For test applications that require precise, repeatable measurements,
GORE® PHASEFLEX® Microwave/RF Test Assemblies provide excellent
phase and amplitude stability with exure. The rugged, lightweight
construction of these assemblies delivers reliable performance
with longer service life and reduced equipment downtime, which
results in lower costs for testing in laboratory, production, and
eld test environments.
Rugged Construction Delivers Longer Service Life
With an internally ruggedized construction, GORE® PHASEFLEX®
Microwave/RF Test Assemblies maintain measurement repeatability
while withstanding demanding conditions such as continuous
exing, temperature cycling, broad temperature ranges, and
frequent connect and disconnect. The consistent performance and
reliability of these test assemblies increases the interval between
time-consuming calibrations of the test system, which in turn
increases throughput, and reduces the total cost of test.
Unlike conventionally designed RF test assemblies, GORE®
PHASEFLEX® Microwave/RF Test Assemblies maintain excellent
phase and amplitude stability with exure. The unique cable
construction allows a small bend radius without affecting
performance (see Figure 1). Some cables have a minimum bend
radius as small as 0.5 inches.
Microwave/RF Test Assemblies
Consistent, repeatable measurements with stable
electrical performance up to 110 GHz
Longer service life with durable construction that resists
crushing, twisting, and kinking
Enhanced phase and amplitude stability with exure
and temperature
Increased throughput and reduced downtime with
durable and reliable performance
Reduce total cost of test with durable, reliable performance
Typical Applications
Bench-top testing
High throughput RF production
Portable analyzers
Test rack systems
Vector network analyzers (VNAs)
Scalar network analyzers
Antenna ranges
Anechoic chambers
•Near eld scanners
Wireless telecommunication
module testing
Electromagnetic compliance
Automated test equipment
Courtesy, Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Phase Matching
Upon request, phase or time delay matching can be speci ed for
GORE® PHASEFLEX® Microwave/RF Test Assemblies with frequencies
through 67 GHz. Gore can provide absolute and relative time delay
matching to sub-picosecond tolerances. According to the perfor-
mance requirements of the application, cable assemblies may be
speci ed to meet absolute or relative matching values.
Absolute match: One or more assemblies having a speci c time
delay or phase length target value ± some tolerance value. This
type of speci cation allows replacement or addition of individual
cables in a matched set.
Relative match: Two or more assemblies whose time delay or
phase length fall within a speci ed match window. Relative
matching ensures consistent matching within a set of cables, but
an assembly from one set may not necessarily be matched with
cable assemblies in another set.
Table 1: Test Assemblies with Guaranteed Phase
and Amplitude Stability with Flexure1
GORE® PHASEFLEX® Microwave/RF Test Assemblies offer excellent
electrical and mechanical performance (see Tables 2 and 3 for
product speci cations). Assemblies are available in 12, 24, 36, 48,
and 60 inch lengths. These predetermined lengths correspond to 0.30,
0.61, 0.91, 1.22 and 1.52 meters. Special Purpose Test Assemblies
are also available (see Tables 4 and 5 for product speci cations).
Features for GORE® PHASEFLEX® Microwave/RF Test Assemblies
torque, crush, and kink resistance
abrasion resistance
dust/moisture resistance
performance over a wide temperature range
chemical resistance
high connector pull strength
Precise and Repeatable Measurements
The exceptional phase and amplitude stability of GORE® PHASEFLEX®
Microwave/RF Test Assemblies ensures accurate and repeatable
measurements. Although all of these assemblies exceed
speci cations for phase and amplitude stability, additional
testing is performed on assemblies using cable types 0U, 0T,
0D, 0Z, and 0F to guarantee their phase and amplitude
performance with exure (see Table 1 for typical and guaranteed
performance). While all other cable types (0Y, 0H, 0X, 0S, 0Q,
0P, 0M, 0W, 0R, 0K, 0G, CX) do not under go this guaranteed
stability testing, phase and amplitude stability performance is
incorporated by design.
Gore Phase Stability Amplitude Stability
Cable with Flexure (±˚) with Flexure (± dB)
Typical Maximum Typical Maximum
Value Value Value Value
0U 2.0 4.7 0.05 0.15
0T 3.0 6.6 0.05 0.15
0D 5.0 9.6 0.05 0.15
0Z 6.0 11.8 0.05 0.15
0F 8.0 15.6 0.05 0.10
1 The maximum value for guaranteed phase and amplitude stability was established using
the following test method. The assembly was terminated with a short circuit and tested
on a calibrated system. The VNA was normalized. A mandrel of 57 mm (2.25 in) radius was
placed adjacent to the left or right side of the assembly, approximately at its midpoint. The
assembly was coiled 360° around the mandrel and held in this position for one full sweep.
Maximum deviation over the frequency range of analysis was recorded. The assembly
was then returned to its initial straight position, and the VNA was normalized again. The
mandrel was placed on the opposite side of the assembly and the test was repeated. All of
the assemblies above are tested using this test method.
Braided jacket
Outer binder
Braided strength member
Crush member
Inner jacket
Inner braid
Electrical shield
ePTFE dielectric
Center conductor
Figure 1: The anatomy of
Microwave/RF Test Assemblies
Table 2: Test Assembly Speci cations up to 18 GHz1
Table 3: Test Assembly Speci cations up to 67 GHz1
Electrical Properties
Mech./Env. Properties
Gore Cable Type 0Y 0H 0X 0S 0U 0Q 0P 0M
Maximum Frequency (GHz) 3 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
Typical VSWR 1.05:1 1.19:1 1.19:1 1.19:1 1.19:1 1.22:1 1.24:1 1.28:1
Typical Insertion Loss (dB) 0.48 2.15 1.13 1.36 1.36 0.80 1.00 0.75
Impedance (Nominal) (Ohms) 75 50
Guaranteed Phase and Amplitude Stability No No No No Yes No No No
Typical Phase Stability (degree)2 ±0.5 ±2.0 ±2.0 ±2.0 ±2.0 ±8.0 ±6.0 ±15.0
Typical Amplitude Stability (dB)2 < ±0.05
Dielectric Constant (Nominal) 1.4
Velocity of Propagation (Nominal) (%) 85
Shielding Effectiveness (dB through 18 GHz)3 > 100
Time Delay (Nominal) ns/cm (ns/in) 0.04 (0.103)
Center Conductor Solid Stranded Solid Stranded Stranded Solid Stranded Solid
Overall Diameter mm (in) 7.5 (0.295) 5.3 (0.210) 7.7 (0.305) 7.7 (0.305) 7.7 (0.305) 10.2 (0.400) 10.2 (0.400) 10.7 (0.420)
Nominal Weight g/m (oz/ft) 144.4 (1.55) 68.9 (0.74) 147.6 (1.6) 147.6 (1.6) 147.6 (1.6) 275.6 (2.96) 275.6 (2.96) 295.3 (3.17)
Minimum Bend Radius mm (in) 25.4 (1.0) 12.7 (0.5) 25.4 (1.0) 25.4 (1.0) 25.4 (1.0) 38.1 (1.5) 38.1 (1.5) 38.1 (1.5)
Typical Flex Cycles4 50,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 10,000 15,000 10,000
Temperature Range (˚C)
55 to 125
Crush Resistance kgf/cm (lbf/in) 44.6 (250) 33.5 (187) 44.6 (250)
Electrical Properties
Mech./Env. Properties
1 The electrical speci cations in this table are based on a 0.91 m (36 in) assembly length and maximum frequency with straight connectors.
2 When cable is wrapped 360˚ around a 57 mm (2.25 in) radius mandrel.
3 Per MIL-STD-1344, method 3008.
4 When bent ± 90˚ at a radius that is twice the minimum bend radius, test assembly performs reliably through the stated ex cycles.
Gore Cable Type 0W 0R 0T 0K 0D 0Z 0F
Maximum Frequency (GHz) 26.5 26.5 26.5 40 40 50 67
Typical VSWR 1.17:1 1.17:1 1.17:1 1.30:1 1.30:1 1.26:1 1.30:1
Typical Insertion Loss (dB) 1.43 1.71 1.71 2.65 3.35 3.78 5.84
Impedance (Nominal) (Ohms) 50
Guaranteed Phase and Amplitude Stability No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Typical Phase Stability (degree)2 ±3.0 ±3.0 ±3.0 ±5.0 ±5.0 ±6.0 ±8.0
Typical Amplitude Stability (dB)2 < ±0.05
Dielectric Constant (Nominal) 1.4
Velocity of Propagation (Nominal) (%) 85
Shielding Effectiveness (dB through 18 GHz)3 > 100
Time Delay (Nominal) ns/cm (ns/in) 0.04 (0.103)
Center Conductor Solid Stranded Stranded Solid Solid Solid Solid
Overall Diameter mm (in) 7.7 (0.305) 7.7 (0.305) 8.0 (0.315) 6.1 (0.240) 6.1 (0.240) 6.1 (0.240) 5.8 (0.230)
Nominal Weight g/m (oz/ft) 147.6 (1.6) 147.6 (1.6) 147.6 (1.6) 98.4 (1.05) 101.7 (1.1) 101.7 (1.1) 88.6 (0.95)
Minimum Bend Radius mm (in) 25.4 (1.0)
Typical Flex Cycles4 50,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Temperature Range (˚C)
55 to 125
55 to 75
Crush Resistance kgf/cm (lbf/in) 44.6 (250)
GORE® PHASEFLEX® Microwave/RF Test Assemblies include two
special purpose test assemblies —18 GHz assemblies for high
throughput production test applications; and exible, ruggedized
110 GHz assemblies for benchtop testing (see Tables 4 and 5 for
speci cations). Connector and length con gurations speci c to
these assemblies are available (see Tables 6 and 7).
Figure 2: Typical Amplitude Stability
with Flexure and Shake1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Frequency (GHz)
Amplitude (dB)
1 Data is based on a 1 m (39.4 in) assembly.
High Throughput Production Test Assemblies
Gore high throughput production test assemblies are engineered
speci cally to reduce total testing costs in production test
environments. Their stable performance ensures precise and
repeatable measurements, reducing the risk of testing errors
and the need for time-consuming troubleshooting and system
calibration. These test assemblies increase throughput on the
manufacturing line by eliminating the need to use a torque wrench.
The unique construction of these assemblies includes:
• Flexible, robust strain-relief boots
Easy grip, quick-turn connectors; eliminating the need for a torque
• Durable, highly exible, small diameter cable construction
GORE® PHASEFLEX® Microwave/RF Test Assemblies are engineered
to withstand the frequent torque, bending, and shaking common
to test and manufacturing oor environments. These assemblies
demonstrate excellent stability performance (see Figure 2).
GORE® PHASEFLEX® Microwave/RF Test Assemblies provide reliable
electrical and mechanical performance for high throughput
production test applications (see Table 4).
Special Purpose Test Assemblies
Table 4: High Throughput Production Test
Assembly Speci cations1
Mech./Env. Properties Electrical Properties
Gore Cable Type 0G
Maximum Frequency (GHz) 6 18
Typical VSWR 1.08:1 1.27:1
Typical Insertion Loss (dB) 1.20 2.19
Impedance (Nominal) (Ohms) 50
Typical Phase Stability (degree)2 ±0.5 ±2.0
Typical Amplitude Stability (dB)2 < ±0.05
Dielectric Constant (Nominal) 1.4
Velocity of Propagation (Nominal) (%) 85
Shielding Effectiveness (dB through 18 GHz)3 > 100
Time Delay (Nominal) ns/cm (ns/in) 0.04 (0.103)
Center Conductor Solid
Overall Diameter mm (in) 5.3 (0.210)
Nominal Weight g/m (oz/ft) 65.0 (0.70)
Minimum Bend Radius mm (in) 25.4 (1.00)
Temperature Range (˚C)
55 to 125
Crush Resistance kgf/cm (lbf/in) 33.5 (187)
Connector Retention N (lbf) > 267 (> 60)
1 The electrical speci cations in this table are based on a 1 m (39.4 in)
assembly length at 6 GHz and 18 GHz.
2 When cable is wrapped 360˚ around a 57 mm (2.25 in) radius mandrel.
3 Per MIL-STD-1344, method 3008.
Table 5: 110 GHz Test Assembly Speci cations1
110 GHz Test Assemblies
Gore’s 110 GHz ruggedized cable assemblies can be exed,
formed, or repositioned without damage while providing excellent
stability with exure and temperature, while maintaining excellent
insertion loss and VSWR (see Figures 3 and 4). These assemblies
provide reliable electrical and mechanical performance (see Table
Figure 3: Typical VSWR1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Frequency (GHz)
Mech./Env. Properties
Figure 4: Typical Insertion Loss1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Frequency (GHz)
Electrical Properties
Gore Cable Type CX
Maximum Frequency (GHz) 110
Typical VSWR 1.20:1
Typical Insertion Loss (dB) 2.14
Impedance (Nominal) (Ohms) 50
Typical Phase Stability (degree)2 ±1.0
Typical Amplitude Stability (dB)2 < ±0.05
Dielectric Constant (Nominal) 1.4
Velocity of Propagation (Nominal) (%) 85
Shielding Effectiveness (dB through 18 GHz)3 > 100
Time Delay (Nominal) ns/cm (ns/in) 0.04 (0.103)
Center Conductor Solid
Overall Diameter mm (in) 4.2 (0.167)
Nominal Weight g/m (oz/ft) 55.8 (0.60)
Minimum Bend Radius mm (in) 10.2 (0.40)
Temperature Range (˚C)
55 to 125
Crush Resistance kgf/cm (lbf/in) 44.6 (250)
1 The electrical speci cations in this table are based on a 16 cm (6.3 in)
assembly length.
2 When cable is bent 90˚ around a 25.4 mm (1 in) radius mandrel.
3 MIL-STD-1344, method 3008.
1 The maximum operating frequency of a test assembly is determined as the lowest
frequency of either the connectors or the cable.
2 0S1 connector code is an easy grip, quick-turn SMA connector.
3 0N1 connector code is an easy grip, quick-turn Precision N connector.
4 See Table 8 for compatible connector options that are available separately.
Table 6: Connector Options
Connector Options
Connectors available for GORE® PHASEFLEX® Microwave/RF Test
Assemblies are speci cally engineered to optimize performance
of the assembly (see Table 6 for connector options). Gore’s 601
interface allows the use of eld-replaceable connectors on
selected 18 GHz cable assemblies (see Table 6). These
replaceable connectors thread onto the 601 interface. The
replaceable interface cable assembly and the replaceable
connectors should be ordered as separate line items (see Table 8
for available replaceable connectors).
Gore Cable Type
0Y 0G 0H 0X 0S 0U 0Q 0P 0M 0W 0R 0T 0K 0D 0Z 0F CX
Freq. 3.0 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 26.5 26.5 26.5 40 40 50 67 110
Connector Type (GHz)1
Type FD Male 3.0 ZLF
Type FD Female 3.0 ZLX
7/16 Male 7.0 ZLY ZLY
7/16 Female 7.0 ZLZ ZLZ
TNC Male 12.4 T01 T01 T01 T01 T01
Type N Male 12.4 N01 N01 N01 N01 N01 N01
Type N Female 12.4 N02 N02 N02 N02 N02
SMA Male
18 0S1 R01 R01 R01 R01 R01 R01 R01 R01
SMA Box Right-Angle Male 18 R71 R71 R71 R71 R71 R71 R71 R71
SMA Female 18 R02 R02 R02 R02 R02 R02 R02
TNCA Male 18 C01 C01 C01 C01 C01 C01
TNCA Box Right-Angle Male 18 C71 C71 C71 C71 C71 C71
TNCA Female 18 C02 C02 C02 C02 C02
Precision N Male (Field Grade)
18 0N1 ZKU
Precision N Male (Instrument Grade) 18 Q01 Q01 Q01 Q01 Q01 Q01
Precision N Right-Angle Male 18 Q71 Q71 Q71 Q71 Q71 Q71
Precision N Female (Field Grade) 18 ZKV
Precision N Female (Instrument Grade) 18 Q02 Q02 Q02 Q02 Q02 Q02
7 mm Hermaphroditic 18 K00 K00 K00 K00
3.5 mm Male 26.5 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01
3.5 mm Female 26.5 D02 D02 D02 D02 D02
3.5 mm Ruggedized Port Female 26.5 0HA OHA
3.5 mm Ruggedized DUT Male 26.5 0HB 0HB
2.92 mm Male 40 0CQ 0CQ 0CQ
2.92 mm Box Right-Angle Male 40 ZQA
2.92 mm Female 40 0CP 0CP 0CP
2.4 mm Male 50 0CJ 0CJ
2.4 mm Female 50 0CK 0CK
1.85 mm Male 67 0CB
1.85 mm Female 67 0CA
1.0 mm Male 110 0AB
1.0 mm Female 110 0AA
Interface for Replaceable Connectors
18 601 601 601 601 601 601
Table 8: Ordering Information for Replaceable
Connector Part Number
SMA Male 10020014
SMA Female 10028708
TNCA Female 10034080
Precision N Male 10020009
Precision N Female 10032620
7 mm Hermaphroditic 10020012
TNCA Male 10020001
3.5 mm Male 10060062
3.5 mm Ruggedized DUT Male 10292654
3.5 mm Female 10066130
Part Cable Connector A Connector B Length
Number Type cm/(in)
CX0AB0ABC10.0 CX 1.0 mm Male 1.0 mm Male 10.0 (3.9 )
CX0AA0ABC10.0 CX 1.0 mm Female 1.0 mm Male 10.0 (3.9 )
CX0AA0AAC10.0 CX 1.0 mm Female 1.0 mm Female 10.0 (3.9 )
CX0AB0ABC13.0 CX 1.0 mm Male 1.0 mm Male 13.0 (5.1)
CX0AA0ABC13.0 CX 1.0 mm Female 1.0 mm Male 13.0 (5.1)
CX0AA0AAC13.0 CX 1.0 mm Female 1.0 mm Female 13.0 (5.1)
CX0AB0ABC16.0 CX 1.0 mm Male 1.0 mm Male 16.0 (6.3)
CX0AA0ABC16.0 CX 1.0 mm Female 1.0 mm Male 16.0 (6.3)
CX0AA0AAC16.0 CX 1.0 mm Female 1.0 mm Female 16.0 (6.3)
CX0AB0ABC20.0 CX 1.0 mm Male 1.0 mm Male 20.0 (7.9)
CX0AA0ABC20.0 CX 1.0 mm Female 1.0 mm Male 20.0 (7.9)
CX0AA0AAC20.0 CX 1.0 mm Female 1.0 mm Female 20.0 (7.9)
CX0AB0ABC24.0 CX 1.0 mm Male 1.0 mm Male 24.0 (9.4)
CX0AA0ABC24.0 CX 1.0 mm Female 1.0 mm Male 24.0 (9.4)
CX0AA0AAC24.0 CX 1.0 mm Female 1.0 mm Female 24.0 (9.4)
CX0AB0ABC30.0 CX 1.0 mm Male 1.0 mm Male 30.0 (11.8)
CX0AA0ABC30.0 CX 1.0 mm Female 1.0 mm Male 30.0 (11.8)
CX0AA0AAC30.0 CX 1.0 mm Female 1.0 mm Female 30.0 (11.8)
Table 7: Ordering Information for Special Purpose
Test Assemblies, continued
Ordering Information
To order a Special Purpose Test Assembly from Gore, select the part
number needed (see Table 7 for part number details).
GORE® PHASEFLEX® Microwave RF/Test Assemblies are identi ed by
a 12-character part number. This number designates the cable type,
connector types, and assembly length:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 .12
Cable Type Connector A Connector B Assembly Length
Positions 1–2: See Tables 2 and 3 for the two-letter codes representing
each cable type.
Positions 3–5 and 6–8: See Table 6 for the list of connectors available
for each cable type. Connector codes A and B must be in alphanumeric
order. Additionally, Gore offers an interface that can be used with
replaceable connectors for 18 GHz cables (see Table 8).
Positions 9–12: The length of the assembly is expressed in inches to
the nearest tenth, including zeroes to ll positions if the length is less
than three digits. For example, the length of a 24-inch test assembly
is speci ed as 024.0 in the last four digits of the part number. Cables
are available in standard lengths of 12 in (0.30 m), 24 in (0.61 m),
36 in (0.91 m), 48 in (1.22 m), and 60 in (1.52 m).
Gore’s Microwave/RF Assembly Builder is a step-by-step tool that
allows you to con gure and request a quote for a test assembly. For
more information, visit
Table 7: Ordering Information for Special Purpose
Test Assemblies
All sales orders and request for quotes for High Throughput Production
Test Assemblies (Gore’s 0G cable part numbers) should be submitted
directly to Richardson RFPD (Gore authorized global distributor) at
Part Cable Connector A Connector B Length
Number Type in/(m)
0G0S10S1039.4 0G SMA Male SMA Male 39.4 (1.00)
0G0N10S1039.4 0G Precision N Male SMA Male 39.4 (1.00)
0G0N10N1039.4 0G Precision N Male Precision N Male 39.4 (1.00)
0G0S10S1059.1 0G SMA Male SMA Male 59.1 (1.50)
0G0N10S1059.1 0G Precision N Male SMA Male 59.1 (1.50)
0G0N10N1059.1 0G Precision N Male Precision N Male 59.1 (1.50)
Not for use in food, drug, cosmetic or medical device
manufacturing, processing, or packaging operations.
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
GORE, PHASEFLEX, the purple cable and designs are trademarks of W. L. Gore & Associates. ©2013 W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. GMCA-0025-DAT-US-OCT13
Mouser Electronics
Authorized Distributor
Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information:
0SR01R01012.0 0SR01R01060.0 0UD01D01012.0 0SQ01Q02036.0 0SR01ZKU036.0 0WD01D02012.0
0SZKUZKU024.0 0SR01ZKU024.0 0D0CP0CQ024.0 0K0CP0CQ024.0 0YN01ZLF060.0 0SQ01Q01012.0
0UD01D02024.0 0F0CB0CB036.0 0UN01N01024.0 0HR01R02048.0 0Z0CK0CK048.0 0UD01D02012.0
0F0CA0CA024.0 0K0CQ0CQ024.0 0UR01R01024.0 0HR01R01024.0 0RD01D02060.0 0XQ01Q01060.0
0UK00K00036.0 0K0CJ0CQ072.0 0SR01ZKU012.0 0Z0CK0CK024.0 0SR01Q01012.0 0SZLYZLY012.0
0T0HAD02048.0 0K0CP0CQ036.0 0YN01N01060.0 0K0CJ0CQ012.0 0K0CK0CQ036.0 0SQ01Q02048.0
0UQ01Q02036.0 0Z0CK0CQ024.0 0K0CK0CQ072.0 0UN01N01036.0 0XR01R01024.0 0K0CQ0CQ072.0
0SZKUZKV060.0 0T0HAD02036.0 0MQ01Q01012.0 0RD01D01060.0 0SQ01Q01060.0 0UK00K00024.0
0F0CA0CA048.0 0T0HA0HB060.0 0Z0CJ0CQ048.0 0UK00K00060.0 0SR01R02048.0 0MQ01Q01060.0
0K0CK0CQ048.0 0SQ01Q01036.0 0S601601048.0 0SZKUZKV012.0 0K0CQ0CQ060.0 0UR01R02024.0
0HR01R02060.0 0Z0CK0CK012.0 0UR01R01012.0 0SR01ZKU060.0 0YN01N01048.0 0SR01ZKU072.0
0Z0CJ0CJ060.0 0XQ01Q01036.0 0XQ01R01012.0 0D0CQ0CQ072.0 0K0CP0CQ048.0 0XR01R01036.0
0SZLYZLY036.0 0K0CQ0CQ036.0 0Z0CJ0CK024.0 0TD01D01060.0 0Z0CJ0CQ036.0 0YN01N01024.0
0K0CP0CQ060.0 0WD01D02024.0 0D0CQ0CQ060.0 0XQ01Q01048.0 0WD01D01012.0 0WD01D01048.0
0Z0CJ0CK036.0 0YN01ZLF012.0 0YZLFZLF048.0 0XR01R01048.0 0XR01R02048.0 0YZLFZLF012.0
0SZKUZKU036.0 0XQ01R01036.0 0HR01R01060.0 0F0CA0CA036.0 0S601601060.0 0XQ01Q01024.0
0Z0CK0CQ060.0 0Z0CK0CK036.0 0UN01N01012.0 0SR01Q01024.0