304 Catalog 130/519 Issued 9-99 Eurocard Connectors (continues) DIN 41612 and IEC 603-2 Type C Right Angle Pin Assemblies with Solder Posts (with and without Boardlocks) 4 . 7 | Position #1, BhGwersd hemmeee wo, Aow C FAEMEB wl 2.) |) 9 sl [el we Row EAR GSES) Ye Baw of wei]. AowA Te ae 109 PUES Sao % = At Indicator Wilh Boardlocks we 0.64 x 0.64 [025 x 025] - 11,10 [.437] 6as[2so 7 ~T 8.74 [344] a iE 10.11 001-2 . 3 3.00 [.- 2) Material [.398] 2! | L. Housing Polyester, grey, 941-9 rated foe _ Contacts and Boardlocks Brass 2.54 [.100] | a DIN Il Plating Gold Flash over 8.08 [.200] | al lasr [.ob2| 000030 Palladium/Nicke in mating 2.54 [100] ~ Post Length area, Tin Lead onteils, all over 000050 (See Crarts Below} Nickel. ; Standard Size Related Product Data Humber of Rows Dimensions BIN TR DIN Performance Levels Positions = Loaded A 8 c o Levels Post Length Post Langih Past Lengtn P m . Snecificati e50472-5 650947-5 = 146116-5 Pa 1300 Ce 93.98 8890 7874 3529 ~~ I ose SSeS cle o . Ja 96 A,B,C > ; " 536010-5' 536742-5 - Maieable Connectors Pages 308, 3.700 3.500 3.100 3.358 Bedies? OU 315, 316 Mm ' 650473-9 _ 650947-9 = PC Beard Hole Layout Page 314 650945-5 509515 148117-5 1 536356-5' 536406-5' _ : 93.98 8890 78.74 685.29 eee E s6jJ uot Technical Documents 64 A.C 3700 35800 3.00 3558 53601 1-5" DIN Specification 41612 650945-9 _ IEC Speciticetinn 603-2 Mm 14851 1-5"? = AMP Application Specification " " , 114-an14 "Wilh Boardlocks "High Ternperature Housing AMP Instruction Sheet 408-6784 Half Size Part Numbers Number of Rows Dimensions DIN > 641-104) 3.30 L130] Positions Loaded A B Cc D Levals Post Langth Post Langth $50478-5 650948-5 53.94 48.26 4810 4465 II 650916-5" 536407-5' a8 ABC 2.160 1.900 1.800 1.758 5360125" = 148020-5'" _ tll 650478-9 53.34 4826 38.10 44.65 sass 7h 32 AC 2-00 4.900 +500 1.758 li 650978-5' 536408-5 36013-5* _ With Boarclocks *High Tempevature Housing Expanded Size : : Part Numbers Number af Rows __ Dimensions DIN 2.64 1,104] 3.501301 Positions Loaded A B c D Levels Past Length Post Length 650906-5 650949-5 190 ARC 114.30 109.22 99.06 105.61 II 650914-5' 536409-5' 4500 4.300 3.900 4.158 596413-5'? 536741-5" Ul _ 650949-9 &50907-5 - __ 650950-5 150 ABC 139.70 134.62 124.46 130.04 lI 650915-5' 536410-5" a 5.500 5.3200 4.900 5.158 536414-5'2 Ul _ With Boardiocks "High Temperature Housing Note: Select load and MF@L available upon request, contact Product Engineering. Networking AMP Technical Support Center/AMP FAX Service Dimensions are in wwwW.amp.com Specifications 1-800-522-6752 717-986-7777 millimetars over [inches] subject ta change.