(1920–1980 MHz)
Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • •
200835B • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential Information. • Products and product information are subject to change without notice. • May 19, 2008 9
Package Description
Figure 6 shows the pad functions and the pad numbering
convention, which starts with pad 1 in the upper left and
increments counter-clockwise around the package. Typical case
markings are illustrated in Figure 7.
Figure 6. SKY77185 Pad Names and Configuration (Top View)
Figure 7. Typical Case Markings
Package Handling Information
Because of its sensitivity to moisture absorption, this device
package is baked and vacuum-packed prior to shipment.
Instructions on the shipping container label must be followed
regarding exposure to moisture after the container seal is broken,
otherwise, problems related to moisture absorption may occur
when the part is subjected to high temperature during solder
The SKY77185 is capable of withstanding an MSL3/260 °C solder
reflow. Care must be taken when attaching this product, whether
it is done manually or in a production solder reflow environment.
If the part is attached in a reflow oven, the temperature ramp rate
should not exceed 3 °C per second; maximum temperature
should not exceed 260 °C. If the part is manually attached,
precaution should be taken to insure that the part is not subjected
to temperatures exceeding 260 °C for more than 10 seconds. For
details on attachment techniques, precautions, and handling
procedures recommended by Skyworks, please refer to Skyworks
Application Note: PCB Design and SMT Assembly/Rework,
Document Number 101752. Additional information on standard
SMT reflow profiles can also be found in the JEDEC Standard
Production quantities of this product are shipped in the standard
tape-and-reel format. For packaging details, refer to Skyworks
Application Note: Tape and Reel Information – RF Modules,
Document Number 101568.
Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity
The ESD testing was performed in compliance with MIL-STD-
883E Method 3015.7 using the Human Body Model. If ESD
damage threshold magnitude is found to consistently exceed
2000 volts on a given pad, this so is indicated. If ESD damage
threshold below 2000 volts is measured for either polarity,
numbers are indicated that represent worst case values observed
in product characterization.
Various failure criteria can be utilized when performing ESD
testing. Many vendors employ relaxed ESD failure standards,
which fail devices only after “the pad fails the electrical
specification limits” or “the pad becomes completely non-
functional”. Skyworks employs most stringent criteria and fails
devices as soon as the pad begins to show any degradation on a
curve tracer.