● 当社は常に製品の品質,信頼性の維持向上に努めておりますが,一般に半導体製品では故障がある確率で起こることは避けられ
● 本資料に掲載されている製品をご使用の場合は,これらの製品と目的物との組み合わせについて使用者の責任においてご検討,
● 本資料に掲載されている製品を高信頼性,高安全性が要求される市場にご使用の場合は,使用者の責任においてフェールセーフ(故
● 本資料に掲載の製品データ・図・表・その他回路例の使用に際して起因する当社および第三者の知的財産権,その他の権利に対
● 本資料に掲載されている製品は,一般的電気・電子機器(事務機器,計測機器,産業用ロボット,コンピュータ,パーソナル機器,
● 本資料に掲載されている製品を,国内外の法令,規則および命令により製造,販売を禁止されている応用製品に使用することは
● 本資料に関しての詳細についてのお問い合わせ,その他お気付きの点がございましたら当社販売窓口または当社代理店までご照
Notices for Safety Design
• Kyocera is always endeavoring to maintain and improve the quality and reliability of Kyocera Products. Nevertheless, any failure
with some probabilities of semiconductor devices may be generally inevitable, therefore, Users of Kyocera Semiconductor
Products listed herein are requested to make adequate safety design and design validation for the equipments and systems
at the users’ own risk in order to prevent any losses of human life, bodily injury and damage to property due to semiconductor
device failure or malfunction.
• Users of Kyocera Products listed herein are requested to make consideration and determination at the users’ self-responsibility
for the suitable combination use between Kyocera Products and the intended application or purpose.
• In case of use of Kyocera Products listed herein in its particular applications of equipments requiring high reliability and high
safety, Users of Kyocera Products are requested to ensure the fail-safe design and aging at the users’ self-responsibility.
• Kyocera Products listed herein are not designed for radiation-proof.
Notices for Use
• Kyocera can assume no full responsibility for any infringement of intellectual property rights and any other rights of Kyocera or
any third parties resulting from its use of the products data, drawings, fi gures and other circuits described herein.
• Kyocera Products listed herein are designed and intended for the use of its devices in general electrical and electronics
equipments or apparatus (such as offi ce electronics equipment, measuring instrument, industrial robot, computer, personal digital
assistance, home appliance and suchlike).
And so, when considering the use of Kyocera Products in its applications of equipments requiring high quality and reliability
(such as transportation equipment, atomic power control apparatus, traffi c control signal system, disaster prevention equipment,
security equipment and safety apparatus), Users of Kyocera Products are requested to consult with Kyocera sales representative
without fail and to approve the Specifi cations of Kyocera products.
Users of Kyocera Products may not use, without written consent of Kyocera, the Products listed herein in its applications of
equipments requiring extremely higher quality and reliability (such as aerospace equipment, atomic power control apparatus,
medical equipment for life support system, etc.).
• Regarding the contents of products data and drawings, please be sure to confi rm by the specifi cations.
• Kyocera Products listed herein should not be used to any prohibited applications of equipments or apparatus for manufacturing
and sales under the related laws and regulations of domestic and foreign.And so, with reference to export restriction, relevant
Kyocera Products of listed herein are subject to the export license under the related laws and regulations.
• For further information, please contact your local Kyocera sales representative or sales agent.