QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT a RR oe ECONOSEAL "J"~IT CONNECTOR 301-5035 Rev. 0 Product specification 108 -5179 Rev. D Reference Test Report No. CP-717 Date 25 MAR 1992 Classification Unrestricted Prepared by Reviewed by Reviewed by Aporoved b bye haf ase Ne st Jac. a Yuasa CRE PE SKM oy Prod. Eny'r Prot. Dept. Myr QA Dept. Myr. AMP (Japan), Ltd. Kawasaki, Japan DS VIFF1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 11 1.2 1.3 1.4 501-5035 mii B ay KEE. TI yITRY Y MK-L OW MMB 108-5179 Rev. DERE SNLERLRAR GAILSRL CWS PERT SOK TORK, FAS ABSE LI YI TAS MKT OBR, RRHRURRNEREL RAEI OW CH to TREATS, AB EL HESRERES IS 19864E BA BHD S 198646 A IH ETICTHNZ, a it ma) yew I BROT MED tk, HY O PAM 108-5179 Rev. D OMEVERECSRLT Wee, $8. ih @ BLAR . Viky Fs RABERRGUCMELEBRHERAOMKIAGY CHS. Bi. PRHAEL C2504 LOWF LOWS (IYUR-YaVIAT/IATEHD,. Introduction Purpose Testing was performed on the Econoseal J Connector MK-I to determine if it meets the requirements of AMP Specification, 108-5179, Rev.D. Scope This report covers the results of electrical, mechanical and environmental performance requirements testing of the Econoseal J Connector MK-H. The qualification testing was performed between 20 Mar, 1986 and 13 Jun, 1986. Conclusion The Econoseal J Connector MK-I meets the electrical, mechanical and environmental performance requirements of Product Specification, 108-5179, Rev.D. Product Description This connector was initially developed as a wire-to-wire, wat erproof connector for automotive applications. Later, combination type series with 250 series receptacles were made available for use of medium current electrical equipment applications. (1/8)501-5035 15 BR Ott BRARATOLBYAT AP OMEBMMECE ORO MS HK, UPORHMRRE EAE FZ 1.5 Test Samples Samples were taken randomly from current production. The following samples were used: Hl m Part Number Description . Ye? waves} 171630 O70 ETH? eee 2 ae ee ee ee ee ee ee ee a a ae nee ee eee eee == .070 Receptacle Contact . Yee euvayveeh 171662 L 070 ee eee aa ee ee ee ee ee eee ee eee .070 Receptacle Contact 171631 | 070 7 7 ava7h ee ee ee ee ee ea a ee ee ee eee eee .070 Tab Contact OTOF FaAvree7e eee W71661 .070 Tab Contact OTD FAN- PAF 1727460 PO arc crc tts senna can ae cnr rec nn mmr cnn com oy .070 Rubber Plug O70 FN- TS 172888 | 070 7 77 ee ae re a a ee ne ee eee ee eee ee .070 Rubber Plug O70 4 EF ATS 172748 [000 FETA A2 de ee oe OS eee ee ee O70 Cavity Plug 7 Le * 171632 | 250. YeTeevay 77 eee ee ee ee A ee eres .250 Receptacle Contact 2 Favyyh 171633 | 250 7 Fave wee ee ee eee ee ee ee ee ee ee en en ee ee eo .250 Tab Contact 250 FAN SSF 1727470 fw 2-2-2224 ~~ -------- 2 2 === =o nnn nnn] 250 Rubber Plug 20% e EFA TSS VW72T4Q Prt rrr errr rrr crn rca cr rnc smn arn senna nny 7 .250 Cavity Plug 172743 [070/250 77 KAY ay ISBIFYNTYYFT ey FY | .070 / 250 Combi, 15 Pos. Plug Hsg. Assy o144 0710/2503 AMY BY MAN TAOYYZ | .070 / 250 Combi, 15 Pos. Cap Housing OTO2M TSS LSP ey eye) 173090 | O70 2M TITAS Y FT ev TY eee Re ee eee ee ee eee .070 2 Pos Plug Hsg. Assy 173063 L 0702 t+ + 7 FOUL eee eee ee ee en a een .070 2 Pos Cap Hsg. Fig. G24) (To be continued) (2/8)501-5035 i m % Part Number Description > aN aj3* i* wy ~ t rao, OSE Z2Z PIPE ZT INET | 070 3 Pos Plug Hsg. Assy . mea y TANGY 173085 0703 TINIE .070 3 Pos Cap Housing 5 Aw y tl 1 173914 | OT04E SIAN IIL AT I EY Teen} 076 4 Pos Plug Hsg. Ass'y YT: 173915 OTA RY ITAL NZ ee ee ee ee ee ee eee eens .070 4 Pos Cap Housing - Y> ai. * " ~ 1 173919 | OT0GH SIF NIV LAT IY TY eee eee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee | .070 6 Pos Plug Hsg. Ass'y 0706 HAY TANI? 173920 OT GMAT AAI enna .070 6 Pos Cap Housing aS F vy ygRYT! 173891 OTIS TIF AIP VAT PEM TY et .070 13 Pos Plug Hsg. Assy ay , ar. 173892 | OT0ISMA IARI ZA ee eee ee eee eee .070 13 Pos Cap Housing 2. RRAS 2. Test Contacts Fig. 149) (Bnd) te x 5 TG LY me & F | Fe No. Test Items Requirements vudge ment BY oh OO PERRIRE os Rima at me i Lb ee & eel ee ee en eee te e 2.1 | Confirmation of Product | Inspect visually per applicable Quality Inspection Plan Ac- * | (QIP) cept- able zm H LH Blectrical Requirements x & #& Ho | OR 38mV/AELF & | ( ee a) LMR TOmV/ALE ~~ 4S 1 2.2 |'Termination Resistance | Initial; 3mV/A Max. Ac- (Specified Current) Final; 10 mV/A Max. cept- able Fig. 2G%<) (Tobe continued) (3/8)501-5035 ae mh GR FOB A eB # ff FE No. Test Items * Requirements Judge ment te e #K Ht | 338m UT & I a a URE OMAN Termination Resistance | Initial; 3 m@ Max. Ac (Low Level) Final ; 10 mQ Max. cept- able if = re olandh. #RERHKSE 1.0 kV AC, (50) Hz, 1 SH. RREL & ee ef een eee een cence ence es a8 2,4 | Dielectric Strength Initial / Final ; 1.0 kV AC, (60 Hz), 1 minute Ac- No abnormality allowed cept- able th OR) CKO 1OOMQDE e | eee eee ef MER, OMOWE i _----------- 44 18 2.5 | Insulation Resistance Initial ; 100 MOQ Min. Ac- Final ; 100 MO Min. cept- able B Hw &# |65CUF & ee HERBCMRERERRBBE RY OL 8 2.6 | Temperature Rising 65 C Max Ac- Detail see product spec. cepi- able tho Y HAH lth 4ONGkeh AE & 3 4% 5 58.8N (6kgf) LAF +8 448 568.6 N (7Tkgh LF 64 + 78.5 N (ket LF 13 +127 N (3 kgf AAT 15 4-137 N (14kef) AAT aT | Hepa E F 100mm/9_____-------------------+ Connector Mating Force | 2 Pos. ; 49 N ( kgf) Max. Ac- 3 Pos. ; 58.8 N (6 kgf} Max. cept- 4 Pos. ; 68.6 N (7 kgf} Max. able 6 Pos. ; 78.5 N (8 kgf) Max. 13 Pos. ;127 N (3 kef) Max. 15 Pos. :137 N (14 kgf) Max. Head Operating Speed : 100 mm/ minute Fig. 2% <) (To be continued) (4/8)501-5035 ae m 52 JA 6 we EF & FF #4] Ze No. Test Items Requirements Judge ment ah 2 FF HH [2 392N4keh UE & 34% ; 49 N (G5 keh AF 48 44 ; 68.6 N (7 keh LAF 6 5 78.5N (Skef LE 13 # ; 127 N (13 kgf LAF 15 # 5137 N (14 kef) LAF 28] od BHEAES F100mm/% et Connector Unmating 2 Pos. ; 39.2 N (4 kgf) Max. Ac- Force 3 Pos. ; 49 N (6 kef) Max. cept- 4Pos. ; 68.6 N (7 ket) Max, able 6 Pos. ; 78.5 N (8 kef) Max. 13 Pos. ; 127 N (13 kef) Max. 15 Pos. ; 187 N (14 kef) Max. Head Operating Speed : 100 mm / minute 3 e PbRBH | BSNBkgN UE & Penne eeee ene iA F1Omm/F lL e 2.9 | Contact Retention Force | 78.5 N (8kgf Min. Ac- Head Operating Speed : 100 mm/ minute cept- able a4 ey b HAD 1.070; 2.94~7.85 N (0.3~0.8 kgf) & 250; 6.86~14.7 N (0.7~1.5 kgf) 48 210] 0d PPAR FlOmm/ A td Contact Engaging Force | .070; 2.94~-7.85 N (0.3~06.8 kgf) Ac- 250 ; 6.86~14.7 N (0.7~1.5 kef) cept- Head Operating Speed : 100 mm / minute able ay se 7 b BHA | .070;2.94~7.85 N (0.38~0.8 kg) & 250; 5.88~13.7 N (0.6~1.4kgf +8 24] eet PPAR FB 10Omm/P td Contact Separating Force | .070 ; 2.94~7.85 N (0.3~0.8 kef) Ac- 250 ; 5.88~13.7 N (0,.6~1.4 kef) cept- Head Operating Speed : 100 mm / minute able Fig. 2(#<)} (Tobe continued) (5/8)501-5035 ae a SR JA & vy BB & +1 No. Test Items Requirements Judge ment i N (k i N (k & Ee 31 RT any fig ae) eet 0.2 68.6 (7) 1.25 177 (48) 0.3 78.5 (8) 2.0 265 (27) 0.5 88.3 (9) 3.0 294 (30) 0.85 127 (13) 212{ 0 PeiE AE - F 100mm/ ___| Crimp Tensile Strength Wire N (kgf) Wire N (kgf) Ac- (mm_2) dE (mm2) Ye cept- 0.2 68.6 (7) 1,25 177 (18) able 0.3 78.5 (8) 2.0 265 (27) 0.5 88.3 (8) 3.0 294 (30) 0.85 127 (13): Operation Speed : 100 mm / minute AYYYPF Oy FBR /IBIN(MOkgh Dt & oh ee eee een LTB | 2.13 | Housing Locking 98.1 N (10 kgf) Min. Ac Strength cept- ; able = bo ft A th | RAIA P 2 O-~-HEAS 1mm SORE CLIN -cm & | one eee eee ene (20 kgf-cm) Ob THUS SCRIIBT. 18 2.14 | Resistancce to Kojiri Secure one of mated connectors on bench. Ac- Apply Kojiri motions of 196 -N cm (20 kgf-cm)atevery |cept- i mm depth until disengagement. able Mik? 4 - Uy S | PRS HR & | eee nne eee n nee 2A? I RMANRIC BY CAMO SNe w OR. || 18 | 2.15 | Handling Ergonomics Manually repeat mating and unmating. Ac- No abnormal sharp edges that can injure or result fatigue cepl- to assemblers hand were found. able iB BR or ( it 24) | 120C, 120 BF i & [oe 10m an 2,16 | Temperature Life 120C, 120 Hrs. Ac 10 mQ Max. cept- able fi BE PE | 50C, 12085 Bi eo Ln ee eee lb 1OmOWF ie 2.17 | Resistance to Cold 50C, 120 Hrs. Ac- 10 m2 Max. cept- able Fig. 2(@0<) (To be continued) (6/8)501-5035 TAS mem GR TR OG YB BB & ff +l) . Judge No. Test Items Requirements ment y - lv ME | DRA 49 kPa (0.5 kef/em?2) Lt & Penne BURR 29.4kPa(OSkef/em) UE is 2,18 | Watertight Sealing Initial ; 49 kPa (0.5 kgf/ em?) Min. Ac- Final; 29.4kPa (0.3 kef/ em?) Min. cept- able aL wk | RATA 120C, 40700. & BLAK20 DE. 484 2 Vv 219| eet BRB IE IV eee teed Water Splash Expose mated connectors under 120 C, for 40 minutes, Ac- Splash water 20 minutes, 48 cycles cept- Test Voltage 12 V able int i tt |B RRBC MES Re ARIAL BY T lomo e ene Lee ee ee een 1B . 2.20 | Oil Resistivity Detail See Product Spee Ac- 10 m2 Max. cept- able int iE fh | MASP CeAY b Like 159K 10MM | & | eee eet GO, 10m ee 15 2.21 | Dust Bombardment Spray 1.5 kg cement in 10 seconds in every 15 minutes Ac- interval for 60 minutes in a closed test chamber. cept- 10mQ Max. able it + Y v # |40C,JISKe3014 > 50 ppm, 248% ms Pe ee LOmO TF eee 8 2.22 | Resistance to Ozon 40C, JIS K6301 Ozon 50 ppm, 24 Hrs Ac- 10 m0 Max. cept- able mt # Bh PE | 50C, 1 Bia & Po eet 1OmOAF 15 2.23 | Resistance to Cleansre 50C, 1 Hrs Ac- 10 mi Max, cept- able iit {Be Me | JISDOZ5S Pv Yet va-RY 7-7 63C, 150 BF i eee eb 1OmQIAF 18 2.94 | Resistance to Weather JIS D 0205 Sumshin corbon arc $3 C 150 Hrs Ac- 10 mf Max. cept- able @ 6 BF # |RAMBCMESHARRAECEYT & Lene eee eee eee th LOmQW ee i 2.25 | Resistance to Compound | Detail See Product Spec Ac- Environment 10m Max. cept- able Fig. 20) (End) (7/8)501-5035 3. BERR RBI 3. Product Qualification Test Sequence BER 7 IL 7 { Test Group KR RAE | Rest Items if2{[3f4[5s][e6][7] 8 | 9 | 10 m &R JR Fe /Test Sequence fh OVER E Confirmation of Product 1}1]1 1-1 ]i1 1 | 1 [1,4] 1,4 1 Termination Resistance 2,5 2,5 fib Rime c= He , a; AOI (RE EL) (Rated Current) 7 Heit (a LX yb) Termination Resistance 3, 6, 2,5, 2,5 | 2,5 (Low Level) 8 1,9 Ct FE Dielectric Strength 4 MERRIE Insulation Resistance 3,10 im Be te Temperature Rising 3 IRS FRAN Connector Mating Force 2,10 SRY FAKE Ronneetor Unmating 4,11 orce tveFr PRED Contact Retention Force 2 ayvyo bay Contact Mating Force 2 av 97 bali Contact Unmating Force | 3 FE a 25 [ 5 5 Be Crimp Tensile Strength 2 CE OMA Resistancce to Kojiri 4 Win74-Uves Handling Ergonomics 3 iit (ee He Resistance to Weather 3 iit Hc A Resistance to Cleansre 4 ISO GHAR) Temperature Life (Heat 5 aging) ine Resistance to Cold 7 vm EE Watertight Sealing 9 11} 8]3;,6 16 AX 7K Water Splash 2 im 7a Resistance to Oil 6 it Ee HE Dust Bombardment 8 i ee Resistance to Ozon 3 +4 Oe pesistance to Compound 5 invironment - NOYYT Uy 7 Housing Locking 12 Strength : (a) (HAO es RE & RT. / Numbers indicate the sequence in which the tests are performed. Fig. 3 (8/8)