CD42__60 CD47__60 Powerex, Inc., Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (724)925-7272 Description: OUTLINE DRAWING A C F G Powerex Dual SCR/Diode Modules are designed for use in applications requiring phase control and isolated packaging. The modules are isolated for easy mounting with other components on a common heatsink. TM POW-R-BLOK has been tested and recognized by the Underwriters Laboratories. H 7 6 3 2 "T" K 1 4 5 B J "U" THREAD "S" FASTON TAB L R D M P N 4 5 CD42 1 2 ~ 3 - + CD47 1 7 Q CD42__60, CD47__60 Dual SCR Isolated TM POW-R-BLOK Module 60 Amperes / Up to 1600 Volts 6 2 ~ TM POW-R-BLOK Dual SCR / Diode Isolated Module 60 Amperes / Up to 1600 Volts 3 - + CONNECTION DIAGRAM CD42, CD47 Outline Dimensions Dimension Inches Millimeters A 3.62 92 B 0.81 20.5 C 3.15 80 D 1.18 30 F 0.59 15 G 0.79 20 H 0.79 20 J 0.16 4 K 0.23 5.8 L 0.61 15.5 M 1.14 29 N 0.24 6.1 P 0.94 24 Q 1.18 30 R 0.71 18 S 0.11 x .03 2.8 x 0.8 T 0.25 6.3 U M5 M5 Features: n n n n n Electrically Isolated Heatsinking DBC Alumina (Al2O3) Insulator Glass Passivated Chips DBC Alumina (Al2O3) Baseplate Low Thermal Impedance for Improved Current Capability n Quick Connect Gate Terminal with Provision for Keyed Mating Plug n UL Recognized (E78240) Benefits: Ordering Information Example: Select the complete eight digit module part number from the table below. Example: CD421660 is a 1600Volt, 60 Ampere Dual SCR/Diode Isolated TM POW-R-BLOK Module Type CD42 CD47 Voltage Volts (x100) Current Amperes (x 1) 08 12 14 16 60 n No Additional Insulation Components Required n Easy Installation n No Clamping Components Required n Reduce Engineering Time Applications: n n n n n n n n Bridge Circuits AC & DC Motor Drives Battery Supplies Power Supplies Large IGBT Circuit Front Ends Lighting Control Heat & Temperature Control Welders Note: Dimensions are for reference only. 07/07/2000 CD42__60 CD47__60 TM Powerex, Inc., Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (724)925-7272 POW-R-BLOK Dual SCR / Diode Isolated Module 60 Amperes / Up to 1600 Volts Absolute Maximum Ratings Characteristics Conditions Symbol Units Repetitive Peak Forward and Reverse Blocking Voltage VDRM & VRRM up to 1600 V Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage (t < 5 msec) VRSM VRRM + 100 V RMS Forward Current Average Forward Current Peak One Cycle Surge Current, Non-Repetitive Peak Three Cycle Surge Current, Non-Repetitive Peak Ten Cycle Surge Current, Non-Repetitive 2 I t for Fusing for One Cycle, 8.3 milliseconds 180 Conduction, TC=95C IT(RMS) 95 A 180 Conduction, TC=95C (AC Switch) IT(RMS) 135 A 180 Conduction, TC=95C IT(AV) 60 A 60 Hz, 100% VRRM reapplied, Tj=125C ITSM 1,470 A 60 Hz, No VRRM reapplied, Tj=125C ITSM 1,740 A 60 Hz, No VRRM reapplied, Tj=25C ITSM 1,940 A 50 Hz, 100% VRRM reapplied, Tj=125C ITSM 1,400 A 50 Hz, No VRRM reapplied, Tj=125C ITSM 1,665 A 50 Hz, No VRRM reapplied, Tj=25C ITSM 1,850 A 60 Hz, 100% VRRM reapplied, Tj=125C ITSM 1,120 A 50 Hz, 100% VRRM reapplied, Tj=125C ITSM 1,080 A ITSM 900 A ITSM 870 60 Hz, 100% VRRM reapplied, Tj=125C 50 Hz, 100% VRRM reapplied, Tj=125C 2 A 2 8.3 ms, 100% VRRM reapplied, Tj=125C It 8,960 A sec 8.3 ms, No VRRM reapplied, Tj=125C It 2 12,560 A sec 8.3 ms, No VRRM reapplied, Tj=25C It 2 15,600 A sec 10 ms, 100% VRRM reapplied, Tj=125C 2 It 9,800 A sec 2 2 2 2 2 10 ms, No VRRM reapplied, Tj=125C It 13,860 A sec 10 ms, No VRRM reapplied, Tj=25C It 2 17,110 A sec Tj=25C, IG=0.5 A, VD=0.67 VDRM (Rated), ITM=300A , Tr < 0.5 s, tp > 6 s di/dt 150 A/ s Peak Gate Power Dissipation Tp < 5 ms, Tj = 125C PGM 12 W Average Gate Power Dissipation F = 50 Hz, Tj = 125C PG(AV) 3 W Peak Forward Gate Current Tp < 5 ms, Tj = 125C IGFM 3 A Peak Reverse Gate Voltage Tp < 5 ms, Tj = 125C VGRM 10 V Operating Temperature TJ -40 to +125 C Storage Temperature Tstg -40 to +125 C 25 3 44 5 83 in.-Lb. Nm in.-Lb. Nm g 3 oz. 2500 3500 V V Maximum Rate-of-Rise of On-State Current, (Non-Repetitive) T T Max. Mounting Torque, M5 Mounting Screw on Terminals Max. Mounting Torque, Module to Heatsink Module Weight, Typical V Isolation @ 25C Circuit to base, all terminals shorted together 50 - 60 Hz, 1 minute 50 - 60 Hz, 1 second Vrms Vrms 2 T 07/07/2000 CD42__60 CD47__60 TM POW-R-BLOK Dual SCR / Diode Isolated Module 60 Amperes / Up to 1600 Volts Powerex, Inc., Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (724)925-7272 Electrical Characteristics, TJ=25C unless otherwise specified Characteristics Repetitive Peak Forward Leakage Current Symbol Test Conditions Min. IDRM Up to 1600V, TJ=125C Max. Units 15 mA IRRM Up to 1600V, TJ=125C 15 mA V TM / VFM ITM / IFM =235A 1.59 V Threshold Voltage, Low-level Slope Resistance, Low-level V(TO)1 rT1 TJ = 125C, I = 16.7% x IT(AV) to IT(AV) 0.82 3.00 V m Threshold Voltage, High-level Slope Resistance, High-level V(TO)2 rT2 0.85 2.90 V m Repetitive Peak Reverse Leakage Current Peak On-State Voltage TJ = 125C, I = IT(AV) to ITSM TJ = 125C, I = 15% x IT(AV) to ITSM VTM Coefficients, Full Range VTM = A+ B Ln I +C I + D Sqrt I Minimum dV/dt Turn-Off Time (Typical) Gate Trigger Current Gate Trigger Voltage A= B= C= D= 0.8127 5.23E-03 2.90E-03 -9.17E-05 T dV/dt Linear to 2/3 VDRM Tj=125C, Gate Open Circuit 500 t off TJ = 25C, IT= 2A Vr = 50V, -dI/dt=10 A/ s Re-Applied dV/dt = 200 V/ s, Linear to 900 V Tj= -40C, VD=6V, Resistive Load Tj= 25C, VD=6V, Resistive Load Tj=125C, VD=6V, Resistive Load 40 - 100 IGT VGT Non-Triggering Gate Voltage VGDM Non-Triggering Gate Current T V/ s (Typical) Ts 270 mA 150 mA T 80 mA Tj= -40C, VD=6V, Resistive Load Tj= 25C, VD=6V, Resistive Load Tj=125C, VD=6V, Resistive Load 4.0 Volts 2.5 Volts 1.7 Volts Tj=125C, VD=VDRM 0.25 Volts IGDM Tj=125C, VD=VDRM 6 mA Holding Current IH VD=6V, Resistive Load, Gate Open 200 mA Latching Current IL VD=6V, Resistive Load 400 mA Thermal Characteristics Characteristics Symbol Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case DC Operation R J-C Per Module, both conducting Per Junction, both conducting Thermal Impedance Coefficients Z8J-C Z8J-C= K1 (1-exp(-t/ 1)) K1 = 2.68 E-3 + K2 (1-exp(-t/ 2)) + K3 (1-exp(-t/ 3)) K2 = 9.52 E-3 Thermal Resistance, Case to Sink Lubricated R C-S [ [ [ + K4 (1-exp(-t/[4)) Per Module K3 = 1.26 E-1 K4 = 2.01 E-1 Max. Units 0.165 0.330 C/W C/W [1 = 3.10 E-5 [2 = 1.07 E-3 [3 = 2.02 E-2 [4 = 1.39 E-1 0.1 C/W 07/07/2000 CD42__60 CD47__60 Dual SCR / Diode Module Powerex, Inc., Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (724)925-7272 60 Amperes / Up to 1600 Volts Maximum On-State Forward Voltage Drop Maximum Transient Thermal Impedance (Junction to Case) 4 0.40 3.5 0.35 Thermal Impedance - Rjc - C/W On-State Voltage - Vtm/Vfm - Volts ( Tj = 125 C ) 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.5 0.00 0.001 0 10 100 1000 0.01 0.1 Maximum On-State Power Dissipation 10 (Sinusoidal Waveform) 80 125 120 70 60 Max. Case Temperature - Tcase -C 180 90 60 50 30 40 30 180 0 20 360 CONDUCTION ANGLE 120 115 180 0 110 105 180 100 30 60 90 120 95 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 360 CONDUCTION ANGLE 10 0 60 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Average On-State Current - It/If(av) - Amperes Average On-State Current - It/If(av) - Amperes Maximum Allowable Case Temperature Maximum On-State Power Dissipation (Rectangular Waveform) (Rectangular Waveform) 125 120 360 100 120 Max. Case Temperature - Tcase -C Max. Power Dissipation Per Junction - Watts 100 Maximum Allowable Case Temperature (Sinusoidal Waveform) Max. Power Dissipation Per Junction - Watts 1 Time - t - Seconds Instantaneous On-State Current - Itm/Ifm - Amperes 270 180 80 120 60 60 90 30 15 40 20 180 0 360 115 180 0 360 CONDUCTION ANGLE 110 105 100 30 60 95 90 120 360 180 90 CONDUCTION ANGLE 270 85 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Average On-State Current - It/Ifav) - Amperes 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Average On-State Current - It/If(av) - Amperes 07/07/2000 100