Issue 1
Vigortronix Ltd, 16 De Havilland Way, Witney, Oxfordshire, OX29 0YG, UK
Tel. +44 (0)1993 777570 Fax. +44 (0)1993 777580 Web. www.vigortronix.com
Auto-transformer Range
Products can be altered to suit custom requirements. Please contact Vigortronix for your specic requirements.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Part No. VA Rating VA Max
Short term Dimension (mm) Weight
VTX-186-50* 50 50 67 83 75 57 44 0.7
VTX-186-100 100 100 65 96 77 57 44 1.4
VTX-186-150 150 150 65 96 77 57 44 1.4
VTX-186-200 200 300 74 123 78 60 58 2.1
VTX-186-250 250 300 74 123 78 60 58 2.1
VTX-186-300 300 450 83 129 100 66 66 3
VTX-186-500 500 750 83 144 100 66 81 3.6
VTX-186-1000 1000 1500 103 166 124 81 92 6.3
VTX-186-2000 2000 3000 128 192 154 101 106 10.5
VTX-186-3000 3000 4500 128 202 154 101 116 13.5
VTX-186-5000 5000 7500 164 210 197 128.5 108 20
A range of step-up/step-down auto-trans-• formers 0-110-220-230-240V, 50/60Hz.
Power ratings 100 ~ 5000VA
• Connection made by insulated terminal • block
Windings are covered with metal shrounds• Insulating rating: Class B•
Auto-transformers are suitable for applications where mains isolation is not essential.
The short term VA is indicated for applications of a intermittent load, generally for applications
with an average intermittant work load of 50% . Example: supply to fridges, air conditioners,
compressors etc..
Other ratings and voltages can be supplied on request.
Schematic for reference
Image for reference only
50VA has voltages