Assembled Control Stations
Operator Style and Features Reference Consists of:
Enclosure Operators Contact Blocks Legend Plates
UL Types 1, 3, 4 and 13/NEMA 1, 3, 4 and 13 Die Cast Zinc Enclosure (1)
1Selector Switch (3 Pos Maintained) KYK111 KY1 KS43B KA1 Hand-Off-Auto
Selector Switch (2 Pos Maintained) KYK110 KY1 KS11B KA1 Off-On
Push Button (Momentary) KYK11 KY1 KR1B KA1 Start
Push Button (Momentary) KYK13 KY1 KR1R KA1 Stop
Mushroom Button (Momentary) KYK14 KY1 KR4R KA1 Stop
Push Button (with Lockout) KYK15 KY1 KR3R, K4 KA1 Stop
Break Glass Operator KYK116 KY1 K15 KA1 To Stop—Break Glass
Break Glass Operator (Red Enclosure) KYK117 KY1S1 K15 KA1 To Stop—Break Glass
22 Push Buttons (Lockout on Stop) KYK224 KY2 KR1B, KR3R, K4 KA1, KA1 Jog-Stop
2 Push Buttons KYK218 KY2 KR1B, KR3R KA1, KA1 On-Off
2 Push Buttons KYK26 KY2 KR1B, KR1B KA1, KA1 Open-Close
2 Push Buttons KYK25 KY2 KR1B, KR1B KA1, KA1 Up-Down
2 Push Buttons KYK21 KY2 KR1B, KR3R KA1, KA1 Start-Stop
2 Push Buttons (with Sealed Contacts) (4) KYK223 KY2 KR1B, KR3R KA51, KA51 Start-Stop
2 Push Buttons (Lockout on Stop) KYK23 KY2 KR1B, KR3R, K4 KA1, KA1 Start-Stop
2 Push Buttons (Maintained/Interlocked) KYK27 KY2 KR11GR KA1 Start-Stop
1 Push Button, 1 Mushroom Button KYK22 KY2 KR1B, KR4R KA1, KA1 Start-Stop
33 Push Buttons KYK31 KY3 KR1B, KR1B, KR3R KA1, KA1, KA1 Forward; Reverse; Stop
3 Push Buttons (Lockout on Stop) KYK326 KY3 KR1B, KR1B, KR3R, K4 KA1, KA1, KA1 Forward; Reverse; Stop
3 Push Buttons (With Sealed Contacts & Lockout
on Stop) (4)
KYK322 KY3 KR1B, KR1B, KR3R, K4 KA51, KA51, KA51 Forward; Reverse; Stop
3 Push Buttons KYK33 KY3 KR1B, KR1B, KR3R KA1, KA1, KA1 Open; Close; Stop
Red 120v Pilot Light, 2 Push Buttons KYK317 KY3 KP1R31, KR1B, KR3R KA2, KA3 Start; Stop
3 Push Buttons KYK32 KY3 KR1B, KR1B, KR3R KA1, KA1, KA1 Up; Down; Stop
3 Push Buttons (Lockout on Stop) KYK325 KY3 KR1B, KR1B, KR3R, K4 KA1, KA1, KA1 Up ; Down; Stop
UL Types 1, 3, 4 and 13/NEMA 1, 3, 4 and 13—Stainless Steel (304) (2)
1Push Button (Momentary) KYSS101 KYSS1 KR1B KA1 Start
Push Button (Momentary) KYSS103 KYSS1 KR1B KA3 Stop
Selector Switch (2 Pos Maintained) KYSS110 KYSS1 KS11B KA1 Off-On
Selector Switch (3 Pos Maintained) KYSS111 KYSS1 KS43B KA1 Hand-Off-Auto
22 Push Buttons KYSS201 KYSS2 KR1B, KR3R KA1, KA3 Start; Stop
2 Push Buttons (Lockout on Stop) KYSS203 KYSS2 KR1B, KR3R, K5 KA1, KA3 Start; Stop
2 Push Buttons (Maintained with Interlock) KYSS210 KYSS2 KR11U KA1, KA1 Start; Stop
2 Push Buttons KYSS205 KYSS2 KR1B, KR1B KA1, KA1 Up; Down
UL Types 1, 3, 4. 4X and 13/NEMA 1, 3, 4, 4X and 13—Stainless Steel (304) (3)
1Push Button (Momentary) KYSK101 KYSS1 SKR1B KA1 Start
Push Button (Momentary) KYSK103 KYSS1 SKR3R KA3 Stop
Selector Switch (2 Pos Maintained) KYSK110 KYSS1 SKS11B KA1 Off-On
Selector Switch (3 Pos Maintained) KYSK111 KYSS1 SKS43B KA1 Hand-Off-Auto
22 Push Buttons KYSK201 KYSS2 SKR1B, SKR3R KA1, KA3 Start; Stop
2 Push Buttons (Lockout on Stop) KYSK203 KYSS2 SKR1B, SKR3R, K5 KA1, KA3 Start; Stop
2 Push Buttons (Maintained with Interlock) KYSK210 KYSS2 SKR11U KA1, KA1 Start; Stop
2 Push Buttons KYSK205 KYSS2 SKR1B, SKR1B KA1, KA1 Up; Down
UL Types 1, 3, 4. 4X and 13/NEMA 1, 3, 4, 4X and 13—Polymeric (Plastic) (3)
1Selector Switch (3 Pos Maintained) SKY111 SKY1 SKS43B KA1 Hand-Off-Auto
Selector Switch (2 Pos Maintained) SKY110 SKY1 SKS11B KA1 Off-On
Selector Switch (2 Pos Maintained with Sealed
Contacts) (4)
SKY122 SKY1 SKS11B KA51 Off-On
Push Button (with Lockout) SKY105 SKY1 SKR3R, K5 KA3 Stop
22 Push Buttons SKY201 SKY2 SKR1B, SKR3R KA1, KA3 Start-Stop
2 Push Buttons (Lockout on Stop) SKY203 SKY2 SKR1B, SKR1R, K5 KA1, KA3 Start-Stop
2 Push Buttons (With Sealed Contacts) (4) SKY223 SKY2 SKR1B, SKR3R KA51, KA51 Start-Stop
2 Push Buttons (With Sealed Contacts) (4) SKY222 SKY2 SKR1B, SKR3R KA51, KA51 On-Off
2 Push Buttons SKY205 SKY2 SKR1B, SKR1B KA1, KA1 Up-Down
33 Push Buttons SKY302 SKY3 SKR1B, SKR1B, SKR3R KA1, KA1, KA3 Up-Down-Stop
3 Push Buttons SKY303 SKY3 SKR1B, SKR1B, SKR3R KA1, KA1, KA3 Open-Close-Stop
Red 120v Pilot Light, 2 Push Buttons SKY315A SKY3 SKP1R31, SKR1B, SKR3R KA1, KA3 Start-Stop
UL Types 1, 3, 4 and 13/NEMA 1, 3, 4 and 13 Die Cast Zinc Enclosures with Integral Guard
1Guarded Enclosure (grey) with 120V Red LED
Pilot Light
KYG11 KYG1 KP38LRR9 —order separately
Guarded Enclosure (grey) with 120V Green LED
Pilot Light
KYG12 KYG1 KP38LGG9 —order separately
Guarded Enclosure (Yellow Cover) with Red
Push-Pull Mushroom
KYG1Y1 KYG1Y KR9R KA3 Emergency Stop
Guarded Enclosure (Yellow Cover) with Red
Turn-To Release Mushroom
KYG1Y2 KYG1Y KR16 KA3 Emergency Stop
(1) Uses 9001K metal operators and metal legend plates.
(2) Uses 9001K metal operators and plastic legend plates.
(3) Uses 9001SK plastic operators and plastic legend plates.
(4) Control Station components are UL listed for use in Class 1, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, or D.
Harmony™ control stations
and enclosures
9001KY/SKY 30 mm control stations
References (continued)
page 24
page 27
Note: When ordering, add prex “9001” to the reference.