- 5 - Rev. 1.2 (Jul. 2003)
*1 : The timing reference point for the differential clocking is the cross point of CK and CK.
For any applications using the single ended clocking, apply VREF to CK pin.
Symbol Type Function
CK, CK*1 Input The differential system clock Input.
All of the inputs are sampled on the rising edge of the clock except
DQ’s and DM’s that are sampled on both edges of the DQS.
CKE Input Activates the CK signal when high and deactivates the CK signal
when low. By deactivating the clock, CKE low indicates the Power
down mode or Self refresh mode.
CS Input CS enables the command decoder when low and disabled the com-
mand decoder whe n high . When the comman d deco der is disab led,
new commands are ignored but previous operations continue.
RAS Input Latches row addresses on the positive going edge of the CK with
RAS low. Enables row access & precharge.
CAS Input Latches column add resses on the positive going edge of the CK with
CAS low. Enables column access.
WE Input Enables write operation and row precharge.
Latches data in starting from CAS, WE active.
LDQS,UDQS Input/Output Data inpu t and output are synchronized with both edge of DQS.
For the x16, LDQS corresponds to the data on DQ0-DQ7 ; UDQS
corresponds to the data on DQ8-DQ15.
LDM,UDM Input Data in Mask. Data In is masked by DM Latency=0 when DM is
high in burst write. Fo r th e x1 6, LDM correspo nd s to the da ta on
DQ0-DQ7 ; UDM correspons to the data on DQ8-DQ15.
DQ0 ~ DQ15 Input/Output Data inputs/Output s are multiplexed on the same pins.
BA0, BA1Input Selects which bank is to be active.
A0 ~ A11 Input Row/Column addresses are multiplexed on the same pins.
Row addresses : RA0 ~ R A11, Column addresses : CA0 ~ CA8.
VDD/VSS Power Supply Power and ground for the input buffers and core logic.
VDDQ/VSSQ Power Supply Isolated power supply and ground for the output buffers to provide
improved noise immunity.
VREF Power Supply Reference voltage for inputs, used for SSTL interface.
NC/RFU No connection/
Reserved for future use This pin is recommended to be left "No connection" on the device