CY7B993V, CY7B994V
Document #: 38-07127 Rev. *J Page 6 of 18
Block Diagram Description
Phase Frequency Detector and Filter
These two blocks accept signals from the REF inputs (REFA+,
REFA–, REFB+, or REFB–) and the FB inputs (FBKA+, FBKA–,
FBKB+, or FBKB–). Correction information is then generated to
control the frequency of the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO).
These two blocks, along with the VCO, form a PLL that tracks
the incoming REF signal.
The CY7B993V/994V have a flexible REF and FB input scheme.
These inputs allow the use of either differential LVPECL or
single-ended LVTTL inputs. To configure as single-ended LVTTL
inputs, the complementary pin must be left open (internally pulled
to 1.5V). The other input pin can then be used as an LVTTL input.
The REF inputs are also tolerant to hot insertion.
The REF inputs can be changed dynamically. When changing
from one reference input to the other of the same frequency, the
PLL is optimized to ensure that the clock output period is not less
than the calculated system budget (tMIN = tREF (nominal
reference clock period) – tCCJ (cycle-to-cycle jitter) – tPDEV (Max
period deviation)) while reacquiring the lock.
VCO, Control Logic, Divider, and Phase Generator
The VCO accepts analog control inputs from the PLL filter block.
The FS control pin setting determines the nominal operational
frequency range of the divide by one output (fNOM) of the device.
fNOM is directly related to the VCO frequency. There are two
versions: a low-speed device (CY7B993V) where fNOM ranges
from 12 MHz to 100 MHz, and a high-speed device (CY7B994V)
that ranges from 24 MHz to 200 MHz. The FS setting for each
device is shown in Ta b le 2 .
The fNOM frequency is seen on “divide-by-one” outputs. For the
CY7B994V, the upper fNOM range extends from 96 MHz to
200 MHz.
FBDS[0:1] Input 3-level
Feedback Divider Function Select. These inputs determine the function of the QFA0
and QFA1 outputs (see Ta b l e 5 ).
FBDIS Input LVTTL Feedback Disable. This input controls the state of QFA[0:1]. When HIGH, the QFA[0:1]
is disabled to the “HOLD-OFF” or “High Z” state; the disable state is determined by
OUTPUT_MODE. When LOW, the QFA[0:1] is enabled (see Ta b l e 6 ). This input has an
internal pull-down.
[1:4]F[0:1] Input 3-level
Output Phase Function Select. Each pair controls the phase function of the respective
bank of outputs (see Tab l e 4 ).
[1:4]DS[0:1] Input 3-level
Output Divider Function Select. Each pair controls the divider function of the respective
bank of outputs (see Tab l e 5 ).
DIS[1:4] Input LVTTL Output Disable. Each input controls the state of the respective output bank. When HIGH,
the output bank is disabled to the “HOLD-OFF” or “High Z” state; the disable state is
determined by OUTPUT_MODE. When LOW, the [1:4]Q[A:B][0:1] is enabled (see
Table 6). These inputs each have an internal pull-down.
INV3 Input 3-level
Invert Mode. This input only affects Bank 3. When this input is LOW, each matched output
pair becomes complementary (3QA0+, 3QA1–, 3QB0+, 3QB1–). When this input is HIGH,
all four outputs in the same bank are inverted. When this input is MID all four outputs are
non inverting.
LOCK Output LVTTL PLL Lock Indicator. When HIGH, this output indicates the internal PLL is locked to the
reference signal. When LOW, the PLL is attempting to acquire lock.
OUTPUT_MODE Input 3-Level
Output Mode. This pin determines the clock outputs’ disable state. When this input is
HIGH, the clock outputs disable to high impedance (High Z). When this input is LOW, the
clock outputs disable to “HOLD-OFF” mode. When in MID, the device enters factory test
QFA[0:1] Output LVTTL Clock Feedback Output. This pair of clock outputs is intended to be connected to the
FB input. These outputs have numerous divide options and three choices of phase adjust-
ments. The function is determined by the setting of the FBDS[0:1] pins and FBF0.
[1:4]Q[A:B][0:1] Output LVTTL Clock Output. These outputs provide numerous divide and phase select functions deter-
mined by the [1:4]DS[0:1] and [1:4]F[0:1] inputs.
VCCN PWR Output Buffer Power. Power supply for each output pair.
VCCQ PWR Internal Power. Power supply for the internal circuitry.
GND PWR Device Ground.
Table 1. Pin Definition (continued)[1]
Pin Name I/O Pin Type Pin Description
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