Features PRELIMINARY RG 70 018 0 0T Radial Leaded Devices Smaller size for similar Ihold rating Faster tripping Tighter trip-to-hold ratios Bulk packaging, tape and reel and AmmoPak available on most models Patents pending Agency recognition: (pending) Applications Automotive Computers and peripherals General electronics Wire harnesses MF-RG Series - PTC Resettable Fuses Electrical Characteristics Ihold Model V max. Volts I max. Amps MF-RG300 MF-RG500 MF-RG700 MF-RG900 MF-RG1100 16 16 16 16 16 100 100 100 100 100 Initial Resistance Itrip Amperes at 23C Hold Trip 3.00 5.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 Ohms at 23C Min. Max. 5.10 8.50 11.90 15.30 18.70 0.032 0.015 0.008 0.004 0.003 -- -- -- -- -- 1 Hour (R1) Post-Trip Resistance Ohms at 23C Max. 0.105 0.044 0.021 0.015 0.010 Max. Time To Trip Tripped Power Dissipation Amperes at 23C Seconds at 23C 15.0 25.0 35.0 45.0 55.0 2.0 3.6 8.0 12.0 15.2 Watts at 23C 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.3 3.7 Environmental Characteristics Operating/Storage Temperature ........................-40C to +85C Maximum Device Surface Temperature in Tripped State ................................................125C Passive Aging......................................................+85C, 1000 hours ......................................5% typical resistance change Humidity Aging....................................................+85C, 85% R.H. 1000 hours......................5% typical resistance change Thermal Shock ....................................................+125C to -55C, 10 times ..........................10% typical resistance change Solvent Resistance ............................................MIL-STD-202, Method 215 ........................No change Vibration ..............................................................MIL-STD-883C, Method 2007.1, ................No change Condition A Test Procedures And Requirements For Model MF-RG Series Test Test Conditions Accept/Reject Criteria Visual/Mech. ......................................................Verify dimensions and materials..................Per MF physical description Resistance ..........................................................In still air @ 23C ........................................Rmin R Rmax Time to Trip ........................................................5 times Ihold, Vmax, 23C ..........................T max. time to trip (seconds) Hold Current ......................................................30 min. at Ihold............................................No trip Trip Cycle Life ....................................................Vmax, Imax, 100 cycles ..............................No arcing or burning Trip Endurance....................................................Vmax, 48 hours ..........................................No arcing or burning UL File Number ..................................................E 174545S* CSA File Number ................................................CA 110338 TUV File Number ................................................R2057213 Thermal Derating Chart - Ihold (Amps) Ambient Operating Temperature Model MF-RG300 MF-RG500 MF-RG700 MF-RG900 MF-RG1100 -40C 4.4 7.3 10.3 13.2 14.7 -20C 4.0 6.6 9.3 11.9 13.3 0C 3.6 6.0 8.4 10.7 12.0 23C 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 10.0 40C 2.6 4.4 6.2 7.9 8.7 50C 2.4 4.0 5.6 7.2 8.0 60C 2.1 3.6 5.0 6.4 7.0 70C 1.9 3.1 4.4 5.6 6.3 85C 1.4 2.4 3.3 4.2 4.7 *Itrip is approximately two times Ihold. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 58 MF-RG Series - PTC Resettable Fuses Product Dimensions A Max. 7.1 (0.280) 10.4 (0.409) 11.2 (0.441) 14.0 (0.551) 17.5 (0.689) Model MF-RG300 MF-RG500 MF-RG700 MF-RG900 MF-RG1100 A B Min. 10.2 (0.402) 13.5 (0.531) 18.8 (0.740) 20.8 (0.819) 25.1 (0.988) C Min. 5.2 0.7 (0.205 0.028) 5.2 0.7 (0.205 0.028) 5.2 0.7 (0.205 0.028) 5.2 0.7 (0.205 0.028) 5.2 0.7 (0.205 0.028) D E Max. 3.0 (0.118) 3.0 (0.118) 3.0 (0.118) 3.0 (0.118) 3.0 (0.118) 4.6 (0.181) 4.6 (0.181) 4.6 (0.181) 4.6 (0.181) 4.6 (0.181) Physical Characteristics Lead Dia. Material 0.81 Sn/Cu (0.032) 0.81 Sn/Cu (0.032) 0.81 Sn/Cu (0.032) 0.81 Sn/Cu (0.032) 0.81 Sn/Cu (0.032) Packaging options: BULK: 500 pcs. per bag TAPE & REEL: MF-RG300 & MF-RG500 = 3000 pcs. per reel; MF-RG700, MF-RG900 & MF-RG1100 = 1500 pcs. per reel AMMO-PACK: 2000 pcs. per reel E DIMENSIONS = MM (INCHES) 0.81 (20AWG) B MF -RG 700 MF -RG 900 MF -RG 110 0 MF -RG 500 MF -RG 300 Typical Time to Trip at 23C D 1000 C 100 Typical Part Marking PART IDENTIFICATION DATE CODE (LAST DIGIT OF YEAR & JULIAN DATE) MANUFACTURER'S TRADEMARK RG300 0180T LOT NO. (T = TAIWAN S = XIAMEN) How to Order Time to trip (Seconds) Represents total content. Layout may vary. 10 1 0 MF - RG 300 - __ Multifuse(R) Product Designator Series RG = Radial Leaded Component .01 Hold Current, Ihold 300-1100 (300m Amps - 11.0 Amps) Packaging Options - __ = Bulk Packaging - 2 = Tape and Reel* - AP = Ammo-Pak* .001 1 10 100 Fault Current (Amps) *Packaged per EIA486-B MF-RG, REV. A, 12/00 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 59 Tape and Reel Specifications MF-R, MF-RX, MF-RG & MF-R/250 Series Tape and Reel Specs Devices taped using EIA468-B/IEC286-2 standards. See table below and Figures 1 and 2 for details. Dimension Description IEC Mark EIA Mark Carrier tape width W W Hold down tape width W4 Hold down tape W0 Top distance between tape edges W2 Dimensions Dimensions Tolerance 18 (.709) 5 (.197) -0.5/+1.0 (-0.02/+.039) min. No protrusion Lead protrusion I1 L1 Protrusion of cutout L L 3 (.118) 9 (.354) 4 (.157) 18.5 (.728) 16 (.63) 32.2 (1.268) 43.2 (1.7) 42.5 (1.673) 1.0 (.039) 11 (.433) Protrusion beyond hold tape I2 I2 Not specified Sprocket hole pitch P0 P0 12.7 (0.5) 0.3 (.012) 20 seconds 1 second W6 Sprocket hole position W1 W5 Sprocket hole diameter D0 D0 Abscissa to plane (straight lead) H H Abscissa to plane (kinked lead) H0 H0 Abscissa to top H1 H1 Overall width w/lead protrusion C1 Overall width w/o lead protrusion C2 Pitch tolerance Device pitch: MF-R010 - MF-R160 Device pitch: MF-R185 - MF-R400 Device pitch: MF-RX110 - MF-RX160 Device pitch: MF-RX185 - MF-RX375 Device pitch: MF-RG300, MF-RG500 Device pitch: MF-RG700, MF-RG900, MF-RG1100 Device pitch: MF-R012/250 Tape thickness t t Tape thickness with splice t1 Splice sprocket hole alignment 12.7 (0.5) 25.4 (1.0) 12.7 (0.5) 12.7 (0.5) 12.7 (0.5) 25.4 (1.0) 25.4 (1.0) 0.9 (.035) 2.0 (.079) 0 Body lateral deviation h h 0 Body tape plane deviation p p 0 Lead seating plane deviation P1 P1 Lead spacing F F Reel width w w Reel diameter d a Space between flanges less device DIMENSIONS = 0 5.08 (0.2) 56 (2.205) 370 (14.57) 4.75 (.187) max. -0.5/+0.75 (-0.02/+0.03) 0.2 (.0078) 3.0 (.118) 0.5 (.02) max. max. max. max. max. max. max. 0.3 (.012) 1.0 (.039) 1.3 (.051) 0.7 (.028) 0.8 (.035) max. max. 3.25 (.128) MM (INCHES) Specifications are subject to change without notice. 60 MF-R, MF-RX, MF-RG & MF-R/250 Series Tape and Reel Specs IEC Mark Dimension Description Dimensions Dimensions Tolerance EIA Mark Space between flanges less device Arbor hole diameter f c Core diameter h n 56 (2.2) Box Consecutive missing places 4.75 (.187) 26 (1.024) 80 (3.15) 372 (14.6) max. 372 (14.6) max. 3 maximum Empty places per reel Not specified MM DIMENSIONS = (INCHES) Taped Component Dimensions p h h 3.25 (.128) 12.0 (.472) p Reference plane P1 H1 A L I2 H1 F H H0 B W0 I1 P0 W1 D0 W User direction of feed Cross section A - B Figure 1 t Reel Dimensions Reel h d User direction of feed Upper side Tape Lower side f h w Figure 2 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 61 MF-SM Series Tape and Reel Specifications MF-SM030, 050, 075, 100, 125 per EIA-481-2 MF-SM150, 200, 250, 260 per EIA 481-2 W 16 0.3 (63 .012) 16 0.3 (63 .012) P0 4.0 0.10 (.157 .004) 4.0 0.10 (.157 .004) 8.0 0.10 (.315 .004) 8.0 0.10 (.315 .004) 2.0 0.10 (.079 .004) 5.7 0.10 (.224 .004) 8.1 0.15 (.319 .006) 9.1 (.358) 1.5 + 0.1/ -0 (.059 + .004/-0) 7.5 0.10 (.295 .004) 12.0 0.10 (.472 .004) 12.0 0.10 (.472 .004) 2.0 0.10 (.079 .004) 6.9 0.10 (.272 .004) 9.6 0.10 (.378 .004) 11.0 (.433) 1.5 + 0.1/ -0 (.059 + .004/-0) 7.5 0.10 (.295 .004) 1.75 0.10 (.069 .004) 14.25 (.561) 0.4 (.016) 1.75 0.10 (.069 .004) 14.25 (.561) 0.4 (.016) N min. 0.1 (.004) 3.4 0.15 (.134 .006) 390 (15.35) 160 (6.30) 360 (14.17) 50 (1.97) 0.1 (.004) 3.5 0.15 (.138 .006) 390 (15.35) 160 (6.30) 360 (14.17) 50 (1.97) W1 16.4 + 2.0/ -0 (.65 + .079/-0) 16.4 + 2.0/ -0 (.65 + .079/-0) 22.4 (.882) 22.4 (.882) Tape Dimension Identifiers P1 P2 A0 B0 B1 max. D0 F E1 E2 min. T max. T1 max. K0 Leader min. Trailer min. Reel Dimension Identifiers A max. W2 max. MM DIMENSIONS = (INCHES) P0 T D0 P2 E1 W2(MEASURED AT HUB) COVER TAPE F E2 W B1 A N(HUB DIA.) B0 K0 T1 P1 A0 W1(MEASURED AT HUB) Specifications are subject to change without notice. 62 MF-MSMD, MF-USMD & MF-ESMD Series Tape and Reel Specs MF-MSMD Series per EIA-481-1 MF-USMD Series per EIA 481-1 W 12 0.3 (.472 .012) 8 0.3 (.040 .012) 8 0.3 (.040 .012) P0 4.0 0.10 (.157 .004) 4.0 0.10 (.157 .004) 4.0 0.10 (.157 .004) 8.0 0.10 (.315 .004) 2.0 0.05 (.079 .039) 3.5 0.23 (.134 .009) 5.1 0.15 (.201 .006) 5.9 (.232) 1.5 + 0.1/ -0 (.059 + .004/-0) 5.5 0.05 (2.165 .002) 1.75 0.10 (.069 .004) 4.0 0.10 (.157 .004) 2.0 0.05 (.079 .039) 2.8 0.1 (.110 .004) 3.5 0.1 (.138 .004) 4.35 (.171) 1.5 + 0.1/ -0 (.059 + .004/-0) 3.5 0.05 (.138 .002) 1.75 0.10 (.069 .004) 4.0 0.10 (.157 .004) 2.0 0.05 (.079 .039) 2.8 0.1 (.110 .004) 3.5 0.1 (.138 .004) 4.35 (.171) 1.5 + 0.1/ -0 (.059 + .004/-0) 3.5 0.05 (.138 .002) 1.75 0.10 (.069 .004) 10.25 (.404) 0.6 (.024) 0.1 (.004) 6.25 (.246) 0.6 (.024) 0.1 (.004) 6.25 (.246) 0.6 (.024) 0.1 (.004) 0.9 0.15 (.035 .006) 390 (15.35) 160 (6.30) 1.1 0.05 (.043 .002) 390 (15.35) 160 (6.30) 0.8 0.1 (.031 .004) 390 (15.35) 160 (6.30) 185 (7.283) 50 (1.97) 185 (7.283) 50 (1.97) 185 (7.283) 50 (1.97) 12.4 + 2.0/ -0 (.488 + .075/-0) 18.4 (.724) 8.4 + 1.5/ -0 (.331 + .059/-0) 14.4 (.567) 8.4 + 1.5/ -0 (.331 + .059/-0) 14.4 (.567) Tape Dimension Identifiers P1 P2 A0 B0 B1 max. D0 F E1 E2 min. T max. T1 max. K0 Leader min. Trailer min. MF-ESMD Series per EIA 481-1 Reel Dimension Identifiers A max. N min. W1 W2 max. DIMENSIONS = MM (INCHES) P0 T D0 P2 E1 W2(MEASURED AT HUB) COVER TAPE F E2 W B1 A N(HUB DIA.) B0 K0 T1 P1 A0 W1(MEASURED AT HUB) Specifications are subject to change without notice. 63 MF-SM013/250 Series Tape and Reel Specifications Taped Component Dimensions 4.0 0.1 (.157 .004) 2.0 0.1 (.079 .004) 1.5 0.1 (.059 .004) 0A 1.5 (.059) 013 MIN. 0A 9.6 0.1 (.378 .004) 013 16.0 0.3 (630 .012) 0.3 0.1 (.079 .004) 1.75 0.1 (.069 .004) 7.5 0.1 (.295 .004) 3.8 0.1 (.150 .004) 10.1 MAX. (.398) 14.25 MIN. (.561) 6.90 0.1 (.272 .004) 0.1 MAX. (.272) 12.0 0.1 (.472 .004) Reel Dimensions 360 MAX. (14.173) 24.4 +2.0/-0.0 (.961 +.079/-0.0.) 30.4 MAX. (1.197) Specifications are subject to change without notice. 64 MF-S, MF-LS, MF-LR and MF-VS Series Tape and Reel Specifications Taped Component Dimensions 48.0 0.3 (1.90 .012) 12.0 0.1 (.472 .004) 4.0 0.1 (.157 .004) 1.0 + 0.1/ -0 (.039 + .004/-0) 0.2 MAX. (.008) DIA. 5.56 0.10 (.219 .004) 2.0 (.079) RADIUS 8.0 0.2 (.315 .008) PASTEBOARD HOLD 4.0 0.2 (.157 .008) PASTEBOARD HOLD Reel Dimensions 13.0 (.512) DIA. 330 (13.0) Specifications are subject to change without notice. 65 MF-AAA Series Tape and Reel Specifications Taped Component Dimensions 10.0 0.1 (.394 .004) 0.4 (.016) MAX. 1.5 0.1 (.060 .004) 16.0 0.1 (.630 .004) 2.0 0.1 (.079 .004) 4.0 0.1 (.157 .004) 12.4 REF. (.504) ......................................................................................... 24.0 (.945) MAX. 18.8 (.740) MAX. 17.4 0.1 (.700 .004) ... ... .................................................................................................. 2.0 MAX. (.079) 0.1 (.004) MAX. 1.5 0.1 (.060 .004) 5.3 0.1 (.452 .004) 11.5 0.1 (.453 .004) Reel Dimensions 60 (2.362) MIN. 360 (14.173) MAX. 24.4 +2.0/-0.0 (.961 +.079/-0) 30.4 MAX. (1.197) Specifications are subject to change without notice. 66