Qualification Test
Report 501-683
09Mar09 Rev B
LC Duplex Adapter For LC Cutouts
©2009 Tyco Electronics Corporation
Harrisburg , PA
All International Rights Reserved
* Trademark
| Indicates change 1 of 8
1.1. Purpose
| Te s ting w as p e r f o rme d o n Tyco Ele c tr o nic s L C D u ple x Ad ap ter s f o r L C C utou ts, t o d e te r mine the ir
| conform ance to Tyco Electronics Product Specification 108-2358, which contains a subset of tests from
| the sm all form factor connector requirements specified in Telcordia Technologies Specification
| G R-326-C OR E, Issue 3, General Requirem ents for Singlemode O ptical Connectors and Jum per
| Assemblies.
1.2. Scope
This report covers the optical and m echanical perform ance of singlem ode LC D uplex Adapter for LC
Cutouts m anufactured by T yco Electronics, Fiber Optics Business Unit. Testing was perform ed between
March 2008 and May 2008. The test file num ber for this testing is B090701-002
1.3. Conclusion
| The LC D uplex Sr-Jr Singlem ode Adapters for LC Cutouts, listed in paragraph 1.5, meet the
| re qu ir e men ts o f Tyco Ele ctr o n ic s Pr o d u c t Sp e c ifica tion 1 08 - 2 3 5 8 a n d the o ptica l a n d me c h a n ic a l s ma ll
| form factor performance requirem ents at 1310 and 1550 nm wavelengths for the tests listed in Figure 2,
| which are a subset of Telcordia T echnologies GR -326-CO R E, Issue 3.
| LC D uplex Sr-Sr Adapters for LC Cutout are assum ed to be qualified by similarity to LC D uplex Sr-Jr
| A d a p ters fo r L C C u to ut.
| LC D uplex Multimode Adapters for LC Cutout are assum ed to be qualified by sim ilarity to LC Duplex
| S in gle mo de A d ap te rs for L C C u to ut.
1.4. Product Description
Tyco Electronics LC D uplex Adapters are used with panels with LC C utouts to m ount and connect LC
fibe r o ptic co n ne c to rs us e d in d a ta c o mmu nic a tion a n d te lec o mmu nic ation n etw o rk s a nd e qu ipme n t.
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1.5. Test Specimens
Test specimens were m anufactured using standard manufacturing processes and are representative of
current production. A specim en consisted of one channel of a single Sr/Jr LC Duplex Adapter. Two
reference quality test leads, LC to FC/APC, were connected to either channel A or channel B of the
adapter. The transm it test leads were connected to the Jr.-side of the adapter and the receive test leads
were conn ec ted to the Sr.-side of the adap ter.
Component Description Test Group 1
Adapter Type LC D uplex Sr/Jr Singlem ode
Ada pter PN 1985 15 0-1
T est C able As sembly P N (see N ote) 1695 47 4-1
Test Cable Length (m) 10
Test Specimens Required 15
Test Cables Required 30
Control Cable Required No
Test cable assemblies were reference quality.
Figure 1
1.6. Q ualification T est Sequence
Test or Exam ination
Test Group (a)
Test Sequence (b)
Visual and m echanical inspection 1
Loss (attenuation) 2,10
Reflectance 3,11
Vibration 4
Flex 5
Twist 6
Proof 7
Transm ission with applied load 8
Durability 9
(a) See paragraph 1.5.
NOTE (b) Num bers indicate sequence in which tests are perform ed.
Figure 2
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2.1. Visual and Mechanical Inspection
All sp ecim en s su bmitted for testing were represen tative of no rm al, current produc tion lots, and w ere
ins pe c te d a n d a c ce p ted b y the Pro d u c t As s u ra nc e D e pa rtme n t of th e F ib er Op tics Bu s ine s s Un it.
2.2. Initial Optical Perform ance
All initial loss and reflectance measurem ents were recorded and met the specification requirem ents for
New Product. Loss and Reflectance were m easured at both 1310 and 1550 nm. See Figure 3 for New
Product Loss and R eflectance M easurem ents.
Maxim um Loss, M ean Loss and Maxim um Reflectance - Requirements and Actual for New Product (dB)
Requirement Actual
Loss Maximum
Loss Maximum
Reflectance Mean
Loss Maximum
Loss Maximum
1310 0.20 0.40 -40 0.07 0.17 -48
1550 0.06 0.12 -50
Figure 3
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2.3 . L o s s , Lo ss In c rea s e , M e an L os s , R e flec ta nc e , an d R e flec ta nc e Inc re a s e - A ll R ema inin g Te s ts
All Loss, Loss Increase, M ean Loss, Reflectance, and Reflectance Increase m easurem ents m et the
specification requirements for each test. All measurem ents were recorded at both 1310 and 1550 nm .
Values shown in Figure 4 represent M aximum Loss, Maxim um Loss Increase, M ean Loss, M axim um
Reflectance, and M axim um R eflectance Increase.
Maxim um Loss, Loss Increase, M ean Loss, Reflectance, and Reflectance Increase Results (dB)
Test Condition Requirement
1310 nm
1550 nm
Mean Loss 0.3 0.07 0.04
Maximum Loss 0.5 0.19 0.12
Loss Increase 0.3 0.06 0.03
Maximum Reflectance -40 -48 -49
Reflectance Increase 5 1 1
Mean Loss 0.3 0.03 0.03
Maximum Loss 0.5 0.09 0.08
Loss Increase 0.3 0.04 0.03
Maximum Reflectance -40 -52 -52
Reflectance Increase 5 1 1
Mean Loss 0.3 0.03 0.03
Maximum Loss 0.5 0.09 0.09
Loss Increase 0.3 0.04 0.01
Maximum Reflectance -40 -52 -52
Reflectance Increase 5 0 0
Proof, 0 degrees
Mean Loss 0.3 0.04 0.02
Maximum Loss 0.5 0.09 0.09
Loss Increase 0.3 0.02 0.01
Maximum Reflectance -40 -52 -52
Reflectance Increase 5 1 0
Proof, 90 degrees
Mean Loss 0.3 0.04 0.04
Maximum Loss 0.5 0.12 0.13
Loss Increase 0.3 0.09 0.06
Maximum Reflectance -40 -51 -50
Reflectance Increase 5 3 4
Transmission with Applied Load,
0 degrees
See Note (b)
Loss Increase 0.5 0.04 0.04
Maximum Reflectance -40 -51 -52 Yes
Reflectance Increase 5 1 2
Transmission with Applied Load,
90 degrees
See Note (b)
Loss Increase 0.5 0.09 0.51
See Note (a) Yes
Maximum Reflectance -40 -51 -52
Reflectance Increase 5 0 0
See Note (c)
Mean Loss 0.3 0.04 0.04
Maximum Loss 0.5 0.19 0.14
Loss Increase 0.3 0.15 0.11
Maximum Reflectance -40 -42 -43
Reflectance Increase 5 5 5
(a) In the past Telcordia has applied a measurement error allow ance of 2 dB for reflectance
NOTE measurements and 0.05 dB for loss measurements. This was based on the observed
repeatability of measurements on internal standards during testing.
(b) O ptical performance requirements apply during the test, while the load is applied.
(c) After a cleaning interval, 90% m ust m eet the requirements.
Figure 4
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2.4. Vibration
There was no evidence of physical dam age to the adapter or test cable. Maximum Loss, Loss Increase,
Me an L o ss , Re f le c ta nc e a n d Re f le c ta n c e In cr e a s e meas ur e men ts me t th e s p ec if ie d limits, as s tated in
Figure 4, before and after testing. Optical perform ance was m easured at both 1310 and 1550 nm .
2.5. Flex
There was no evidence of physical dam age to the adapter or test cable. Maximum Loss, Loss Increase,
Me an L o ss , Re f le c ta nc e a n d Re f le c ta n c e In cr e a s e meas ur e men ts me t th e s p ec if ie d limits, as s tated in
Figure 4, before and after testing. Optical perform ance was m easured at both 1310 and 1550 nm .
2.6. Twist
There was no evidence of physical dam age to the adapter or test connector or cable. Maximum Loss,
Loss Increase, M ean Loss, Reflectance and Reflectance Increase measurem ents m et the specified
limits, as stated in Figure 4, before and after testing. Optical perform ance was m easured at both 1310
and 1550 nm.
2.7. Proof, 0 and 90 Degrees
There was no evidence of physical dam age to the adapter or test cable during or after test. Maxim um
Loss, Loss Increase, Mean Loss, R eflectance and Reflectance Increase m easurem ents m et the
specified limits, as stated in Figure 4, before and after testing. Optical perform ance was m easured at
bo th 13 1 0 a n d 1 5 50 n m.
2.8. Transm ission with Applied Load, 0 and 90 Degrees
T h e re wa s no e vide n c e o f p hys ica l da ma ge to the ad a pte r o r tes t c ab le a s s emb ly du ring or a fte r te st.
Loss Increase, R eflectance and R eflectance Increase m easurem ents met the specified limits, as stated
in Figure 4, before, during, and after testing. O ptical perform ance was m easured at both 1310 and 1550
2.9. Durability
T h e re wa s no e vide n c e o f p hys ica l da ma ge to the ad a pte r o r tes t c ab le a s s emb ly du e to du ra b ility
testing. Maxim um Loss, Loss Increase, M ean Loss, Reflectance and Reflectance Increase
m easurem ents met the specified limits as stated in Figure 4, before, during, and after testing. Optical
perform ance was m easured at both 1310 and 1550 nm.
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2.10. Final O ptical Perform ance with Reference Quality Test Leads
At the completion of the test sequence, all final attenuation and reflectance measurem ents of the
adapter (between reference quality test leads) met the specification requirem ents. No significant change
was observed between initial adapter performance recorded before the first test and final adapter
perform ance m easured after the last test in the sequence. Attenuation and reflectance were measured
at both 1310 nm and 1550 nm . See Figure 5.
Maxim um Loss, M ean Loss and Maxim um Reflectance - Requirements and Actual for End of Test (dB)
Requirement Actual
Loss Maximum
Loss Maximum
Reflectance Mean
Loss Maximum
Loss Maximum
1310 0.20 0.40 -40 0.04 0.10 -51
1550 0.03 0.08
Figure 5
All optical measurem ents were performed with the utilization of a benchtop singlemode test system .
This measurem ent facility is compliant with TIA/EIA-455-20A. Loss and R eflectance were m easured at
both 1310 and 1550 nm , unless otherwise specified. Following installation of the specimens, sequential
testing was perform ed.
3.1. Visual and Mechanical Inspection
P r o d u c t d r a win g s a n d in sp e ction p la n s we r e u s e d to e xa mine th e s p ec ime n s v is u a lly a n d f u n c tio n ally.
3.2. Loss (Attenuation)
All singlemode loss was m easured in accordance with FOT P-171, Method D3 processes. The initial
optical power through each of the launch connector fiber paths was m easured. The receive connector
assem bly was then mated and optical power m easured from the receive side fiber. Loss was calculated
by taking the difference between these 2 m easurements. The receive fiber was then connected to the
optical test equipment. Optical power was recorded as a reference to calculate loss increase
during/after subsequent tests. O ptical power readings were compensated by changes in a source
m onitor cable.
3.3. Loss Increase (Attenuation Increase)
Loss Increase was calculated by taking the difference between the initial m easurement and the
m easurem ent during or after each test. Loss increase represents a change in loss that results from a
decrease in optical power (degraded perform ance). Optical power readings were com pensated by
changes in the source m onitor cable.
3.4. Reflectance
Reflectance was m easured in accordance with EIA/TIA-455-107A, M ethod A. A single measurem ent
was recorded for reflectance. Reflectance was measured initially and during/after each test evaluation
as required by the specification.
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3.5. Reflectance Increase
Increase in reflectance was calculated by taking the difference between the initial measurem ent and the
me as u re me nt d urin g or a fte r e ac h tes t. R e flec tan c e inc re as e is a ch a ng e in re flec ta nc e tha t re pre s e n ts
degraded perform ance.
3.6. Vibration
Specim ens were subjected to sinusoidal vibration, having a simple harmonic motion with am plitude of
1.5 m m [0.06 in] peak-to-peak. T he vibration frequency was varied uniformly between the limits of 10
and 55 Hz for 2 hours in each of the 3 mutually perpendicular directions, at a rate of 45 Hz per minute.
O ptical perform ance was recorded before and after exposure in each plane with the specimens in place
on the vibration m achine.
3.7. Flex
Specim ens were subjected to 100 cycles of cable flexing. Specim ens were tested at a rate of 25 cycles
p e r min u te . A 7 .5 c m [3 in] ma n d r e l w a s u se d to a p ply a te n sile lo a d o f 0 .6 kg [1 .3 lb f ] to jacketed c ab le
| on the Sr end of the adapter at an approximate distance of 25 cm [10 in] from the connector boot. The
flex arc was ± 90 degrees from a vertical position. O ptical perform ance was m easured before and after
test with the load rem oved.
3.8. Twist
Specim ens were subjected to 10 cycles of twist. Specim ens were manually tested at a rate less than 30
cycles per minute. A 7.5 cm [3 in] diameter mandre l was us ed to app ly a tensile load of 1.35 k gf [3.0 lbf]
| to jacketed cable on the Sr end of the adapter at an approximate distance of 25 cm [10 in] from the
connector boot. The twist m otion for each cycle was ± 2.5 revolutions about the axis of optical
transm ittance. O ptical perform ance was m easured before and after test with the load removed.
3.9. Proof
Axial and 90 degree side loads were m anually applied by wrapping the test lead cable around a 7.5 cm
[3 in] d iame te r man d re l at an a pp ro x ima te dis tan c e o f 2 5 cm [1 0 in] fro m the c o nn e c tor b o ot.
| Specim ens were subjected to a 4.5 kg (10 lb) axial load on the Sr end of the adapter for a 5 second
duration for Sm all Form Factor Connectors. T he load was rem oved and optical m easurem ents taken
afte r 2 0 se c o nd s to a llow the sp e c ime n s to n ormalize. Su b s eq u e ntly, the s p ec ime ns w e re su b jec te d to
the 90 degree applied side load requirem ent of 1.5 kg (3.3 lb) for Sm all Form Factor Connectors. The
loa d w a s remove d an d op tica l m e a s ure men ts ta k e n a fte r 2 0 s e co n d s to allow th e s p ec ime ns to
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3.10. Transm ission with Applied Tensile Load
Attenuation and reflectance were m easured before the start of the test. An adapter was secured to the
| te s t fixtu re . T h e firs t load o f 0 .25 k g [0.5 5 lb ] wa s man u a lly ap p lie d on the S r e nd o f the a da p ter a t 0
degrees by wrapping the cable around a 7.5 cm [3 in] diameter m andrel at an approximate distance of
25 cm [10 in] from the connector boot. Attenuation and reflectance were recorded after holding the load
for a m inimum of 20 seconds, or until stability was reached. The load was rem oved and the test was
repeated with the next load and angle. During test m easurem ents were recorded for each of the 8 load
and angle combinations shown in Figure 4. Final attenuation and reflectance were recorded a minimum
of 20 seconds after the last load was rem oved. The test criteria shown in the table below follows
Telcordia GR -326-CO R E T able 4-10 requirem ents for sm all form factor, m edia type I, except for the
135 degree load application.
Sm all Form Factor Required Tensile Loads for Transm ission with Applied Load
Order R equired Load Angle
Kilogram Pound
1 0.25 0.55 0
2 0.17 0.37 90
3 0.7 1.54 0
4 0.47 1.0 90
5 1.5 3.3 0
6 1.0 2.2 90
7 2.0 4.4 0
8 1.3 2.9 90
G R-326 Table 4-10
3.11. Durability, 200 C ycles
The plug on the receive end (Sr.-side of the adapter) was subjected to 200 cycles of durability. Half of
the test specimens' test leads were connected to channel A. T he remaining test specimens' test leads
were connected to channel B. T he sim plex plug on the receive end (Sr.-side of the adapter) was m ated
and unm ated for all specimens during durability cycling. Specimens were m ounted at 1.8 m [6 ft], 1.4 m
[4.5 ft] and 0.9 m [3 ft] above the floor per G R-326-C O RE procedure. Specimens were m anually cycled
at a rate not in excess of 300 cycles per hour. Attenuation and reflectance were recorded after one
sided cleaning at 25, 75, 125 and 175 cycles. Attenuation and reflectance were recorded after two sided
cleaning at 50, 100, 150 and 200 cycles. If specim ens did not meet optical criteria after any of the
cleaning intervals, additional cleanings of the reference quality test leads were perm itted.