess 19 7. Code System Of Production LOt ccc cecesessessssesssessssseesssssesseestassesstsssanstsssesssneesesstsaneeenseeseeeeees 22 B. Type NUM eR oon cee csessssesesssnsensesasensesanssntasenstintessesstissassesstsssassesstessatstistessaseteesecsenetenseeeeeeees 22 9. Applying Precautions... ccc ccs esesssecsessessesseseesssssstsecseesetsaneatsssesseresseesitsatsesssseseeseesesieesaeesess 22 10. Precautions Relating Product Handling oo... occ ccc cecccecessssseessesssenesssesssstesstenseseeetsasseateesanseeeees 23 V1. Warranty once ccccccscescssessessessesnesnesnsessesensitsateatsnesncesensensensaneatsatancanseeteesetsinanststsnssetoresesestesaeees 24 Revision History Rev. Date Page Comment F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 2/241.General Specifications Operating Temp. Storage Temp. Dot Pixels Dot Size Dot Pitch Viewing Area Outline Dimensions Weight LCD Type Viewing Angle Data Transfer Backlight Additional Spec. Drawing RoHS regulation min. -20C ~max. 70C min. -30C ~max. 80C 128 (W) x 64 (H) dots 0.47 (W) X 0.47 (H) mm 0.50 (W) X 0.50 (H) mm 69.0 (W) X 36.5 (H) mm 89.7 (W) X 49.8* (H) x 6.0 (D) mm * Without Flat Cable and LED Cable 37.5g max. NTD-22662 ( F-STN / Black &White-mode / Transmissive ) 6:00 8-bit parallel data transfer Serial data transfer LED Backlight / White Vivid Color Display Specification (High Performance Color is Used) Dimensional Outline F-51852AL base To our best knowledge, this product satisfies material requirement of RoHS regulation. Our company is doing the best efforts to obtain the equivalent certificate from our suppliers. F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 3/242.Electrical Specifications 2.1.Absolute Maximum Ratings Vss=0V Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Max. Units Supply Voltage Vop-Vss - -0.3 7.0 V (Logic) Supply Voltage Vss2 With Double *1 -7.0 +0.3 V (Booster Circuit) With Triple *1 -6.0 +0.3 With Quad *1 -4.5 +0.3 Supply Voltage 1 V5,VouT * -18.0 +0.3 V (LCD Drive) Supply Voltage 2|V1, V2, V3, V4 * V5 +0.3 V (LCD Drive) Input Voltage VIN - -0.3 Vpp+0.3 V Output Voltage Vo - -0.3 Vpp+0.3 V *1 Relative to Vopp. The relation of Vop2V12=V2>V32V42Vs5>VouT ;Vpp>Vss=>VouTt must be maintained. In case of inputting external LCD driving voltage, LCD drive voltage should start supplying toNJU6676 at the mean time of turning on VDD power supply or after turned on VDD. In use of the voltage boost circuit, the condition that the supply voltage : 18V> Vpp-VouT is necessary. Decoupling capacitor should be connected between VDD and VSS due to the stabilized operation for the voltage converter. 2.2.DC Characteristics Ta=25C, Vss=0V Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Supply Voltage Vop-Vss - 2.2 - 5.5 V (Logic) *4 Supply Voltage Vss2 *2 -6.0 - -2.5 V (Booster Circuit) Supply Voltage V5 *2 -18.0 - -6.0 V (LCD Drive) Vi, V2 *2 0.4xV5 - Vbp V V3,V4 *2 V5 - 0.6xV5 V Supply Voltage Vss2 With Triple *2 -6.0 - -2.5 V (Booster Circuit) With Quad *2 -4.5 - -2.5 Booster Output Vout *2 -18.0 - - V Voltage Voltage Regulator} Vout2 | Voltage converter off -18.0 - -6.0 V Operating Voltage External power supply Voltage Follower V5 Voltage regulator off -18.0 - -6.0 V Operating Voltage External power supply Base Voltage VREG% Vpp=3.0V - - 3.0 % "High" Level VIH - 0.8xVpp - Vbp V Input Voltage "Low" Level VIL - Vss - 0.2xVpbp V Input Voltage "High" Level VoH loH=-0.5mMA 0.8xVpp - Vbp V Output Voltage F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 4/24"Low" Level VoL loL=0.5mA Vss - 0.2xVpbp V Output Voltage Supply Current IDp Vpp-Vss=5.0V - 1.06 1.60 mA *{ Although the NJU6676 can operate in wide range of the operation voltage, it shall not be guaranteed in a sudden voltage fluctuation during the access with MPU. *2 Relative to Vopp. Note The internal charge pump circuit of the booster for LCD PNL drive does not have enough power to drive this module. We highly recommend using an external power supply to drive this module. F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 5/242.3.AC Characteristics 2.3.1.Read/Write Operation Sequence (80 series CPU) Vop=4.5~5.5V Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Address Hold Time tans 0 - ns Address Setup Time taws 0) - ns System Cycle Time tcyes 166 - ns Control Low Pulse Width(Write) teow 30 - ns Control Low Pulse Width(Read) tccir 70 - ns Control High Pulse Width(Write) tocHw 30 - ns Control High Pulse Width(Read) tocuR 30 - ns Data Setup Time toss 30 - ns Data Hold Time tons 10 - ns RD Access Time taccs - 70 ns Output Disable Time tons 10 50 ns Input Signal Rise/Fall Time tr, tf - 15 ns Vopp=2.7~4.5V Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Address Hold Time tans 0 - ns Address Setup Time taws 0) - ns System Cycle Time tcyes 300 - ns Control Low Pulse Width(Write) teow 60 - ns Control Low Pulse Width(Read) tccir 120 - ns Control High Pulse Width(Write) tocHw 60 - ns Control High Pulse Width(Read) tocuR 60 - ns Data Setup Time toss 40 - ns Data Hold Time tons 15 - ns RD Access Time taccs - 140 ns Output Disable Time tons 10 100 ns Input Signal Rise/Fall Time tr, tf - 15 ns Vpp=2.2~2.7V Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Address Hold Time tans 0 - ns Address Setup Time taws 0) - ns System Cycle Time tcyes 1000 - ns Control Low Pulse Width(Write) teow 120 - ns Control Low Pulse Width(Read) tccir 240 - ns Control High Pulse Width(Write) tocHw 120 - ns Control High Pulse Width(Read) tocuR 120 - ns Data Setup Time toss 80 - ns F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 6/24Data Hold Time tous 30 - ns RD Access Time tacce - 280 ns Output Disable Time tons 10 200 ns Input Signal Rise/Fall Time tr, tf - 15 ns D tcycs AO, CS1 hs tAH8 ooo 71 |e tec) /_- WR, RD / tecH(wR) N NK toss {tDH8 DO D7 +> ' (WRITE) ' taccs tous DO D7 (READ) F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 7/242.3.2.Read/Write Operation Sequence (68 series CPU) Vop=4.5~5.5V Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Address Hold Time tare 0 - ns Address Setup Time tawe 0) - ns System Cycle Time tcyce 166 - ns Enable High Pulse Width (Read) tewHr 70 - ns Enable High Pulse Width (Write) tewHw 30 - ns Enable Low Pulse Width (Read) tew.r 30 - ns Enable Low Pulse Width (Write) tewiw 30 - ns Data Setup Time tose 30 - ns Data Hold Time tone 10 - ns Access Time (CL=100pF) tacce - 70 ns Output Disable Time tons 10 50 ns Input Signal Rise/Fall Time tr, tf - 15 ns Vopp=2.7~4.5V Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Address Hold Time tare 0 - ns Address Setup Time tawe 0) - ns System Cycle Time tcyce 300 - ns Enable High Pulse Width (Read) tewHr 120 - ns Enable High Pulse Width (Write) tewHw 60 - ns Enable Low Pulse Width (Read) tew.r 60 - ns Enable Low Pulse Width (Write) tewiw 60 - ns Data Setup Time tose 40 - ns Data Hold Time tone 15 - ns Access Time (CL=100pF) tacce - 140 ns Output Disable Time tons 10 100 ns Input Signal Rise/Fall Time tr, tf - 15 ns Vpp=2.2~2.7V Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Address Hold Time tare 0 - ns Address Setup Time tawe 0) - ns System Cycle Time tcyce 1000 - ns Enable High Pulse Width (Read) tewHr 240 - ns Enable High Pulse Width (Write) tewHw 120 - ns Enable Low Pulse Width (Read) tew.r 120 - ns Enable Low Pulse Width (Write) tewiw 120 - ns Data Setup Time tose 80 - ns F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 8/24Data Hold Time tove 30 - ns Access Time (CL=100pF) tacce - 280 ns Output Disable Time tons 10 200 ns Input Signal Rise/Fall Time tr, tf - 15 ns tcycs . t fr WL RD \* ee > / B teEWH(RMY) NL (E) VY tawe WR TL \. (RW) Pr ys tr ti >Hi + tAHe AO, CS1 K 7 tose _tDH6 DO~ D7 y (WRITE) ) tacce | toH6 DO~ D7 b (READ) }> F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 9/242.3.3.Serial Interface Sequence Vop=4.5~5.5V Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Serial Clock Cycle tscyc 200 - ns Serial Clock High Pulse Width tsHw 75 - ns Serial Clock Low Pulse Width tsiw 75 - ns Address Setup Time tsas 50 - ns Address Hold Time tsan 100 - ns Data Setup Time tsps 50 - ns Data Hold Time tsp 50 - ns CS-SCL Time tess 100 - ns tos 100 - ns Input Signal Rise/Fall Time tr, tf - 15 ns Vopp=2.7~4.5V Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Serial Clock Cycle tscyc 250 - ns Serial Clock High Pulse Width tsHw 100 - ns Serial Clock Low Pulse Width tsiw 100 - ns Address Setup Time tsas 150 - ns Address Hold Time tsan 150 - ns Data Setup Time tsps 100 - ns Data Hold Time tsp 100 - ns CS-SCL Time tess 150 - ns tos 150 - ns Input Signal Rise/Fall Time tr, tf - 15 ns Vpp=2.2~2.7V Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Serial Clock Cycle tscyc 400 - ns Serial Clock High Pulse Width tsHw 150 - ns Serial Clock Low Pulse Width tsiw 150 - ns Address Setup Time tsas 250 - ns Address Hold Time tsan 250 - ns Data Setup Time tsps 150 - ns Data Hold Time tsp 150 - ns CS-SCL Time tess 250 - ns tos 250 - ns Input Signal Rise/Fall Time tr, tf - 15 ns Each timing is specified based on 0.2xVDD and 0.8xVDD. F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 10/24L tess yl le tcsH cs1 tsas tsAH AO < tscyc > D6(SCL) N a ". tsHw A tsps tsDH D7(Sl) tt > tr Mt F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 11/242.3.4.Display Control Timing Characteristics Reset Input Timing Vop=4.5~5.5V Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Reset time tr - - 0.5 Reset "L Pulse Width trw 0.5 - - HS Reset Input Timing Vop=4.5~5.5V Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Reset time tr - - 1 Reset "L Pulse Width trw 1 - - HS Reset Input Timing Vop=4.5~5.5V Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Reset time tr - - 1.5 Reset "L Pulse Width trw 1.5 - - HS Each timing is specified based on 0.2xVDD and 0.8xVDD. RES Int | ; states x During reset Reset complete F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 12/242.4.Lighting Specifications 2.4.1.Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Foward Current IF Note 1 - - 120 mA Reverse Voltage VR - - - 5 V LED Power Dissipation Pp - - - 480 mW Note 1 : Refer to the foward current derating curve. IF (mA) 120 48 -20 25 70 Ta (C) 2.4.2.Operating Characteristics Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Foward Voltage VF lF=60mA - 3.5 4.0 V Luminance of L lF=60mA 70 100 - cd/m? Module Surface F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 13/243.Optical Specifications 3.1.LCD Driving Voltage Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Recommended Ta= -20C - - 14.3 Vv LCD Driving Voltage Vop-Vs Ta=25C 12.0 12.9 13.8 V Note 1 Ta=70C 11.5 - - V Note 1 : Voltage (Applied actual waveform to LCD Module) for the best contrast. The range of minimum and maximum shows tolerance of the operating voltage. The specified contrast ratio and response time are not guaranteed over the entire range. 3.2.Optical Characteristics Ta=25C, 1/65 Duty, 1/9 Bias, Vop=12.9V (Note 4), 9= 0, o=- Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Contrast Ratio Note 1 CR O8= 0C , o=- - 60 - Viewing Angle Shown in 3.3 Response |} Rise Note 2 Ton - - 400 600 ms Time | Decay Note 3 TOFF - - 220 330 ms Note 1 :Contrast ratio is definded as follows. (CR = Lon / Lorr) Lon : Luminance of the ON segments Lorr: Luminance of the OFF segments Measuring Spot : 3.0mm Note 2 :The time that the luminance level reaches 90% of the saturation level from 0% when ON signal is applied. Note 3 :The time that the luminance level reaches 10% of the saturation level from 100% when OFF signal is applied. Note 4 :Definition of Driving Voltage Vop Assuming that the typical driving waveforms shown below are applied to the LCD Panel at 1/A Duty - 1/B Bias (A: Duty Number, B: Bias Number). Driving voltage Vop is definded as the voltage Vo-p when the contrast ratio (CR=Lon / Lor) is at its maximum. A Vo-P ct 4 it 1 (fexA) A v F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 14/243.3.Definition of Viewing Angle and Optimum Viewing Area *Point e shows the point where contrast ratio is measured. : 8= 0, o=- *Driving condition: 1/65 Duty, 1/9 Bias, Vop=12.9V, fr=84.6Hz 90 8 90 180 1 o 270 *Area [| shows typ. CR>10(Measuring Spot : 3.0mm) 3.4.System Block Diagram Temperature Chamber Rotation Table ( 8,6 ) Photometer #1980A WB e LCD f es | A Optical Fiber 20) Computer Control Unit & Cc Waveform Generator O Halogen bulb F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 15/244.1/0 Terminal 4.1.Pin Assignment CN1 No. Symbol Function 1 CcSs1 Chip Select Signal L: Active 2 RES Reset Signal L: Reset 3 AO H : DO~D7 are Display Data L: DO~D7 are Instructions 4 WR 80 family CPU : Write Signal L: Active 5 RD 80 family CPU : Read Signal L: Active 6 DO Display Data 7 D1 Display Data 8 D2 Display Data 9 D3 Display Data 10 D4 Display Data 11 D5 Display Data 12 D6(SCL) Display Data(Serial Data Clock Signal Input) 13 D7(SI) Display Data(Serial Data Input) 14 Vbp Power Supply for Logic 15 Vss Power Supply ( 0V, GND ) 16 Vout DC/DC Voltage Converter Output 17 C3- DC/DC Voltage Converter Negative Connection 18 Ci+ DC/DC Voltage Converter Positive Connection 19 C1- DC/DC Voltage Converter Negative Connection 20 C2- DC/DC Voltage Converter Negative Connection 21 C2+ DC/DC Voltage Converter Positive Connection 22 V1 Power Supply for LCD Drive V1 = 1/9-Vs 23 V2 Power Supply for LCD Drive V2 = 2/9-Vs 24 V3 Power Supply for LCD Drive V3 = 7/9-Vs 25 V4 Power Supply for LCD Drive V4 = 8/9-Vs5 26 V5 Power Supply for LCD Drive Vs5,Vout 27 VR Voltage Adjustment Pin Applies voltage between Vcc and V5 using a resistive divider. 28 C86 Interface Mode Select Signal H : 68 series L: 80 series 29 P/S Parallel/Serial Data Select Signal H : Parallel L: Serial 30 NC Non-connection CN2 No. Symbol Function 1 LEDA LED Anode Terminal 2 LED K LED Cathode Terminal F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 16/244.2.Block Diagram csi> RES _> AQ WR\_ RD___ 6 DO~D5 > D6(SCL) D7(Sl) 4} a VSS _ VOUT >| C3-_>| C1+____ VRH\> C86 ____ P/S Control LSI NJU6676 COM 64 LCDP 128 x 64 dots 7 SEG 128 LEDA LED K LED Backlight F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 17/245.Test No change on display and in operation under the following test condition. Conditions: Unless otherwise specified, tests will be conducted under the following condition. Temperature: 20+5C Humidity : 65+5%RH tests will be not conducted under functioning state. No. Parameter Conditions Notes 1 High Temperature Operating | 70C+2C, 96hrs (operation state) 2 Low Temperature Operating -20C+2C, 96hrs (operation state) 1 3 High Temperature Storage 80C+2C, 96hrs 2 4 Low Temperature Storage -30C+2C, 96hrs 1,2 5 Damp Proof Test 40C+2C,90~95%RH, 96hrs 1,2 6 Vibration Test Total fixed amplitude : 1.5mm 3 Vibration Frequency : 10~55Hz One cycle 60 seconds to 3 directions of X, Y, Z each 15 minutes 7 Shock Test To be measured after dropping from 60cm high the concrete surface in packing state. Dropping method corner dropping | F A corner : once E G 1 C Sere , Cc, Ige : once B A a . Face dropping | 60cm E,F,G face : once Concrete Surface Note 1 :No dew condensation to be observed. Note 2 :The function test shall be conducted after 4 hours storage at the normal Temperature and humidity after removed from the test chamber. Note 3 :Vibration test will be conducted to the product itself without putting it in a container. F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 18/246.Appearance Standards 6.1.Inspection conditions The LCD shall be inspected under 40W white fluorescent light. The distance between the eyes and the sample shall be more than 30cm. All directions for inspecting the sample should be within 45against perpendicular line. 6.2.Definition of applicable Zones Xx Xx x foo fee eee eee eee nent ene ee ene eteneeeeneeed boeceeeeeeeeeeereeeeceecereeeeceees A Zone : B Zone yf bcc ce cee eects eee! C Zone X: Maximum Seal Line A Zone : Active display area B Zone : Out of active display area ~ Maximum seal line C Zone : Rest parts A Zone + B Zone = Validity viewing area F-51852GNFQJ-LW-AMN (AM) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 19/246.3.Standards(middle scale, LED) D=(Long+Short)/2 *: Disregard Units: mm No. Parameter Criteria The Shape of Dot (1) Pin Hole Dimension Acceptable Number H : BY 1 pc / dot or less 0.10