THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION CONSTRUCTION The capacitor is of dielectric. The capacitor is enclosed MARKING Marking comprises capacit PROPERTIES *Capacitance Capacitance tolerance *Rated voltage elnsulation resistance Dissipation tactor *Categoty temperature ran non-inductive construction, CAP. DIMENSIONS ITEM CODE uF (*) XL x T XH HH, ECWHGE184RHC; 0. 18 (184) | 20. 7/11. 5/16. 3/38. 3 4 6284RHC |] 0. 28 (284) a 14.3419.1/41. 1 4 6304RHC] QO. 3 (304) u 14. 8)19. 6141. 6 a 6324RHC}] 0. 32 (324) u 14. 4)20.9)42. 9 a 6334RHC] 0. 33 (334) W 14. 7]/21. 1143.1 <Note> Under the condition of enforced air~-cooling, the permissible current level is rised. (For Microwave oven and IH rice cooker.) Please refer to the Product Specification. UNIT of MINIMUM ORDER Capacitance range | Quantity (uF) (pes. ) 0.18 250 0.28 ~ 0.33 200 wound with metallized polypropylene film in non-combustible epoxy resin and has two ance, aWithstand voltage (terminal-terminal) : ge (including temperature rise on unit capacitance type name "WHC" and manufacturer's date code. GS0VDCXT50% for 60s :29000MQ at 500VDC, $0.05% at kHz, $0.1 From ~400 to +105 tolerance, rated voltage, See table at 1kHaz. 143% (H) at TkHz. 630VDC 200 for 60s % at tOkHz, ALTERATION x xeemax. [Sue DESCRIPTION DATE P kms wn} _ A Company name changed Apr. 1 P. at [il an, 2012 | | ( uf 4 ; e WARKIG 3 \ Ar i : o , Kx \ = z | K : 2| - Paul . fj *3 1 = SPECIFICATIONS No s a = . . > tt _ {Ty I po Q TIN-PLATED COPPER WIRE SYMBOL ITEM VALUE /TOLERANCE REMARKS P Pitch of component 30. 0 1. 0 Tilt ot component and curvature of leads shall be included Py Feed hole pitch 30. 0 40. 2 Po Feed hole pitch 15. 0 #0. 2 Py Feed hole center to tead 4. 75 +0. 5 P; Hole center to comp. center 7.5 +1. 3 Tilt of component due to curvature of jeads shal! be included. od Lead wire diameter 0. 8 40, 05 F Lead-to-lead distance 7.5 to Ati Component alignment 0~2. 0 Tilt of component due to curvature of leads shall be included, W Paper backing width 18. 0 +0. 5 Wo Adhesive tape width 12.5 min, The hold down tape shall not protrude beyond the carrier tape. Wi Hole positian 9. 0 +0. 5 W: Hold-down tape position O~2. 0 He Lead-wire clinch height 16. 0 8 Q Lead wire protrusion 0 max. Ra Lead wire depression 7.0 max. oD, Feed hole diameter 4.0 0. 2 t Total tape thickness 0.7 +0. 2 Tatal thickness including the told down tape. Lo Length of snipped lead 11.0 max, leads. WHC184H 30V date code at 200 (UNDER THE CONDITION OF ENFORCED AIR-COOLING: From 40T to +85%) surface) DO NOT SCALE DRAWING REVISIONS (NDICATED BY A ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS MARKING EXAMPLE CHECKED APPROVAL| 997, tazacka_ ESTABLISHMENT| Sep. 16. 2010 TYPE NAME ECWHS 8RHC NAME Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor DRAWING NAME PRODUCT DRAWING DRAWING No. O051J-J-E (1/2) Film Capacitor Division Industrial Devices Company Capacitor Business Unit Panasonic CorporationTHIRD ANGLE PROJECTION than 2 conjunction Note 1. No more Note 2. A as permitted. discrepancy specify consecutive missing is tape tape and a follows Joint Tape Tape py and turn of backing, an allowance of paper not exceed in on the back side the front A tape A joint the lower Note 3 Note 4. sliding shall put to tape up part not be the side. than 3. 92N (400gf) /25mm. feast 3 Marking on The components may same tape adhesion is more Note trailer feed holes is required of having at the tape. the A tape at the end The on Note 6, jead clinch at tape, shows as follows DO NOT SCALE DRAWING REVISIONS INDICATED BY A cimension. Packing specification pack) 2. noles 3 ceed more 1. Case size (Ammo Packing quantity os Capacitance range |/Quantity p ie mo eeeese (uF) (pes. ) 5 Seo. / anasonic ceo - 0. 18 750 Indication of content | Ph Pecascaic 2 s O28 ~ 0.39 200 oe & a 340max. Handling notes 1) One package must be packed one product onty. 2) The storage must be stacked 5 boxes or fess (Surface printed placing upward) (For prevention from displacement of capacitors of lead crimping) 3) The packing box must be handled with care and never and damage thrown out ae ere e3 nF o rence FE oA ALM Eee arsenate ECWHE &#*RHC DRAWING No. OO5iJ-J-E (2/2) Film Capacitor Division i | Industrial Devices Company ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS i Capacitor Business Unit Panasonic Corporation