LHF64FG8 10
1. Bus operations are defined in Table 5.
2. All addresses which are written at the first bus cycle should be the sam e as the addresses which are wri tten at the secon d
bus cycle.
X=Any valid address within the device.
PA=Address within the selected partition.
IA=Identifier codes address (See Table 3 and Table 4).
QA=Query codes address. Refer to Appendix of LH28F640BF series for details.r details .
BA=Address within the block being erased, set/cleared block lock bit or set block lock-down bit.
WA=Address of memory location for the Program command or the first address for the Page Buffer Program command.
OA=Address of OTP block to be read or programmed (See Figure 3).
PCRC=Partition configur ation register code presented on th e address A0-A15.
3. ID=Data read from identifier codes. (See Table 3 and Table 4).
QD=Data read from query database. Refer to Appendix of LH28F640BF series for details.
SRD=Data read from status register. See Table 10 for a description of the status register bit s .
WD=Data to be programmed at location WA. Data is latched on the rising edge of WE# or CE# (whichever
goes high first) during command write cycles.
OD=Data within OTP block. Data is latched on the rising edge of WE# or CE# (whichever goes high first)
during command write cycles.
N-1=N is the number of the words to be loaded into a page buffer.
4. Following the Read Identifier Codes/OTP command, read operations access manufacturer code, device code, block lock
configuration code, partition configuration register code and the data within OTP block (See Table 3 and Table 4).
The Read Query command is available for reading CFI (Common Flash Interface) information.
5. Block erase, full chip erase or (page buffer) program cannot be executed when the selected block is locked. Unlocked
block can be erased or programmed when RST# is VIH.
6. Either 40H or 10H are recognized by the CUI (Command User Interface) as the program setup.
7. Following the third bus cycle, input the program sequential address and write data of "N" times. Finally, input the any
valid address within the target block to be programmed and the confirm command (D0H). Refer to Appendix of
Ta ble 7. Command Definitio ns(11)
Command Bus
Req’d Notes First Bus Cycle Second Bus Cycle
Oper(1) Addr(2) Data Oper(1) Addr(2) Data(3)
Read Array 1 Write PA FFH
Read Identifier Codes/OTP ≥ 2 4 Write PA 90H Read IA or OA ID or OD
Read Query ≥ 2 4 Wr ite PA 98H Read QA QD
Read Status Register 2 Write PA 70H Read PA SRD
Clear Status Register 1 Write PA 50H
Block Erase 2 5 Write BA 20H Write BA D0H
Full Chip Erase 2 5,9 Write X 30H Write X D0H
Program 2 5,6 Write WA 40H o r
10H Write WA WD
Page Buffer Program ≥ 4 5,7 Write WA E8H Write WA N-1
Block Erase and (Page Buffer)
Program Suspend 1 8,9 Write PA B0H
Block Erase and (Page Buffer)
Program Resume 1 8,9 Write PA D0H
Set Block Lock Bit 2 Write BA 60H Write BA 01H
Clear Bloc k Loc k Bit 2 10 Write BA 60H Wri t e BA D0H
Set Block Lock-down Bit 2 Write BA 60H Write BA 2FH
OTP Program 2 9 Write OA C0H Write OA OD
Set Partition Configuration Register
2 Write PCRC 60H Write PCRC 04H
Rev. 2.45