dress value by asserting CNTINC LOW. The counter can
address the ent ir e m emo ry array (depend on the v alue of
the mask regi ster) and loop back to location 0. The inc re-
ment operation is second in priority t o load operation.
3. Readb ack: the int ernal v alue of either the burst counter or
the mask register can be read out on the address lines when
CNTRD or MK R D is LOW. Counter readback has higher
priority ov er mask re gister readback. A no-operation delay
cycle is e xperienced when readback operation is per-
formed. The addr ess will be valid after tCA2 (for counter
readback) or tCM2 (for mask readback ) fr om the f ollowing
por t's cl ock rising edge. Address r eadback operation is i n-
dependent of the port' s chip enab les (CE0 and CE1). If ad-
dress readback occurs while the port is enabled (chip en-
ables active), the data lines (I/Os) will be three-stated.
4. Hold operation: In order to hold the value of the address
counter at ce rtai n addres s , all si gna ls i n Table 2 hav e to be
HIGH. This operation has the least priority. This operation
is useful in many applications where wait states are needed
or when address is available few cycles ahead of data.
The counte r and mask regist er oper ation s are tota lly i ndepen-
dent of port c hip enable s.
IEEE 1149.1 Serial Boundary Scan (JTAG)
The CY7C0430V i ncorporat es a serial bound ary scan te st ac-
cess port (TAP). This port operates in accordance with IEEE
Standard 1149.1-1900. Note that the TAP controller functions
in a manner that does not conflict with the operation of other
devices using 1149.1 fully compli ant TAPs. The TAP operates
using JEDEC sta ndard 3.3V I/O logi c le v els . It is composed of
three input c onnections and one output connecti on requi red by
the t es t lo gic d efined b y the standar d. Disa b ling the JTA G Fe a-
It is possible to operate the QuadPort without using the JTAG
feature. To disable the TAP controller, TCK must be tied LOW
(VSS) to prevent clocking of the devi ce. TDI and TMS ar e in-
ternally pulled up and may be unconnected. They may alter-
nately be connected to VDD through a pull-up resistor. TDO
should be left unconnected. Upon power-up, the device will
come up in a reset state which will not interfere with the oper-
ation of the device.
Test Access P ort (TAP) - Test Clock (TCK)
The test clock is used only with the TAP controller. All inputs
are captured on the rising edge of TCK. Al l outputs are driven
from the falling edge of TCK.
Test Mode Select
The TMS input is used to give command s to the TAP control ler
and is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. It is allowable to
leave this pin unconnected if the TAP is not used. The pin is
pull ed up internally, resulting in a logi c HIGH leve l.
Test Data-In (TDI)
The T DI pi n is used to serially input informati on into the regis-
ters and can be conn ected to the input of any of th e regis ters.
The register between TDI and TDO i s chosen by the instruc-
tion that is loaded into the TAP instruction regi st er. For infor-
mation on loading the instruction register, see the TAP Con-
troller State Diagram. TDI is internally pulled up and can be
unconnected if the TAP is unused in an application. TDI is
connected to the most signi ficant bit (MSB ) on any regi ster.
Test Data Out (TDO)
The TDO output pin is used to seri all y clock data-out fr om the
registers. The output is active depending upon the current
stat e of the TAP state machine (see TAP Controller Sta te Di a-
gram (FSM)). The output changes on the falling edge of TCK.
TDO is connected to the l east signif icant bit (LSB) of any reg-
Performing a TAP Reset
A Reset is perf ormed by f orcin g TMS HIGH (VDD) f or f iv e risin g
edges of TCK. This RESET does not affect the operation of the
QuadP ort and ma y be pe rf ormed whi le the de vice i s operati ng.
At power-up, the TAP is reset internally to ensure that TDO
com es up in a hi gh-Z stat e.
TAP Regi sters
Registers are connect ed between the TDI and TDO pins and
allow data to be scanned into and out of the QuadPort test
circuitry. Only one register can be sel ected at a time through
the instruction r egisters. Da ta is serially loaded into the TDI pin
on the ri si ng edge of TCK. Data i s output on the TDO pin on
the falling edge of TCK.
Instruction Regi ster
Four-bit instructions can be serially loaded into the i nstruction
register. This register is loaded when it is placed between the
TDI and TDO pins as shown in the following JTAG Control ler
diag ram. Upon powe r-up , the i nstruction regi ster is load ed with
the IDCODE instruction. It is also loaded with the IDCODE
instruction if the controller is placed in a reset state as de-
scrib ed in the previous section.
When the TAP c ontroller is in the Cap tureIR st ate, the two least
sign ifi cant bits are load ed with a binary “01” pattern to allow f or
fault isolation of the board level serial te st path.
Bypass Register
To sav e time when serial ly shiftin g data thr ough registers , it is
som etimes adv a ntageous to skip certain de vices . The b ypass
regi ster is a si ngle- bit r egist er that ca n be plac ed betwe en TDI
and TDO pins. This allows data to be shifted through the
Qua dPort with minimal delay. The b ypass regi ster is set LOW
(VSS) when the BYPASS instruction is executed.
Boundary Scan Registe r
The boundar y scan register is connected to all the input and
output pins on the QuadPort. The boundary scan register is
load ed with the c onte nts o f th e QP Input an d Ou tput ring whe n
the TAP controller is in the Capture-DR state and is then
placed between the TDI and TDO pins when the controller is
moved to the Shift-DR state. The EXTEST, and SAM-
PLE/PRELOAD instructions can be used to capture the con-
tents of the Input and Output ring.
Identification (I D) Register
The ID register is loaded with a vendor-specific, 32-bit code
during t he C aptur e-DR state w hen the IDCODE command is
loaded in the instruction register. The IDCODE is hardwired
into the QuadPor t and can be shifted out when the TAP con-
troller is in the Shift-DR state. The ID register has a vendor
code an d other inf ormatio n described i n the Identificat ion Reg-
iste r D e fin i tio n s tabl e.