150 March 31, 2003; 6251-606-2AI Micronas
CANxIDX. When an error interrupt is involved, the number
254 is entered.
The BI attempts to initiate an interrupt immediately after suc-
cessful transfer. If this does not work (CANxIDX not empty),
the interrupt is pending (also error interrupt).
The BI permanently scans the CA. If, while doing so, it finds
a CO whose interrupt condition is satisfied (e.g. TIE and TS
are set), it generates an interrupt. This means that interrupts
not yet reported will not be reported in the sequence of their
occurrence, but in the sequence in which they are discov-
ered later.
The interrupt service routine of the user must read the CANx-
IDX. The interrupt source is stored here. If CANxIDX points
to a CO (0...253), the user must reserve this. After this, he
must first delete TS so that this CO does not initiate an inter-
rupt again. Only then he may release CANxIDX (CANxIDX =
255) so that the BI can enter further interrupts.
21.3.4. Rescan
The normal transmit strategy searches for the next transmit
CO in the CA. If all the transmit COs are ready to send, they
are processed one after the other. This is a democratic strat-
If higher-priority TxTgs are reported in the meantime, these
are not processed until the complete list has been finished.
With rescan, the search for Tx telegrams is started again at
the beginning of the CA. By this means the user can force
the normal strategy to be interrupted and a search to be
made first of all for higher-priority TxTgs. A transmit CO
already reported will of course be transmitted first.
The rescan requirement can be achieved dynamically, when
a transmit CO is reported, by setting the global rescan flag
It is also possible to configure a rescan strategy statically.
Each Tx-CO has the rescan flag RSC. If it is set, the system
starts from the beginning with the transmit search after this
CO has been processed. It is possible, for instance, to set
RSC in the low-priority Tx-COs. Each time a low-priority Tx-
CO has been handled, the search continues for higher-prior-
ity objects.
The user must ensure that each Tx-CO is processed.
21.3.5. Time Stamp
The time stamp of a CO shows the user how much time has
elapsed since the transmission of the object. For this pur-
pose, he compares the time stamp with the capture timer
CANxCTIM. Because the time stamp contains the value of
the CANxCTIM at the time of the start of transmission, the
difference is proportional to the time which has elapsed.
The time stamp mechanism also enables network-wide syn-
chronization. A master transmits a Tg. All nodes note the
transmission time (local time). Then the master transmits its
own (global) transmission time. The difference between local
and global time shows by how much one’s own clock (timer)
is wrong.
21.3.6. Errors
In the error status register (CANxESTR) error messages and
status data are collected which can generate an error inter-
rupt. As long as a flag is set in the CANxESTR and not
masked in the CANxESM, the flag ERS is also set in the sta-
tus register. This means that the value 254 is written in
CANxIDX and an interrupt is generated when EIE has been
An error interrupt is deleted by first deleting CANxESTR and
then releasing CANxIDX.
The 5 flags BIT, STF, CRC, FRM and ACK originate from the
protocol manager. The flag GDM (Good Morning) is not an
error flag. GDM is set when the BI is aroused from the sleep
mode by a dominant bus level.
The flag ECNT (error counter level) indicates that an error
counter has exceeded a limit value. It is set when the trans-
mit error counter exceeds the values 95, 127 and 255 or the
receive error counter exceeds the values 95 and 127.
When the BI is in the Bus-Off mode, it no longer actively par-
ticipates in the bus traffic. Nor does it receive telegrams, but
continues to observe the bus. As soon as the BI has
detected 128 x 11 successive recessive bits, it either reverts
to the error-active mode if flag BOST is zero, or it sets the
flag HLT and enters the HALT mode if flag BOST is set. At
the same time the error counters are cleared.
A Bus-Off sequence triggers two interrupts, if the error inter-
rupt is enabled. The first interrupt (ECNT=TRUE) indicates
that the transmit error counter has exceeded the value 255.
This means that the module is in the Bus-Off mode now
(BOFF=TRUE). The receive error counter is used to count
the reception of 128 x 11 successive recessive bits in the
Bus-Off mode. This is the reason for the second interrupt
(ECNT=TRUE), which indicates that the receive error
counter has exceeded the value 95 (warning level). The sec-
ond interrupt can be ignored in Bus-Off mode. The error
interrupt can be disabled during Bus-Off mode to avoid this
second interrupt.
21.3.7. Layout of the CA
The CA contains all COs beginning with the lowest identifier.
The three MSBs must be set in the byte after the last CO
(End of CA).
If the BI has received an identifier complete, it starts at the
beginning of the CA with the search for an appropriate Rx-
CO. If a rescan is initiated, the BI also starts from the begin-
ning with the transmit search. Buffers
Several successive receive COs may be allocated with the
same identifier. The BI stores a received Tg in the first free
Rx-CO. Using this mechanism it is possible to construct a
receive buffer. If RIE is set in the last CO, the CPU is not
informed until the buffer is full. Basic/Full CAN
For a Basic CAN application, a single Tx-CO will be used. All
outgoing telegrams will be transmitted with this. The user
must receive all Rx-Tgs and must himself decide whether he
needs it (acceptance filtering). For this case it is possible to
use an Rx-All-CO. But it is necessary to ensure that this can
be processed before the next Tg arrives.
For this reason, it is a good idea to employ 2 or 3 Rx-All-COs
as buffers after the Tx-CO.
In the case of a FullCAN application, one uses the built-in
acceptance filtering and sets up a CO specifically for each
desired Rx-Tg and Tx-Tg.