Operati on functions
Maximum and minimum frequency setting, frequency jump
operati on, external thermal rel ay input selection, automat ic
restart after instantaneous power failure, forward/reverse
rotat ion prevention, slip compensati on, operation mode
selection, PID control , computer l ink operation (RS-485)
Running status
1 open collector signal can be selected from
among inverter running, up-to- frequency,
frequency detection, overload warning, zero
current detection, output current detection, PID
upper limit, PID lower li mit, PID f orward/r everse
rotat ion, operation ready, minor failur e and
alarm. 1 contac t output (1 contact , 230V 0.3A
AC, 30V 0.3A DC) signal can be selected.
Pr. 64 to
Pr. 65 for
Japanese 1 signal can be selected from output frequency and motor
Pulse train out put (1440 pulses/s, 1mA ful l scale)
Control specifications
Output signals
For meter NA, EC 1 signal can be selected from output frequency and motor
Analog out put (0 to 5VDC, 1mA full scale)
Protective/ alarm functions
Overcurrent shut-off (duri ng accel eration, deceleration,
constant speed), regenerative overv oltage shut-off (duri ng
acceleration, decelerati on, cons tant speed), overload shut-
off (electronic overcurrent protecti on), fin overheat, fan
fail ure (*4), stall prevention, start-time output side ground
fault protection (*5), external thermal relay (* 6), PU
disconnection (*3), retry count excess, communication
error (*3), CPU error, undervolt age (* 1)
Ambient temperature -10ºC to +50ºC (14°F to 122°F) (non-fre ez ing) (-10°C to
+40°C (14°F to 104°F) for totally enclosed structure feature)
Ambient humidity 90%RH max. (non-condensing)
Storage t emperature -20ºC to +65ºC (-4°F to 149°F)
Ambience I ndoors ( without corrosive gas, f lammable gas, oil mist,
dust and dirt et c.)
Alti tude, vibration Maximum 1000m (3280.80feet) above sea level for standard
5.9m/s2 or less (conforming to JIS C0911)
*1. When undervoltage or instantaneous power failure occurs, no alarm output is
provided but the output is shut off. After power restoration, the inverter may be
run as it is. Depending on the running status (e.g. load magnitude), however,
overcurrent, regenerative overvoltage or other protection may be activated at
power restoration. (In external operation mode.)
*2. The braking torque indicated is a short-duration average torque (which varies
with motor loss) when the motor alone is decelerated from 60Hz in the shortest
time and is not a continuous regenerative torque. When the motor is
decelerated from the frequency higher than the base frequency, the average
deceleration torque will reduce.
*3. This function is valid for only the type with RS-485 communication function.
*4. Compatible with only the product having the built-in cooling fan.
*5. Activated only when "1" is set in Pr. 40 "start-time ground fault detection
*6. Activated only when external thermal relay input (OH) is selected in any of Pr. 60
to Pr. 63 (input terminal function selection).