PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 1.0 SCOPE This Product Specification covers the transit requirements of Terminal Position Assurance (TPA) devices used in the automotive industry. 2.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2.1 TPA DEFINITION The TPA is a device that detects the presence of a partially installed terminal and supports the primary locking feature when fully seated. 2.2 PRELOCK POSITION The TPA is pre-assembled to the connector housing in a position that allows the terminal to be installed into the connector assembly. 2.3 FINAL POSITION The TPA is seated from the pre-lock position into the connector housing where it is locked into place. 2.4 PRODUCT NAME AND SERIES NUMBER (S) MX150 SINGLE ROW MX150 DUAL ROW MX150 GEN 2 DUAL ROW MX150 HYBRID MX150 1X4 Z02 MX120 SINGLE ROW MX64 SEALED MX150 SINGLE ROW CABLE SEAL MX150 BULKHEAD CONNECTOR USCAR RECEPTACLE GLOBAL FUEL INJECTOR 3 WAY RECEPTACLE 3 WAY BLADE H-DAC 64 DUAL ROW H-DAC 64 SINGLE ROW 38 WAY ABS 12 WAY HYBRID 6 WAY HYBRID NGPCM 6.3MM SYSTEMS EPAS 11 WAY AIRBAG 2 WAY MALE CABLE SEAL 10 WAY HYBRID B479 PDB 50 WAY REVISION: F2 ECR/ECN INFORMATION: EC No: UAU2016-0501 DATE: 2015/ 10/ 13 DOCUMENT NUMBER: PS-34646-001 TITLE: 33471, 33481, 31280 33472, 33482 160008, 160011 33476, 33486, 34985, 34986 34770 34511 31402, 31403, 31404, 34975, 34977 34752 34840 31408, 31409, 31410 34062 34250 34091 30700, 30968, 31389 31067, 31068, 31072, 31073, 31100 31187, 31380, 31381 31034 31066 30528 30897 33967 33985, 33990 34675 31372 160044 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION FOR TRANSIT RELATED SEATED TPA SHEET No. 1 of 2 CREATED / REVISED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: Fiona Chen Jun Deng Vijy Koshy TEMPLATE FILENAME: PRODUCT_SPEC [SIZE_A](V.1). DOC PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 3.0 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS Reference USCAR-2 (miscellaneous component engage/disengage - method for the applicable TPA functionality for pre-lock seating to final position. Products that do not meet the performance range of 15N < X < 60 N are not covered by this specification. 4.0 PACKAGING TPAs may become seated during transit. Occurrence rates of this condition will be evaluated using individual boxes versus palletized shipments. Packaging includes bulk, layer and partition styles. 5.0 SERVICING TPAs that become seated will need to be pulled back from the final seat position to the pre-lock position as shipped. For servicing guidelines to restore the TPA to the correct position please refer to the connector user's manual. The manuals can be found at by referencing part number or product name. 6.0 DAMAGE Damage to the connector assembly occurred during shipment is not covered by this specification. 7.0 DISCLAIMER The receiving company assumes responsibility for servicing the TPA. REVISION: F2 ECR/ECN INFORMATION: EC No: UAU2016-0501 DATE: 2015/ 10/ 13 DOCUMENT NUMBER: PS-34646-001 TITLE: PRODUCT SPECIFICATION FOR TRANSIT RELATED SEATED TPA SHEET No. 2 of 2 CREATED / REVISED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: Fiona Chen Jun Deng Vijy Koshy TEMPLATE FILENAME: PRODUCT_SPEC [SIZE_A](V.1). DOC