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IPN = 50 .. 600 A
● Hall effect measuring principle
● Galvanic isolation between
primary and secondary circuit
● Isolation test voltage 3300 V
● Low power consumption
● Single power supply + 5 V
● Fixed offset & Gain
● Isolated plastic case recognized
according to UL 94-V0.
● Easy installation
● Small size and space saving
● Only one design for wide current
ratings range
● High immunity to external
● Internal & external reference.
● AC variable speed drives
● Static converters for DC motor
● Battery supplied applications
● Uninterruptible Power Supplies
● Switched Mode Power Supplies
● Power supplies for welding
Application domain
● Industrial.
Current Transducer HASS 50..600-S
For the electronic measurement of currents: DC, AC, pulsed, mixed,
with galvanic isolation between the primary circuit (high power)
and the secondary circuit (electronic circuit).
Primary nominal Primary current Type
current rms measuring range
50 ± 150 HASS 50-S
100 ± 300 HASS 100-S
200 ± 600 HASS 200-S
300 ± 900 HASS 300-S
400 ± 900 HASS 400-S
500 ± 900 HASS 500-S
600 ± 900 HASS 600-S
VOUT Analog Output voltage @ IP VOE ± (0.625. IP/ IPN) V
GTH Theoretical sensitivity 0.625 V/ IPN
VREF Reference voltage 1) Ouput voltage 2.5 ± 0.025 V
Ouput impedance typ. 200 Ω
Load impedance ≥ 200 Ω
RL Load resistance ≥ 2 kΩ
ROUT Output internal resistance < 5 Ω
CL Capacitive loading (± 20 %) = 4.7 nF
VC Supply voltage (± 5 %) 2) 5 V
IC Current consumption @ VC = 5V 19 mA
X Accuracy 3) @ IPN , TA = 25°C ≤ ± 1 %
Accuracy - Dynamic performance data
εL Linearity error 0 .. IPN ≤ ± 0.5 %
0 .. IPM ≤ ± 1 %
TCVOE Temperature coefcient of VOE (+25.. +85°C) ≤ ± 0.4 mV/K
(-40.. +25°C) ≤ ± 0.525 mV/K
TCVREF Temperature coefcient of VREF (+25.. +85°C) ≤ ± 0.01 %/K
(-40.. +25°C) ≤ ± 0.015 %/K
TCVOE/VREFTemperature coefcient of VOE /VREF ≤ ± 0.15 mV/K
TCG Temperature coefcient of G ≤ ±0.05% of reading//K
VOE Electrical offset voltage @ IP = 0, TA = 25°C VREF ± 0.025 V
VOM Magnetic offset voltage @ IP = 0
after an overload of IPM < ± 0.4 %
tra Reaction time to 10 % of IPN step < 3 µs
tr Response time to 90 % of IPN step < 5 µs
di/dt di/dt accurately followed > 100 A/µs
Vno Output voltage noise (DC .. 10 kHz) < 20 mVpp
(DC .. 1 MHz) < 40 mVpp
BW Frequency bandwidth (- 3 dB) 4) DC .. 50 kHz8: 1997
Notes: 1)It is possible to overdrive VREF with an external reference voltage
between 1.5V - 2.8V providing its ability to sink or source approximately 5 mA.
2)Maximum supply voltage (not operating) < 6.5 V
3)Excluding Offset and Magnetic offset voltage
4)Small signal only to avoid excessive heatings of the magnetic core.
All Data are given with a RL = 10 kΩ
Electrical data