Data Sheet
DS1000E, DS1000D Series
Digital Oscilloscopes
DS1102E, DS1052E, DS1102D, DS1052D
Main Features
Dual analog channels and 16 channels logi c
analyzer, 100MHz maximum bandwidth,
1GSa/s maximu m real-time sample rate and
25GSa/s maximum equivalent sample rate
5.6 inch 6 4 k T F T LC D makes the waveform
displays more clear and vivid
Abundant trigger types: Edge, Pulse Width,
Video, Slope, Alternate, Pattern and
Unique adjustable trigger sensitivity enables
to meet different demands
Enable to measure 22 type s o f wave
parameters and track measurem en ts via
cursor automatically
Unique waveform record and replay
Fine delayed scan function
Built-in FFT function, hold practical digital
P ass/ Fail detection function enab l es to
output testing results
Multiple math operations for waveforms
Powerful PC application software UltraScope
Standard configuration interface: USB
Device, US B Host , RS-232 and support USB
storage device storage and PictBridge print
The new function “Key L ock” can meet the
needs of industrial production
Support for remote command control
Dec. 2015
Electronic Circuit Test
Circuit Functional Test
Logical Relation Between Singals
Circuit of Mixed Sign al Test
Education & Training
DS1000E, D S1000D series are kinds of economical
digital oscilloscope with high-performance.
DS1000E series are designed with dual channels
and 1 external trigger channel.
DS1000D ser ies are designed with dual channels
and 1 external trigger channel as we ll as 16
channels logic analyzer.
Built-in help menu enables information
acquisition more convenient
Multiple language menu a nd Chinese &
English input
Can st o re files in USB storage device or local
the internal memory
Analog waveform intensity can be adjusted
To display a signal automatically by AUTO
Pop-up menu makes it easy to re ad and use