Modifications in the sense of technical progress are reserved DESIGNED BY: APPROVED BY: DATE :
Page 1 of 1 [VRSp-02.doc] REVISION / Rev. No.: 02 REVISE D BY: Werner Kovacs APPROVED BY: Theo Fritschi DATE : 21.10.2003
Level Sensor: LS02-1A71-PP-500W
Headquarter Europe
MEDER elect roni c AG
Friedrich-List Strasse 6
D-78234 Engen-Welschingen
Tel.: +49(0)7733-9487-0
Fax: +49(0)7733-9487-32
eMail: info@meder.com
Internet: www.meder.com
Headquarter USA
MEDER electr oni c Inc.
766 Falmouth Rd
Mashp ee, MA 026 49
Phone: +1/ 508-539-0002
Fax: +1/ 508-539-4088
eMail: salesusa@meder.com Part Number: 9522711054
Dimensions (mm)(unspecified tolerances ± 0,1m m ) Marking
MEDER-Label Art.Nr. Type
Productio n-Code-EN 60062/Fact or y Cod e
Contact Data 71 (Form A/Dry) Min. Typ. Max. Units
Contact Rati ng Any combinat i on of the switchi n g voltage
and current must not exceed the given
rated power 10 W
Switching Voltage DC or Peak AC 200 V
Switching Current DC or Peak AC 0,5 A
Carry Current DC or Peak AC 1,0 A
Static Contact Resistance (initial) Measured with 40% overdrive 150 mΩ
Insul ation Resi stance RH 45% 1012 Ω
Breakdown Voltage 240 VDC
Operate Time, including Bounce Measured with 40% overdrive 0,5 ms
Release Time 0,1 ms
Capacitance 0,3 pF
stem Polypropylene white
nut Polypropylene white
float Polypropylene white
lock washer Polypropylene white
O-ring nitril caoutchouc
Environmental Data
Shock ½ sine wave, duration 11ms 50 g
Vibration from 10 - 2000 Hz 20 g
Operating Temperature 10°C/min max. allowable -20 80 °C
Storage Temperature 10°C/min max. allowable -20 80 ° C
Contact Resis t ance with Cabl e Measured with 40% overdrive 200 mΩ
Sealing Compound Epoxy resin
Cable Round cable LIYY 2 x 0,14 mm2, grey, colour of wire: white and brown
Ends of cable with 5±1 mm tinned leads
Connection M10 x 1,0
Float specific density approx. 0,7 g / cm3
Remarks Float down = Contact closed; Float over = Contact open