Phase Matching
Upon request, phase or time delay matching can be specifi ed for
GORE® PHASEFLEX® Microwave/RF Test Assemblies with frequencies
through 67 GHz. Gore can provide absolute and relative time delay
matching to sub-picosecond tolerances. According to the perfor-
mance requirements of the application, cable assemblies may be
specifi ed to meet absolute or relative matching values.
• Absolute match: One or more assemblies having a specifi c time
delay or phase length target value ± some tolerance value. This
type of specifi cation allows replacement or addition of individual
cables in a matched set.
• Relative match: Two or more assemblies whose time delay or
phase length fall within a specifi ed match window. Relative
matching ensures consistent matching within a set of cables, but
an assembly from one set may not necessarily be matched with
cable assemblies in another set.
Table 1: Test Assemblies with Guaranteed Phase
and Amplitude Stability with Flexure1
GORE® PHASEFLEX® Microwave/RF Test Assemblies offer excellent
electrical and mechanical performance (see Tables 2 and 3 for
product specifi cations). Assemblies are available in 12, 24, 36, 48,
and 60 inch lengths. These predetermined lengths correspond to 0.30,
0.61, 0.91, 1.22 and 1.52 meters. Special Purpose Test Assemblies
are also available (see Tables 4 and 5 for product specifi cations).
Features for GORE® PHASEFLEX® Microwave/RF Test Assemblies
• torque, crush, and kink resistance
• abrasion resistance
• dust/moisture resistance
• performance over a wide temperature range
• chemical resistance
• high connector pull strength
Precise and Repeatable Measurements
The exceptional phase and amplitude stability of GORE® PHASEFLEX®
Microwave/RF Test Assemblies ensures accurate and repeatable
measurements. Although all of these assemblies exceed
specifi cations for phase and amplitude stability, additional
testing is performed on assemblies using cable types 0U, 0T,
0D, 0Z, and 0F to guarantee their phase and amplitude
performance with fl exure (see Table 1 for typical and guaranteed
performance). While all other cable types (0Y, 0H, 0X, 0S, 0Q,
0P, 0M, 0W, 0R, 0K, 0G, CX) do not under go this guaranteed
stability testing, phase and amplitude stability performance is
incorporated by design.
Gore Phase Stability Amplitude Stability
Cable with Flexure (±˚) with Flexure (± dB)
Typical Maximum Typical Maximum
Value Value Value Value
0U 2.0 4.7 0.05 0.15
0T 3.0 6.6 0.05 0.15
0D 5.0 9.6 0.05 0.15
0Z 6.0 11.8 0.05 0.15
0F 8.0 15.6 0.05 0.10
1 The maximum value for guaranteed phase and amplitude stability was established using
the following test method. The assembly was terminated with a short circuit and tested
on a calibrated system. The VNA was normalized. A mandrel of 57 mm (2.25 in) radius was
placed adjacent to the left or right side of the assembly, approximately at its midpoint. The
assembly was coiled 360° around the mandrel and held in this position for one full sweep.
Maximum deviation over the frequency range of analysis was recorded. The assembly
was then returned to its initial straight position, and the VNA was normalized again. The
mandrel was placed on the opposite side of the assembly and the test was repeated. All of
the assemblies above are tested using this test method.
Braided jacket
Outer binder
Braided strength member
Crush member
Inner jacket
Inner braid
Electrical shield
ePTFE dielectric
Center conductor
Figure 1: The anatomy of
Microwave/RF Test Assemblies