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The GS9005A Receiver or GS9015A Reclocker along with the
GS9000B or GS9000S Decoder form a serial to parallel
decoding system for Serial Digital Video signals. Use of the
GS9010A eliminates the need to manually tune the VCO and
externally temperature compensate for all data rates. Figure 1
shows a simplified block diagram of the Automatic Tuning
Sub-System and Figure 2 shows the relevant waveforms.
The active high CARRIER DETECT output of the Receiver/
Reclocker indicates the presence of serial data. If the CARRIER
DETECT input to the GS9010A (pin 14) is HIGH (see Fig 2. [A])
and a Timing Reference Signal (TRS) is not being detected by
the GS9000B or GS9000S Decoder, an oscillator in the GS9010A
produces a sawtooth ramp signal at the OUT pin
(pin 2)(see Figure 2. [C]). This output is connected to the
Receiver/Reclocker RVCO pin via a resistor which converts this
voltage ramp into a current ramp. The frequency of the VCO is
changed by varying the current drawn from the RVCO pin such
that a lower sweep voltage at pin 2 of the GS9010A causes a
higher VCO frequency.
As the frequency sweeps, the PLL will lock to the incoming
data stream and the GS9000B or GS9000S decoder will detect
TRS. The TRS detect function is provided by the HSYNC output
of the GS9000B or GS9000S. In this case, HSYNC is a digital
signal which changes state whenever TRS is detected. This
signal is connected to the HSYNC input (pin 13) of the GS9010A
(see Figure 2 [B]). This signal will be at a rate equal to one half
the horizontal scan rate for composite video and equal to the
horizontal scan rate for component video since both EAV and
SAV produce an HSYNC state change. The presence of
detected TRS will shut off the GS9010A oscillator and disable
the sweep. Even though the oscillator is off, the Automatic Fine
Tuning (AFT) function provided by the buffer amplifier in the
GS9010A remains in the control loop in order to centre the
GS9005A or GS9015A loop filter voltage to VREF (approximately
The VCO within the GS9005A or GS9015A has a dual modulus
divider feature which optimises jitter performance for the lower
data rates. This feature is enabled by a logic HIGH on the ƒ/2
pin. The MODULUS CONTROL output (pin 6) (see Figure 2.
[D]) of the GS9010A controls this ƒ/2 function to set the VCO
frequency to twice the normal rate. Under normal operation the
VCO within the GS9005A or GS9015A, operates at twice the
output clock frequency, which means that for 360 Mb/s data
the VCO is operating at 720 MHz (2 x 360 MHz). For 177 Mb/
s (PAL - 4fsc), with the ƒ/2 function enabled, the VCO operates
at 708 MHz (2 x 2 x 177 MHz). In the case of component and
composite NTSC, the VCO operates at 540 MHz (2 x 270 MHz)
and 572 MHz (2 x 2 x 143 MHz) respectively. This means that
the VCO is tuned to the same frequency range for 4:2:2 and the
respective 4ƒsc signals.
The MODULUS CONTROL itself is derived by dividing the
GS9010A oscillator by four. It is possible that the PLL could
lock with the MODULUS CONTROL in the wrong state (ƒ/2
OFF) for component data rates.
In order to avoid this, another circuit ensures that the MODULUS
CONTROL is set HIGH (ƒ/2 ENABLED) for composite data
rates and LOW (ƒ/2 OFF) for component data rates. This is
accomplished through a Frequency Detector (Frequency to
Voltage Convertor, FVC) which measures the frequency of
HSYNC and compares it to a reference. If the frequency of
HSYNC corresponds to composite video, the comparator
output is high and the ÷4 (MODULUS CONTROL) is set HIGH.
Conversely, when the frequency of HSYNC corresponds to
component video, the MODULUS CONTROL is set LOW.
If the FVC measurement results in any change to the MODULUS
CONTROL, the PLL will immediately lose lock, the TRS will not
be detected and the oscillator will begin to sweep the VCO
frequency. Now the PLL will reacquire lock with the MODULUS
CONTROL in the correct state before the ÷4 output changes
In a noisy environment or at power-on, erratic TRS will cause
the GS9000B or GS9000S to output an artificially low HSYNC
frequency. This condition often subsides after input data
stabilizes or in the case of power-up, once the supplies have
settled. The GS9010A employs a technique to provide noise
(CCD) to protect against erroneous modulus settings. This
technique is explained in the following paragraph.
A delay is required for the FVC calculation within the CCD
before the ÷4 is set/reset. In the GS9010A, the trigger
threshold for this delay is controlled by the ƒ/2 and FVCAP
output voltage. Because this threshold is modulated, the
incoming HSYNC frequency must be compatible with the
current ƒ/2 state before the delay is triggered. This threshold
control prevents artificially low HSYNC frequencies from
triggering the set/reset of the ÷4 thus preventing the wrong
If the serial digital signal is interrupted, CARRIER DETECT
(pin 14) goes LOW and turns the internal oscillator off. The
buffer from the LOOP FILTER input (pin 5) to the 20 kΩ
integrator resistor is disabled and its output becomes high
impedance, neither sinking nor sourcing current. In this state,
the output voltage from the GS9010A will remain constant for
a time period of typically 2 seconds. The VCO in the Receiver/
Reclocker will remain tuned to the correct frequency so that
the PLL will relock quickly without frequency sweeping when
the serial data returns. For longer periods of data interruption,
the external integration capacitor between the OUT and IN
pins will slowly discharge and the VCO will drift lower in
frequency. The serial clock output frequency of the PLL will
settle to approximately 170 MHz when ƒ/2 is high and 85 MHz
when ƒ/2 is low. A limit has been set on the maximum OUT
voltage to prevent Receiver/Reclocker VCO shutdown allowing
faster relock time once data is reapplied.