Ordering number : ENA0366 LB8503V Monolithic Digital IC DC Fan Motor Speed Control IC http://onsemi.com Overview The LB8503V is an improved functionality version of the LB8500 and LB8502 products that features the added functions listed below. The LB8503V supports both single-phase and three-phase applications. Added Functions * Supports origin shifting in the speed control function * Adds a dedicated pin for setting the soft start time This allows a longer start time to be set without reducing the response time when changing speed. * FG output pin added Functions and Features * Achieves linear speed control Applications can set the slope of the change in motor speed with change in the input duty. * Minimized speed fluctuations in the presence of line or load variations * Allows a minimum speed to be set * Soft start function * Settings using external capacitors and resistors (to support easier mass production of end products) * Supports both PWM duty and analog voltage control inputs Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2013 May, 2013 31407 TI PC 20060207-S00003 No.A0366-1/20 LB8503V Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25C Parameter Symbol Supply voltage VCC max Output current IO max Conditions Ratings Unit VCC pin E0 pin 18 V 3 mA FG output pin output voltage VFG max FGOUT pin 18 V FG output pin output current IFG max FGOUT pin 10 mA Allowable power dissipation Pd max When mounted on a circuit board *1 0.8 W Operating temperature Topr -30 to +95 C Storage temperature Tstg -55 to +150 C *1 Specified circuit board : 114.3 x 76.1 x 1.6mm3, glass epoxy. Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability. Allowable Operating Range at Ta = 25C Parameter Symbol Conditions Supply voltage range 1 VCC1 VCC pin Supply voltage range 2 VCC2 VCC pin, with VCC shorted to 6VREG Output current Unit 7.5 to 17 V 5.5 to 6.5 V 2.5 mA IREG -5 mA CTL pin voltage VCTL 0 to 6VREG V LIM pin voltage VLIM 0 to 6VREG V VC1 pin voltage VCI 0 to 6VREG V 6V constant voltage output IO Ratings E0 pin current Electrical Characteristics at Ta = 25C, VCC = 12V Parameter Symbol Ratings Conditions min Supply current Unit typ ICC max 5.5 6.5 mA 6V constant voltage output (VREG pin) Output voltage VREG 6.0 6.2 V Line regulation VREG1 VCC = 8 to 17V 5.8 40 100 mV Load regulation VREG2 IO = -5 to 5mA 10 100 mV Temperature coefficient VREG3 Design target* 0 mV/C Integrating Amplifier Block (E01) Common-mode input voltage VICM 2.0 VREG V range High-level output voltage VOH(E01) IEO1 = -0.2mA Low-level output voltage VOL(E01) IEO1 = 0.2mA VREG - 1.2 V VREG - 0.8 0.8 1.0 V Integrating Amplifier Block (E03) High-level output voltage VOH(E03) IEO1 = -0.2mA Low-level output voltage VOL(E03) IEO1 = 0.2mA VREG - 1.2 V VREG - 0.8 0.8 1.0 V FGIN pin High-level input voltage VFGH 3.0 VREG V Low-level input voltage VFGL 0 1.5 V Input open voltage VFGO VREG - 0.5 VREG V Hysteresis VFGS High-level input current IFGH VFGIN = 6VREG Low-level input current IFGL VFGIN = 0V 0.2 0.3 0.4 V -10 0 10 A -140 -110 A FGOUT pin Output low saturation voltage VFG Output leakage current IFGL 0.2 0.3 V 10 A Continued on next page. No.A0366-2/20 LB8503V Continued from preceding page. Parameter Symbol Ratings Conditions min Unit typ max RC pin High-level output voltage Low-level output voltage Clamp voltage VOH(RC) 3.2 3.45 3.7 V VOL(RC) 0.8 0.95 1.05 V VCLP(RC) 1.5 1.65 1.8 V VCTH 2.0 VREG V V CTL pin High-level input voltage Low-level input voltage VCTL 0 1.0 Input open voltage VCTO VREG - 0.5 VREG V High-level input current ICTH VFGIN = 6VREG 10 A Low-level input current ICTL VFGIN = 0V -10 0 -140 -110 A C pin High-level input voltage VOH(C) VREG - 0.3 VREG - 0.1 Low-level input voltage VOL(C) 1.8 2.0 IB(LIM) V 2.2 V -1 1 A 2.0 VREG V LIM pin Input bias current Common-mode input voltage VILIM range SOFT pin Charge current IC(SOFT) Operation voltage range A 1.4 VISOFT 2.0 VREG V IB(VCI) -1 1 A 2.0 VREG V VCI pin Input bias current Common-mode input voltage VIVCI range VCO pin High-level output voltage VOH(VCO) VREG - 0.2 V Low-level output voltage VOL(VCO) 2.0 V * The design specification items are design guarantees and are not measured. Package Dimensions unit : mm (typ) 3178B Pd max - Ta 5.2 0.5 6.4 9 4.4 16 1 8 0.65 0.15 1.5max 0.22 Specified circuit board : 114.3x76.2x1.6mm3 glass epoxy board 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 - 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ambient temperature, Ta - C 0.1 (1.3) (0.33) Allowable power dissipation, Pd max - W 1.0 SANYO : SSOP16(225mil) No.A0366-3/20 LB8503V Pin Assignment EO3 EO1 EI NC GND FGOUT FGIN LIM 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 LB8503V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RC SOFT VREG VCC CVI CVO CTL C Top view Pin Functions Pin No. Pin Description RC 1 One-shot multivibrator pulse width setting. Connect a resistor between this pin and VREG, and a capacitor between this SOFT 2 pin and ground. Soft start time setting. Connect a capacitor between this pin and VREG. VREG 3 6V regulator output. Connect a capacitor between this pin and ground for stabilization. VCC 4 Power supply. Connect a capacitor between this pin and ground for stabilization. CVI 5 Control voltage input CVO 6 Duty pulse signal smoothed voltage output CTL 7 Duty pulse signal input. The speed is controlled by the duty of this pulse signal. C 8 Duty pulse signal smoothing. Connect a capacitor between this pin and VREG. LIM 9 Minimum speed setting. Normally, the 6V regulator level is resistor divided to set this pin's input level. FGIN 10 FG pulse input FGOUT 11 FG pulse output GND 12 Grand pin NC 13 NC pin EI 14 One-shot multivibrator output and integrating amplifier input. A capacitor must be connected between this pin and EO for EO1 15 this integration. Integrating amplifier output. (For use with an accelerating driver IC if the command voltage becomes low (single-phase systems).) EO3 16 Integrating amplifier inverting output. (For use with an accelerating driver IC if the command voltage becomes high (three-phase systems).) No.A0366-4/20 LB8503V Block Diagrams and Application Examples Combination with an accelerating driver IC when the command voltage goes low (single-phase systems) LB8503V 12V VCC C4 VREG FGOUT VREG C5 6VREG EDGE FGIN R3 RC C3 FG FG One-shot multivibrator R1 EI C6 LIM R2 C2 VTH VREF C1 EO1 SOFT CVI R4 CVO VREG R5 EO3 C CTL signal CTL CTL GND I LB01769 No.A0366-5/20 LB8503V Combination with an accelerating driver IC when the command voltage goes high (three-phase systems) LB8503V 12V VCC C4 VREG FGOUT VREG 6VREG EDGE C5 FG FG FGIN R3 RC C3 One-shot multivibrator R1 EI C6 LIM R2 C1 R4 SOFT CVI CVO C2 EO1 VREF VREG R5 VCTL EO3 C CTL signal CTL CTL GND I LB01770 No.A0366-6/20 LB8503V Speed Control Diagrams The slope is determined by the external constant connected to the RC pin. (RPM) For a larger RC time constant For a smaller RC time constant Speed Minimum speed Determined by the LIM pin voltage Low CTL pin (PWM DUTY) High EO1 pin voltage (V) Low EO3 pin voltage (V) 0% Set minimum speed High Low High Variable speed Low on duty 100% Full speed High on duty CTL pin 6VREG LIM voltage EO pin EO1 voltage 0V Startup Timing (soft start) VCC pin CTL pin SOFT pin Stop Stop Full speed Soft start The slope can be changed with the capacitor connected to the C pin (A larger capacitor increases the slope.) Full speed No.A0366-7/20 LB8503V Supplementary Operational Descriptions The LB8503V accepts a duty pulse input and an FG signal from the driver IC, and generates the driver IC control voltage so that the FG period (motor speed) becomes proportional to the control voltage. Driver IC LB8503V FGIN CTL signal FG CTL Closed feedback loop EO VTH As shown in the figure below, the LB8503V generates a pulse signal from edges on the FG signal and then generates a pulse width waveform determined by the RC time constant in a one-shot multivibrator. The LB8503V then integrates that pulse waveform to create the output driver IC control voltage (a DC voltage). FG EDGE pulse Slope due to the RC time constant RC pin One-shot multivibrator TRC(s) = 0.85RC It is also possible to change the slope of the VCTL/speed relationship as shown in the speed control diagram in the previous section by changing the pulse width with the RC time constant. Note, however, that since pulses determined by this RC time constant are used, variation in the RC components will appear as speed control errors. No.A0366-8/20 LB8503V Pin Setting Procedures (Provided for reference purposes) [RC pin] The slope in the speed control diagram is determined by the RC pin time constant. (RPM) Motor full speed 0% 100% CTL Duty (%) I LB01771 1. Determine the FG signal frequency (fFG (Hz)) at the motor's highest speed. (When 2 FG pulses are created on each motor revolution.) fFG(Hz)=2rpm/60 .........................................................(1) 2. Determine the time constant for the RC pin. (Let DUTY be the control duty at the highest motor speed. For example, 100% = 1.0, 60% = 0.6) RxC=DUTY/(3x0.85xfFG) ............................................. (2) 3. Determine the resistor and capacitor values The range of capacitors that can be used is from 0.01 to 0.015 F due to the charge capabilities of the RC pin circuit. Therefore, an appropriate resistor value can be determined from either (3) or (4) below from the result obtained in step 2 above. R=(RxC)/0.01F....................................................... (3) R=(RxC)/0.015F..................................................... (4) Note that the temperature characteristics of the curve are determined by the temperature characteristics of the capacitor connected to the RC pin. A capacitor with excellent temperature characteristics must be used to minimize motor speed variation with temperature. No.A0366-9/20 LB8503V [CVO and CVI Pins] These pins determine the origin of the slope. (To set the origin to 0% at 0 rpm, short CVO to CVI.) 1. X axis shift (Resistor dividing the CVO to ground potential) (RPM) Motor full speed X axis shift 0% 100% CTL Duty (%) To shift the characteristics from a 0% = 0 rpm origin to a situation where the speed at a duty of 30% is shifted to 0%: First, determine the required CVI pin input voltage at 0%. CVI = 6 - (4 x DUTY) = 6 - (4 x 0.3) = 6 - 1.2 = 4.8V Next, when CVO is 6V, determine the resistor values for the resistor divider between CVO and ground such that the midpoint becomes 4.8V. CVO - CVI : CVI - ground = 1.2V : 4.8V = a ratio of 1 : 4. From the above, the desired resistor values will be 20k between CVO and CVI and 80k between CVI and ground. Note that the slope will change. (In this case, since the resistor ratio is 1:4, the result will be 4/5 of (or 0.8 times) the original slope.) If required, the RC pin resistor value must be changed to correct the slope. LIM VREF SOFT CVI R4 CVO R5 C CTL CTL ILB01773 No.A0366-10/20 LB8503V 2. Y axis shift (Resistor dividing the CVO to VCC potential) (RPM) Motor full speed X axis shift 0% 100% CTL Duty (%) To shift the characteristics from a 0% = 0 rpm origin to a situation where the speed is 0 rpm at a duty of 30%: First, determine the required CVO pin input voltage at 0%. CVO = 6 - (4 x DUTY) = 6 - (4 x 0.25) = 6 - 1 = 5V Determine the resistor values such that at CVO = 5 V, CVI becomes 6V. CVO - CVI : CVI - VCC = 1 V : 6V = a ratio of 1:6. From the above, the desired resistor values will be 20k between CVO and CVI and 80k between CVI and ground. (Due to the current capability of the CVO pin, the total resistor value must exceed 100k.) Note that the slope will change. (In this case, since the resistor ratio is 1:6, the result will be 6/7 of (or 0.86 times) the original slope.) If required, the RC pin resistor value must be changed to correct the slope. VCC LIM VREF R5 SOFT R4 CVI CVO C CTL CTL ILB01775 No.A0366-11/20 LB8503V [LIM Pin] The minimum speed is determined by the LIM pin voltage. (RPM) Motor full speed 10000 8000 6000 4000 Set minimum 2000 speed 0 0% 6V CTL Duty (%) CVO pin voltage (V) 100% 2V 1. Determine the ratio of the required minimum speed and the maximum speed. Ra = minimum speed/maximum speed......... (1) In the example in the figure above, Ra = minimum speed/maximum speed = 3000/10000 = 0.3 2. Determine the product of the duty that produces the maximum speed and the value from equation 1. Ca = maximum speed duty x Ra .................. (2) For example, Ca = maximum speed duty x Ra = 0.8 x 0.3 = 0.24 3. Determine the required LIM pin voltage LIM = 6 - (4 x Ca) ....................................... (3) For example, LIM = 6 - (4 x Ca) = 6 - (4 x 0.24) 5V 4. Generate the LIM voltage by resistor dividing the 6 V regulator voltage. For example, the resistor ratio to create a 5V level will be 1:5. Thus the resistor values will be 10k between 6VREG and LIM and 51k between LIM and ground. 6VREG LIM VREF SOFT CVI ILB01777 No.A0366-12/20 LB8503V [C Pin] Since a capacitor that can smooth the pin voltage is connected to the C pin, if the CTL pin input signal frequency is f (Hz), then the capacitor must meet the following condition. (Here, R is the IC internal resistance of 180 (typical).) 1/f = t < RC Note that the larger the capacitor, the slower its response to changes in the input signal will be. 6VREG A capacitor that can smooth the pin voltage is connected here. 1/f = t < CR CTL pin input inverted waveform (the frequency is the same) C pin 180k CTL pin CTL circuit VREF circuit No.A0366-13/20 LB8503V Application Example 2 [Setting the minimum speed for an origin of 0% = 0 rpm] (RPM) Motor full speed Set minimum speed 0% 100% PWM Duty(%) LB8503V 12V VCC C4 VREG FGOUT VREG 6VREG EDGE C5 FG FG FGIN R3 C3 RC One-shot multivibrator R1 C6 R2 C1 EI LIM C2 VREF EO1 VTH SOFT CVI CVO VREG EO3 C CTL signal CTL CTL GND When the speed control diagram origin is 0% = 0 rpm, the CVO pin is connected to the CVI pin. If the minimum speed is not set, connect the LIM pin to the 6VREG pin. No.A0366-14/20 LB8503V Application Example 3 [Origin shift in the Y direction (the motor turns at 0%)] (RPM) Motor full speed 0% 100% PWM Duty(%) LB8503V 12V VCC C4 VREG FGOUT VREG 6VREG EDGE C5 FG FG FGIN R3 RC C3 One-shot multivibrator EI C6 LIM C2 VREF C1 EO1 VTH SOFT CVI R4 CVO VREG R5 EO3 C CTL signal CTL CTL GND When the speed control diagram origin is set so the motor turns at 0%, the CVO pin to ground potential difference is resistor divided and the midpoint is input to the CVI pin. The speed at 0% can be changed with the resistor ratio. No.A0366-15/20 LB8503V Application Example 4 [Origin shift in the X axis direction (The motor turns at a duty of 10% or higher) plus a minimum speed setting] (RPM) Motor full speed 0% 100% PWM Duty(%) LB8503V 12V VCC C4 VREG FGOUT VREG 6VREG EDGE C5 FG FG FGIN R3 RC C3 One-shot multivibrator EI C6 LIM C2 VREF C1 EO1 VTH SOFT CVI R5 R4 CVO VREG EO3 C CTL signal CTL CTL GND When the origin in the speed control diagram is set so that the motor starts turning when the duty is above 0%. the potential difference between the CVO pin and VCC is resistor divided, and that divided level is input to the CVI pin. The duty at which rotation starts can be changed by changing the resistor ratio. Note that the total value of the resistors R4 and R5 must exceed 100k. No.A0366-16/20 LB8503V Application Example 5 [DC Voltage Speed Control] (RPM) Motor full speed Set minimum speed 0 6V 2V CV1 pin voltage (V) LB8503V 12V VCC C4 VREG FGOUT VREG C5 6VREG EDGE FG FG FGIN R3 C3 RC One-shot multivibrator R1 C6 R2 DC voltage EI LIM SOFT CVI CVO C2 EO1 VREF VTH VREG EO3 C CTL CTL GND When the motor speed is controlled by a DC voltage, that voltage must be in the range from 2V to 6VREG. Note that the motor stops when the control voltage is at 6VREG, and the motor speed increases as the voltage falls. No.A0366-17/20 LB8503V Application Example 6 [Fixed Speed + Soft Start] (RPM) Motor full speed 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% CTL signal (PWM duty) C pin voltage 6V LB8503V 12V VCC C4 VREG FGOUT VREG C5 6VREG EDGE FG FG FGIN R3 C3 RC One-shot multivibrator R1 C6 R2 EI LIM C2 VREF EO1 VTH SOFT CVI CVO VREG EO3 C CTL CTL GND With this circuit, the motor speed remains constant even if there are fluctuations in the supply voltage or static voltage. It is also possible to input a fixed-duty signal to the CTL pin signal input as an input signal for which soft start is enabled at startup. No.A0366-18/20 LB8503V Application Example 7 [Used in Combination with the LB11660FV] LB8503V 12V VCC C4 LB11660FV/RV VREG FGOUT VREG 6VREG EDGE C5 FG FG FGIN R3 RC C3 One-shot multivibrator R1 EI C6 LIM R2 C2 EO1 VREF C1 SOFT CVI R4 VTH CVO VREG R5 EO3 C CTL signal CTL CTL GND In this circuit, the dynamic range of the LB8503V EO pin (the range from the amplifier block output high to output low levels) must be wider than the dynamic range (from the high to low levels of the PWM signal) of VTH pin of driver IC with which this IC is combined. However, since the LB11660FV PWM low-level voltage is lower than the LB8503V amplifier output low-level voltage, it must be resistor divided. No.A0366-19/20 LB8503V ON Semiconductor and the ON logo are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of SCILLC's product/patent coverage may be accessed at www.onsemi.com/site/pdf/Patent-Marking.pdf. SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. "Typical" parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. PS No.A0366-20/20 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: ON Semiconductor: LB8503V-TLM-E LB8503V-MPB-E