TX Y $ core IXYS' MOSIGBT combines the best characteristics of Power MOSFET and bipolar devices on a single mono- lithic chip. The MOS gated input allows the MOSIGBT to be voltage driven like a MOSFET The complexity and cost of the drive circuitry is greatly reduced. Since the MOSIGBT uses minority carrier injection to improve current density, its turn-off behavior is a combination of MOSFET and bipolar characteristics. Although turn-off time is slower than MOSFETs; MOSIGBTs have much faster turn-off time than bipolar darlingtons of similar rating. On the other hand, the bipolar output charac- teristics yield ten times improved. current handling and on-state voltage Grop (Veesay) Which significantly reduces conduction losses when com- pared to an equivalent size MOSFET. IXYS family of discrete MOSIGBTs extend from 10 to 40 amps (rated at Tc=90C) and are available in stan- dard low cost TO-220, TO-247 and TQ-204 packages. High Peak Current At 1000 Velts IXYS has significantly advanced the basic IGBT structure beyond what was previously available from compe- titors. Due to the combination of IXYS' proprietary HDMOS process and our unique ballasted gate cell struc- ture, we now guarantee a peak current. rating which is four times the 90C continuous rating. The device performs reliably in the most demanding industrial, commercial and military applications. The high current switching capa- bility of MOSIGBTs extends to 1000 volts covering a broad range of line voltages. No other device now offers the MOSIGBTs' combination of low conduction losses, high peak current, and fast switching. bbeeb 0000577 4 Ba T-ANY New Isolated Packages The IXYS MOSIGBTs is currently available in standard TO-220, TO-20 and TO-247 non-isolated packages. In applications which need a rug- gedized isolated package, IXYS sup- plies its 40 amp MOSIGBT with a re Device: IXGM40N50A Conditions: 1,=125C Rg=110 |= 10 A/Div V=50 VWDiv T = 100 ns/Div Zero Current Be Fy TT Ee Te PTL waite ee ee + ee eee Superior Eificiency At 20 kHz The MOSIGBT is a superior alter- native for higher power inverter appli- cations requiring switching frequencies above the audible range. The turn- off current fall time is typically under 300ns at elevated temperature. Because they switch to 50kHz, the designer has more alternatives to optimize a system design for size, weight and efficiency. The low on-state voltage drop Versar) of the MOSIGBTis typically 2.5 volts. With a reduced temperature coefii- cient of less than 10% from 25C to 150C junction temperature, a MOSIGBT further improves system efficiency by reducing conduction losses, 26 complementary fast recovery rectifier in the TO-238 package. With rugged screw-on terminals, all copper isolated base plate, and low-inductance internal construction meeting U/L requirements, it is an excellent cost- effective alternative for motor drives, UPS systems, and similar industrial and commercial applications.IX S$ CORP 18E D MM 4b4b22b 0000578 O mM 7-39-/3 Power MOSIGBTs Emitter Collector Current [Collector) Emitter | Fall Diss. Part Voltage Tc=25 C | Tc=90C | Current |Sat. Volt.| Time Number VcEs lexcont) tc(cont) tom | Voeveaty tt Po Max (Volts) (Amps) (Amps)" | (Amps) | (Volts) | (nS) | (Watts) IXGP10N100 1000 20 io. 40 27 3000 100 TO-220 IXGP10N100A 1000 20 10 40 3.5 1000 100 IXGP10N90 900 20 10 40 2.7 | 3000 100 IXGP10N90A 900 20 10 40 3.5 1000 100 IXGP10N80 800 20 10 40 2.7 | 3000 100 IXGP10N80A 800 20 10 40 | 35 | 1000 | 100 IXGP10N60 600 20 10 40 2.5 | 2000 100 IXGPION60A 600 20 10 40 3.0 600 100 IXGP10N50 500 20 10 40 2.5 | 2000 100 IXGP10N50A 500 20 10 40 3.0 600 100 IXGH25N100 1000 50 25 100 2.7 | 4000 200 10-247 IXGH25N100A 71000 50 . 625 100 3.5 1500 200 IXXGH20N100 1000 40 20 70 2.7 | 3000 150 IXGH20N100A 1000 40 20 70 3.5 1000 150 IXGH25N90 900 50 25 100 2.7 | 4000 200 IXGH25N90A 900 50 25 100 3.5 1500 200 IXGH20N90 900 40 20 70 2.7 | 3000 150 IXGH20N90A 900 40 20 70 3.5 1000 150 IXGH25N80 800 50 25 100 2.7 | 4000 200 IXGH25N80A 800 50 25 100 3.5 || 1500 200 IXGH20N80 800 40 20 70 2.7 | 3000 150 IXGH20N80A 800 40 20 70 3.5 1000 150 IXGH40N60 600 75 40 150 2.7 3000 250 IXGH40N60A 600 75 40 150 3.2 800 250 IXGHS0N60 600 50 30 100 2.5 3000 200 IXGHS0N60A 600 50 30 100 3.0 800 200 IXGH20N60 600 40 20 70 2.5 | 2000 150 IXGH20N60A 600 40 20 70 3.0 600 150 IXGH40N50 500 75 40 150 2.7 | 3000 250 IXGH40N50A 500 75 40 150 3.2 800 250 IXGH30N50 500 50 30 100 2.5 3000 200 IXGH30N50A 500 50 30 100 3.0 800 200 IXGH20N50 500 40 20 70 2.6 | 2000 150 IXGH20N50A 500 40 20 70 3.0 600 150 27IX Y S CORP L8E D MM 4b4be2b 00005795 2 mm Power MOSIGBTs writ Collector- T Continuous i [c ee ollector| Current| Power] Notes " Case Style Emitter Collector Emitter} Fall Diss. Part Voltage Tc=25C | Te=90C | Current|Sat. Volt.) Time Number Vces leccont) Icfeont) om =| VoE(eat tr Pc Max (Volts) (Amps) (Amps) | (Amps) | (Volts) (nS) | (Watts) IXGN50N100 1000 50 --- 100 3.7 1000 250 1 N - Package IXGN75N60 600 75 a 150 3.2 800 250 1 IXGNSON60 600 50 cas 100 3.2 800 250 1 IXGN75N50 500 75 _ 150 3.2 800 250 1 IXGN50N50 500 50 os 100 3.2 800 250 1 IXGM25N100A 1000 50 25 100 3.5 1000 200 TO-204 (TO-3) IXGM20N100A 1000 40 20 70 3.5 1000 150 IXGMION100A 1000 20 10 40 3.5 1000 100 IXGM25N90A 900 50 25 100 3.5 1000 200 IXGM20N90A 900 40 20 70 3.5 1900 150 IXGM10NQ90A 900 20 10 40 3.5 1000 100 IXGM25N80A 800 50 25 100 3.5 1000 200 IXGM20N80A 800 40 20 70 3.5 1000 150 IXGMTON80A 800 20 10 40 3.5 1000 100 IXGM40N60A 600 60 40 150 3.2 800 250 IXGMS0NG0A 600 50 30 100 3.0 800 200 IXGM20N60A 600 40 20 70 3.0 600 150 IXGMION60A 600 20 10 40 3.0 600 100 IXGM40N50A 500 60 40 150 3.2 800 250 IXGMS0N50A 500 50 30 100 3.0 800 200 IXGM20N50A 500 40 20 70 3.0 600 150 IXGM10N50A 500 20 10 40 3.0 600 100 IXGS30N100 1000 30 17 72 3.5 | 1000 125 TO-210AC (TO-61) IXGS30N90 900 30 17 72 3,5 1000 125 IXGS30N80 800 30 17 72 3.5 1000 125 IXGS30N60 600 30 20 84 3.0 600 125 IXGS30N50 500 30 20 84 3.0 600 125 IXGZ75N100 1000 75 35 140 3.7 1000 250 1 IXGZ50N100 1000 50 25 100 3.5 1000 200 1 {XGZ75N90 900 75 35 140 3.7 1000 250 1 IXGZSON90 900 50 25 100 3.5 1000 200 1 IXGZ75N80 800 75 35 140 3.7 1000 250 1 IXGZ50N80 800 50 25 100 3.5 1000 200 1 IXGZ75N60 600 75 40 150 3.2 800 250 1 IXGZ50N60 600 50 30 100 3.0 800 200 1 IXGZ75N50 500 75 40 150 3.2 800 250 1 IXGZ50N50 500 50 30 100 3.0 800 200 1 Notes: 1, Available 4Q89 28 iIX S CORP L8E D MM 4b4beeb 0000587 1 mm [DETAILED PACKAGE OUTLINES TO-220 AB CONFORMS TO OUTLINE TO-220 (IR H-7) Dimensions in Millimeters (Inches) 457 (0,180) TZ ON) I 1.32 {0,052 L 10.54 (0.415) _,} 981 (0, tatoo ao 10.2 (0 400) Nd BRAIN ir OT 42.70 10,500 HRN ' | (0s . g.elogen I 1 GATE 2CURRENTSENSE [1 2 9 4 5 TT 3 OARAIN : 4 KELVIN SOURCE 5~ SOURCE 14.81 (0.575) ti (0.020) | | | 0.98 {.015) 0.81 (0 32 297 (0.117)_,] atta) | | 196 (0.07) pt rd =p TO-247 (3 LEADED) TO-247 (5 LEADED) ie po r 12345 in ML Dim. aittimeter Me ox. _| Fe alllex A_ 47 63 185 209 Jt ihe re 4 =| fF C45 ~~ 60178236 Ie + +--+ L Dim. Minimeter inches a L O 107 214 776 843 Min, Max. Min. Max. Pel. GATE F653 ~61 209.240 A 47 53.185 _~.209 @. SOURCE G_153 169 602.625 PIN 1. GATE C45 ~=60 178 ~.236 H_ 37 43 146.169 2 MIRROR D197 214.776 ~843 J 195 24.077 __.094 A KELVIN F563 61 209.240 207 34117 _.134 " G 153169 602_625 K 10 44040058 Kit 13043 05T LL 54 55213217 L251 256 099.101 M199 20.2 783.795 M199 202 783.795 N22) 26 087 _~102 N22 26 087 102 Q 0408016 .031 Q 04 08 016 031 A 293314 29 R29 33.114 129 36IX Y S$ CORP LOE D MM 4bSbeeb 0000584 TO-238 Dimensions in Millimeters 31,5 118 12,2 au? 89 9,1 7.8 8.2 @ 4,1 f~ @as 7) = 4min >} TY TY D | O75 ola |< PR ts E - oes alvale 2 -- cy by [4 min ii KL) WY ' S V Lis | 8 73 Hee \ screw M4 H100 149 isi 5,5 min [x] 30,) Bu } C Z [| 36,2 Y-4 . Y-3 Dimensions in Millimeters Dimensions in Millimeters 67: M5 rs irs 2 ' i 4 4 9 1 1 | i WN + | eat ri {ty t try Vio t I it ae ca, 0,2 26,5 ee L- 37IX Y S$ CORP L6E D MM 4646226 Oo00s5a9 5S a 7-W/2IO TO-220 HERMETIC TO-204 AE 4 e_. 420 __,, . ' A je 219 B a O31 1 203 a { | 145, ce | tL as at ia] eb H K ~] fe- 0 | TE e- F _----e 420 | iog? Qa Dim, _ Millimeter inches Wie Min, Max. Min. Max. ; 3S L A 3037 = ~+1.85 B 1971 776 600 u C762 10.16 300.400 inn PIN. GATE D147 +157 058.062 2. SOUACE E 1.62 3.43 060 135 GASE~ DRAIN F 30.15 BSC 1.187 BSC G 1067 11.18 420.440 on j__* H 593 610 210.240 O25 ollfe-Ls2g0 1 J 1668 17.12 657 674 a8 K 11.20 11.98 441 472 e928 i Q 386 411 152 162 R__2484 2527 978 995 TO-204 AA TO-254 HERMETIC a ______ } tL G a | 150 . 52 ALLOY/ o COPPER COneD (3),090 | GLASS (3) FE DIA. HOLE ry wr RS. a | Dim. Millimeter Inches te wie : Mio, Max. Min. Max. 535 | 2 A 3097. 155 mst of sf 065 MAD. u 8 71 @6 copren | j 1186 DIA. C635 889 250 .350 | | PIN. GATE D097 +109. 038.048 Ons 2,SQURCE E - 949 136 OAS AIMS mol Lon 270 Lo F 40.15 @SC 1.187 BSC 1250 . G 1067 11.18 420 .440 hs H 5.33 610.210 240 535 J 1668 17.12 657 674 K 1120 11.98 441.472 Q 386 411 .152 .1e2 R_ 2484 2547 978 1.00 38I X Y S CORP L8E D MM 4bab22b 0000590 1 mm 7-9/7) CONFORMS TO JEDEC OUTLINE TO-210AC (TO-61) QUADPAC Dimensions in Millimeters (Inches) 5 x 0.125=0.625 ie (NoH-AccuM) 7 + tr #040 0.250 VAN, i TERMINALS 1. SOURCE ans SEATING _-*1 2. GATE PLANE . 4. ISOLATED STUD XH 4 7 RO170 HSS loghes Malunaters loches Millimetecs Symbat} Min. Max { Min, Max. | Notes Symbotf Min. Max. | Min. Max. | Notes A [oa [oso } aze [ied 1 Reed [0875 | 1626 | 2223 1 Ay 0210 6.86} 2 em |o220 [oe | 559 | 6.32 | | | | | | eo fosia [agar | i549 fares | 2 NH | 0.422 | 0.455 | to.72 | 1156 0) {0.570 | aero | 184 | 1549 Ny 0090 229 TOLERANCES: ato & Jose? foss7 | issa | i745 gt fo0ss foorz | 1ig | 193 111.000 XIKE.O1 e Joo faa | aca ]iose] aty foods |oo7? | viz} ase] 4 pe 1,529 _____> X20. 03 0.25 ey fora [ozs] aa2] sar] 5 ew [02228] 02268] sset] S761] 3 F foosa joie} 229] dar} t NOTES 1, QIMENSION QOES NOT INCLUGE SEALING FLANGES. 2. PACKAGE CONTQUR OPTIONAL WITHIN GIMENSIONS SPECIFIEQ. 3. PITCH QIAMETER ~ THREAD 14 28 UNE 2A (COATEO). REFERENCE [SCREW THREAD STANDARDS FOR FEDERAL SERVICES - HANDBOOK H 28). 4 THIS TERMINAL GAN BE FLATTENED ANQ PIERCED QR HOOK TYPE. . POSITION OF LEAQS IN RELATION TO THE HEXAGON IS NOT CONTROLLED. Z-Pac >-o-o [ous sep 0200 [- XXKE.O1 + 9.080 eS OS RO.120 TYP. #0.160 TYP. 0.225 :) fo r~ 0.150 | 0.550 1) + , | cl ie OS WW 0.150 [4 mn | ' 0275 "0.225" 0.300 ; | Lt 60.065 4.30 0.175 39