13 and 43 Standard
13and43_Standard www.meas-spec.com June 2011
Supply Current: 1.5mA
Ambient Temperature: 25°C (un less otherwise specified)
Span 75 100 150 mV 1
Span (2 psi version) 30 60 mV 1
Zero Pressure Output -2 2 mV
Pressure Non Linearity -0.1 ±0.05 0.1 %Span 2
Pressure Hysteresis -0.05 ±0.01 0.05 %Span
Input & Output Resistance 2500 4400 6000 Ω
Temperature Error – Span -0.5 ±0.3 0.5 %Span 3
Temperature Error – Zero -0.5 ±0.1 0.5 %Span 3
Thermal Hysteresis – Zero ±0.1 %Span 3
Supply Current 1.5 2.0 mA
Response Time (10% to 90%) 1.0 mS 4
Output Noise (10Hz to 1kHz) 1.0 µV p-p
Insulation Resistance (50 Vdc) 50 M Ω 5
Long Term Stability (Offset & Span) ±0.1 %Span 6
Pressure Overload 3X Rated 7
Compensated Temperature 0 50 °C
Operating Temperature -40 +125 °C
Storage Temperature -50 +150 °C
Weight 3 grams
Solder Temperature 250ºC Max 5 Sec.
Media Non-Corrosive Dry Gases Compatible with Silicon, Pyrex,
RTV, Gold, Nickel, and Aluminum
1. Ratiometric to supply current.
2. Best fit straight line.
3. Maximum temperature error between 0°C and 50°C with respect to 25°C. For 2psi devices, Temperature Error – Zero is ±1.25%.
4. For a zero-to-full scale pressure step change.
5. Minimum resistance between case and pins.
6. Long term stability over a one year period with constant current and temperature.
7. 2X maximum for 250 psi device. 20 psi maximum for 2 and 5 psi devices.