Weinschel Models 3330, 3331 dc to 18.0 GHz GENERAL PURPOSE ATTENUATORS 2 WATTS Low Cost Subminiature POWER COEFFICIENT: < 0.005 dB/dB/watt TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT: < 0.0004 dB/dB/C TEMPERATURE RANGE: -55 C to +125 C CALIBRATION: No test data available. CONNECTORS: SMA connectors per MIL-STD-348 interface dimensions mate nondestructively with MIL-C-39012 connectors. CONSTRUCTION: Stainless steel body and connectors; gold plated beryllium copper contacts. WEIGHT: 5g (0.18 0z) maximum (Both Models) PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS: FEATURES 8.0 (0.312) Hex (1 Low Cost - These general purpose attenuators offer \ subminiature size, broadband frequency response, and attenuation values from 1 to 30 dB at low, Model 3330 competitive prices. (round body) [1 Two Configurations - Round body Model 3330 and _ 21.8 | a hex body Model 3331. {) Ideal for those Bulk Quantity Requirements. (0.86) SPECIFICATIONS 8.0 (0.312) Hex NOMINAL IMPEDANCE: 50Q FREQUENCY RANGE: dc to 18.0 GHz MAXIMUM DEVIATION OVER FREQUENCY: Model 3331 | (hex body) ATTN NOM (dB) DEVIATION (dB) de-12.4 GHz 12.4-18 GHz 21.8 1-10 + 0.4 +0.6 (0.86) 11-30 0.5 +0.7 ; ; oo. . NOTE: All dimensions are given in mm (inches) and are MAXIMUM SWR: maximum, unless otherwise specified. MODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTION: FREQUENCY (GHz) SWR Example 3330 - 10 dc - 4 1.20 4-12.4 1.40 12.4-18 1.50 . Basic Model Attenuation Vaiue (dB) Number POWER RATING: 2 watts average to 25 C ambient temperature, derated linearly to 0.5 watts @ 125 C. 250 watts peak (5 usec pulse width; 0.4% duty cycle). 5305 Spectrum Drive, Frederick, Maryland 21703-7362 TEL: (301) 831-4701, 800-638-2048 FAX: 301-831-4570 13