Varistor Products
High Energy Radial Lead
C-III V aristor Series
AC Bias Reliability
The C-III series of metal oxide var istors was designed for use on the AC
line.The varistor is connected across the AC line and is biased with a
constant amplitude sinusoidal voltage. It should be noted that the definition
of failure is a shift in the nominal varistor voltage (VN) exceeding ±10%.
Although this type of varistor is still functioning normally after this
magnitude of shift, devices at the lower extremities of VN tolerance
will begin to dissipate more power.
Because of this possibility, an extensive series of statistically designed
tests were perfor med to deter mine the reliability of the C-III type of varistor
under AC bias combined with high levels of temperature stress. To date,
this test has generated over 50,000 device hours of operation at a tempera-
ture of 125oC, although only rated at 85oC. Changes in the nominal varistor
voltage, measured at 1mA, of less than 2% have been recorded (Figure 8).
Transient Surge Current/Energy
Transient Capability
The transient surge rating serves as an excellent figure of mer it for the C-III
varistor.This inherent surge handling capability is one of the C-III varistor’s
best features. The enhanced surge absorption capability results from
improved process uniformity and enhanced constr uction.The homogeneity
of the raw material powder and improved control over the sinter ing and
assembly processes are contributing factors to this improvement.
In the low power AC mains environment, industry standards (UL, IEC,
NEMA and IEEE) all suggest that the worst case surge occurrence will be
3kA. Such a transient event may occur up to five times over the equipment
life time (approximately 10 years).While the occu rences of five 3kA
transients is the required capability, the rated, repetitive surge current for
the C-III series is 80 pulses for the 20mm units and 40 pulses for the
Additionally, all 20mm C-III devices are listed to the “Permanently
Connected” category (10kA) of UL1449, by Underwriter’s Laborator ies, Inc.
As a measure of the inherent device capability, samples of the 20mm
V130LA20C devices were subjected to a worst case repetitive transient
surges test. After 100 pulses, each of 3kA, there was negligible change
in the device character istics. Changes in the clamping voltage, measured
at 100 amps, of less than 3% were recorded (Figure 9). Samples of the
14mm Series V175LA20C were subjected to repetitive surge occurrences
of 750A. Again, there was negligible changes in any of the device
characteristics after 2000 pulses (Figure 10). In both cases the inherent
device capability is far in excess of the expected worst case scenario.