W here Vin is the bus voltage rectified from the AC line voltage and Vout is the
combined series voltage of the string of LEDs making up the load.
W hen the voltage at HV rises to 0.55V with respect to CS the gate drive to
MBUCK switches off. When the MBUCK is off the inductor current flows instead
through DBUCK. During this period the current decreases linearly according to
the relationship:
W hen the voltage at HV falls to 0.45V with respect to CS the gate drive to
MBUCK switches on. The cycle repeats continuously to provide an average
current in LBUCK which supplies the LED load. The frequency and duty cycle are
dependent on the input and output voltages and the value of the LBUCK as can
be inferr ed fro m the eq uati o ns .
The output current can be set by selecting the appropriate value of RCS
according to the relationship:
where VCS is nominally 0.5V, therefore for an RCS of 1.5Ohms, the output
current will be nominally 333mA. In practice there are some additional
propagation delays in the circuit which give rise to some error in the current
regulation and some variation over input voltage, however the perform ance is
acceptable for most LED applications as shown in the test results section.
Accuracy of regulation and amplitude of the current ripple are tradeoffs against
inductor size and frequency.
The IRS2980 based LED driver is designed to operate up to 150k Hz. This is
necessary in order to limit the VCC current consumption since the internal high
voltage regulator can supply only a limited current (ICC) dominat ed b y gate drive
current. Gate current charges and discharges the MOSFET input capacitance
during each switching cycle and therefore increases with frequency.
Using hysteretic regulati on to cont rol the LED current some overshoot occurs
due to propagat ion delays and well as a small undershoot. These vary depending
on di/dt of the ripple current, which is a function of input and output voltage,
inductor value and frequency as well as RC filter valu es (RF and CF). The
average current is maintained over a wide input and output voltage range. Since
the IRS2980S uses hysteretic current control to switch the Buck MOSFET on and
off, the LED current (which is equal to the inductor current) is maintained half
way between minimum and maximum currents. Because of this the switching