MITSUBISHI RF POWER MODULE 175-200MHz, 12.5V, 30W, FM MOBILE RADIO OUTLINE DRAWING Cimensions in mm BLOCK DIAGRAM 6641 | 6041 | 2-R2+0.2 03 4 wT ut o Cee Tix oz a4 ba). tw | = Slo g hd oe | | #0.50.15 | +1 | |! wt - 1 4s+1 271 1241110.5~1 T PIN : Sax? @Pn : AP INPUT < @cc1: 1st. OC SUPPLY ao @vcc2: 2nd. DG SUPPLY 52+1 ; + @Po : RF OUTPUT ! | m GNO : FIN {fo 2 oO Qe. {_ ao + | 5 n ~ nN H2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (7c = 25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Conditions Ratings Unit Vc Supply voitaga 17 Vv tec Total current T A Pintmax) | Input power 7a =7.=509, Voci $ 12.5V 0.6 Ww Poimax) | Output power 7a = 2. = 500 40 Ww Texor) Operation case ternperature +30 to 110 c Tstg Storage temperature ~ 40 to 110 c Note. Above parameters are guaranteed independently. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc =25 unless otherwise noted? oe Limits . Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min Max Unit f Frequency range 175 200 MHz Po Output power 30 Ww nT Total efficiency Pin = 0.3W 43 % - Vee = 12.5V 2fo 2nd. harmonic Joi #500 - 30 dBc 3fo 3rd. harmonics ~ ab dBc Pin Input VSWR 2.8 - Voo=15.2V, ' _ Po=30W (Pin : controlied) No degradation _ Load VSWR tolerance Load VSR220:1{AFI phase), 2sec. or destroy Za = 500 Nete. Above parameters, ratings, limits and conditions are subject to change. NOV, 97 MITSUBISHI ELECTRICMITSUBISHI RF POWER MODULE M67730L 175-200MHz, 12.5, 30W, FM MOBILE RADIO TYPICAL PERFORMANCE DATA OUTPUT POWER, TOTAL CURRENT, OUTPUT POWER, TOTAL EFFICIENCY, Pi, VS. FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS 0.2 0.4 11 1 1 SUPPLY VOLTAGE Vee (V) . Tst CURRENT VS. INPUT POWER CHARACTERISTICS 100 OTT 25c 100 To=25C , Vog=12.5V f=175MH ' Pin=0,3W Vec=l12 ey . - 5 _ 40bZg=ZL=508 Ro 80 = ~ co= te. Pal = & = 49| Zo Z_=509 as 2 at ww o? > 2 ay 605 a 75 w LY Leta N 2 = 5 - ~, E tT [ p>. J 8 2" 1 Bg = [wa & 2obe Jet a3. = 7? o7 Se z uw aos a5 85 5 z g 2 ay o Ee ES 10 Ps 2in rt mo 42 03 c Sel kK 0.2 z 0 o iz 0.4 160.~170~C**S' 130 zoo 210 70 100 500 700 FREQUENCY f (MHz) INPUT POWER P,, (mW} OUTPUT POWER, TOTAL CURRENT, OUTPUT POWER, TOTAL CURRENT, 1st CURRENT VS. INPUT 1st CURRENT VS. INPUT POWER CHARACTERISTICS POWER CHARACTERISTICS 100 10 To=25c ; nO To = 25C " f=188MHz Ir f=200MHz I ; VF Vog=12.5 Voo=12.5V 7a, s Zap Zo=Z_=50Q 3 2 30|Zo=ZL_=50e 3. 2p 2 + = 2p 2 re 5 1 J xz @ 10 1 we 5 OU a? ae b 7 07 Se = 5 a5 2 = 5 0.5 A 2 2% 2 a5 5 3 03 54 6 43 03 52 2 oe 7 2 o2 " 1 7 1 0.1 T4920 701 T1020 30 5070100 200300 500700 INPUT POWER P,, (mW) INPUT POWER Pi, (no) OUTPUT POWER, TOTAL CURRENT, OUTPUT POWER, TOTAL CURRENT, Ist CURRENT VS. SUPPLY Ist CURRENT VS. SUPPLY VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS 100 10 100 70 7 70 50 5 + = . 7 = ww a eo = 0 z 2 20 2 re & +2 a 2 ef Ise BB zo 1 Gs = 10 Ze tenzse Jon gE ae ee 5s f=175MHz Jos O35 2 e= 25C oe E Pin=0.3W ak 5 f= 188 MHz z S 4 Zo=Z_=s02/22 57 o 4 Pn=0.3W jo3 6% & 2g=Z.=502 SUPPLY VOLTAGE Vec {) NOV." 97 MITSUBISHI ELECTRICMITSUBISHI RF POWER MODULE M67730L 175-200MHz, 12.5V, 30W, FM MOBILE RADIO OUTPUT POWER, TOTAL CURRENT, OUTPUT POWER, 2nd CURRENT 1st CURRENT VS. SUPPLY VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS 19 VS. 1st SUPPLY VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS 100 Te = 25C 2g=4.=502 70 7 f=200MHz | 5 5 Pin=0.3W Ve > . _ = Bo 3 g_ = 30 3 z a 20 2 re a 20 2 : c - & Te =25C =. = 10 1 gL = 10 f=175MHz 1 z = 7 0.7 a - oF Veoz=12.5V Jo7 & > 5 os of 2 5 Pin=9.3W to5 3 a6 Ee Zg=Z_L=502 z 5 3 03 28 Se 3 02 a a 2 a2 F 2 0.2 1 0.1 4 5 7 1 Te! 1 7 1 SUPPLY VOLTAGE Vec (V) Ist SUPPLY VOLTAGE Veer [V) OUTPUT POWER. 2nd CURRENT OUTPUT POWER, 2nd CURRENT VS. 1st SUPPLY VOLTAGE VS. Ist SUPPLY VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS 10 100 ? 70 5 5a = 20 = 30 < a 2 8 -& 20 g - | once 8 To =256 = = renee oF w {=200MHz z t=188MH2 z a 10 Voge=12.8V s Voor=12.5V 10.7 & ~ 7 Pin=0.3W a = Pin=0.3W 05 3 2 5 Zo=Z.=50 2 5 2g =2L=500 0 5 est a 93 = 5 3 tz z 0.1 1 ist SUPPLY VOLTAGE Vec1 (VI Ist SUPPLY VOLTAGE Veer [V) 2nd, 3rd HARMONIC VS, FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS a Te=25C Veo=12.5V _99 Pin =0.3W 2q=4.=502 3 ao 3 ol. oT ~ 5 a 2nd 2 ato = 60 = ard a ee ~ 80 +60 170 780 190 200 210 FREQUENCY f (MHz! NOV, ' 97 ae MineMITSUBISHI RF POWER MODULE M67730L 175-200MHz, 12.5V, 30W, FM MOBILE RADIO DESIGN CONSIDERATION OF HEAT RADIA- TION Please refer toa following consideration when designing heat sink. 1. {1} (2) 2. Junction temperature of incorporated transis- tors at standard operation. Thermal resistance between junction and package of incorporated transistors. a) First stage transistor Rintj-en = a Cw (Tyo.} b} Second stage transistor Rin(j~e)2 = 2CMw (Typ.) Junction temperature of incorporated transistors at standard operation, Conditions for standard operation. Po = 30W, Vee = 12.5V, Pi, = O.3W, ny = 43% (mini- mum rating), P,,'Net 1) = SW, I7 = 5.6A (ly, !2) = 0.94, Ir2 3) = 4.74} Note 1: Output power of the first stage transitor Note 2: Circuit current of the first stage transistor Note 3: Circuit current of the final stage transistor Junction temperature of the first stage transistor Thr = (Veo % ley - Por + Pin) Rengj-en + To =({12.5x09-5+0.3)x8+T, =52+T. (CI Note 4: Package temperature of device Junction temperature of the final stage transistor Tj2 = (Vee X Itz + Po + Pot} X Renij-e32 + Te = (12.5 x 4.7 ~30+5)x2+T; =68+T. (C) Heat sink design In thermal design of heat sink, try to keep the package temperature at the upper limit of the operating ambient temperature (normally Tz, = 60C) and at the output power of 28W below 90C. The thermal resistance Rin(j-a)"*) of the heat sink to realize this: Te +Te 90 - GO Rente-a) = = (P,/7z}-P, +P, (30/0.43)- 30+0.3 = 0.75 (CAN) Note 5: Inclusive of the contact thermal resistance between device and heat sink Mounting the heat sink of the above thermal resistance on the device. Tjy = 142C, Tjo = 158C at T, = 60C, To = 90C. In the annual average of ambient temperature is 30C, Tj1 = 142C, Tjz = 128C As the maximum junction temperature of these incorpa- rated transistors Tjmex are 175C, application under fully derated concition is ensured. MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC NOV. 97