ADAM fic ADAM TECHNOLOGIES INC. INTRODUCTION: : 3 Adam Tech: HPH Series Halt Pith Pin , are designed he : applications where space and weight are: key factors: They provide A last, simple one-step Installation: of multiple poste to- PG boards. Bath single and: dial: row: types: are available. Custom: pin Jengths Are averable to sulbspectic applications... FEATURES: Gr Halt piteh.050" centerline increases board t dehsity Single and dual -row types . - Breakaway: style insulator for added varsatiity OD -Molded in standofis nable easy cleaning MATING OPTIONS: Mates with Adam Tech: HAS and HPCS: Socket Series and a other industry standard compatible connectors SPECIFICATIONS: Material: Insulator: -Polybutytene Terephthalate (PBT), glass reinforced thermoplastic, rated. UL S4v-0- Goritacts: Phasphor Bronza Plating: U6 pin, gold: nom: (optional 30 pin) to MILAG-45204, am Hl, - > Grade C over 50 pin: nickel underplate to GG-N-290, Class 2, Grade G : SQ = 5 pin gold nom, (optional 30, pin)-on mating length to MIL-G-46204, Type Il, Grade G,-100/ pin. ih: beac to MIL-P-B 1726 on solder-tails T= 100-pin tin-lead to MIL-P-81728, Type + witty 50 jin copper undenplate-to MIL-G-14550 Electrical: Operation vettage: 250 VAC max Currect rating: 5 Amp uimaxc Contact resistance: 20 mir max Insulation resistance: 1000 Mi min @ 1000 VDG bebween adjacent contacts (75 F and S0%-FH4 Dielectric withstanding voltage: 1000 VAC min tms ea fevel} Mechanical: - Pin push out force; 4 ibs. rin Soldering: process: Wave, Vancephaset oat A Refow: = REN OnCHA Operating: etipacats: 05C to $120" . me _ Anti-Static plastic bags APPROVALS. AND CERTIFICATIONS: | Recognized: undae tha component prograin: oF Underwriters Laboratories, line. No. EtG (eae OPTIONS: Add as suffix to basic part number = 15 = 15 pin gold plating Hi-TEMP) 300 = (30 pin gold plating Z = SMT = Surface mount leeacks Hi- Temp insulator for [A reflow or Vapor Phase soldering process HT = .050" PIN HEADERS .050" [1.27] CENTERLINE HPH SERIES ORDERING INFORMATION SERIES. BLATT INDICATOR SOLDER-TAIL KPH) =.050" LENGTH Sire A= Standard fength row pin POSITIONS B = Special length, i reader 1 thru 2 customer spacttiad, HPH2 = .0&0" (single row) defined ae tail Due! 4 thru 100 lengihftetal length row pilin (dual revs) Fieaer L BLATING SG = Selective gold INSULATOR plating in SIZE contact area A = 7 mm insulator thickness Tin-Lead polation single oF dual row on solder tails (dual row J050"*..050"} Uo = Gold Plated B = 100" insulator thickness T = Tin Plated ingle or dual row idued row .OS0"x. 100") ORDERING INFORMATION ae | SERIES INDICATOR RH ot eo SPECIFIED IM INCHES AS: DimJD DimJe Dim. (replace O Din. with SKIT sea) CHPH = Duel for surface mount eption) Insulator 050" PLATING centerline $G = Selecive gold plating in conlact area and Tin-Lead plating on solder tails NO. OF ROWS L_ POSITIONS 12 Single row Tithry 32 (single row) 2 = Daal row J050%. 100 4 thru 100 (dual row)ADAM TECH .050" PIN HEADERS 050" [1.27] CENTERLINE Leg 050 [1.27] ADAM TECHNOLOGIES INE. HPH SERIES i 4 ~ | PG Board Layout | vag MeL od __.148 [3.00] Dia 026 [86] 7 al q 16072 _ | Iv a *. [eee i ifr (014 [43] $4, e O50 [1,27] OF! [2.304 HPHT-A =_ i / ! PC Board Layout -.118 (3,00) | Die 02S ].65 Noe 60 (1.27) 3 ae Jn 016 40] Sa, | tit I O80 [1.27] mI 10s sey HPHI-B | | co | 8 | Ale [fea] a] bholafal a J ' PC Board Layout | EELSePbbla ners bis mn Gio O26 [68] r 584 [1.00] { ae oon an at Lining tL - sonseiieet PUTT Pu | bm . one | bent 101 6 [ PH?-A i Den 12 nie - 20 [1.27] +106 (2. ws H | 100 (2.5) | 197 [5.00] PC Board Layout | some _ Bil | Dio .026 [85] | ee 060 [i.27) cing 1 [2 Bed] ' ry 3 | Poobooeo oe ; i pp eel a ET 0] Si, pea =| oso a7] 105 pve)! pT ; | sedi PC Board Layout 1 Fete i _ a 00] ot a | { cuaneann ! 1 | tt hee (6.80) | -O8F [1.00] oo ae aes ww 4 | t | bee O16 [0] 89, | HPHI-A-SMT ik 7a | ee! be EY 066 [1.68] AL = Tonk pepe ss rm 118 3.00) Se rik t aiala.t,tf: 2B [6.18] TOR. sf ta ea | i oa0 [7a] t | ete 0164018 501.271 | fh - HPH1-B-SMMT |ADAM TELH ADAM TECHNOLOGIES INC. L AVRO 12? a ANDDAONNIOONT ge 5, | 102000000000 iam OFM 2.204 Solder Pad Layout ED [1-27] 1 _ lat) (ROSY 100000 Sonne noaaeaaancoa 2 080 1.76] ole - | 4 050" PIN HEADERS 050 [7.27] CENTERLINE HPH SERIES An At t i 134 [3.41] t Tore MN TTT owen 0) pases | | O16 Laby 3q. 00 [1.27] 060 [127] 100 [54] 1 do] OG 11] __ 016 ||, 40] $4 258 [650] ANSE [1 2F] HPR2-B-SMT PG Board Layout 060 iar) Dae 028 [65] =r oa PO Board Layout OO2) Die 08 [65] ERG RBG EH oe Petes HPOH-2 Solder Pad Layoul O80 [1.27] _ T 121 [4.08] 20 tf, 0,; 242 fb, 15] |. =| 4 Solder Pad Layout DSO [1.27] 121 ace)! oor 4 -. 287 [7.30 F onoesenoocom = AOS [78] ale | 4 HPOH-1-5401 ARH [1 27] HPOH-2-SHT