Data Sheet
DS1000E, DS1000D Series
Digital Oscilloscopes
DS1102E, DS1052E, DS1102D, DS1052D
Main Features
Dual analog channels and 16 channels logi c
analyzer, 100MHz maximum bandwidth,
1GSa/s maximu m real-time sample rate and
25GSa/s maximum equivalent sample rate
5.6 inch 6 4 k T F T LC D makes the waveform
displays more clear and vivid
Abundant trigger types: Edge, Pulse Width,
Video, Slope, Alternate, Pattern and
Unique adjustable trigger sensitivity enables
to meet different demands
Enable to measure 22 type s o f wave
parameters and track measurem en ts via
cursor automatically
Unique waveform record and replay
Fine delayed scan function
Built-in FFT function, hold practical digital
P ass/ Fail detection function enab l es to
output testing results
Multiple math operations for waveforms
Powerful PC application software UltraScope
Standard configuration interface: USB
Device, US B Host , RS-232 and support USB
storage device storage and PictBridge print
The new function Key L ockcan meet the
needs of industrial production
Support for remote command control
Dec. 2015
Electronic Circuit Test
Circuit Functional Test
Logical Relation Between Singals
Circuit of Mixed Sign al Test
Education & Training
Product Overview
DS1000E, D S1000D series are kinds of economical
digital oscilloscope with high-performance.
DS1000E series are designed with dual channels
and 1 external trigger channel.
DS1000D ser ies are designed with dual channels
and 1 external trigger channel as we ll as 16
channels logic analyzer.
Easy to U se Design
Built-in help menu enables information
acquisition more convenient
Multiple language menu a nd Chinese &
English input
Can st o re files in USB storage device or local
the internal memory
Analog waveform intensity can be adjusted
To display a signal automatically by AUTO
Pop-up menu makes it easy to re ad and use
Automatically Measure 22 Waveform Parameters
Automatic measure FFT cursor measure
Digital channels setup
Waveform recording
Cursor Measure
Pattern trigger
Key Lock function
This fun ction is widely us ed in productions. All keys are locked ex cept F1
to F5 and MENU ON/OFF in this mode.
To lock the keyb oard, use menu; to unlock, correct password has to be
input. Also, yo u can reset a new password if nec essary.
enables to capture and m easure waveforms, to perform local or remote
operation, to save waves as “.bmpformat, to save files as.txtor “.xls
format a s w ell as to print waveforms.
Measurement window
UltraScope Software
Key Lock
Pass/Fail testing
16 Channels Logic Analyzer
Being equipped with 16 channels logic analyzer, DS1000D series mixed
signal oscilloscopes ach ieve mixe d s ign al meas ure coordinating with 2
analog channels.
Each channel can be turne d on or off independently, or in groups of
8(D7-D0 and D15-D8); also, you can se t wavefor m siz e a nd threshold
types or change the display position on scr een for dig ital channel.
Waveform Recording
In virt u e of wavef orm record ing function fro m DS1000E and D S1 000D, not
only the outputs from two channels could be recorded, but also the
waveforms outputted by Pass/Fail tes t could be easily recorded. Totally, up
to 1000 frames of wavefoms can be recorded. Besides, users can playback
and save t he waveforms to get b etter waveform analyzing result.
Pass/Fail Testing
The Pass/Fail function monitors the change s of s ig nals by co mp a r ing
whether the inp ut signal is withi n the pre-defined mask. The testing results
not only can be displayed on screen or output by isolated pass/fail port, but
also can be alar med accordin g to turn on system sound.
DS1000E, DS1000D series oscilloscopes
ca n mea sure 20 types of waveform
parameters automatically, which contains
10 voltage an d 12 time parameters.
Both DS1000E and DS1000D series contain abundant triggers:
Edge trigger, Pulse Width trigger, Video trigger, Slope trigger
Alternate trigger, Pattern trigger (DS1000D), Duration trigger
Especially the duration tri g ger is a new type from perfect combination of
patten and pulse width trigger. Unique function of adjustable trigger
sensitivity is good for filtering possible noise from signal in order to avoid
false triggers.
Multiple Trigger
In cursor mode, users c a n easily
measure by moving cursor. 3 types of
cursor measurement are optional:
Manual, Track and Auto.
All specif ications apply to DS1000E, DS1000D Series Oscilloscopes unless otherwise noted. To come
up to these specifications, two conditions must be met firstly:
The instrument must have been operated continuously for 30 minutes under the specified
operating temperature.
Do perform Self-Calibration operation through the Utility menu if the range of operating
temperature variations up to or more than 5°C.
NOTE: All specifications ar e guaranteed unless where marked typical”.
Sample Modes
Real-Time Sample
Equivalent Sample
Sample Rate 1GSa/s[1], 500MSa/s
The waveform will be displayed one time when all the channels
finish N times sample. Wherein,
N could be selectable from 2, 4, 8,
16, 32, 64, 128 and 256.
Input Coupling
Inpu t Impedan ce
1MΩ±2%, the input capacity is 18pF±3pF
Probe Attenuation Factors
1X, 5X, 10X, 50X, 100X, 500X,1000X
Maximum Input Voltage 400V (DCAC Peak, 1MΩ input impedance)
40V (DC+AC Peak)
Time Delay between Channels
(typical) 500ps
Sample Rate Range
Real-Time: 13.65Sa/s-1GSa/s
Equivalent : 13. 65Sa/s-25GSa/s
Wave form Interpolation
Memory Depth
Sample rate
Memory Depth
Memory Depth
(long memory)
1GSa/s 16kpts N.A.
or lower
16kpts 1Mpts
or low er
8kpts N.A.
or lower
8kpts 512kpts
Scanning Speed Range
2ns/div~50s/div, DS1102X
5ns/div~50s/div, DS1052X
1-2-5 Sequence
Sample Rate and Delay
Time Accuracy
±50ppm (an y interval 1ms)
A/D Converter
8-bit resolution, all channels sample simultaneously
Volts/div Range
2mV/div~10V/div (at the input ter minal connecting to BNC)
Maximum Input
Maximum inp ut voltage on analog c hannel
CAT I 300Vrms, 1000Vpk; instantaneous overvoltage 1000Vpk
CAT II 100Vrms, 1000Vpk
RP2200 10:1CAT II 300V rms
RP3300A 10:1CAT II 300Vrms
Offse t Range
±40V (250mV/div~10V/div)
±2V (2mV/div~245mV/div)
Analog Bandwidth
100MHz (DS1102D, DS1102E)
50MHz (DS105 2D, DS1052E)
Single-sho t Ban dwidth
100MHz (DS1102D, DS1102E)
50MHz (DS105 2D, DS1052E)
Selectable Analog
Bandwidth Limit (typical)
Lower Frequency
Response (AC, –3dB) 5Hz (at input BNC)
Rise Time (typical at BNC,
equivalent sample)
<3.5ns, <7ns, respectively at 100MHz, 50MHz
DC Gain Accuracy
±4% (In Normal or Average acquisition mode)
±3% (In Normal or Average acquisition mode)
DC Measurement
Accuracy (
Average Acquisition
When ver tical position is zero and N ≥16:
±(DC Gain Accuracy×reading+0.1div+1mV)
When ver tical position is not zero and N ≥16:
±[DC Gain Accur acy×(reading+verti cal position)+(1% of v erti cal
position) + 0.2div]
When ver tical scale is between 2mV/div and 245mV/div, add 2mV
more fo r setting value.
When ver tical scale is between 250mV/d iv a nd 10V/ d iv, add 50mV
more fo r setting value.
Delta Volts
Measurement Accuracy
(Average Acquisition Mode)
Under sam e setting and condition, the voltage difference (V)
between any two points in the waveforms coming fr om the average
of more than 16 waves have been acquired: ±(DC Gain
Accuracy×r e ad i ng + 0 . 05 div )
Trigger Sensitivity
0.1di v~1.0div (adjusta bl e)
Tr i gge r Level Range
±6 div from center of screen
Trigger Level Accuracy (typical)
applicable for t he s ign al of
rising and falling time ≥20ns
±(0.3div × V/div) (±4 divisions fro m center of screen)
EXT ±( 6% of setting + 200 mV )
Trig ger O ffset In Norma l mod e : pr e -tri gger (memo ry d ep th / 2 *Sample rate),
delayed trigger 1s
In S l ow Sc a n mod e: pre -trigge r 6 div, delayed trig ger 6div
Trigger Holdoff Range 500ns~1.5s
Set Level to 50% (typical) When input signal frequency ≥50Hz
Edge Trigger
Edge trigger slope
Rising, Falling, Rising + Falling
Pulse WidthTrigger
Trigger Condition
, =) P osit iv e pulse width, (
, =) Negative pulse width
Pulse Width Range
20ns ~10s
Video Trigger
Video Standard
Line Frequency
Suppo rt for standard NTS C, PAL and SECAM broadcast systems. Line
number range: 1~525 (NTSC) and 1~625 (PAL /SECAM)
Slope Trigger
Trigger Condition
, =) Positive slope, (
, =) Negative slope
Time Setting
Alternate Trigger
Trigger on CH1
Edge , Pu l s e Width, Vi deo, Sl ope
Trigger on CH2
Edge , Pu l s e Width, Vi deo, Sl ope
Pattern Trigger[2]
Pattern Ty p e
D0 ~D1 5 s e lect H, L, X, ,
Duration Trigger[2]
Pattern Type
D0 ~D1 5 s e lect H, L, X
, =
Time Setting
Voltage difference between cursors (V)
Time difference between cursors (T)
Reciprocal of T in Hertz ( 1 /T)
Vol t age va lue a nd time value of waveform point
Cursors are visible fo r A utomatic Measurement
Auto Me a s ure
Vpp, Vamp, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase, Vavg, Vrms, Overshoot, Preshoot, Freq,
Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Width, -Width, +Duty, -Duty, Delay12,
[1] Only one cha nne l is available when the Sample rate is 1GSa/s.
[2] For DS1000D Series.
General Specifications
Display Type
145mm (5.6 inch) diagonal TFT Liquid Cr ystal Display
Display Resolution
320 horizontal ×RGB×234 vertical pixels
Display Color
64k color
Display Cont r ast (typical)
Backlight Brightness (typical)
300 nit
Probe Compensator Output
Output V oltage (typical)
Approximately 3Vpp (p ea k to peak value)
Frequency (typical)
Power Supply
Supply Voltage
100 ~ 240VACRMS, 45~440Hz, CAT II
Powe r Co nsumption
Less than 50W
2A, T level, 250 V
Amb i e nt Temperat ure
Operating 10
~ 40
Non-operating -20
~ +60
Cooling Method
fan cooling
below +35
: 90% relativ e hu midit y
~ +40
: 60% rel at iv e humidity
Operating at 3,000 m or be low
Non-operating at 15,000 m or below
Without package
IP Protection
Cali bration Interva l
The recommended calibration interval is one year
Ordering Information
Name of Product
RIGOL DS1000E, DS1000D series oscilloscopes
Standard Accessories
Prob 2 ( 1.5m), (1:1 or 10:1 adjustable)
Passive Probes
A Power C ord th a t fits the s tandard o f
destination country
A Data Cable (DS1000D series)
An Active Logic Head (DS1000D series)
20 Logic Testing Nips (DS1000D series)
20 Logic Testing leads (DS1000D series)
A Quick Guide
Optional Accessories
BNC Ca ble
USB Data Cable
RS232 Cable
USB-GPIB Adapter
DS1000E, DS1000D soft carrying case
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RIGOL warrants that the product mainframe
and produ ct a ccesso ries will be free from defects
in materials and workmanship within the
warrant y pe riod.
If a prod uct pr ove s defective within the
respective period, RIGOL guarantees free
repla cement or repa ir of an y de fective products
within a reasonable period of time. To get repair
service, please contact with your neare s t
RIGOL sales or service office.
There is no othe r wa rr ant y, expressed or im plied,
except such as is expressly set forth herein or
other applicable warranty card. There is no
implied wa rranty of merchant ability or fitness for
a particular purpose. Under no circumstances
shall RIGOL be liable for any consequential ,
indirect, ensuing or special damages for any
breach of warranty in any case.
Contact Us
If you have any problem or requirement when using our products or this manual, please contact
E-mail: service@rigol.com
Website: www.rigol.com