SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS A broad range of devices are offered for the popular frequency bands in the VHF spectrum. Applications include low and mid-band FM mobile radio, FM broadcast and aircraft communications. S Q o> GSxce .500 6LFL -380 4LFL 500 4L STUD .380 4L STUD (M111) (M113) (M130) (M135) Qo} SO) C CS et .550 Dia 500 4L STUD 500 4LFL 2x .437 x 450 2LFL .550 4LFL (M164) (M174) (M175} (M177) 27-88 MHz CLASS C, COMMON EMITTER, LOW & MID-BAND FM SD1446 50 7 10 125 | 1.05 | M113 $D1405 50 20 7 12.5 0.65 M174 $D1726 70 19 9 50 0.75 M174 $D1727 70 19 9 50 0.75 M164 $D1728 70 25 10 50 0.40 M177 SD1457 108 7.5 10 70 28 15 M174 sD1460 108 : 18 9.2 70 28 0.75 M174 $D1483 108 30 10 60 28 0.45 M175 108-150 MHz CLASS C, COMMON EMITTER, AIRCRAFT COMMUNICATIONS $D1013 150 0.3 10 13.5 13.5 M135 $D1013-03 150 0.3 10 13.5 13.5 M113 $D1019 150 10.6 4.5 13.5 1.7 M130 $D1013 150 1 10 28 M135 $D1013-03 150 1 10 28 _ M113 $D1480 136-175 15 9.2 28 0.65 M111 AY, SES HONS