LT3462/LT3462A Inverting 1.2MHz/2.7MHz DC/DC Converters with Integrated Schottky DESCRIPTION FEATURES Integrated Schottky Rectifier nn Fixed Frequency 1.2MHz/2.7MHz Operation nn Very Low Noise: 1mV P-P Output Ripple nn Low V CESAT Switch: 270mV at 250mA nn -5V at 100mA from 5V Input nn -12V at 30mA from 3.3V Input nn Low Input Bias Current GND Based FB Input nn Low Impedance (40) 1.265V Reference Output nn High Output Voltage: Up to - 38V nn Wide Input Range: 2.5V to 16V nn Uses Tiny Surface Mount Components nn Low Shutdown Current: <10A nn Low Profile (1mm) SOT-23 (ThinSOTTM) Package nn 8-Lead DFN (2mm x 2mm x 0.75mm) Package, LT3462A Only nn APPLICATIONS The LT(R)3462/LT3462A are general purpose fixed fre quency current mode inverting DC/DC converters. Both devices feature an integrated Schottky and a low VCESAT switch allowing a small converter footprint and lower parts cost. The LT3462 switches at 1.2MHz while the LT3462A switches at 2.7MHz. These high speeds enable the use of tiny, low cost and low height capacitors and inductors. The LT3462/LT3462A operate in a dual inductor inverting topology that filters both the input and output currents. Very low output voltage ripple approaching 1mVPP can be achieved when ceramic capacitors are used. Fixed fre quency switching ensures a clean output free from low frequency noise typically present with charge pump solu tions. The 40V switch allows a VIN to VOUT differential of up to 38V for dual inductor topologies. Both devices provide a low impedance 1.265V reference output to supply the feedback resistor network. A ground referenced, high impedance FB input allows high feedback resistor values without compromising output accuracy. CCD Bias LCD Bias nn GaAs FET Bias nn General Purpose Negative Voltage Supply nn nn All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. TYPICAL APPLICATION 5V to -5V, 100mA Inverting DC/DC Converter SW VIN TA = 25C 22H D FB LT3462A 267k 68.1k 22pF VOUT -5V 100mA 10F VIN = 5V 70 EFFICIENCY (%) 1F 75 1F 22H VIN 5V Efficiency SDREF GND VIN = 3.3V 65 60 3462 TA01 55 0 20 60 80 40 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 100 3462 TA01b Rev A Document Feedback For more information 1 LT3462/LT3462A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1) Input Voltage (VIN).....................................................16V SW Voltage................................................................40V D Voltage................................................................ -40V SDREF, FB Voltage....................................................2.5V Operating Ambient Temperature Range (Note 3).................-40C to 85C Maximum Junction Temperature........................... 125C Storage Temperature Range................... - 65C to 150C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10sec) (TSOT-23 Package Only).................................... 300C PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW GND 2 GND 3 SW 4 TOP VIEW 8 SDREF FB 1 9 SW 1 7 D GND 2 6 NC FB 3 5 VIN 5 D 4 SDREF S6 PACKAGE 6-LEAD PLASTIC TSOT-23 DC PACKAGE (LT3462A ONLY) 8-LEAD (2mm x 2mm) PLASTIC DFN TJMAX = 125C, JA = 192C/W TJMAX = 125C, JA = 88.5C/W EXPOSED PAD (PIN 9) IS GND ORDER INFORMATION 6 VIN LEAD FREE FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING PACKAGE DESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RANGE LT3462ES6#PBF LT3462ES6#TRPBF LTBBV 6-Lead Plastic TSOT-23 -40C to 85C LT3462AES6#PBF LT3462AES6#TRPBF LTBGB 6-Lead Plastic TSOT-23 -40C to 85C LT3462AEDC#PBF LT3462AEDC#TRPBF LHGH 8-Lead (2mm x 2mm) Plastic DFN -40C to 85C Consult ADI Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. For more information on lead free part marking, go to: For more information on tape and reel specifications, go to: Some packages are available in 500 unit reels through designated sales channels with #TRMPBF suffix. Rev A 2 For more information LT3462/LT3462A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25C, VIN = 3V, unless otherwise noted. PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN Minimum Operating Voltage TYP V 16 10A > ISDREF -80A 1.245 FB Pin Bias Current (Note 2) 10A > ISDREF -80A 1.235 SDREF Reference Source Current SDREF >1.2V 120 Supply Current FB = -0.05V, Not Switching SDREF = 0V, FB = Open, VIN = 5V SDREF Minus FB Voltage UNITS 2.5 Maximum Operating Voltage SDREF Voltage MAX Error Amp Offset Voltage 1.265 1.285 V 15 50 nA 1.263 1.285 V -12 12 180 2.9 6.5 SDREF Line Regulation V mV A 3.6 10 0.007 mA A %/V Switching Frequency (LT3462) 0.8 1.2 1.6 MHz Switching Frequency (LT3462A) 2.0 2.7 3.5 MHz Maximum Duty Cycle (LT3462) 90 Maximum Duty Cycle (LT3462A) Switch Current Limit % 77 300 % 420 mA Switch VCESAT ISW = 250mA 270 350 mV Switch Leakage Current VSW = 5V 0.01 1 A Rectifier Leakage Current VD = -40V 0.03 4 A Rectifier Forward Drop ISCHOTTKY = 250mA 800 1100 mV 0.20 V 3 A SDREF Voltage Low SDREF Off-State Pull-Up Current SDREF Turn-Off Current Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. Note 2: Current flows out of the pin. 1 2 -300 -200 A Note 3: The LT3462E is guaranteed to meet specifications from 0C to 70C. Specifications over the -40C to 85C operating temperature range are assured by design, characterization and correlation with statistical process controls. Rev A For more information 3 LT3462/LT3462A TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Oscillator Frequency (LT3462) Current Limit 1.6 480 SDREF Minus FB Pin Voltage 1.29 TA = 25C 1.28 LT3462 1.4 1.3 1.2 360 LT3462A SDREF MINUS FB (V) CURRENT LIMIT (mA) FREQUENCY (MHz) 1.5 240 120 1.0 -40 -20 40 20 60 0 TEMPERATURE (C) 80 0 10 100 20 30 40 50 60 70 DUTY CYCLE (%) 80 3462 G01 1.25 10 3.0 QUIESCENT CURRENT (A) FB BIAS CURRENT (nA) -10 2.4 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 2.2 100 TA = 25C FB = N/C -5 2.6 80 Quiescent Current in Shutdown Mode 0 2.8 40 20 60 0 TEMPERATURE (C) 3462 G03 FB Bias Current TA = 25C 2.0 -40 -20 1.23 -40 -20 90 3462 G02 Oscillator Frequency (LT3462A) FREQUENCY (MHz) 1.26 1.24 1.1 3.2 1.27 8 6 4 2 -45 40 20 60 0 TEMPERATURE (C) 80 100 -50 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 TEMPERATURE (C) 80 3462 G04 PIN FUNCTIONS 100 0 0 4 8 12 16 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 3462 G05 3462 G06 (TSOT-23/DFN) SW (Pin 1/Pin 4): Switch Pin. Connect to external induc tor L1 and positive terminal of transfer cap. GND (Pin 2/Pins 2, 3): Ground. Tie directly to local ground plane. FB (Pin 3/Pin 1): Feedback Pin. Connect resistive divider tap here. Set R1 according to R1 = R2 * (VOUT/1.265V). In shutdown, a proprietary shutdown bias current cancel lation circuit allows the internal 3A source to pull up the SDREF pin, even with residual negative voltage on VOUT. SDREF (Pin 4/Pin 8): Dual Function Shutdown and 1.265V Reference Output Pin. Pull to GND with exter nal N-FET to turn regulator off. Turn-off pull-down and a 2A internal source will pull SDREF up to turn-on the regulator. At turn-on, a 180A internal source pulls the pin to the regulation voltage. The SDREF pin can supply up to 80A at 1.265V to bias the feedback resistor divider. An optional soft-start circuit capacitor connects from this pin to -VOUT. D (Pin 5/Pin 7): Anode Terminal of Integrated Schottky Diode. Connect to negative terminal of transfer cap and external inductor L2. VIN (Pin 6/Pin 5): Input Supply Pin. Must be locally bypassed. Exposed Pad (NA/Pin 9): GND. The exposed pad should be soldered to the PCB ground to achieve the rated ther mal performance. Rev A 4 For more information LT3462/LT3462A BLOCK DIAGRAM - + FB SW A1 E AMP RC + CC SHUTDOWN BIAS CURRENT CANCELLATION DRIVER A2 COMP R S Q Q1 SHUTDOWN ISRC - GND RAMP GENERATOR VOUT VOUT R1 (EXTERNAL) *LT3462A IS 2.7MHz FB R2 (EXTERNAL) - CS1 (EXTERNAL) SDREF CS2 (EXTERNAL) SDREF Q2 1.265V REFERENCE LG + 1.2MHz* OSCILLATOR VIN DO 0.1 OFF 3A ON 180A SDREF - D + CS1, CS2 OPTIONAL SOFT-START COMPONENTS 3462 F01 Figure 1. Block Diagram OPERATION The LT3462 uses a constant frequency, current mode control scheme to provide excellent line and load regula tion. Operation can be best understood by referring to the Block Diagram in Figure 1. At the start of each oscillator cycle, the SR latch is set, turning on the power switch Q1. A voltage proportional to the switch current is added to a stabilizing ramp and the resulting sum is fed into the positive terminal of the PWM comparator. When this voltage exceeds the voltage at the output of the EAMP, the SR latch is reset, turning off the power switch. The level at the output of the EAMP is simply an amplified version of the difference between the feedback voltage and GND. In this manner, the error amplifier sets the correct peak current level to keep the output in regulation. If the error amplifier's output increases, more current is taken from the output; if it decreases, less current is taken. One func tion not shown in Figure 1 is the current limit. The switch current is constantly monitored and not allowed to exceed the nominal value of 400mA. If the switch current reaches 400mA, the SR latch is reset regardless of the output state of the PWM comparator. This current limit cell protects the power switch as well as various external components connected to the LT3462. SDREF is a dual function input pin. When driven low it shuts the part down, reducing quiescent supply current to less than 10A. When not driven low, the SDREF pin has an internal pull-up current that turns the regulator on. Once the part is enabled, the SDREF pin sources up to 180A nominally at a fixed voltage of 1.265V through external resistor R2 to FB. If there is no fault condition present, FB will regulate to 0V, and VOUT will regulate to 1.265V * (-R1/R2). An optional soft-start circuit uses the fixed SDREF pull-up current and a capacitor from SDREF to VOUT to set the dV/dt on VOUT. In shutdown, an FB bias current cancellation circuit supplies up to 150A biasing current to external resistor R1 while VOUT is lower than FB. This function eliminates R2 loading of SDREF during shutdown. As a result, supply current in shutdown may exceed 10A by the amount of current flowing in R1. Rev A For more information 5 LT3462/LT3462A APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Inrush Current Capacitor Selection The LT3462 has a built-in Schottky diode. When supply voltage is applied to the VIN pin, the voltage difference between VIN and VD generates inrush current flowing from input through the inductor and the Schottky diode to charge the flying capacitor to VIN. The maximum non repetitive surge current the Schottky diode in the LT3462 can sustain is 1.5A. The selection of inductor and capaci tor value should ensure the peak of the inrush current to be below 1.5A. The peak inrush current can be calculated as follows: Ceramic capacitors are recommended. An X7R or X5R dielectric should be used to avoid capacitance decreasing severely with applied voltage and at temperature limits. The "flying" capacitor between the SW and D pins should be a ceramic type of value 1F or more. When used in the dual inductor or coupled inductor topologies the fly ing capacitor should have a voltage rating that is more than the difference between the input and output voltages. For the charge pump inverter topology, the voltage rat ing should be more than the output voltage. The output capacitor should be a ceramic type. Acceptable output capacitance varies from 1F for high VOUT (-36V), to 10F for low VOUT (-5V). The input capacitor should be a 1F ceramic type and be placed as close as possible to the LT3462/LT3462A. V - 0.6 IP = IN exp - L L 2 -1 -1 C C where L is the inductance between supply and SW, and C is the capacitance between SW and D. Table 3 gives inrush peak currents for some component selections. Table 3. Inrush Peak Current VIN (V) L (H) C (F) IP (A) 5 22 1 0.70 33 1 0.60 47 1 1.40 The high speed operation of the LT3462 demands care ful attention to board layout. You will not get advertised performance with careless layout. Figure 2 shows the rec ommended component placement. A ceramic capacitor of 1F or more must be placed close to the IC for input supply bypassing. C1 + 5 12 Layout Hints GND L1 Inductor Selection Each of the two inductors used with LT3462 should have a saturation current rating (where inductance is approxi mately 70% of zero current inductance ) of approximately 0.25A or greater. If the device is used in the charge pump mode, where there is only one inductor, then its rating should be 0.35A or greater. DCR of the inductors should be less than 1. For LT3462, a value of 22H is suitable if using a coupled inductor such as Sumida CLS62-220. If using two separate inductors, increasing the value to 47H will result in the same ripple current. For LT3462A, a value of 10H for the coupled inductor and 22H for two inductors will be acceptable for most applications. VIN C2 1 6 2 5 3 4 L2 R2 C3 R1 C4 VOUT 3462 F02 Figure 2. Suggested Layout Rev A 6 For more information LT3462/LT3462A TYPICAL APPLICATIONS 3.3V to -12V with Soft-Start Circuit C2 1F VIN 3.3V SW VIN C1 4.7F 80 L2 47H R1 267k D FB C4 15pF CS1 100nF R2 27.4k LT3462 SDREF GND TA = 25C 75 OFF M1 VIN = 3.3V VOUT -12V 30mA C3 2.2F EFFICIENCY (%) L1 47H -12V Efficiency 70 65 60 55 22nF 50 C1: TAIYO YUDEN X5R JMK212BJ475MG C2: TAIYO YUDEN X5R EMK212BJ105MG C3: TAIYO YUDEN EMK316BJ225 L1, L2: MURATA LQH32CN470 3462 TA02a VOUT Reaches -12V in 750s; Input Current Peaks at 300mA without CS1 0 5 OFF VOUT 10V/DIV VOUT 10V/DIV IIN 100mA/DIV IIN 50mA/DIV 3462 TA02c C2 1F C1 4.7F 80 L1B 22H D FB SW VIN LT3462 SDREF GND 3462 TA02d -8V Efficiency TA = 25C 75 R1 267k R2 42.2k C1: TAIYO YUDEN X5R JMK212BJ475MG C2: TAIYO YUDEN X5R EMK212BJ105MG C3: TAIYO YUDEN LMK316BJ475 L1: SUMIDA CLS62-220 OR 2X MURATA LQH32CN330 C4 15pF VOUT -8V C3 4.7F EFFICIENCY (%) VIN 2.7V TO 4.2V 35 3462 TA02b 2ms/DIV Li+ to -8V Supply L1A 22H 30 VOUT Reaches -12V in 7.5ms; Input Current Peaks at 125mA with CS1 = 100nF OFF 2ms/DIV 10 15 20 25 LOAD CURRENT (mA) VIN = 3.3V 70 65 60 55 50 3462 TA03a 0 10 20 30 40 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 50 3462 TA03b Rev A For more information 7 LT3462/LT3462A TYPICAL APPLICATIONS 3.3V to -8V (LT3462A) C2 1F L1A 10H VIN 2.7V TO 4.2V C1 1F SW VIN 5V to -5V Supply (LT3462A) L1B 10H D FB LT3462A SDREF GND VIN 5V R1 267k R2 42.2k C1: TAIYO YUDEN JMK107BJ105MA C2: TAIYO YUDEN EMK212BJ105MA C3: TAIYO YUDEN LMK316BJ475 L1: WURTH 50310057-100 C4 22pF C2 1F L1 22H VOUT -8V 35mA SW VIN C1 1F C3 4.7F L2 22H D FB LT3462A SDREF GND C1: TAIYO YUDEN JMK107BJ105MA C2: TAIYO YUDEN EMK212BJ105MA C3: MURATA GRM219R60J106KE19B L1, L2: MURATA LQH32CN220 3462 TA04a R1 267k C4 22pF VOUT -5V 100mA C3 10F R2 68.1k 3462 TA05a Switching Waveform INDUCTOR 50mA/DIV VSW 10V/DIV VOUT 1mV/DIV AC-COUPLED 200ns/DIV 3462 TA05b Rev A 8 For more information LT3462/LT3462A PACKAGE DESCRIPTION Please refer to for the most recent package drawings. DC8 Package 8-Lead Plastic DFN (2mm x 2mm) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1719 Rev A) 0.70 0.05 2.55 0.05 1.15 0.05 0.64 0.05 (2 SIDES) PACKAGE OUTLINE 0.25 0.05 0.45 BSC 1.37 0.05 (2 SIDES) RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD PITCH AND DIMENSIONS APPLY SOLDER MASK TO AREAS THAT ARE NOT SOLDERED R = 0.05 TYP 2.00 0.10 (4 SIDES) PIN 1 BAR TOP MARK (SEE NOTE 6) R = 0.115 TYP 5 8 0.40 0.10 0.64 0.10 (2 SIDES) PIN 1 NOTCH R = 0.20 OR 0.25 x 45 CHAMFER (DC8) DFN 0409 REVA 4 0.200 REF 1 0.23 0.05 0.45 BSC 0.75 0.05 1.37 0.10 (2 SIDES) 0.00 - 0.05 BOTTOM VIEW--EXPOSED PAD NOTE: 1. DRAWING IS NOT A JEDEC PACKAGE OUTLINE 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS 4. DIMENSIONS OF EXPOSED PAD ON BOTTOM OF PACKAGE DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH, IF PRESENT, SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.15mm ON ANY SIDE 5. EXPOSED PAD SHALL BE SOLDER PLATED 6. SHADED AREA IS ONLY A REFERENCE FOR PIN 1 LOCATION ON THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF PACKAGE Rev A For more information 9 LT3462/LT3462A PACKAGE DESCRIPTION Please refer to for the most recent package drawings. S6 Package 6-Lead Plastic TSOT-23 (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1636) 0.62 MAX 2.90 BSC (NOTE 4) 0.95 REF 1.22 REF 3.85 MAX 2.62 REF 1.4 MIN 2.80 BSC 1.50 - 1.75 (NOTE 4) PIN ONE ID RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUT PER IPC CALCULATOR 0.30 - 0.45 6 PLCS (NOTE 3) 0.95 BSC 0.80 - 0.90 0.20 BSC 0.01 - 0.10 1.00 MAX DATUM `A' 0.30 - 0.50 REF 0.09 - 0.20 (NOTE 3) NOTE: 1. DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. DIMENSIONS ARE INCLUSIVE OF PLATING 4. DIMENSIONS ARE EXCLUSIVE OF MOLD FLASH AND METAL BURR 5. MOLD FLASH SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.254mm 6. JEDEC PACKAGE REFERENCE IS MO-193 1.90 BSC S6 TSOT-23 0302 Rev A 10 For more information LT3462/LT3462A REVISION HISTORY REV DATE DESCRIPTION A 05/18 Add 2mm x 2mm 8-lead DFN package information (A-grade version only) to data sheet PAGE NUMBER 1, 2, 4, 9 Rev A Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license For is granted implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. moreby information 11 LT3462/LT3462A TYPICAL APPLICATION 12V to -36V DC/DC Converter L1 47H VIN 12V C2 0.47F -36V Efficiency 85 D1 TA = 25C VIN = 12V 80 LT3462 SDREF GND VOUT -36V 36mA C4 5pF R2 15k EFFICIENCY (%) C1 1F D FB SW VIN R1 432k C3 1F 50V 70 65 100nF C1: TAIYO YUDEN X5R EMK212BJ105 C2: MURATA GRM42-6X7R474K50 C3: MURATA GRM42-6X7R474K50 x2 D1: CENTRAL CMSH5-4-LTN L1: MURATA LQH32CN470 75 60 3462 TA06a 0 10 20 30 40 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 3462 TA06b RELATED PARTS PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION COMMENTS LT1617/LT1617-1 350mA/100mA (ISW) High Efficiency Micropower Inverting DC/DC Converter VIN: 1.2V to 15V, VOUT(MAX) = -34V, IQ = 20A, ISD <1A ThinSOT Package LT1931/LT1931A 1A (ISW), 1.2MHz/2.2MHz, High Efficiency Micropower Inverting DC/DC Converter VIN: 2.6V to 16V, VOUT(MAX) = -34V, IQ = 5.8mA, ISD <1A ThinSOT Package LT1945 Dual Output, Boost/Inverter, 350mA (ISW), Constant Off-Time, High Efficiency Step-Up DC/DC Converter VIN: 1.2V to 15V, VOUT(MAX) = 34V, IQ = 40A, ISD <1A, MS10 Package LT1946/LT1946A 1.5A (ISW), 1.2MHz/2.7MHz, High Efficiency Step-Up VIN: 2.45V to 16V, VOUT(MAX) = 34V, IQ = 3.2mA, ISD <1A MS8 Package DC/DC Converter LT3463 Dual Output, Boost/Inverter, 250mA (ISW), Constant Off-Time, High Efficiency Step-Up DC/DC Converter with Integrated Schottky Diodes VIN: 2.3V to 15V, VOUT(MAX) = 40V, IQ = 40A, ISD <1A DFN Package LT3464 85mA (ISW), High Efficiency Step-Up DC/DC Converter with Integrated Schottky and PNP Disconnect VIN: 2.3V to 10V, VOUT(MAX) = 34V, IQ = 25A, ISD <1A ThinSOT Package Rev A 12 D16961-0-5/18(A) ANALOG DEVICES, INC. 2004-2018