IL260 IL261
Isoloop® is a registered trademark of NVE Corporation.
*U.S. Patent number 5,831,426; 6,300,617 and others.
ISB-DS-001-IL612-A, January 20, 2005
NVE Corp., 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617, U.S.A.
Telephone: 952-829-9217, Fax 952-829-9189,
© 2005 NVE Corporation
High Speed Five Channel Digital Couplers
Functional Diagram
3.3 V or 5 V CMOS/TTL Compatible
110 Mbps Data Rate
2500 VRMS Isolation (1 min)
2 ns Typical Pulse Width Distortion
4 ns Typical Propagation Delay Skew
10 ns Typical Propagation Delay
30 kV/ms Typical Transient Immunity
2 ns Channel to Channel Skew
0.3'' and 0.15'' 16–Pin SOIC Packages
Extended Temperature Range (-40°C to +85°C)
UL1577 Approval Pending
IEC 61010-1 Approval Pending
ADCs and DACs
Multiplexed Data Transmission
Data Interfaces
Board-To-Board Communication
Digital Noise Reduction
Operator Interface
Ground Loop Elimination
Peripheral Interfaces
Parallel Bus
Logic Level Shifting
Plasma Displays
NVE's family of high-speed digital isolators are CMOS
devices created by integrating active circuitry and our GMR-
based and patented* IsoLoop® technology. The IL260 and
IL261 are five channel versions of the world's fastest digital
isolator with a 110 Mbps data rate. This device provides the
designer with the most compact isolated logic devices yet
available. All transmit and receive channels operate at 110
Mbps over the full temperature and supply voltage range. The
symmetric magnetic coupling barrier provides a typical
propagation delay of only 10 ns and a pulse width distortion
of 2 ns achieving the best specifications of any isolator device.
Typical transient immunity of 30 kV/µs is unsurpassed. High
channel density make them ideally suited to isolating multiple
ADCs and DACs, parallel buses and peripheral interfaces.
Performance is specified over the temperature range of -40°C
to +85°C without any derating. .
IL260 IL261
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Storage Temperature TS -55 175 °C
Ambient Operating Temperature TA -55 125 °C
Supply Voltage VDD1 ,VDD2 -0.5 7 V
Input Voltage VI -0.5 VDD+0.5 V
Output Voltage VO -0.5 VDD+0.5 V
Output Current IO -10 10 mA Drive Channel
Lead Solder Temperature 280 °C 10 s
ESD 2 kV Human Body Model
Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Ambient Operating Temperature(1) T
A -40 85 °C
Supply Voltage VDD1 ,VDD2 3.0 5.5 V 3.3/5.0 V Operation
Supply Voltage VDD1 ,VDD2 4.5 5.5 V 5 V Operation
Logic High Input Voltage VIH 2.4 VDD mA
Logic Low Input Voltage VIL 0 0.8 V
Minimum Input Signal Rise and
Fall Times
tIR, tIF 1
Insulation Specifications
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Creepage Distance (external)
0.15'' SOIC 4.026 mm
0.30'' SOIC 8.077 mm
Leakage Current(5) 0.2
Barrier Impedance (5) >1014||7 || pC
Safety & Approvals
TUV Certificate Numbers: Approval Pending
Package Pollution Degree Material Group
Max. Working
IL260, IL261 .30'' 16-pin SOIC II III 300 VRMS
IL260-3, IL261-3 .15'' 16-pin SOIC II III 150 VRMS
UL 1577
Component Recognition program. File #: Approval Pending
Rated 2500VRMS for 1 minute (SOIC, PDIP), 1000VRMS for 1 minute (MSOP)
Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity
This product has been tested for electrostatic sensitivity to the limits stated in the specifications. However, NVE recommends that all integrated
circuits be handled with appropriate care to avoid damage. Damage caused by inappropriate handling or storage could range from performance
degradation to complete failure.
IL260 IL261
IL260 Pin Connections
1 IN1 Input 1
2 GND1 Ground Pins 2 and 8 connected internally
3 IN2 Input 2
4 IN3 Input 3
5 IN4 Input 4
6 VDD1 Supply Voltage 1
7 IN5 Input 5
8 GND1 Ground Pins 2 and 8 connected internally
9 GND2 Ground Pins 9 and 15 connected internally
10 OUT5 Output 5
11 OUT4 Output 4
12 OUT3 Output 3
13 OUT2 Output 2
14 OUT1 Output 1
15 GND2 Ground Pins 9 and 15 connected internally
16 VDD2 Supply Voltage 2
* Pins 2 and 8 internally connected
** Pins 9 and 15 internally connected
IL260 Pin Connections
1 VDD1 Supply Voltage 1
2 GND1 Ground Pins 2 and 8 connected internally
3 IN1 Input 1
4 IN2 Input 2
5 IN3 Input 3
6 IN4 Input 4
7 OUT5 Output 5
8 GND1 Ground Pins 2 and 8 connected internally
9 GND2 Ground Pins 9 and 15 connected internally
10 IN5 Input 5
11 OUT4 Output 4
12 OUT3 Output 3
13 OUT2 Output 2
14 OUT1 Output 1
15 GND2 Ground Pins 9 and 15 connected internally
16 VDD2 Supply Voltage 2
* Pins 2 and 8 internally connected
** Pins 9 and 15 internally connected
IL260 IL261
3.3 Volt Electrical Specifications
Electrical Specifications are Tmin to Tmax
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Input Quiescent Current IL260
IDD1 30
Output Quiescent Current IL260
IDD2 6.5
Logic Input Current Ii -10 10 µA
VDD-0.1 VDD IO = -20 µA, VI=VIH
Logic High Output Voltage VOH
0.8*VDD V
IO = -4 mA, VI=VIH
0 0.1 IO = 20 µA, VI=VIL
Logic Low Output Voltage VOL
0.5 0.8
IO = 4 mA, VI=VIL
Switching Specifications
Maximum Data Rate 100 110 Mbps CL = 15 pF
Minimum Pulse Width PW 10 ns 50% Points, VO
Propagation Delay Input to Output
(High to Low)
12 18 ns CL = 15 pF,
Propagation Delay Input to Output
(Low to High)
tPLH 12 18 ns CL = 15 pF,
Pulse Width Distortion |tPHL-tPLH| (2) PWD 2 3 ns CL = 15 pF
Propagation Delay Skew (3) t
PSK 4 6 ns CL = 15 pF
Output Rise Time (10-90%) tR 2 4 ns CL = 15 pF
Output Fall Time (10-90%) tF 2 4 ns CL = 15 pF
Common Mode Transient Immunity
(Output Logic High to Logic Low)(4)
|CMH|,|CML| 20 30 kV/µs VCN = 300 V
Channel to Channel Skew 2 3 ns CL = 15 pF
Dynamic Power Consumption(6) 200 240
µA/MHz per channel
5 Volt Electrical Specifications
Electrical Specifications are Tmin to Tmax
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Input Quiescent Current IL260
IDD1 30
Output Quiescent Current IL260
IDD2 10
Logic Input Current Ii -10 10 µA
VDD-0.1 VDD IO = -20 µA, VI=VIH
Logic High Output Voltage VOH
0.8*VDD V
IO = -4 mA, VI=VIH
0 0.1 IO = 20 µA, VI=VIL
Logic Low Output Voltage VOL
0.5 0.8
IO = 4 mA, VI=VIL
Switching Specifications
Maximum Data Rate 100 110 Mbps CL = 15 pF
Minimum Pulse Width PW 10 ns 50% Points, VO
Propagations Delay Input to Output
(High to Low)
10 15 ns CL = 15 pF,
Propagations Delay Input to Output
(Low to High)
tPLH 10 15 ns CL = 15 pF,
Pulse Width Distortion |tPHL-tPLH| (2) PWD 2 3 ns CL = 15 pF
Propagation Delay Skew (3) t
PSK 4 6 ns CL = 15 pF
Output Rise Time (10-90%) tR 1 3 ns CL = 15 pF
Output Fall Time (10-90%) tF 1 3 ns CL = 15 pF
Common Mode Transient Immunity
(Output Logic High to Logic Low)
|CMH|,|CML| 20 30 kV/µs VCN = 300 V
Channel to Channel Skew 2 3 ns CL = 15 pF
Dynamic Power Consumption(6) 280 340
µA/MHz per channel
IL260 IL261
Notes: (Apply to both 3.3 V and 5 V specifications.)
1. Absolute Maximum ambient operating temperature means the device will not be damaged if operated under these conditions. It
does not guarantee performance.
2. PWD is defined as | tPHL– tPLH |. %PWD is equal to the PWD divided by the pulse width.
3. tPSK is equal to the magnitude of the worst case difference in tPHL and/or tPLH that will be seen between units at 25°C.
4. CMH is the maximum common mode voltage slew rate that can be sustained while maintaining VO > 0.8 VDD. CML is the
maximum common mode input voltage that can be sustained while maintaining VO < 0.8 V. The common mode voltage slew
rates apply to both rising and falling common mode voltage edges.
5. Device is considered a two terminal device: pins 1-8 shorted and pins 9-16 shorted.
6. Dynamic power consumption numbers are calculated per channel and are supplied by the channel’s input side power supply.
IL260 IL261
Application Notes
Dynamic Power Consumption
Isoloop® devices achieve their low power consumption from
the manner by which they transmit data across the isolation
barrier. By detecting the edge transitions of the input logic
signal and converting these to narrow current pulses, a
magnetic field is created around the GMR Wheatstone
bridge. Depending on the direction of the magnetic field, the
bridge causes the output comparator to switch following the
input logic signal. Since the current pulses are narrow, about
2.5ns wide, the power consumption is independent of mark-
to-space ratio and solely dependent on frequency. This has
obvious advantages over optocouplers whose power
consumption is heavily dependent on its on-state and
The approximate power supply current per channel for
Power Supply Decoupling
Both power supplies to these devices must be decoupled
with low ESR 100 nF ceramic capacitors. For data rates in
excess of 10MBd, use of ground planes for both GND1 and
GND2 is highly recommended. Capacitors should be
located as close as possible to the device.
Signal Status on Start-up and Shut Down
To minimize power dissipation, the input signals are
differentiated and then latched on the output side of the
isolation barrier to reconstruct the signal. This could result
in an ambiguous output state depending on power up,
shutdown and power loss sequencing. Therefore, the
designer should consider the inclusion of an initialization
signal in his start-up circuit. Initialization consists of
toggling each channel either high then low or low then high,
depending on the desired state.
Data Transmission Rates
The reliability of a transmission system is directly related to
the accuracy and quality of the transmitted digital
information. For a digital system, those parameters which
determine the limits of the data transmission are pulse width
distortion and propagation delay skew.
Propagation delay is the time taken for the signal to travel
through the device. This is usually different when sending a
low-to-high than when sending a high-to-low signal. This
difference, or error, is called pulse width distortion (PWD)
and is usually in ns. It may also be expressed as a
PWD% = Maximum Pulse Width Distortion (ns) x 100%
Signal Pulse Width (ns)
For example: For data rates of 12.5 Mb
PWD% = 3 ns x 100% = 3.75%
80 ns
This figure is almost three times better than for any available
optocoupler with the same temperature range, and two times
better than any optocoupler regardless of published
temperature range. The IsoLoop® range of isolators will run
at almost 35 Mb before reaching the 10% limit.
Propagation delay skew is the difference in time taken for
two or more channels to propagate their signals. This
becomes significant when clocking is involved since it is
undesirable for the clock pulse to arrive before the data has
settled. A short propagation delay skew is therefore critical,
especially in high data rate parallel systems, to establish and
maintain accuracy and repeatability. The IsoLoop® range of
isolators all have a maximum propagation delay skew of 6
ns, which is five times better than any optocoupler. The
maximum channel-to-channel skew in the IsoLoop® coupler
is only 3 ns which is ten times better than any optocoupler.
IL260 IL261
Application Diagrams
Figure 1 Single Channel ∆Σ
Figure 1 shows a typical single channel ∆Σ ADC
application. The A/D is located on the bridge with no
signal conditioning electronics between the bridge
sensor and the ADC. In this application, the IL717 is
the best choice for isolation. It isolates the control bus
from the microcontroller. The system clock is located
on the isolated side of the system.
Figure 2 Multi Channel ∆Σ
The second ∆Σ application is where multiple ADC's
are configured in a channel-to-channel isolation
configuration. The problem for designers is how to
control clock jitter and edge placement accuracy of
the system clock for each ADC. The best solution is
to use a single clock on the system side and distribute
this to each ADC. The IL261 adds a 5th channel to
the IL717. This 5th channel is used to distribute a
single, isolated clock to multiple ADC's as shown in
Figure 2.
IL260 IL261
Package drawings, dimensions and specifications
0.15’’ 16-pin SOIC
0.3’’ 16-pin SOIC
IL260 IL261
Ordering information and valid part numbers.
IL260 IL261
About NVE
An ISO 9001 Certified Company
NVE Corporation is a high technology components manufacturer having the unique capability to combine leading edge Giant
Magnetoresistive (GMR) materials with integrated circuits to make high performance electronic components. Products include
Magnetic Field Sensors, Magnetic Field Gradient Sensors (Gradiometer), Digital Magnetic Field Sensors, Digital Signal Isolators
and Isolated Bus Transceivers.
NVE is a leader in GMR research and in 1994 introduced the world’s first products using GMR material, a line of GMR magnetic
field sensors that can be used for position, magnetic media, wheel speed and current sensing.
NVE is located in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis. Please visit our Web site at or call 952-829-
9217 for information on products, sales or distribution.
NVE Corporation
11409 Valley View Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA
Telephone: (952) 829-9217
Fax: (952) 829-9189
The information provided by NVE Corporation is believed to be accurate. However, no responsibility is assumed by NVE
Corporation for its use, nor for any infringement of patents, nor rights or licenses granted to third parties, which may result from
its use. No license is granted by implication, or otherwise, under any patent or patent rights of NVE Corporation. NVE
Corporation does not authorize, nor warrant, any NVE Corporation product for use in life support devices or systems or other
critical applications. The use of NVE Corporation’s products in such applications is understood to be entirely at the customer’s
own risk.
Specifications shown are subject to change without notice.
January 17, 2005