Source Impedance Mismatches Ruin Good CMRR
Even if R1perfectly matches R3, any mismatch in
the source impedances RS+ and RS- will cause the
voltage dividers to be unequal between the two input
legs. This means that Vin- and Vin+ in Figure 5 are no
longer equal to each other. Essentially, imbalances in
the two source impedances convert the common
mode signal to a differential signal, which will not be
rejected by the input stage no matter how high its
theoretical CMRR is.
To see how this plays out in practice, consider the
case of a typical unity-gain conventional balanced line
receiver with common-mode input impedance of
10 kΩ. In such cases, a source impedance imbalance
of only 10 Ωcan degrade CMRR to no better than
66 dB. A 10 Ωmismatch could be caused by toler-
ances in coupling capacitors or output build-out re-
sistors. The situation becomes much worse when a
conventional balanced line receiver is driven from an
unbalanced source, where it is common to use at
least 100 Ωin series with the output for protection.
(With a 100 Ωunbalanced output impedance, and a
10 kΩcommon-mode input impedance, even a per-
fect simple input stage can provide no more than
46 dB CMRR!)
The best solution to this problem is to increase
the line receiver's common-mode input impedance
enough to minimize the unbalancing effect of the volt-
age divider. Preferably, this means achieving input
impedances on the order of several megohms. How-
ever, in a conventional differential amplifier, this re-
quires high-value resistances in the circuit. High
resistance carries with it a high noise penalty, making
this straightforward approach impractical for quality
audio devices.
Instrumentation Amplifiers
Some designers prefer the more elaborate ap-
proach of an instrumentation amplifier, as shown in
Figure 6. In this circuit, it is possible to raise the in-
put impedance (both common-mode and differential)
of the stage because the load seen by the source is
decoupled by OA1and OA2from the balanced stage
(OA3along with R1,R
3, and R4). In this circuit,
ZCM- = Ri1, and ZCM+ =R
To retain 90 dB CMRR in the face of a 10 Ωmis-
match in source impedance would require Ri1 and
Ri2 to be > 317 kΩ. Of course, any difference in the
values of Ri1 and Ri2 themselves would further unbal-
ance common mode signals as well, so these resis-
tors would ideally be trimmed just like the resistors
in the single opamp stage of Figure 3. Unfortunately
for this approach, it is difficult and expensive to
make precision trimmed resistors with such high val-
Furthermore, since the input bias current for am-
plifiers OA1and OA2flows through these resistors,
their input currents must be extremely low if they are
not to cause significant offsets. Practically, this neces-
sitates using FET input stages for OA1and OA2.
While FETs may be a viable alternative, it is difficult
to achieve with them the low noise performance of
modern bipolar input stages.
Transformer Input Stages
From the point of view of common mode input
impedance, as well as that of electrical isolation, a
transformer in front of the first active input stage is
really the best possible solution. Transformers are
the only approach of which we are aware that pro-
vides true electrical isolation with reasonable fidelity.
Furthermore, their common-mode input impedance
is easily extremely high (tens of Megohms), and al-
most completely decoupled from their differential in-
put impedance.
But, transformers have many other limitations.
They do not offer dc coupling, and suffer from satu-
ration at low frequencies unless they are physically
large and carefully made. Again, unless they are
carefully made (which usually equates to high cost),
they introduce phase shift at high audio-band fre-
quencies. Furthermore, they tend to be big and
heavy and pick up external magnetic fields, some-
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600033 Rev 00 Page 5
Zcm +
R1 R2
R3 R4
Figure 5. Basic differential amplifier driven
by common-mode input signal
R1 R2
R3 R4
Figure 6. Instrumentation amplifier