woe An hy ett: ete se Me Mh gta oat Se Innovation through design & technology Superior levels of performance Compact and light weight Inch and metric sizes Pneufit C Composite Fittings 3to 10mm 0/0 tube %" to 3%" 0/D tube AN, i") NORGRENMethod of assembly r" 90 1. Ensure that the end of the | N tube is cut square and is free from burrs. 2. Push the tube through the 4 D release button and grabring into the fitting. << c 3. Push the tube firmly through the P O' ring until it bottoms on the tube stop then pull back. 4. To disconnect, push the tube into the fitting, hold down the release button and ~~ withdraw the tube. , | al _ Tube sizes 3, 4,6, 8, 10mm O/D & 1/8", 5/32", 1/4", 5/16", 3/8" 0/D Warning: The Pneufit C design is not to be used with vehicle air braking or ancillary systems. For push-in fittings suitable for these applications, please refer to the Fleetfit range or contact Technical Sales for assistance Tube types Nylon 11 or 12, polyurethane* and other plasticised or unplasticised tubing which conforms to the tolerances specified in DIN 73378, NFE 49-101, ISO / WD 16026, ISO / WD 16627 Copper and stainless steel * Suitable for 85D ro : ce A SE OT O/Dtube Tube stop 3mm 2.3 15,3 4mm. 28 15,3 ~emm 44-474 8mm G0 C192 145 10mm 77 20,25 17,6 A St re Vv 0/D tube Tube stop 1/8" 2,3 15.3) 107 J 5/32" 2,8 153 107 | 1/4" 44 17,1 129 | 5/16" 6,0 192 145 | 3/8" 77 20,25 17,6 | * Dimensions here and in the individual tables refer to the release button in the OUT position ft Dimensions here (minimum bore diameter) are common per tube size for all connectors, elbow and tees unless otherwise stated Torque figures Thread sealant is applied to the full circumference of the thread. The recommended tightening torque figures for designs with thread sealant are found in the table below Thread Tightening (Tapered) Torque (Nm) 1/8" 6,86 ... 8.82 | 1/4" 11,76..1372 | 3/8" 21,56...25,.32 | 1/2" 27,44...29,40 | C-Clips For colour coding and tamper-resistant feature 3mm...4mm = 6mm 8mm 70mm 1/8" ... 5/32" 1/4" - 5/16" 3/8" RED 48A35501_48B35501_48C35501 48035501 | YELLOW _48A35502 48835502 48C35502 48035502 | ORANGE _48A35503 48B35503 48035503 48D35503 | GREEN _ 4835504 48B35504 48C35504 48035504 | BLACK _48A35505 48B35505 48C35505 48035505 | BROWN _48A35506_48B35506 48035506 48035506 | VIOLET _48A35507_ 48B35507_48C35507_48D35507__| BLUE 48435508 48835508 48C35508_48D35508__sf WHITE 48A35509 48B35509_ 48035509 48035509 _| SILVER__48A35510_48B35510_48C35510 48035510 | Boxed in quantities of 30Wgcufit C C@nposite Fittings O3to MMMM O/D tube 1%" to %" O/D tube en _ Nith Rapvation through design and in-house anffatturing, Pheutit C provides a reliable and rior quality pneumatic fitting (Releasable grab ring technology combining plasti and brass components for a compact ro fitting design fightevel performance for gripping soft PU tube Ll through to copper and stainless steel Colour coding option with tamper-resistant feature Features Moulded mounting brackets on tube connector designs Lightweight Red/grey release sleeve indicates metric/inch tube sizes Silicone free 0 ring seals Non-PTFE based thread sealant on tapered threads Easy tube insertion for rapid and quick assembly of pneumatic _ circuits Internal hexagon on straight adaptors allows assembly in confined spaces Typical part number: C01470628 Corrosion resistant 90 Swivel elbow adaptor Body Technical data NY Release button Medium: Compressed air Operating pressure: Vacuum - 18 bar unless otherwise stated (dependent on tubing specification) Ambient temperature: -20 to +80 C Grab ring O' ring Materials . Bodies: plastic - PBT, except straight adaptors and straight stem O' ring adaptors a Straight adaptors: nickel plated brass Thread Straight stem adaptors: plastic - acetal Threads: nickel plated brass Grab ring: stainless steel - BS 1440 Pt 2, grade 301.521 O' rings: silicnne froe nitrile Pre applied thraad canlont| l F [oosdero0a Ste cue Sbr oGe 8 @ - We foososr00d O92 Sz 6zt Ole 9 9 ae [HOPOEPODD Sve Ole Lol ool = a3 09 g v Ways eqn) . : @/0 Jo\JaUUED MOda Ways [ers0zrreo SSE PZI SZe uci woe [esozbyeo Ole Zl Sve ee 8/6 [ezo0lbveo OGe ZI Sve url Be [eesozvved Ole Sbl OG .P/L 91S Teisozeveo zze Sol Sve .@/1.91/S [eevozrre) ose Gcl Otc .8/ abit [eevozvre) S92 Get Ole. Wh uhh pean Teivozrezo Ole Gel Ole .8/l abit oF [eee0lrreo eT OL OBS, [ir [etzozrreoO0e ZOl oe! ol.ces | Wel | [eeldivren09e 201 08! rl ON ' [ettozrreo- Ode FOr Oe! ..o/t wot an 3 g Y. peasy, aqny - _ dldN 0/0 Joydepe Mogia JaAIMS 06 ["Seolzrl0n See PTL Sue Wee Or TRSOOLPIOO- 8 TBZBOLPIOO 3 [rees0zrl00 Oe SZ. 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