Single-Wall Polyolefin Tubing
FP-301 –55°C 212°F 2:1 3/64" 900 1015 2400 400 5 1.3 Self-Extinguish meets Non-Corrosive Good 3 Good Exc. Exc. MIL-DTL-23053/5, Class 1, 2;
to 100°C to UL 224 All-Tubing AMS-3636 & 3637; UL File
+135°C 4" Flame Test (except clear) E-39100; CSA LR38227; ABS
FP-301VW –55°C 212°F 2:1 3/64" 900 1015 2400 400 +1, –10 1.5 Self-Extinguish meets Non-Corrosive Good 3 Good Exc. Exc. MIL-DTL-23053/5, Class 3;
to 100°C to UL 224 VW-1 Test UL File E-39100, VW-1;
+135°C 4" CSA LR38227, OFT
VFP-876 –55°C 212°F 2:1 3/64" 800 1014 2100 450 5 1.3 Self-Extinguish meets Non-Corrosive Good 2 Good Exc. Exc. MIL-R-46846, Type V;
to 100°C to UL 224 All-Tubing UL File E-39100; CSA LR38227,
+135°C 2" Flame Test MIL-DTL-23053/5
SFTW-203 –55°C 212°F 3:1 1/16" 700 1015 2600 400 5 1.29 Self-Extinguish Non-Corrosive Good 3 Good Good Exc. MIL-DTL-23053/5*, Class 1;
to 100°C to UL File E-48398; CSA LR38227
+135°C 1 1/2"
SFTW-202 –55°C 212°F 2:1 1/8" 700 1014 2600 400 5 1.29 Self-Extinguish Non-Corrosive Good 3 Good Good Exc. MIL-DTL-23053/5, Class 1;
GYS to 100°C to UL File E-48398; CSA LR38227
+135°C 3/4"
CP-221 –55°C 250°F 2:1 3/64" 550 1014 1800 400 5 1.1 Self-Extinguish Non-Corrosive Good 4 Good Good Exc.
to 121°C to
+125°C 2"
Adhesive-Lined, Polyolefin Tubing
MW –55°C 275°F 2.5:1 1/8" 900 1015 2200 400 +1, –10 1.0 Non-Flame Retardant Non-Corrosive Good 7 Good Good Exc. MIL-DTL-23053/4, Class 1;
to 135°C to AMS-3634; UL File E-157227
+110°C 1"
EPS-200 –55°C 250°F 2:1 1/8" 800 1014 2100 450 +1, –5 1.3 Self-Extinguish meets Non-Corrosive Good 3 Good Good Exc. MIL-DTL-23053/4, Class 2;
to 121°C to UL 224 All-Tubing UL File E-39100
+110°C 2" Flame Test (jacket)
EPS-300 –55°C 250°F 3:1 1/8" 700 1014 2100 450 +1, –15 1.3 Self-Extinguish meets Non-Corrosive Good 3 Good Good Exc. MIL-DTL-23053/4, Class 3;
to 121°C to UL 224 All-Tubing UL File E-157227; ABS
+110°C 1-1/2" Flame Test (jacket)
EPS-400 –55°C 250°F 4:1 .300" 700 1014 1900 400 +1, –10 1.25 Self-Extinguish Non-Corrosive Good 7 Good Good Exc. UL File E-157227
to 121°C to
+110°C .700"
TMW –55°C 275°F .183" 900 1014 2500 400 +1, –10 1.0 Non-Flame Retardant Non-Corrosive Good 7 Good Good Exc. UL File E-157227
to 135°C to
+110°C .330"
TES –55°C 250°F 4:1 .220" 2450 450 +0, -10 0.97 TES Non-Flame Retardant Non-Corrosive Good TES 5 Good Good Exc. ESB-M99D56-Ford
SMS to 121°C 4:1 to 500 1014 1900 350 +0, -10 1.25 SMS Self-Extinguish Non-Corrosive Good SMS 3 Good Good Exc. MS-DB56-Chrysler
+110°C .700"
Special Purpose Tubing
KYNAR® –55°C 347°F 2:1 3/64" 900 1014 5500 350 +1, –10 1.7 Self-Extinguish meets Non-Corrosive Exc. 10 Exc. Exc. Exc. MIL-DTL-23053/18, Class 1; MIL-DTL-
to 175°C to UL 224 VW-1 Test 23053/8; AMS-3632; UL File E-39100,
+175°C 2" VW-1, E69751;CSA LR38227 OFT
NST –70°C 275°F 2:1 1/8" 800 1012 2100 500 +1, –10 1.3 Self-Extinguish Non-Corrosive Exc. 1 Exc. Good Exc. MIL-R-46846, Type I, Class 1;
to 135°C to MIL-DTL-23053/1, Class 1, 2;
+121°C 3" AMS-3623, SC-X-15112
VTN-200 –55°C 347°F 2:1 1/8" 500 1012 2400 450 +1, –10 1.7 Self-Extinguish Non-Corrosive Exc. 4 Exc. Exc. Exc. MIL-R-46846, Type III, Class 1;
to 175°C to MIL-DTL-23053/13
+200°C 2"
PSTH –55°C 338°F 2:1 3/16" 500 1014 2200 350 +2, –8 1.6 Self-Extinguish Non-Corrosive Exc. 4 Exc. Exc. Exc. SC-X15111C; meets the functional
to 170°C to requirements of MIL-DTL-23053/16
+150°C 2 1/2"
Heavy-Duty Tubing
MDT –55°C 250°F 3:1 .400" 500 1014 2400 475 +1, –10 1.28 Self-Extinguish Non-Corrosive Good 8 Good Good Exc. MIL-DTL-23053/15, Class 2; ABS
to 121°C to
+110°C 4.30"
HDT –55°C 250°F 3:1 .300" 500 1014 2400 475 +1, –10 1.28 Self-Extinguish Non-Corrosive Good 9 Good Good Exc. MIL-DTL-23053/15, Class 1; ABS
to 121°C to
+110°C 7.00"
CCT –55°C 250°F 3:1 .400" 500 1014 2000 400 +1, –10 1.30 Self-Extinguish Non-Corrosive Good 8 Good Good Exc.
to 121°C to
+110°C 3.00"
BBI –55°C 250°F 2.38" 550 1013 2200 575 +0, –10 1.20 Self-Extinguish Non-Corrosive Good 8 Good Good Exc. ASTM-D-257, 149, 150, 2303; IEC 216;
to 121°C to ANSI/IEEE Std C37.20
+110°C 10.28"
3M™ Heat Shrink Tubing Selection Guide
Flexible Polyolefin General purpose flame retardant insulation
for UL, CSA and MIL-DTL-23053/5 applications; cable and compo-
nent covering. Class 1 = opaque colors; Class 2 = clear.
Highly Flame-Retardant, Flexible Polyolefin Insulation
applications, flame-retardant applications requiring UL VW-1
and CSA OFT, fire-resistant wiring.
Very Flexible Polyolefin Terminal insulation, low
shrink-temperature applications.
Very Flexible Polyolefin Shrink-fit jacketing and insulation
of flexible wire bundles and temperature-sensitive components.
Green and Yellow Striped, 2:1 very flexible polyolefin,
primarily used for ground wire identification.
Commercial Grade Polyolefin Terminal strip wire markers
and general purpose insulation.
Multiple Wall Polyolefin Insulation, strain relief and sealing
of electrical connections, wire splices and components.
Environmental Protection Sleeve Insulation, strain relief
and environmental protection of electrical wire bundles
and components.
Environmental Protection Sleeve Insulation, strain relief
and environmental protection for automotive and marine
wire bundles and splices.
Environmental Protection Sleeve Insulation, strain relief
and environmental protection for sealing voids in multiple
wire bundles for automotive and marine applications.
Semi-Rigid Multiple Wall Terminal Protection Sleeve
Insulation, strain relief and environmental protection. Uses
include the manufacture of heat shrink butt connectors,
ring terminals and fork terminals.
All-Weather, Heat-Shrinkable, Dual Wall, Polyolefin Tubing for
Automotive Wire Harnesses
Polyvinylidene Fluoride Heat-resistant transparent insulation
and marking for electronic and appliance applications.
Modified Neoprene Insulation and abrasion resistant covering
of wiring and cable harnesses. Oil resistant coverings.
Fluoroelastomer Synthetic fuel and hydraulic oil resistant applica-
tions, high-temperature coverings.
Flexible Elastomeric Polyester Designed for harsh
operating conditions.
Medium-Duty Excellent abrasion, corrosion and environmental pro-
tection. Flame retardant.
Heavy-Duty Fabricated from specially formulated cross-linked poly-
olefin, assuring long-term environmental protection. Highly chemical,
abrasion and split resistant.
Adhesive-lined, 3:1 flexible polyolefin for sealing and insulating
CATV connections.
Bus Bar Tubing, Designed for insulating rectangular, square,
or round bus bar rated 5 kV through 35 kV.
CHANGE (+ %)
(See Note below)
Technical information provided consists of typical product data and
should not be used for specification purposes. Unless otherwise noted,
all tests are performed at room temperature.
Kynar® Elf Atochem North America, Inc.