A 5962-91690
JUL 94
3.8 Notification of change for device class M. For device cl ass M, DESC, DESC's agent, and the change of pr oduct ( see 6. 2
her ein) i nvolving devices acquired to this drawi ng is required for any change as defined in MIL-STD-973.
3.9 Verification and review for device class M. For device cl ass M, DESC, DESC's agent and the acquiring activity retain the
option to review the manufacturer's facility and applicable required documentation. Offshore documentation shall be made
avail able onshor e at the option of the reviewer.
3. 10 Microcircuit group assignment for device classes M. Device classes M devices covered by this drawing shall be in
m icrocuiruit gr oup number 93 (see MIL-M-38535, appendix A).
4.1 Sampling and inspection. For device class M, sampling and inspect i on pr ocedures shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-
883 (see 3.1 he re in). For de vice classes Q and V, sampli ng and i nspecti on pr ocedures shall be in accordance with MIL- I - 38535
and the device m anuf act ur er's QM plan.
4.2 Screening. For device class M, screening shall be in accordance with method 5004 of MIL-STD-883, and shall be
conducted on all devices prior to quality conformance i nspection. For device classes Q and V, screening shal l be in accordance
with MIL- I - 38535, and shall be conducted on al l devices prior t o qualification and technol ogy conf or mance inspect i on.
4.2.1 Addi t ional criteria for device classes M.
a. Burn-in t est, method 1015 of MIL- STD-883.
(1) Test conditi on A, B, C, or D. The test ci rcuit shall be m aint ained by the m anufacturer under document
revision level control and shall be m ade av ail ab le to the prep ari ng or ac quirin g activity upon request. The
test circuit shall specif y t he inputs, out puts, biases, and power di ssipation, as applicable, i n accor dance
with t he intent specifi ed in test method 1015.
(2) T = +125
C, minimum.
b. Interim and final el ectri cal test parameters shall be as specifi ed in table II herein.
4.2.2 Addi t ional criteria for device classes Q and V.
a. The burn-in test duration, test condition and test temperature or approved alternatives shall be as
specified in the devi ce m anuf act ur er's QM plan i n accor dance with MIL-M-38535. The burn-i n t est shall
be su bm itted to DESC-ECS with t he certificate of compl iance and shall be under the control of the device
m anufacturer's Technol ogy Review Board (TRB) i n accor dance with MIL-I - 38535.
b. I nt erim and final elect r i c al t est parameter s shal l be as specifi ed in table II A herein.
c. Addi tional screening for device class V beyond the requirem ent s of device cl ass Q shall be as specifi ed in
appendix B of MIL- I-38535.
4.3 Q ual ific at ion inspection.
4. 3. 1 Q ua li f ic ation inspection for device classes Q and V. Q ualifi cation inspection for device classes Q and V shall be in
accordance wit h MIL-I - 38535. I nspecti ons to be perfor med shal l be t hose speci f ied i n MIL- I-38535 and herein for groups A, B,
C, D, and E inspecti ons ( see 4. 4. 1 through 4.4. 4) .
4.4 Confor mance inspection. Q ual ity confor mance inspect ion for device class M shall be in accordance with
MIL-STD-883 ( s ee 3.1 herein) and as specif i ed her ein. I nspections t o be per f or med for device cl ass M shall be those specif ied
in method 5005 of MIL-STD-883 and herein for groups A, B, C, D, and E inspections (see 4.4.1 through 4.4.4). Technology
conformance inspection for classes Q and V shall be in acccordance with MIL-I-38535 including groups A, B, C, D, and E
inspections and as specified herei n except where option 2 of MIL-I-38535 permits alternate in-li ne control testing.