Command interface M29DW640F
The Extended Block Status of the Extended Block can be read using a read operation, A6,
A3 and A2, at VIL, A0 and A1, at VIH, and A21- A19 set to Bank Address A. The othe r bits
ma y be set to either VIL or VIH (Don't Care). If the Extended Block is "Factory Locked" then
80h is output on Da ta Input/Outputs DQ0-DQ7, otherwise 00h is output.
4.1.3 Read CFI Query command
The Read CFI Query Command is used to put the addressed bank in Read CFI Query
mode. Once in Read CFI Query mode Bus Read operations to the same bank will output
data from the Common Flash Interface (CFI) Memory Area. If the read operations are to a
different bank from the one specified in the command then the read operations will output
the contents of the me m ory array and not the CFI data.
One Bus Write cycle is required to issue the Read CFI Query Command. Care must be
tak en to issue the command to one of the ba nks (A21-A19) along with the addr ess shown in
Table 4 and Table 5 (A-1, A0-A10). Once the command is issued subsequent Bus Read
operat ions in the same bank (A21 -A19) t o the addr esses sho wn in Appe ndix B (A7-A0), will
read from the Common Flash Interface Memory Area.
This command is valid only when the device is in the Read Array or Autoselected mode. To
enter Read CFI query mode from Auto Select mode, the Read CFI Query command must
be issued to the same bank address as the Auto Select command, otherwise the device will
not enter Read CFI Query mode.
The Read/Reset command must be issued to return the device to the previous mode (the
Read Array mode or Autoselected mode). A second Read/Reset command would be
needed if the device is to be put in the Read Array mode from Autoselected mode.
See Appendix B, Table 25, Table 26, Table 27, Table 28, Table 29 and Table 30 f or details on
the information contained in the Common Flash Interface (CFI) memory area.
4.1.4 Chip Erase command
The Chip Erase comman d can be used to erase the entire chip. Six Bus Write operations
are required to issue the Chip Erase Command and start the Program/Erase Controller.
If any blocks are protected then the se are igno re d an d all the ot he r blocks are erased. If all
of the blocks are protected the Chip Erase operation appears to start but will terminate
within about 100µs , leaving t he data unchan ged. No err or condition is given wh en protected
blocks are ignored.
During the erase operation the memory will ignore all commands, including the Erase
Suspend command. It is not possible to issue any command to abort the operation. Typical
chip erase times are given in Table 8. All Bus Read operations during the Chip Erase
operation will output the Status Register on the Data Inputs/Outputs. See the section on the
Status Register for more details.
After the Chip Erase operation has completed the memory will return to the Read Mode,
unless an error has occurred. When an error occurs the memory will continue to output the
Status Register. A Read/Reset command must be issued to reset the error condition and
return to Read Mode.
The Chip Erase Comm and set s all of th e bits in unpr ot ected blocks of t he memo ry to ’1’. All
previous data is lost.