^ f Sutput Q Velay three4stage/M3 LS3 P0 M R RTR open collector quintuple output GHI Iynamic S TRT open collector quintuple output GHI Iynamic T RTR open collector quintuple output TZ transmission output /IH;4<7mF0 TZ transmission output TRT open collector quintuple output /IH;4<7mF0 U Tower supply Wize Iigit Ntem Xhank you very much for selecting Futonics products5 c.1 8.41 2v{z38L /+zv2z 1zvy 3}z {.++.6~-| wz{.1z 42~-|N < v43~.- {.1 8.41 2v{z38 -Tlease keep these instructions and review them before using this unit5 -Tlease observe the cautions that followB H H qv1-~-| Werious injury may result if instructions are not followed5 v43~.- Troduct may be damaged3 or injury may result if instructions are not followed5 -Xhe following is an explanation of the symbols used in the operation manual5 H cautionANnjury or danger may occur under special conditions5 H qv1-~-| QN e- xv2z .{ 42~-| 3}~2 4-~3 6~3} ,vx}~-z1~z2Ih4x+zv1 /.6z1 x.-31.+L ,zy~xv+ z04~/,z-3L 5z}~x+zL 31v~-L v~1/+v-zL x.,w423~.v//v1v342L z-3z13v~-,z-3 .1 2v{z38 yz5~xz z3xJL ~3 1z04~1z2 ~-23v++~-| {v~+M2v{z yz5~xzL .1 x.-3vx3 42 {.1 ~-{.1,v3~.- .- 38/z 1z04~1zyN Nt may result in serious damage3 fire or human injury5 RN e3 ,423 wz ,.4-3zy .- /v-z+N Nt may give an electric shock5 SN a. -.3 1z/v~1 .1 x}zx* 4/ 6}z- /.6z1 .-N Nt may give an electric shock5 TN a. -.3 y~2v22z,w+z v-y ,.y~{8 3}~2 4-~3L 6}z- ~3 1z04~1z2N e{ -zzy2L /+zv2z x.-3vx3 42N Nt may give an electric shock and cause a fire5 UN j+zv2z x}zx* 3}z -4,wz1 .{ 3z1,~-v+ 6}z- x.--zx3 /.6z1 +~-z .1 ,zv241~-| ~-/43N Nt may cause a fire5 H v43~.- QN n}~2 4-~3 2}v++ -.3 wz 42zy .43y..12N Nt might shorten the life cycle of the product or give an electric shock5 RN q}z- 6~1z x.--zx3~.- {.1 /.6z1 ~-/43 v-y ,zv241~-| ~-/43L 3}z 3~|}3z-~-| 231z-|3} {.1 2x1z6 w.+3 .- 3z1,~-v+ w+.x* 2}.4+y wz .5z1 3}v- PNWTh , 9 PNYPh ,N Nt may result in malfunction or fire due to contact failure5 SN j+zv2z .w2z15z 2/zx~{~xv3~.- 1v3~-|N Nt might shorten the life cycle of the product and cause a fire5 TN a. -.3 42z 3}z +.vy wz8.-y 1v3zy 26~3x}~-| xv/vx~38 .{ lz+v8 x.-3vx3N Nt may cause insulation failure3 contact melt3 contact failure3 relay broken3 fire etc5 UN e- x+zv-~-| 3}z 4-~3L y. -.3 42z 6v3z1 .1 v- .~+Mwv2zy yz3z1|z-3N Nt might cause an electric shock or fire that will result in damage to this product5 VN a. -.3 42z 3}~2 4-~3 v3 /+vxz 6}z1z 3}z1z v1z {+v,,vw+z .1 z7/+.2~5z |v2L }4,~y~38L y~1zx3 1v8 3}z 24-L 1vy~v-3 }zv3L 5~w1v3~.-L ~,/vx3 z3xN Nt may cause a fire or explosion5 WN a. -.3 ~-{+.6 y423 .1 6~1z y1z|2 ~-3. ~-2~yz .{ 3}~2 4-~3N Nt may cause a fire or mechanical trouble5 XN j+zv2z x.--zx3 /1./z1+8 v{3z1 x}zx*~-| 3}z /.+v1~38 .{ ,zv241~-| 3z1,~-v+2N Nt may cause a fire or explosion5 :n}z vw.5z 2/zx~{~xv3~.- v1z x}v-|zvw+z 6~3}.43 -.3~xz v-83~,zN V RTR open collector quintuple output Pow speed serial output W TRT open collector quintuple output Pow speed serial output X RTR open collector quintuple output VW;?< communication Y TRT open collector quintuple output VW;?< communication T 877|9;7ZFH <76=7Mz q INR [@= ~ M;?mm U @@@@@/< Iigit0 87= @= GTanel cut4out t.--zx3.1 38/zu 8875; Qin5 88= Qin5 <9 Hharacter size Qax5 indication [> ~ M8;mm Nnput frequency Nnput level Qeasuring range Qeasuring accuracy /9: }<,0 Iisplay accuracy Speration mode Trescale function Mysteresis Sther functions Xriple6Uuintuple relay Qain RTR open collector output quintuple output TRT open collector quintuple output Mirose connctorA MNK:GF487TF495<;V /Xhere is no connector in indicator50 Velay life cycle Glack Glack Q R _Zoltage input MighA;5<49;ZIH3 PowA748ZIH3 _Ro4voltage input Vesidual voltageAQax5 8Z NQode K83 K93 K>3 K?3 K@3 K87 A 75777<Mz to <7kMz NQode K: A 7579s to :3977s NQode K;3 K<3 K= A 7578s to :3977s NQode K883 K893 K8: A 7 to ; ~87 @ Hount NQode K83 K93 K>3 K?3 K@3 K87 A K5W5 }757<. rdg }8Iigit NQode K:3 K;3 K<3 K= A K5W5 }7578. rdg }8Iigit NRF NRG 757< 6 75< 6 8 6 9 6 ; 6 ?sec5/Xhe same as update output cycle0 Rumber of revolution6Wpeed6Krequency/K803 Tassing speed/K903 Hycle/K:03 Tassing time/K;03 Xime width/K<03 Xime difference /K=03 Fbsolute rate/K>03 Jrror ratio/K?03 Iensity/K@03 Jrror/K8703 Pength measurement/K8803 Nnterval/K8903 Nntegration/K8:0 Iirect input method/757778~874@ to @5@@@@~87 @ 0 @@@@ -8 7 to NPock setting function NQonitoring delay function NFuto4^ero time setting function NXime unit selection function NHurrent output range selection/Hurrent output type only0 NHomparative output function/MM3 M3 LS3 P3 PP0 NIeviation memory function/K output mode applied only0 NTeak value monitoring value NVemote6Pocal switching function/Hommunication output type only0 NIata Gank switching function NQemory protection function/Qode K8: applied only0 9<7ZFH :F resistive load :a 8949;ZIH :7mF Qax5 Qin5 877Q</at <77ZIH megger0 between terminal and case Qechanical Qalfunction Qechanical Jlectrical 877m6sE/Fpprox5 87L0 : times at \3 ]3 ^ direction Qin5 8737773777 operations Qin5 8773777 times at 9<7ZFH :F/resistive load0 Fmbient temperature Jnvironment Fmbient humidity Ynit weight QV QX RP R -TSP HPSHO PFXHM HSQ9 IFXF 7Z U Y W QQ QS QU QW MM T PP M P HSQ8 Q QY V LS U S Ghjh Ojhj ./z- x.++zx3.1 .43/43 K lmTXU x.,,4-~xv3~.- .43/43 tgjUqMTXOgjUqMTYu MM T V LS PP M P QFNR SYX /TRT STJR HSPPJHXSV0 8949;ZIH Qax5 97mF X QP QR QT QV QX RP 29;ZIH G/40 :7mF Qax5 R MM T V LS PP 487 to <7,3 Wtorage temperatureA 497 to =7, Fpprox5 9:7g U 7Z W M P 7Z 289Z ?7mF HSRXFHX SYXA9<7ZFH :F 8a VJWNWXNZJ PSFI HSRXFHX SYXA9<7ZFH :F 8a VJWNWXNZJ PSFI MM M LS P QT PP QQ QP QU QR M HSQ QS QT QU T V PP M P HSQ8 S Q X QP 29;ZIH G :7mF Qax5 U QR I QT I8 QV I: QX RP ISX HSQ9 GHI SYX /RTR STJR HSPPJHXSV0 8949;ZIH Qax5 97mF -8 7Z F H I7 I9 I; TSP W Y QQ QS QU QW QY R T V MM LS PP M P HSQ8 Q U S GhjhOjhj ./z- x.++zx3.1 .43/43 K jp 31v-2,~22~.-ITMRP,^aJ .43/43tgjUqMTTOgjUqMTUu QFNR SYX /RTR STJR HSPPJHXSV0 8949;ZIH Qax5 97mF MM T LS V X M HSQ Q P S QP QR W S U QT 2 QV QX RP T V PP M P HSQ 4 Y R MM LS QQ QS QU QW QY Q S SR SKK 1X A 8cycle of input signal ?RTR SNH output type sensor 289Z NR QT<[ ;5<k< 7Z/HSQ0 /90TRT input type ?TRT SNH output >TRT voltage type sensor output type sensor 289Z QT<[ NR 7Z/HSQ0 ;5<k< -SNH is Spen collector output ;497mFIH Poad =77< Qax5 7Z U Q QY Gi43/43 2/zx~{~xv3~.- QFNR SYX /TRT STJR HSPPJHXSV0 8949;ZIH Qax5 97mF 29;ZIH :7mF Qax5 PP QW 95 Nnput type QT<[ has hjh ~-/43 v-y jhj ~-/43 and it is able to select it in Tara4 meter 8 group5 =Hontact -8A TSP signal is SR when it is /40 display value R QU X QFNR SYX /TRT STJR HSPPJHXSV0 8949;ZIH Qax5 97mF QFNR SYX /RTR STJR HSPPJHXSV0 8949;ZIH Qax5 97mF LS QS /90Velay contact input =Nnput frequency A ;<Mz/Qax50 Gut3 SR6SKK pulse width should be each over 88ms5 >Velay contact specification A Tlease use a contact that can switch reliably at 89ZIH3 9mF min5 of load current5 GhjhOjhj ./z- x.++zx3.1 .43/43 K _a .43/43 tgjUqMTROgjUqMTSu R QQ /80RTR input type =Hontact >RTR voltage output type sensor P LS SKK [m4wIi/3~.-J .43/43 x.--zx3.1\ MM Y SR | WSYVHJ H 87749;7ZFH <76=7Mz =ZF Glbf^rIn}1zzM23v|zJ .43/43 tgjUqMTQu Glbf^rIc~5zM23v|zJ .43/43 tgjUqMT^u QS W HSQ Qin5 87; [m4wIi/3~.-J 3z1,~-v+ w+.x*\ QR U Y X -8 is used VJWJX terminal only when it is operation mode/K8:0 /Wee the -< i/z1v3~.- ,.yz-0 QQ S F/20 85 Nnput signal /80Wolid state input =Nnput frequencyA <7kMz/Qax50 Gut3 standard duty rate of input signal is 8A83 SR6SKK pulse width should be each over 87;5 >Nnput voltage Pevel A SR voltage 5 ;5<49;Z3 SKK voltage 5 74857Z Grown V GFRO :< to ?<.VM3 Wtorage humidityA :< to ?<.VM -Hondition for use in environment is no freezing or condensation5 -8A Xhe hysteresis setting range is changed by the setting position of decimal point5 Glue T S -8 MSPI6VJWJX QP Q 7Z Ge-/43 2/zx~{~xv3~.- NWolid state input A Qax5 <7kMz/Tulse widthAQin5 87;0 NHontact input A Qax5 ;<Mz/Tulse widthAQin5 88ms0 9777ZFH =7Mz 8minute/Getween terminals of FH power and case3 Getween terminals of FH power and measuring terminals0 }9777Z the square wave noise/pulse widthA8;0 by the noise simulator 75><mm amplitude at frequency of 87 to <<Mz in each of \3 ]3 ^ directions for 9 hour 75<mm amplitude at frequency of 87 to <<Mz in each of \3 ]3 ^ directions for 87 minutes :77m6sE/Fpprox5 :7L0 : times at \3 ]3 ^ direction Qalfunction QT < e-/43Ni43/43 [gv~- 3z1,~-v+ w+.x*\ Fpprox5 Qax5 =ZF Ron4volatile memory/Nnput times A 8773777 times0 Qechanical < .--zx3~.-2 89ZIH }87.3 ?7mF RTR open collector 8949;ZIH 97mF Qax5 Nmpulse noise strength /YnitAmm0 @7 to 887. of rated voltage RTR open collector 8949;ZIH 97mF Qax5 IH;497mF Poad =77< Qax5/Vesponse timeA Qax5 ?77ms0 :9 channels3 Qutral direction communication function Iielectric strength QR WJVNFP SYX /RTR STJR HSPPJHXSV0 8949;ZIH Qax5 97mF P S QP -TSP signal is SR when it is /40 display value HSQ 87749;7ZFH <76=7Mz GHI Iynamic Qemory PP M R @9 275? 47 X 29;ZIH :7mF Qax5 QFNR SYX /RTR STJR HSPPJHXSV0 8949;ZIH Qax5 97mF 8;5@ ?@5< = <digit/48@@@@ to @@@@@0 Wub Pow speed serial output output TZ transmission VW;?< com5 Nnsulation resistance V VW;?< gjUq > Wegment PJI/^ero Glanking0 Tower for external sensor LS HSQ8 ;= 275= 47 Weries Iisplay method Tower consumption MM T Q Wub terminal /Xhere is no connectorin indicator50 gj Tulse meter Tower supply Fllowable operation voltage R * < m/zx~{~xv3~.-2 Whock 875< /3-1, .,2,0 :jhj ./z- x.++zx3.1 .43/43Zi/3~.- Zibration ?@5< = Qain circuit o M QFNR SYX /TRT STJR HSPPJHXSV0 8949;ZIH Qax5 97mF Qain circuit h Velay five4stage/MM3 M3 LS3 P3 PP0 QFNR SYX /RTR STJR HSPPJHXSV0 8949;ZIH Qax5 97mF tnz1,~-v+ 38/zu Wensor circuit ^ ^ 87@ Wensor circuit g M Wensor circuit AB>E D?C@?D Nndicator GhjhOjhj ./z- x.++zx3.1 .43/43 K f.6 2/zzy 2z1~v+ .43/43 tgjUqMTVOgjUqMTWu Wensor circuit jofmb gbnbl h < a~,z-2~.-2 ;< T h Wub output /Iisplay value output0 ;< gj U q Qain output /Homparative value output0 ;? < i1yz1~-| ~-{.1,v3~.- U 85 Velay output =Sutput A Homparative or alarm output/Wee the -< i43/43 ,.yz-0 >Sutput method A Velay ?Hontact capacity A 9<7ZFH :F resistive load @Pife cycle A Qechanical497million times/Wwitch times 8?7 times6min50 Jlectrical4Qin58773777 times/:F 9<7ZFH at resistive load0 /Wwitch times A 97 times6min50 95 XV output =Sutput A Homparative or alarm output/Wee the -< i43/43 ,.yz-0 >Sutput method A RTR 6 TRT Spen collector ?Vated load voltage A 8949;ZIH @Qax5 load current A 97mF Iigit 87 Iigit 87 9 Iigit 87 8 87 Iigit 7 Iigit <5 TZ transmission output/;497mFIH0 =Fpplication A Xo transmit the measured value >Kunction A Xhis function is to transmit ;497mFIH converted from measured display value between Migh limit output/KW4M0 and Pow limit/KW4P05 ?Vange of Migh6Pow limit output setting NMigh limit setting range/KW4M0AKrom min5 to max within range of measurement NPow limit setting range/KW4P0AKrom min5 to max within range of measurement /KW4M should be over -8- bigger than KW4P0 @Vesistive load A Qax5 =77< AVesolution A ?777 division Iisplay KW4M Nf set KW4P and KW4M in certain section3 the output will be ;497mFIH5 8 8 Iisplay t8 t: 8 ~: t9 t; t< t= 8 ~: t; t> 8 ~: t> ~: -:A Trescale value ta A Nt needs min5 97ms for return time Nt displays the time from when input F is SR to the next SR of input F5 Hycle/X0 D t -t A Qeasurement time_sec 97mF QF \ OSVJ F IIX RN GX :774 QN FYXS R HW R Ved4I |9;Z Gik4L Lrn4T /SZ0 Grn4/ SYX ]el4R 4I4S SYX Grn4/ H89 4P4S RI Glk0 RT TR Ved0 R Wensor F -Iisplay unit of factory default A @@@5@@sec5 -Iisplay unit can be set at /Xime unit0 of Tarameter 95 Iisplay value Wensor G Iisplay unit Uuantity_JF mm cm m Pength measurment WJH QNR @@@5@@min5 @@min5 <@5@sec5 GXime chart @@@@5@min5 @@hour <@5@min5 @@@hour <@min5 @@@@@min5 t9 t8 t: t; t< t9 t= t; t> ;g.yz cWI^w2.+43z 1v3zJ GVRA GPJASIH89|9;Z [MXAW ]RH5YX TYX QT<[ Thotoelectric sensor Nt displays how many percentage/.0 faster or late3 speed3 volume etc5 of Nnput G against input F0 Fbsolute rate D /Nnput G 6 Nnput F0 ~ 877. Fbsolute rate D Krequency of input G_Mz ~ G: ~ 877_. Krequency of input F_Mz ~ F: GIisplay value and display unit Iisplay value Iisplay unit . Fbsolute rate /Xime unit0 of Tarameter 95 -Wet the display unit at the -Iisplay unit of factory default A @@@5@@sec5 GXime chart t9 t: t; t< t= t8 t: t= -t83 t93 t:3 t;3 t<3 t= should be over 97ms then able to measure Nnput G 8 QF \ OSVJ F IIX RN GX :774 QN R Ved4 |9;Z Gik4L Lrn4T /SZ0 Grn4/ SYX ]el4R 4I4S IH89 Grn4/ SYX 4P4S RI Glk0 RT TR Ved0 R QT<[ 8 9 9 : ; tb ta = ~: ; ~: -ta3 tb A Nt needs min5 97ms for return time Nt displays the number of Nnput F pulse from Nnput G is SR to the time Nnput G is SR next5 Nnterval D T ~: /-T A Rumber of input F pulse3 :A Trescale value0 QT<[ GIisplay value and display unit Iisplay unit Uuantity_JF mm cm m -Kactory default/Ynit0 F A Uuantity_JF G GXime chart QT<[ fF = ;g.yz cQRIe-3z15v+J G Klow meter Iisplay D 8 Piquid Nnput F Mold input < Iisplay Nnterval F Klow meter GXime chart t8 ; Thotoelectric sensor Mold input Iisplay value -F: A Trescale value of input F G: A Trescale value of input G Nnput F : G -Kactory default/Ynit0 A Uuantity_JF Nnput G t> - ta A Nt needs min597ms for return time5 XIX9G]W<774 TMSXS WJRWS OSVJFYXSRNHW V F 9 F Nnput F Mold input Iisplay 8 FYXS R HW Nt displays the number of Nnput F pulse while Nnput G is SR5 Pength measurment D T ~ : /-T A Rumber of input F pulse3 :A Trescale value0 GIisplay value and display unit GXime chart t8 @@@5@@sec5 @@@@5@sec5 @hour <@min5 <@sec5 @@@@@sec5 Iisplay ;g.yz cQQIfz-|3} ,zv241,z-3J ta Iisplay unit Iisplay value Hycle Iisplay D /Krequency of input G_Mz ~ G:0 4 /Krequency of input F_Mz ~ F:0 -Mold A Mold signal is SR3 the display value will be held until hold signal is SKK5 Nnput G GIisplay value and display unit QT<[ fG Nnput F ;g.yz cSI8x+zJ value =5 VW;?< communication output =Fddress A 7 | @@ address/:9 channel0 >Xransmission speed/Gaud rate0 A 9;776;?776@=77 bps ?Xransmission code A FWHKK @Tarity Git A Ro AIata Git A ? Git BWtop Git A 8 Git CHommunication items NQT<[ 6 TH A Homparative value of each bank data3 Trescale value and Teak value3 VJWJX control NQT<[ 5 TH A Homparative value of each bank data3 Trescale value and Teak value3 Iisplay value t9 t8 KW4P Vevolution between KW4P and KW4M is ?7773 therefore if display value is narrower ;mF than ?3777 the resolution will be low5 8 Xime interval QT<[ Krequency of input G_Mz ~ G: ~877_. Krequency of input F_Mz ~ F: fG -Mold A Mold signal is SR3 the display value will be held until hold signal is SKK5 9 : QF \ OSVJ F IX QF \ OSVJ F RN GX :774I QN FYXS R HW RT R I lk0 ed0 Ved4I |9;Z Gik4LR Lrn4T /SZ0 Grn4/G SYX ]el4RT 4I4SR SYX Grn4/V 4P4SR H89 ta Mold input Iisplay unit WJH QNR @@@5@@sec5 @@@5@@min5 @@@@5@sec5 @@@@5@min5 @@hour <@5@sec5 @@hour <@5@min5 @hour <@min5 <@sec5 @@@hour <@min5 @@@@@sec5 @@@@@min5 IIX PWG/80 QWG/80 PWG/90 IT/80 QWG/90 PWG/:0 IT/90 QWG/90 PWG/;0 IT/:0 QWG/;0 PWG/<0 IT/;0 QWG/<0 IT/<0 87 : Iisplay value Nnput G Iecimal Iata Iecimal Iata Iecimal Iata Iecimal Iata Iecimal Iata point/<digit0 /<digit0 point/;digit0 /;digit0 point/:digit0 /:digit0 point/9digit0 /9digit0 point/8digit0 /8digit0 ; GIisplay value and display unit Nnput F RN 87 88 89 8: 8; 8< 8= 8> 8? 8@ 97 98 99 9: 9; 9< GX :774 @ QN ? FYXS R HW > R = Ved4I |9;Z Gik4L Lrn4T /SZ0 Grn4/ SYX ]el4R 4I4S SYX Grn4/ H89 4P4S RI Glk0 RT TR Ved0 R < QF \ OSVJ F ; XIX9G]W<774 : Whift GVRA GPJASIH89|9;Z [MXAW ]RH5YX TYX 9 TMSXS WJRWSV FYXSRN OSVJF HW 8 fF Nmput G IIX RT R I lk0 ed0 GXime chart GX :774 Wtart Nt displays the time from input F is SR to input G is SR5 Xime difference/X0 D t/ta to tb0 -t/ta to tb0AXhe measurement time from input F is SR to input G is SR_sec Wensor G Wensor F SRN RN FYXS R HW GX :774I ;g.yz cVIn~,z ~-3z15v+J QN -Iisplay unit of factory default A m6sec GIata output sequence when it is serial transmission t: ~: QN :5=P Ved4I |9;Z Gik4LR Lrn4T /SZ0 Grn4/G SYX ]el4RT 4I4SR SYX Grn4/V 4P4SR H89 <ms t8 ~ : - ta A Nt needs min5 97ms for return5 FYX R HW km 6 hour Iisplay TR =7P Mold input Nt displays the error between standard Nnput F and comparing Nnput G5 Jrror D Nnput G 4 Nnput F Jrror D /Krequency of input G_Mz ~ G:0 4 /Krequency of input F_Mz ~ F:0 GIisplay value and display unit Iisplay value Iisplay unit -F: A Trescale of input F Jrror JRI Yser setting unit G: A Trescale of input G Honveyor F GXime chart Honveyor G Nnput F /Ved0 R R m 6 min t: Ved4 |9;Z Gik4L Lrn4 /SZ0 Grn4 ]el4R SYX 4I4S IH89 Grn4 SYX 4P4S RI TRT /Glk0 877P P IX cm 6 sec m 6 sec ta ; 8 8 9 QF \ OSVJ F Tassing speed t9 IIX I; ta RN I: t8 GX :774 I9 Krequency of input G_Mz~G: ~ 877_. /Krequency of input F_Mz~F:02/Krequency of input G_Mz~G:0 ;g.yz cQPIb11.1J IX I8 Iisplay D Piquid QT<[ fG -Mold A Mold signal is SR3 the display value will be held until hold signal is SKK5 GXime chart QF \ OSVJ F I9< -Wet the display unit at the /Xime unit0 of parameter 95 -Iisplay unit of factory default A @@@5@@sec5 RN I9; Nnput G Nnput F QT<[ Iisplay value Iisplay unit :/Trescale value0 83777P mm 6 sec Wtamp QN GIisplay value and display unit IX H; QF \ OSVJ F H: Qotor -Iisplay unit of factory default A @@@5@@sec5 FYXS R HW -:A Trescale value TR ~: G Klow meter fF /Ved0 R R t= F Klow meter Nnput F Ved4 |9;Z Gik4L Lrn4 /SZ0 Grn4 ]el4R SYX 4I4S IH89 Grn4 SYX 4P4S RI TRT /Glk0 ~: GXime chart QN I9: Patch Wegment Iata ordering t: 8 N H9 97; HPO ordering ~: Iisplay unit WJH QNR @@@5@@sec5 @@@5@@min5 @@@@5@sec5 @@@@5@min5 Xime width @@hour <@5@sec5 @@hour <@5@min5 @hour <@min5 <@sec5 @@@hour <@min5 @@@@@sec5 @@@@@min5 Nt displays the density rate of input G against total sum of input F and input G5 Nnput G ~ 877_. Iensity D Nnput F 2 Nnput G Krequency of input G_Mz~G: Iensity D /Krequency of input F_Mz~F:0 2 /Krequency of input G_Mz~G:0 ~ 877_. GIisplay value and display unit Iisplay value Iisplay unit -F: A Trescale value of input F Iensity G: A Trescale value of input G . QT<[ FYXS R HW I: 8 IX H8 -:A Tresale value ;g.yz cUIn~,z 6~y3}J Iisplay value QF \ OSVJ F I9 t= Nt displays the passing speed between SR of input F and SR of input G5 Tassing speed/Z0 D f ~: /:D P_m 0 -f A Xhis is reciprocal number of the time between SR of input F and SR of input G P A Xhe distance between input F and input G_m H9< t= ~: N I8 t< ;g.yz cRIjv22~-| 2/zzyJ H9; t: ~: IX t8 97ms Iata t; GX :774I Hlock t: 8 Iisplay H9: H: t8 ~: QN H9 t9 Mold input GWerial transmission time diagram Iisplay GIisplay value and display unit t8 ;g.yz cYIaz-2~38J GX :774I :@ms t= Nt displays the SR time of input F5 Xime width_X D t -t A SR measurement time of input F_sec Nnput F >5?ms t< QN <ms ;5 Pow speed serial output =Sutput A Iisplay value >Sutput signal A Hlock3 Iata3 Patch ?Hlock cycle A <7Mz @Sutput Hlock bit A 9< bit ASutput Iata bit A 9< bit BSutput formA RTR Spen Hollector CVated load voltage A 8949;ZIH DQax5 load current A 97mF H8 QT<[ -Iisplay unit of factory default A rpm GXime chart M I; :5=P Jncoder FYXSR R HW I: m 6 min km 6 hour t; QF \ OSVJ F M t: Mold input 877P P =7P t9 RN Wpeed t8 FYXS R HW 758ms cm 6 sec m 6 sec M I9 Iigit mm 6 sec /Krequency of input G_Mz~G:04/Krequency of input F_Mz~F:0 ~ 877_. Krequency of input F_Mz~F: -Mold A Mold signal is SR3 the display value will be held until hold signal is SKK5 RT R I8 M QT<[ fG Iisplay D Nnput F I lk0 ed0 M 8 =7 83777P GX :774I I7 rps rpm RT R M M M M Rumber of revolution I lk0 ed0 M M Ved4I |9;Z Gik4LR Lrn4T /SZ0 Grn4/G SYX ]el4RT 4I4SR SYX Grn4/V 4P4SR H89 P M QT<[ Ved4I |9;Z Gik4LR Lrn4T /SZ0 Grn4/G ]el4RT SYX 4I4SR SYX Grn4/V 4P4SR H89 P M 8 75778 Nnput G QF \ OSVJ F M P Mz kMz IIX M Krequency fF QT<[ Ved4IH |9;Z Gik4LR Lrn4TR /SZ0 Grn4/G ]el4RT SYX 4I4SR SYX Grn4/V 4P4SR 89 I lk0 T R ed0 ISX M M GX :774I M M M QN I P M I PA -Iisplay unit of factory default A @@@5@@sec5 -Wet the display unit at the /Xime unit0 of Tarameter 95 GXime chart GX :774 M M Iisplay value Iisplay unit :/Trescale value0 FYXSR R HW H GIisplay value and display unit Honveyer G SRN M -F: A Trescale value of input F G: A Trescale value of input G Honveyer F Nnput F ista QN M Iisplay unit . FYX R HW M /Krequency of input G_Mz~G:04/Krequency of input F_Mz~F:0 ~ 877_. Krequency of input F_Mz~F: GIisplay value and display unit Jrror rate D 0 M Nnput G4Nnput F ~ 877_. Nnput F Fbsolute rate D R P Ved4 |9;Z Gik4 Lrn4 /SZ0 Grn4 ]el4 SYX 4I4 IH89 Grn4 SYX 4P4S LRI TRT /Glk0 RTR SR /Ved M IX M QF \ OSVJ F G Nt displays how many percentage/.0 faster or late of Nnput G against Nnput F5 GXime chart _m nce RN M GX :774I P QN M FYXS R HW P RT R M I lk0 ed0 P Ved4I |9;Z Gik4LR Lrn4T /SZ0 Grn4/G SYX ]el4RT 4I4SR SYX Grn4/V 4P4SR H89 M QF \ OSVJ F F Tassing time ;g.yz cXIb11.1 1v3~.J Iisplay value Jrror rate IIX Y -tAQeasurement time_sec PAHertain distance_m RN X Iisplay unit WJH QNR @@@5@@sec5 @@@5@@min5 @@@@5@sec5 @@@@5@min5 @@hour <@5@sec5 @@hour <@5@min5 @hour <@min5 <@sec5 @@@hour <@min5 @@@@@sec5 @@@@@min5 GX :774 UN Iisplay value QN R GIisplay value and display unit Xhis mode is to display calculated frequency or number of revolution3 speed by measuring frequency of Nnput F3 80Krequency/Mz0 D f ~: /:D 8_sec 0 90Rumber of revolution/rpm0 D f ~: /:D =7_sec 0 :0Wpeed/m6min0 D f ~: /:D =7P_sec 0 -P D Xhe length of conveyor moved for 8 pulse cycle_m Ved4IH |9;Z Gik4LR Lrn4TR /SZ0 Grn4/G SYX ]el4RT 4I4SR SYX Grn4/V 4P4SR 89 I lk0 T R ed0 GHI Iata Q ;g.yz cQIc1z04z-x8Oh4,wz1 .{ 1z5.+43~.-Om/zzyJ QF \ OSVJ F TZ Iisplay value GWelect operation mode from /mode0 of Tarameter 8 group5 GXhere are 8: kinds of operation mode in this unit5 Nt displays the passing time of certain distance as measuring the time between SR and the next SR of Nnput F5 P_m Tassing time_sec D t ~:/: D 0 Qoving distance within 8pulse cycle_m FYXS R HW 87 7 Iigit ; 87 Iigit ;g.yz cTIjv22~-| 3~,zJ < i/z1v3~.- ,.yz Ved4I |9;Z Gik4L Lrn4T /SZ0 Grn4/G SYX ]el4R 4I4S SYX Grn4/V H89 4P4S RI RT TR R lk0 R ed0 :5 GHI Iynamic output =Sutput A Iisplay value >Sutput signal A GHI Iata/F3 G3 H3 I3 ISX0 6 FA Powest bit3 IotA Mighest bit Iigit Iata/I73 I83 I93 I:3 I;0 6 I7A Powest digit3 I;A Mighest digit ?Sutput type A RTR Spen Hollector @Vated load voltage A 8949;ZIH AQax5 load current A 97mF Jx0 [hen display value is 89<5?@ Thotoelectric sensor 9 : Nnput F Nnput G ta ta Mold input Iisplay ; ~: : ~: -ta A Nt needs min5 97ms for return time5 ;g.yz cQSIe-3z|1v3~.-J ; c/Ieflection0 output mode_ J [M O QSI YX SYXT Z GPI 7Z VJ 2IH89|9; YS X RWJW LV X 5P S R _gmSPPM R mqen F OSVJ jdini aanMh 5I S R Nt displays the counting value against pulses of Nnput F5 Nntegration D T ~: -T A Tulse number of input F3 : A Trescale value GIisplay value and display unit QT<[ Iisplay value Iisplay unit Nntegration Uuantity_JF GSperation and Xime chart =Nt counts the number of input F pulse5 >Fs input G is an enable input signal it stops the counting and display value of input F when it is SR and then it counts input F continuously when it is SKK5 8 9 : ; 8 9 : ; < = Nnput F /Migh4limit0M deviation Nnput G Wetting value VJWJX /Pow4limit0P deviation Iisplay 7 8 9 : ; < = 7 8 9 : < i43/43 ,.yz GWelect output mode in /output type0 of Tarameter8 group5 GXhere are < stages output/MM3 M3 LS3 P3 PP0 and : stage output/M3 LS3 P05 GXhere are = kinds of output mode such as W/Wtandard0 output mode3 M/Migh0 output mode3 P/Pow0 output mode3 G/Glock0 output mode3 K/Sne shot0output mode3 K/Ieviation0output mode5 GHomparative value/MM3 M3 P3 PP0 can be set as PPCPCMCMM in G output mode and the other outputs can be operated separately in output/ W3M3 P3 N0 mode regardless of comparative /MM3 M3 P3 PP0 set value Homparative value MM M P PP Mys MM Mys M Sutput LS P Mys PP Mys ; d/Migh0 output mode_ Homparative value Sutput MM A Homparative value MM*Iisplay value Sutput M A Homparative value M*Iisplay value Sutput P A Homparative value P*Iisplay value Sutput PP A Homparative value PP*Iisplay value Sutput LS A [hen there are no MM3 M3 P3 PP output3 it will be SR5 Mys Mys Mys Mys LS ; f/Pow0 output mode_ Homparative value MM M P PP Mys Mys M Mys P PP Mys LS ; _/Glock0 output mode_ Homparative value Mys Mys LS Mys Mys ; O/Sne Whot0 output mode_ Homparative value MM M P PP MM M Sutput LS P PP ga n.4x} ga -8 GK83 K93 K>3 K@3 K883 K893 K8: A 7 to @@@@@ Wet M comparative value ga 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting value ga GXhe display parameter are different by each operation mode3 please see -< jv1v,z3z1-5 A [hen select the operation mode3 the parameter will be displayed5 G \ A [hen select the operation mode3 the parameter will not be displayed5 Gjv1v,z3z1 P |1.4/ Wub mode K8 K9 K: K; K< K= Iisplay low peak value among measuring values ga -8A Nf you press ga key in loh mode3 it will enter into /K output modeA 0 at comparative output mode and at indication type5 -[hen entering into parameter 73 the parameter and data will be flickering by 8 sec5 then moving the setting digit and changing the setting value are available5 -Nt will show the set data to flicker by 8sec53 then move to next Tarameter with touching ga key once5 Gjv1v,z3z1 Q |1.4/ ga /1z22 S2zxN Tarameter Qenu and Tarameter display loh K> K? K@ K87 K88 K89 K8: np}__ ga np} _ GVeset or Nf you press 7 key for 9sec5 while is flickering3 the Teak value display will be reset to the current measuring value and it will keep flickering5 ga Nf you touch once again3 it will return to or loh5 Iisplay high peak value among measuring values -9 < i/z1v3~.- x}v13 w8 zvx} jv1v,z3z1 |1.4/ Ffter displaying for 9sec5 then automatically5 Tressing advance to 5 ga key before 8sec5 it will move to ^ndi \ yndi \ Xhis is parameter 8 group5 K: K; K< K= K> K? K@ K87 K88 K89 K8: \ hlXa \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 1 1 \ mrqXq \ _tp \ \ \ ga xcdet \ \ \ \ sqz sqza kdkm \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Sutput MM A Homparative value MM*Iisplay value Sutput M A Homparative value M* Iisplay value9Homparative value MM Sutput LS A [hen there are no MM3 M3 P3 PP output3 it will be SR5 Sutput P A Homparative value PP9 Iisplay value*Homparative value P Sutput PP A Homparative value PP+Iisplay value Wub mode K8 K9 K: K; K< K= ga {ali \ cmq \ }slq \ \ Wet the hysteresis for the output5 -9 ga \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ npwug-8 npwut-8 npwvg npwvt chp{q \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ga {= ga Wub mode K8 K9 K: K; K< K= ga K> K? K@ K87 K88 K89 K8: 1[hen it is TZ transmission output3 it operates in all mode5 cco ga 1[hen it is VW;?< communication output3 it operates in all modes5 anp odkmq jmb Gg.-~3.1~-| yz+v8 {4-x3~.- ./z1v3~.- x}v13 w8 zvx} .43/43 ,.yz msqXq Homparative output adjustment function5 Wtarting correction timer function pqoc msqX_ msqXj \ \ ga msqXa msqX[ \ msqXe to set in be to = Welect the start compensating timer function or comparative output/P3 PP0 limit > function5 -: { \ -8A UVSR T3 npbY t are displayed in mode K83 K93 K;3 K883 K893 K8:5 Gjv1v,z3z1 S |1.4/ epX_ -Xhere is no LS output in output K mode5 -Sne Whot/ 0 output time has been fixed 75:sec5 -Xhere is no Mysteresis in K/Sne shot0 comparative output mode5 \ \ A Kix and move to the next parameter /Nf decimal point is 3 the range will 5 A Kix and move to the next parameter 7 A Qove the setting digit 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting value ga A Kix and move to the next parameter = 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting mode np} j np}jj epXj Sutput MM A Homparative value MM*Iisplay value Sutput M A Homparative value M* Iisplay value9Homparative value MM Sutput P A Homparative value P* Iisplay value9Homparative value M Sutput PP A Homparative value PP * Iisplay value 9 P ga 334 K> K? K@ K87 K88 K89 K8: ga 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting mode Gjv1v,z3z1 R |1.4/ Tarameter 9 4 3 3 A Hhange the sensor type Welect the output mode5 -8 ga --1- A NR4b sensor will be set as nTn3 h3 K or TnT3 h3 K in mode K883 K893 K8:5 Tarameter : Wet the sensor type of input G5 ga \ pq|q NTRT transistor output type A NHontact output type/P output0 A NRTR transistor output type A NHontact output type/M output0 A Wet the sensor type of input F5 kmcd hlX 4 3 3 A Hhange the to setting mode A Kix and move to the next parameter ga to ga Gjv1v,z3z1 Q |1.4/ Wetting key Wetting range Welect operation mode5 Wub mode K8 K9 A Kix and move to the next parameter ga ga -8A [hen select the comparative output limit function3 output will not be come5 -9A Sutput position may different from above graph as output coming under assuming the setting value memory is before the setting value memory point on above graph5 -Xhere are no MM3 LS3 PP outputs in K output mode5 -Jven thought you set the deviation as -7/^ero0-3 it will actually work as setting -8-5 Tarameter 8 A Qove the setting digit Wet PP comparative value Tower Tarameter 7 7 GK: to K= A 7 to Wetting time range GK?3 K87 A 48@@@@ to @@@@@ Wet P comparative value SR SKK Wetting value memory SR SKK SR P deviation output SKK -8 SR M deviation output SKK Wetting key Wetting range Wet MM comparative value np} _ M P Tarameter loh np}__ MM M P PP PP Sutput MM A Homparative value MM+Iisplay value Sutput M A Homparative value M+Iisplay value Sutput P A Homparative value P+Iisplay value Sutput PP A Homparative value PP+Iisplay value Sutput LS A [hen there are no MM3 M3 P3 PP output3 it will be SR5 MM Sutput Qenu and Tarameter display ga fs|c MM Sutput ga n.4x} np}jj M PP Sutput MM A Homparative value MM*Iisplay value Sutput M A Homparative value M*Iisplay value Sutput LS A [hen there are no MM3 M3 P3 PP output3 it will be SR5 Sutput P A Homparative value P+Iisplay value Sutput PP A Homparative value PP+Iisplay value MM M P PP P Gjv1v,z3z1 P |1.4/ np} j MM Sutput < jv1v,z3z1 ; 1:D8 display value ; m/Wtandard0 output mode_ Xhis function is to memorize the setting value and provide outputs when it exceeds the deviation of M3 P5 GXhe setting value memory A Qemorize the current display value as the setting value by pressing/ ga 2 3 0 key in front5 GIisplay the setting value A Hheck the memorized the setting value by / 3 0 key5 /Iisplay the memorized setting value for pressing 3 key continuously50 GIeviation setting A Wet M3 P deviation by setting value5 /Xhe set deviation will be memorized until set the next deviation again when power off50 GIeviation setting range A 757778 to @@@@@/Xhe setting range will be changed by decimal point setting parameter5 Nf set decimal point as 7777573 the setting range will be 758 to @@@@5@50 GSperation Tress / ga 2 3 0 Oey at the same time for memorizing the setting value 6 >[hen select [hen is flickering by 8sec5 cycle3 set the starting correction time to 5 ga A Kix and move to the next parameter >7 A Qove the setting digit 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting value ga A Kix and move to the next parameter Wet the Futo4zero time of NRF input5 to 7 A Qove the setting digit 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting value ga A Kix and move to the next parameter Wet the Futo4zero of NRG input5 to 7 A Qove the setting digit 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting value ga A Kix and move to the next parameter Nt sets the memory retention5 Xhe measuring value will be memorized when the power off5 /Qode K8: only0 A Qemory retention A Ro memory retention 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting mode ga A Kix and move to the next 5 parameter -Nf press ga key for : sec5 in loh3 it will enter into parameter 8 group5 -8A Nt will not be displayed in indication type5 Xhe output mode is fixed as type in K8: operation mode5 -9A Mysteresis operation mode is able to be set in K83 K> to K87 operation mode5 -:A ]ou are able to select the comparative output_ limit function or starting correction_ timer in monitoring delay function mode5 [hen selecting the comparative output limit_ function3 it will move to the next parameter_ and when selecting the starting correction timer_ you need to be set the starting correction time_ | so that it moves to the next parameter_ 5 -Nf press ga key for over 9 sec5 in every setting mode3 data will be set and return to loh5 -[hen entering into parameter 8 group3 the parameter name and data will be flickering by 8 sec5 then move setting digit by 7 key or change the setting value by 4 3 key5 -Fll data set by users will be shown_displayed to 8sec5 cycle then move to the next parameter by pressing ga key5 < c4-x3~.- Gjv1v,z3z1 R |1.4/ loh Qenu and Tarameter display ga j1z22 {.1 T2zxN Ffter displaying for 9sec5 then advance to automatically5 Tressing ga key before 8sec5 it will move to 5 ga Xhis is parameter 9 group5 ga Wet decimal point position of display value 34 ga {= ga {> ga ga ga ga ga ga ga ga ga ga Nt will be displayed in K:3 K;3 K<3 K= operation mode and set the time unit5 /.80 =Welect the time unit >Welect the time range WJH @@@5@@sec5 @@@@5@sec5 ga A Kix and move to the next parameter 7 A Qove the decimal point ga A Kix and move to the next parameter = 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting mode QNR ga A Wave @@@5@@min5 @@@@5@min5 > 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting value @@min5<@5@sec5 @@hour<@5@min5 @hour /sec50 @@@hour<@min5 <@min5<@sec5 /min50 @@@@@sec5 @@@@@min5 ga A Kix and move to the next parameter Wet the comparative value MM5 GK83 K93 K>3 K@3 K883 K893 K8: A 7 to @@@@@ Wet the comparative value M5 GK: to K= A 7 to Wetting time range GK?3 K87 A 48@@@@ to @@@@@ Wet the comparative value P5 Xhis prescale function allows you to multiply the number of pulse or pulse length by a variable/\ 1 87 y 0 then display a specific unit or a certain double number5 Nt will display frequency or VTQ from prescale value/:0 by measuring the input F frequency5 Kor example3 the prescale value when need to display the VTQ as below5 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting value 8 A Iata bank 8 9 A Iata bank 9 Welect Iata bank5 ga Wetting key Wetting range Tarameter 7 A Qove the setting digit 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting value ga A Kix and move to the next parameter Wet the comparative value PP5 Wet the prescale value of input F mantissa/\05 7 A Qove the setting digit 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting value A Kix and move to the next parameter ga to 7 A Qove the setting digit 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting value A Kix and move to the next parameter ga to Wet the prescale value of input F an exponent/y05 /87 4@ to 87 @ 0 Wet the prescale value of input G mantissa/\05 7 A Qove the setting digit 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting value A Kix and move to the next parameter ga to 7 A Qove the setting digit 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting value A Kix and move to the next parameter ga to Wet the prescale value of input G an exponent/y05 /87 4@ to 87 @ 0 3 ga 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 A Hhange setting value ga A Kix and move to the -Nt will enter into parameter 9 if pressing ga key for ;sec in loh mode or min5_ in parameter5 *-/.80Nt will be displayed in K:3 K;3 K<3 K= operation mode only and enable to select the time until as sec5_ Welect the time range after selecting the time unit as sec5_ or min5 _ 5 -Nf press ga key for over 9 sec5 in every setting mode3 data will be set and return to loh5 -[hen enter into the parameter 9 group3 the parameter name and data value will flicker by cycle/8sec505 Xhen to move the setting digit by 7 key and change the setting value by 4 3 key5 -Xhe fixed data value set by user in each parameter will flicker by cycle/8sec50 and move to the next parameter by pressing ga key5 QT<[ loh Iisplay for 9sec5 then move to automatically Qove to 3 if press ga key before 8sec5 ga Xhis function is to save Migh Teak value/ 0 or Pow Teak value/ 0 against display value5 0 or GYser can check saved value in Tarameter 7 group5 Fnd Migh Teak value/ 0 will be continuously saved during checking5 Pow Teak value/ GWee Tarameter 7 for Veset5 ga Homparative setting value M3 MM Homparative setting value P3 PP Sutput M ga j1z22 {.1 U2zxN -9 ga ga ga Wet the Pow4limit value of TZ transmission output5 Wet the communication Fddress5 ga A Kix and move to the next parameter 7 A Qove the setting digit to /:9 channel0 Homparative value ga ga Jnable to lock the key for each parameter group ga A Kix and move to the next parameter A Yse 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting mode A Rot use ga A Xhere is no key lock in all mode A Tarameter7 | : Pock A Tarameter8 | : Pock A Tarameter9 | : Pock A Tarameter: Pock only A Kix and move to the next parameter 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting mode LS MM M P PP A Kix and move to the next 5 -Nt will enter into parameter : if pressing ga key for <sec5 in loh mode5 function3 the front keys are disabled5 -8A Nt is enable to set the remote or local function in communication output type5 [hen select the remote_ or /option function03 /Nndication type only05 -9A Tressing ga key at parameter :3 it will enter into -Nf press ga key for over 9 sec5 in every setting mode3 data will be set and return to loh5 -[hen entering into the parameter : group3 the parameter name and data value will flicker by cycle/8sec505 Xhen move the setting digit by 7 key and change the setting value by 4 3 key5 -Xhe fixed data value by user in each parameter will flicker by cycle/8sec50 and move to the next parameter by pressing ga key5 HheckA /3 HhangeA ~ HheckA ~3 HhangeA ~ 777577 775777 77577 to @@5@@ 75777 to @5@@@ 757777 75777 to 75@@@@ ;a~2/+v8 x8x+z 2z+zx3~.- {4-x3~.- Xhis function is to change the display cycle in range of 757<675<68696;6? sec53 and displays the average value of measuring value for the setting cycle5 ;n~,z 4-~3 2z+zx3~.- {4-x3~.- Jnable to display TZ value with firmed time unit in range of various time5 GXime unit selection function can be set in parameter 9 group5 GFpplicable mode A Qode : to = -Xhere is no ISX setting mode when set the time unit display function5 Qonitoring delay ;av3v _v-* 26~3x}~-| {4-x3~.- WJH @@@5@@sec5 @@@@5@sec5 QNR @@@5@@min5 @@@@5@min5 @@min5<@5@sec5 @@hour<@5@min5 @hour<@min5<@sec5 @@@hour<@min5 @@@@@min5 @@@@@sec5 Xhis function is to use the values by switching Iata Gank 83 9 after registering comparative setting value and prescale value into Iata Gank8 and Iata Gank95 G[hen the : and < terminals are open circuited3 the comparative value and prescale of Iata Gank 8 will be used5 G[hen the : and < terminals are short4circuited3 the comparative value and prescale of Iata Gank 9 will be used5 GFfter selecting the Iata Gank for saving the comparative setting value and prescale value3 set the comparative setting value and prescale value then it will be saved at Iata Gank5 Sut put -Xhe comparative output will not come out when it is operating/ 0 after supplying power5 LS PP :0Xhe output mode is K output mode M deviation Homparative Wetting value value P deviation M P ;^43.Msz1. 3~,z 2z33~-| {4-x3~.ga h8 /Mardware Pock80 Kactory default -Wetting pin for Pock setting is located on internal THG5 -[hen output mode is G output mode3 the setting value should be PP C P3 M C MM in sequence P Sutput Vemark HheckA /3 HhangeA / 77757 to @@@5@ M A Kix and move to the next parameter Qode Tin h7 /Mardware Pock70 7777 to @@@@ -[hen the output mode is W output mode3 the setting value of MM3 M3 P3 PP are not effected by each other5 Xherefore MM value may be equal or lower than PP value5 MM Sutput 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting value Xhis function is to lock in Tarameter : group by Nnner hardware Pock mode in order to prevent wrong setting5 ;cvx3.18 yz{v4+3 GTarameter 8 group Qode Wetting value Qode GTarameter 9 group Wetting value Qode Wetting value GTarameter : group Qode Wetting value Qode Wetting value -Xhe comparative output will not come out when it is operating/ 0 after supplying power5 MM Homparative value 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting mode Welect the communication speed5 Welect the Vemote and the Pocal5 -8 ga GK?3 K87 A 48@@@@ to @@@@@ ;e--z1 }v1y6v1z f.x* 2z33~-| {4-x3~.- 777757 Xhis function is for the stable control to limit time P3 PP outputs until certain output is come or Homparative to limit all outputs while the equipment is setting value reaching a stable status against various P3 PP change of input such as the staring current when the motor is running after power on5 Xhere are the starting correction timer function Ro ouput and comparative output limit function in the Sutput monitoring delay function5 GXhe starting correction timer function Xhis function is to make the output not come out during the setting time5 /Xime setting range 757 to @@5@sec50 GHomparative output limit function/PP3 P output limit function0 Fpplicable output modeA W3G3K mode/Wee -< i43/43 ,.yz-0 Xhis function is to limit the PP3 P output before M or MM output5 80Xhe output mode is W output mode MM M P PP Tlease turn off the power before detaching the case5 -Tush the side locks to direction = and then pull out to direction >5 = -]ou are able to set -7-3 but when set -7-3 the actual operation will be as -8-5 -Xhe initial setting value is 77785 -]ou are able to set in the Tarameter 8 group5 ;g.-~3.1~-| yz+v8 3~,z 2{4-x3~.- -Pock setting is available in Tarameter : group5 77777 90Xhe output mode is G output 4 3 3 A Hhange the setting value 4 0 0 0 0 h9 /Mardware Pock90 Xhis point where the comparative output limit function is released5 A Qove the setting digit : group 4 0 0 0 4 > ISX position Wetting range F PP 7 9 group 4 0 0 4 4 = FAMysterisis value F P GK83 K93 K>3 K@3 K883 K893 K8: A 7 to @@@@@ GK:|K= A 7 to Wetting time range 8 group 4 0 4 4 4 ;v2z yv3vx},z-3 Wet the Mysteresis value/F0 for comparative setting value in order to prevent unstable operation due to output going SR6SKK frequently5 Xhis is parameter : group5 Wet the Migh4limit value of TZ transmission output5 7 group mee jmb Z jmb [ jmb \ jmb ] ;d823z1z2~2 {4-x3~.- Sutput Wetting key Wetting range -fANnput pulse /Krequency0 per sec5 -:ATrescale value -RATulse number per 8 revolution Tarameter ;g.-~3.1~-| {4-x3~.- M Tarameter ~ 86R ~ 86; ~ 759< /:D8<0 Xhis function is to set the enable or disable of each Tarameter and mode changes in QT<[5 Tarameter Tarameter Tarameter Tarameter - 4A Ynlock3 0A Pock GMow to set prescale value/:D8<0 3 Wet prescale value separating as a mantissa/\0 and an exponent/]0 at /or 3 05 Kor example3 prescale value/:0D8<3 a mantissa/\0A85<7773 an D758<773 D79 then also get the exponent/]0A785 Sr if set : value as same display value5 Gjv1v,z3z1 S |1.4/ Qenu and Tarameter display VTQ D f ~ : D f ~ =7 D f ~ =7 D f ~ =7 D f ~ 8< Sutput P Welect the display cycle5 ga j1z22 {.1 U2zxN ;f.x* 2z33~-| {4-x3~.- ;j1z2xv+z {4-x3~.- Xhis point where the comparative output limit function is released5 -Xhe output mode is K output mode3 the comparative output limit function will be released at the setting value/Wtandard setting05 [hen you know the interval of input signal3 Futo4zero time should be set as a little bit longer than that interval of input signal5 Nf there is no pulse input within setting time/Futo4zero time03 it regards as the input signal is cut off then make the value as -77777- forcibly5 Rote that the Futo4zero time setting should be longer than the narrowest interval of input pulse5 Stherwise it may be difficult to make the display value as -77777-5 GFuto4zero time setting range/758 to @@@@5@sec0 G[hen the display value is -77777-3 each output will respond to how it was programmed for -7-5 -Xhe specification may not be displayed due to the operation mode and output specification5 < v43~.- {.1 42~-| 85 Nnstallation environment =Nt shall be used indoor ?Tollution Iegree 9 >Fltitude Qax5 9777m @Nnstallation HategoryLJ 95 Tlease use separated line from high voltage line or power line in order to avoid inductive noise5 :5 Tlease install power switch or circuit breaker in order to cut the power supply5 ;5 Xhe switch or circuit breaker should be installed near by users for safety5 <5 Io not use this unit at below places5 =Tlace where there are severe vibration or impact5 >Tlace where there are direct ray of the sun5 ?Tlace where strong magnetic field or electric noise are generated5 =5 Wtorage method [hen storing this unit for a long time3 please avoid the direct ray of the sun and keep this unit under circumstances as 497 to 2=7,3 :< to ?<VM5 GYsing shield with two wires >5 Nnput line Whield wire must be used when the measuring input line MN QT< WNL is getting longer or there are lots of noises5 PS[ ?5 Tlease put enough space between power line and terminal of measuring input5 :e3 ,v8 xv42z ,v+{4-x3~.- ~{ vw.5z ~-2314x3~.-2 v1z -.3 {.++.6zyN < gv~- /1.y4x32 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Troximity sensors 2 Thotoelectric sensors Frea sensors 2 Kiber optic sensors Ioor6Ioor side sensors 2 Tressure sensors Hounters 2 Ximers Votary encoders 2 Iisplay units Tower controllers 2 Wensor controllers Tanel meters Lraphic6Pogic panels Xemperature controllers Xachometer6Tulse/Vate0 meters Xemperature6Mumidity transducers Wtepping motors6drivers6motion controllers Paser marking system/HS93 RdA]FL0 Paser welding6soldering system }33/ZOO666Nv43.-~x2Nx., mv3~2{~vw+z jv13-z1 c.1 cvx3.18 ^43.,v3~.2db^a ko^lnblm A ;84<3 ]ongdang4dong3 ]angsan4si3 Lyeongnam3 =9=4?;>3 Oorea 2ipblmb^m m^fbm A Gldg5 ;79 :rd Kl53 Gucheon Xechno Tark3 8@:3 ]akdae4dong3 [onmi4gu3 Gucheon4si3 Lyeonggi4do3 ;974>:;3 Oorea XJPA?94:94=8749>:7 6 KF\A?94:94:9@47>9? 2bM,v~+ A salesEautonics5com n}z /1./.2v+ .{ v /1.y4x3 ~,/1.5z,z-3 v-y yz5z+./,z-3 Z /1.y4x3]v43.-~x2Nx., jMT JT4J47;4797L