Statu s variables
Usin g the "status variables " function, you can display the current
sig nal states of certain operands (process variables).
The function ac tivates sys tem checkp oint s in the CY CLE, in the
STOP MODE a n d in t he WAIT STA T E.
When a ch ec kpoi nt is reached, the PG displays the present si gnal
status of the desired process variable. You can speci fy all process
variables (in pu ts, out put s, fl ags, ti me rs, co unt ers an d da ta words). No
a ddressing error (AD F) is triggered in t he process i mage area when
ac ce ssi n g an a dd res s fo r which t h ere is no I / O av a il able.
The f unction during program
If the function is activate d in the RESTART or RUN modes, progra m
execution is continued until the system checkpoint "cycle" is reached.
The signal states of the operands are then scanned and output at the
e nd of t he cycl e. Inp u ts are re ad from the process image. Provid i ng
the f unction is not aborted, the signal states are updated during
program execution. In this case the signal states are not scanned at
ever y syst em check point.
If the system checkpoint " cycle" is not reached, the signal states are
not output (e.g. in a continuous loop in the user program ).
T he function in the STOP
If the STAT US VAR IAB L ES fun ct io n is acti v e i n the STOP mode,
the signal stat es of the operands ar e output as th ey stand at the sy stem
checkpoint "stop" . The important point to note here is that the inputs
are scanned directly (not fr om th e proces s ima ge) and ou tput. This
fea ture, for example, al lows you to c h eck whe th er an i npu t sig n al
actu a ll y reac hes th e CPU. Ev e n in multi p roc essor o peration , you c an
speci fy all inputs regardless of the assig nme nt in DB 1. The outputs
are read from the process i mage.
T he function in the WAIT
Yo u can al so call the STA TUS VA R I AB LES fun c ti on whe n th e CPU
is in the WAIT STATE caused by the PROGRAM TEST function.
The signal states of the operands are scanned at the system checkpoint
"wait state" and output. As in the stop m ode, the inputs are scanned
directly an d t he o u tputs are re ad fro m t h e p roc ess image.
Changing the operatin g
st ate/ terminating t he f un ction
When t he C PU ch an ges fro m on e mod e to a no the r (e.g. RUN →
STOP → M A NUAL WARM RESTART), the fun ction rem ains
ac ti vat ed . ST A TUS VARI AB LE S i s term i nat ed by pre ssi n g the bre ak
key on the pr ogr a mmer.
The variables are not output in every program cycle.
PG Fu n ctions
CPU 928B Programming Guide
11 - 16 C79000-B8576-C898-01