www.ams.com/DC-DC_Step-Up/AS1341 Revision 1.09 11 - 18
Datasheet - A p p lic a t i o n I n for m a ti on
9.3 Setting Current Limit
The AS1341 adjustable peak current limit is set by connecting ILIMIT as shown in Table 4.
The current limit chosen should reflect the maximum load current. The maximum output current is half of the peak current limit. Choosing a lower
current limit allows using an inductor with a lower current rating, however, it requires a higher inductance (see Inductor Selection) and does not
allow for reduced inductor package size.
9.4 Inductor Selection
The AS1341 operates with a wide range of inductance values. For most applications, values between 10µH and 47µH work best with the
controller’s high switching frequency. Larger inductor values will reduce the switching frequency and thereby improve efficiency and EMI.
Note: The four key factors in inductor selection are inductance value, saturation rating, series resistance, and size.
The trade-off for improved efficiency is a higher output ripple and slower transient response. On the other hand, low-value inductors respond
faster to transients, improve output ripple, offer smaller physical size, and minimize cost. If the inductor value is too small, the peak inductor
current exceeds the current limit due to current-sense comparator propagation delay, potentially exceeding the inductor’s current rating.
Calculate the minimum inductance value as follows:
= ((V
- V
) x t
(EQ 3)
= 1µs
The inductor saturation current rating must be greater than the peak switch current limit, plus the overshoot due to the 250ns current-sense
comparator propagation delay. Saturation occurs when the magnetic flux density of the inductor reaches the maximum level the core can support
and the inductance starts to fall. Choose an inductor with a saturation rating greater than IPEAK in the following equation:
= (I
+ (V
- V
) x 250ns)/L (EQ 4)
Inductor series resistance affects both efficiency and dropout voltage (see Dropout Voltage on page 9). High series resistance limits the
maximum current available at lower input voltages, and increases the dropout voltage. For optimum performance, select an inductor with the
lowest possible DC resistance that fits in the allotted dimensions.
Table 4. Setting Peak Current Limit
Current Limit ILIMIT Connected To
700mA GND
1400mA IN
Table 5. Recommended Inductors
Part Number L DCR Current Rating Manufacturer
MSS6132-103ML 10µH 85mΩ1.4A Coilcraft
LPS4018-472ML 4.7µH 125mΩ1.8A
MSS6132-393ML 39µH 345mΩ0.8A
LPS4018-223ML 22µH 360mΩ0.7A
CDRH6D28NP-150 15µH 62mΩ1.4A Sumida
CDRH5D18NP-4R1 4.1µH 57mΩ1.95A
CDRH6D28NP-470 47µH 176mΩ0.8A
CDRH5D18NP-220 22µH 215mΩ0.8A
LQH66SN-100M03 10µH 36mΩ1.6A Murata
LQH55DN-150M03 15µH 150mΩ1.4A
LQH66SN-470M03 47µH 170mΩ0.8A
LQH55DN-470M03 47µH 400mΩ0.8A