2 Rev. 0.3
1. Supply Voltage
Three supply voltages are required: VDD, VDDOA, and VDDOB. These supply voltages are applied at the two
bottom corners of the evaluation board via J18 and J20, which are located on the bottom side of the evaluation
board and function as standof fs a s well as input s for the supp ly voltage s. Note that the J18 a nd J20 have silkscr een
on the top side of the evaluation board that identifies the J18 and J20 inputs. VDD powers the input buffers, mux,
and dividers. VDDOA and VDDOB provide power for the output drivers on CLK0,1,2 and CLK3,4,5, respectively.
The three input power supply voltages should all have a common external ground. A separate ground wire should
be run from the common power ground to the ground on both J18 and J20. VDD, VDDOA, and VDDOB can be
1.8 V ±5%, 2.5 V ±5%, or 3.3 V ±10%. VDDOA,B need to be set according to the output driver format as shown in
Table 1.
2. Clock Inputs
This evaluation board accepts differential clock inputs on SMA connectors labeled CLK0,CLK0B as well as
CLK1,CLK1B. A single-ended CMOS input with the same voltage swing as the VDD voltage may also be applied
to either CLK 0 and/o r CLK1. See “ 4.4. Jumpe rs P1 a nd P2” for m ore in form ation . The c loc k input t hat is active is
selected by JP1, which controls the CLK_SEL input pin 8.
3. Clock Outputs
Six clock outputs are presen t at the SMA connectors labele d Q0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. As built and delivered, the evaluation
board will support differ ential outputs that are LVDS, CML, or low-power LVPECL without any component changes.
S t andard LVPECL and HCSL outputs require output resistor and/or cap acitor changes. See the t able in Figure 3 for
these changes.
4. Jumpers
This evaluation board can be used to evaluate a Si53301 or Si53304; however, the Si53301 is installed on the
evaluation board. Refer to Figures 1, 2, and 3 and Tables 1 and 2 as needed for the following discussion about the
jumpers. Many of the inputs are shown on the evaluation board silkscreen a nd schemati c with du al names, such as
name1(name2), where name1 is the input pin name for the Si53301 and name2 is the input pin name for the
Si53304. In two cases, the input pin of the Si53301 is a no-connect (NC) when the Si53304 is a functional input.
4.1. Jumpers JP2 and JP3
Jumpers JP2 and JP3 set the level to SFOUTA1 and SFOUTA0 on input pins 2 and 3, respectively. Jumpers JP4
and JP5 set the level to SFOUTB1 and SFOUTB0 on input pins 22 and 23, respectively. These inputs have three
valid input levels: Ground, VDD, and Open. See Table 1.
4.2. Jumpers JP1 and JP6
For the Si53301 device, Jumper s JP1 and JP6 con trol the ou tput dividers for bank A (Q0,1,2) and bank B (Q3,4,5),
respectively. For the Si53304 device, Jumpers JP1 and JP6 control the enabling of output clocks Q1 and Q5,
respectively. See Table 2 for the settings of these jumpers.
4.3. Jumpers P3, P4, P5, P6, and P7
For the Si53301, these jumper s control CLK_SEL, OEA, and OEB. OEA is the enable fo r output clocks Q0,1,2, and
OEB is the enable for output clocks Q3,4,5. For the Si53304, these jumpers control CLK_SEL, OE1, OE2, OE3,
and OE4. See Table 3 for more information.
4.4. Jumpers P 1 and P 2
Jumpers P1 and P2 should be left open unless a single-ended input is applied to the CLK0 or CLK1 input. When a
jumper is placed across P1 (P2), the voltage from the VREF pin 17 is applied to the CLK0B (CLK1B) input pin so
that a CMOS input with a voltage swing of VDD (pin7) volts can be applied to the CLK0 (CLK1) pin. In addition,
some resistor and capacitor changes (described in the Figure 3 schematic near P1 and P2) must be made to the
evaluation board .