For more information
Minimizing Harmonic Distortion
The LTC2000A contains proprietary dynamic linearization
circuitry which dramatically reduces 3rd order harmonic
distortion in the DAC output. SPI registers 0x07 and 0x08
are used to control these circuits (see Table 7). Optimal
performance is normally achieved by setting LIN_VMX and
LIN_VMN (register 0x08) to correspond to the maximum
and minimum voltages expected at IOUTP/N. At power-on
reset the default values are 0b1000 and 0b0000, which
are appropriate for IOUTP/N swinging between 500mV and
GND. If an application requires a different voltage swing,
LIN_VMX and LIN_VMN can be programmed by writing
to register 0x08 (see Table 7). For applications in which
IOUTP/N swing below GND, use LIN_VMN = 0b0000.
In some applications where 2-tone intermodulation distor-
tion (IMD) is a critical specification, it may be desired to
vary the amount of 3rd order harmonic correction. For high
sampling frequencies (fDAC > 2Gsps), adjusting LIN_GN
in register 0x07 (see Table 7) can improve 2-tone inter-
modulation distortion at the expense of higher 3rd order
harmonic distortion. For best IMD performance at high
sampling frequencies, users may also choose to disable
dynamic linearization by setting LIN_DIS = 1. SFDR and
IMD curves in the Typical Performance Characteristics
section show more detail regarding this effect. Note that
for fDAC < 2Gsps, it is recommended to leave the dynamic
linearization enabled.
Measuring LVDS Input Timing Skew
It is important to ensure that the LVDS inputs (DCKIP/N,
DAP/N, DBP/N) are well aligned. Skew between clock and
data lines, for example due to board trace length mismatch
or output timing mismatch inside the host FPGA or ASIC,
will degrade the setup and hold margin of the incoming
data. The LTC2000A includes an internal test multiplexer
which may be used during development to verify timing
alignment by comparing the timing of LVDS inputs one
pair at a time through the TSTP/N pins.
Use SPI register 0x18 to control this test multiplexer (see
Table8). Be sure TDIO_EN = 0 in register 0x19 and then
set LMX_EN = 1 to enable the test multiplexer output.
The signal from the LVDS data input will be driven onto
TSTP/N by an NMOS differential pair steering a 6.6mA
sink current onto an external load. Connect a pair of 50Ω
resistors from TSTP/N to 3.3V and observe TSTP/N on a
high speed oscilloscope.
Apply clocks to CKP/N and DCKIP/N and apply the pattern
shown in Figure 8 to port B for single-port mode or ports
A and B for dual-port mode. This pattern is designed to
simplify comparison of rising-to-rising and falling-to-
falling edge timing for each input pair. Set LMX_ADR to
select a pair of LVDS inputs for timing comparison. Set
LMX_MSEL = 0 to observe the first signal at TSTP/N. Set
LMX_MSEL = 1 to observe the second signal with inverted
output polarity.
For example, to compare DB15P/N to DCKIP/N, first write
0x60 to register 0x18 to set LMX_EN = 1, LMX_ADR =
10000, and LMX_SEL = 0. The signal from DB15P/N will
be driven onto TSTP/N. Write 0x61 to register 0x18 to set
LMX_SEL = 1 and cause DCKIP/N to appear at TSTP/N
with inverted polarity.
Record the skew between the two signals and repeat
this measurement for each pair of inputs. After all pairs
have been measured, add the skews to calculate the total
skew from DCKIP/N to each data input (DAP/N, DBP/N).
In this way the skew of all LVDS data inputs (DAP/N,
DBP/N) relative to DCKIP/N can be accurately measured
to within 100ps.
Note that due to internal delays inside the test multiplexer,
it is only valid to compare timing between neighboring
LVDS pairs using the same LMX_ADR setting. Similarly,
the multiplexer itself contains up to 400ps of skew between
rising and falling edges, so it is only valid to compare the
timing of a rising edge at TSTP/N to another rising edge,
and a falling edge to another falling edge.
Note that Figure 8 shows the suggested input pattern
for the LTC2000A-16. LTC2000A-14 users should apply
codes 0x1555 and 0x2AAA, and LTC2000A-11 users
should apply codes 0x555 and 0x2AA. Also note that for
the LTC2000A-14 and LTC2000A-11 in dual-port mode,
the timing skew of LVDS port A (DAP/N) cannot be com-
pared to that of the LVDS clock (DCKIP/N) and LVDS port
B (DBP/N), as there is no single test multiplexer address
(LMX_ADR) that enables a timing comparison between
signals DA0N/P and DCKIP/N (see Table 8). It is recom-
mended to keep LMX_EN=0 during normal operation.