COMBIMASTER & MICROMASTER Integrated Operating Instructions SIEMENS CONTENTS Safety and CE Compliance................................................... 2 Installation ............................................................................. 4 General Wiring Guidelines.................................................................................. 4 Mechanical Installation | COMBIMASTER .......................................................... 4 Mechanical Installation | MICROMASTER Integrated......................................... 5 Electrical Installation | MICROMASTER Integrated ............................................ 5 Electrical Installation | COMBIMASTER and MICROMASTER Integrated.......... 6 Mains Cable Connections................................................................................... 6 Control Cable Connections................................................................................. 9 Drive Operation ................................................................... 10 General............................................................................................................. 10 Basic Operation ................................................................................................ 11 Operation - External Analogue Control ............................................................. 11 Operation - Digital Control ................................................................................ 12 Stopping the Motor ........................................................................................... 12 If the Motor Does Not Start Up ......................................................................... 12 Options / Accessories ........................................................ 13 Electrical Data | COMBIMASTER ....................................... 13 Electrical Data | MICROMASTER Integrated ..................... 16 Parameter Summary List .................................................... 17 Technical Data, selection and ordering data (order numbers), accessories & availability are subject to change. (c) Siemens plc 1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 1 SAFETY AND CE COMPLIANCE Before installing and operating this equipment read these safety instructions and warnings carefully. Also read and obey all the warning signs attached to the equipment. Make sure that the warning labels are kept in a legible condition and replace any missing or damaged labels. WARNING This equipment must be installed, operated and maintained by suitably qualified personnel only. Use only permanently-wired input power connections. The equipment must be grounded (IEC 536 Class 1, NEC and other applicable standards). Wait at least five minutes after the power has been turned off, before opening the equipment. The dc-link capacitor remains charged to dangerous voltages even when the power is removed. When working on open equipment, note that live parts are exposed and do not touch these parts. Some parameter settings can start the motor automatically when power is restored after a mains failure. Do not connect machines with a three-phase power supply, fitted with EMC filters, to a supply via an ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker - see EN50178, section 6.5). Obey all general and regional installation and safety regulations relating to work on high voltage installations, as well as regulations covering correct use of tools and personal protective equipment. Note that the following terminals can carry dangerous voltages even when the inverter is inoperative: Power supply terminals L1, L2 and L3 Motor terminals U, V and W When using the analogue input, the jumpers must be correctly set and the analogue input type selected (P023) before enabling the analogue input with P006. If this is not done the motor may start inadvertently. This equipment is capable of providing internal motor overload protection in accordance with UL508C section 42. This equipment is suitable for use in a circuit capable of delivering not more than 10,000 symmetrical amperes (rms), for a maximum voltage of 230V/480V/500V when protected by a time delay fuse (see Electrical Data for details). Do not operate the equipment in direct sunlight. This equipment must not be used as an `emergency stop' mechanism (see EN 60204, CAUTION Do not allow children or the general public to access or approach this equipment. High voltage insulation test equipment must not be used on cables connected to the equipment. Keep operating instructions within easy reach and give them to all users. Use this equipment only for the purpose specified by the manufacturer. Do not carry out any modifications, or fit any spare parts which are not sold or recommended by the manufacturer; this could cause fires, electric shock or other injuries. 2 (c) Siemens plc1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 EUROPEAN LOW VOLTAGE & EMC DIRECTIVES The COMBIMASTER product complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC. The units are certified for compliance with the following standards: EN 60204-1 Safety of machinery Electrical equipment of machines EN 60146-1-1 Semiconductor converters General requirements and line commutated converters BS EN50081-2: 1995 General Emission Standard - Industrial Environment BS EN50082-2: 1995 General Immunity Standard - Industrial Environment The MICROMASTER Integrated product complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC. The units are certified for compliance with the following standards: EN 60204-1 Safety of machinery Electrical equipment of machines EN 60146-1-1 Semiconductor converters General requirements and line commutated converters The MICROMASTER Integrated / COMBIMASTER must not be put into service until the machinery into which it is incorporated has been certified to be in compliance with the provisions of the European Directive 89/392/EEC. Note: Only valid for machinery to be operated in the European Community. COMBIMASTER - UL CERTIFICATION UL cUL listed power conversion equipment type 5B33 in accordance with UL508C. For use in pollution degree 2 environment. (Applies to inverters only) MICROMASTER Integrated - UR CERTIFICATION UR cUR recognised power conversion equipment in accordance with UL508C. For use in pollution degree 2 environment. EUROPEAN MACHINERY DIRECTIVE The MICROMASTER Integrated / COMBIMASTER products are suitable for incorporation into machinery. ISO 9001 E RE D BSI GI This equipment must be externally cooled by a fan, the rating of which depends on the unit Case Size. For Case Sizes A and B, the fan must provide 0.42m3/min and 1.25m3/min respectively. ST ER Siemens plc operates a quality management system which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001. (c) Siemens plc 1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 3 INSTALLATION WARNING Take note of the general and regional installation and safety regulations regarding work on high voltage installations (e.g. VDE). Adhere to relevant regulations regarding correct use of tools and protective gear. Use the lifting eyes provided if a motor has to be lifted. Do not lift machine sets by suspending the individual machines! Always check the capacity of the hoist before lifting any equipment. Do not paint over the black case finish of the inverter as this will affect the unit's thermal performance. General Wiring Guidelines The Case Size A (CS A) and Case Size B (CS B) COMBIMASTER and MICROMASTER Integrated are designed to operate in an industrial environment where a high level of Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) can be expected. Usually, good installation practices will ensure safe and trouble-free operation. However, if problems are encountered, the following guidelines may prove useful. In particular, grounding of the system 0V at the inverter, as described below, may prove effective. 1 All equipment must be well earthed using short, thick earthing cable connected to a common star point or busbar. It is particularly important that any control equipment connected to the inverter (such as a PLC) is connected to the same earth or star point as the inverter via a short, thick link. Flat conductors (e.g. metal brackets) are preferred as they have lower impedance at high frequencies. 2 Use screened leads for connections to the control circuitry. Terminate the ends of the cable neatly, ensuring that long strands of unscreened wire are not left visible. 3 Separate the control cables from the power connections as much as possible, using separate trunking, etc. If control and power cables cross, arrange the cables so that they cross at 90o. 4 Ensure that contactors are suppressed, either with R-C suppressors for AC contactors or `flywheel' diodes for DC contactors, fitted to the coils. Varistor suppressors are also effective. Safety regulations must not be compromised when installing the COMBIMASTER or MICROMASTER Integrated! Mechanical Installation | COMBIMASTER WARNING Take suitable precautions to prevent transmission elements from being touched. If the COMBIMASTER is started up without a transmission element attached, the featherkey must be secured in position to prevent it from flying off while the shaft is rotating. Tighten down screw-in lifting eyes prior to using the COMBIMASTER. Stable foundations or mounting conditions and a well balanced transmission element are essential for quiet, vibration-free running. It may be necessary to balance the whole rotor and transmission element. 4 The rotors are dynamically balanced with a full featherkey inserted as standard. Since 1991 the type of balance has been marked on the drive end of the shaft (shaft end face). F denotes balanced with full featherkey; H denotes balanced with half featherkey. Bear in mind the type of balance used when fitting the transmission element. (c) Siemens plc1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 Poor running characteristics can arise in cases where the transmission elements have a length ratio of hub length to shaft end length < 0.8 and they run at speeds greater than 1500 rpm. In such cases rebalancing may be necessary, e.g. by reducing the distance by which the featherkey protrudes from the transmission element and the shaft surface. Please check the following prior to commissioning: * * * The rotor turns freely without rubbing. The motor is assembled and aligned properly. The transmission elements are adjusted correctly (e.g. belt tension) and the transmission element is suitable for the given operating conditions. * * * * * All electrical connections, mounting screws and connecting elements are tightened and fitted correctly. All protective conductors are installed properly. Any auxiliary equipment that might be fitted (e.g. mechanical brake) is in working order. Protection guards are installed around all moving and live parts. The maximum speed (see motor rating plate) is not exceeded. The maximum speed is the highest operating speed permitted. Remember that motor noise and vibration are worse at this speed and bearing life is reduced. The above list is not meant to be exhaustive - additional checks may also be required. Mechanical Installation | MICROMASTER Integrated The motor / MICROMASTER Integrated combination should be installed according to guidelines similar to those given above for the COMBIMASTER. First fit the Motor Interface Plate (MIP) to the motor. In most cases the MIP makes use of the existing motor gasket. Refer to Siemens Document `MMI Motor Adaptation Guidelines' (English) - (Available 2nd Qtr 1999.- G85139-H1731-U500-A1. Electrical Installation | MICROMASTER Integrated The motor wires should be connected in either star or delta configuration on the MIP (check motor rating plate). Delta Connection Star Connection Wire U2/V2/W2 U1 V1 W1 Wire U1/W2 U2/V1 V2/W1 Terminal N U V W Star connection Terminal U V W Delta connection U1 U2 V1 V2 V U W1 V U W2 W TB1 N Earth connection PTC wires W TB1 N Earth connection Figure 1 Motor Wire Connection (c) Siemens plc 1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 5 WARNING It is essential that the MIP is correctly earthed to the motor. This is usually achieved using a short earth cable connected between the MIP and a suitable connection point on the motor. Death or severe injury can result if the motor is not correctly earthed. Incorrect earthing can also prevent any MICROMASTER Integrated built-in EMC filter from operating correctly. Electrical Installation | COMBIMASTER and MICROMASTER Integrated Remove the four M5 cross-head screws on the inverter's cover to access the electrical terminals (see Figs 2 and 3). A `drip loop' is recommended when connecting the mains and control cables (see Fig. 6). Notes: Refer to the Electrical Data tables for cable sizes. CAUTION The printed circuit boards contain CMOS components that are particularly sensitive to static electricity. For this reason, avoid touching the boards or components with hands or metal objects. Mains Cable Connections 6 Ensure that the power source supplies the correct voltage and is designed for the rated current. Use the appropriate circuit-breakers with the specified current rating between the power supply and inverter. Feed the power cable into the inverter via the gland hole nearest to the motor shaft. Connect the power leads to terminals L1, L2, L3 (L1, L2 for single phase units) and the separate earth. Use Class 1 60/75oC copper wire only. Use a 4-core screened cable. If crimp terminals are used they must be insulated. If crimps are not used, the strip length must not exceed 5mm. Use a 4 - 5 mm cross-tip screwdriver to tighten the terminal screws. (c) Siemens plc1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 Earth connection Mains connection Control Control cable OPm2 LED Potentiometer connector connector LED (R314) (PL800) (SK200) (green) (yellow) JP 305 connects PI- to 0V V I JP 304 connects AIN- to 0V JP 303 V JP 301 JP 302 I JP 300 Jumpers for PI input type Default = V Jumpers for Analogue input type Default = V Note: Jumper in 'V' position = voltage input (default) Jumper in 'I' position = current input Figure 2 Electrical Connection (CS B) Check that the supply voltage is correct for the inverter used by referring to the rating label. Cable Glands (Case Size B) IMPORTANT Ensure that the following tightening torques are used: Access cover retaining screws 4.0Nm Gland hole covers: 1.0Nm PG21(Mains) Mains connector screws 1.0Nm PG16(Signal) Earth Connection 1.5Nm (c) Siemens plc 1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 7 Note: Jumper in 'V' position = voltage input (default) Jumper in 'I' position = current input JP 304 connects AIN- to 0V JP 305 connects PI- to 0V Earth connection JP 300 I JP 302 V JP 301 V JP 303 Jumpers for Analogue input type Default = V Mains connection OPm2 connector (SK200) I LED (green) LED (yellow) Figure 3 Electrical Connection (CS A) Check that the supply voltage is correct for the inverter used by referring to the rating label. Cable Glands (Case Size A) 8 PG16 Jumpers for PI input type Default = V Control cable connector (PL700) Control Potentiometer (R314) IMPORTANT Ensure that the following tightening torques are used: Access cover retaining screws 4.0Nm Gland hole covers: 1.0Nm Mains connector screws 1.0Nm PL700 Screws 0.5Nm Earth Connection 1.5Nm (c) Siemens plc1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 Control Cable Connections CAUTION The control and power supply cables must be laid separately. They must not be fed through the same cable conduit / trunking. Use screened cable for the control lead. Note that the optional potentiometer fitted as an analogue set point shown in Figure 4 assumes that jumper JP304 is connecting 0V (pin 2) to AIN- (pin 4). Feed the control cable into the inverter via the appropriate gland hole . Connect the control wires in accordance with the information in Figures 4,5 and 6 having first unplugged connector block PL800 from the PCB (CS B only). Also, +15V can be used as an alternative to P10+ for the digital inputs. Plug the connector block back into the PCB (CS B only), refit the cover and tighten the four securing screws. IMPORTANT: A wire link must be fitted between control terminals 5 (DIN1) and 1 (P10+) if it is required to start the inverter from the control potentiometer R314, or the analogue input. The wire link must be removed when operation via a run/stop switch is required. COMBIMASTER Control Terminals Cabling Information CS A (PL700): CS B (PL800) Cable AWG 22 - 18 28 - 20 = approx. mm2 0.35 - 0.82 0.08 - 0.50 Strip length (mm) 5-6 5-6 Strip length (inch) 0.22 0.22 JP305 Relay (RL1) (30V dc. 1.0 A max.) 12 11 JP304 1 PI+ PI- +15V DIN3 DIN2 DIN1 AIN- AIN+ 0V P10+ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 4 3 PI +ve Input (0 - 10V or 0 - 20mA) RLC RLB (COM) (NO) 5 PI -ve Input Analogue Input Power Supply Digital Inputs PI Power Supply (0/2 - 10V, for Digital and (7.5 - 33V, max. 5mA) (+15V, or 0/4 - 20mA) Analogue max. 50mA) Inputs (+10V, max. 10mA) PL800 (CS B) / PL700 (CS A) 1 - +5V (250mA max.) 2 - N (-) 3 - 0V 4 - P (+) 5 - no connection SK200 Socket Figure 4 Control Terminal Connections (c) Siemens plc 1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 9 1.8mm max. screwdriver Figure 5 Connecting Control Wires to PL800 Figure 6 Cable Connections with Drip Loop DRIVE OPERATION WARNING The equipment must not be switched on until after its cover has been fitted and the cover screws have been tightened to the correct torque (see Fig. 2 & 3). After the power has been turned off, you must always wait five minutes so that the dc link capacitors can discharge. Do not remove the cover until this time has elapsed. All settings must be only entered by qualified personnel, paying particular attention to the safety precautions and warnings. General For basic operation of COMBIMASTER, no additional equipment is required. However, for more complex operation, OPm2 - Clear Text Display is required (OPm2 is available as an option, but must be ordered separately). 10 The inverter does not have a mains power switch and is therefore live when the mains supply is connected. When delivered, the inverter has a frequency setpoint range of between 0 Hz and 50 Hz. Regardless of its initial position, internal potentiometer R314 must be turned fully counter-clockwise before it will start the inverter. (c) Siemens plc1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 R314 can be accessed by removing the right-hand gland hole cover (see Fig. 2 & 3). Analogue input type is selected by jumpers JP300 and JP301. JP300 closed selects current input, JP301 closed (default) selects voltage input. These jumpers can only be accessed when the cover is removed (see Fig. 2 & 3). If the motor is run unloaded (e.g. for test purposes) and vibration or trip conditions occur, change P077 from 0 to 3 (requires OPm2). Basic Operation There are two basic modes of operation for the inverter. 1 Using the internal potentiometer only: a For forward rotation, ensure that a link is fitted between DIN1 (pin 5) and P10+ (pin 1) on PL800/PL700 (see Fig. 4). For reverse rotation, connect the link to DIN2 (pin 6) instead of DIN1. b Apply mains power. The green and yellow LEDs will illuminate to show that power is applied. Turn potentiometer R314 fully counterclockwise, otherwise the COMBIMASTER cannot be started. Turn the potentiometer clockwise until the yellow LED extinguishes. This indicates that power is now applied to the motor. Continue turning clockwise to increase the speed of the motor. Turn the potentiometer counterclockwise to reduce the speed of the motor. Turning the potentiometer fully counter-clockwise causes the motor to slow to a complete stop. Check that both LEDs are illuminated (STANDBY mode). c d 2 Using a combination of the internal potentiometer and a run/stop switch: a Connect a run/stop switch between DIN1 (pin 5) and P10+ (pin 1) on PL800 (see Fig. 4) if forward rotation is required. If reverse rotation is required instead, connect the switch to DIN2 (pin 6) instead of DIN1. IMPORTANT: Remove the link, if fitted, between pins 5 and 1 before the run/stop switch is fitted. b Apply mains power. The green and yellow LEDs will illuminate to show that power is applied. c Set the external run/stop switch to ON. d Turn potentiometer R314 clockwise to set the required motor speed. e Stop the motor by setting the external on/off switch to OFF. When the switch is set to ON again, it will run at the speed previously set using the potentiometer. Operation - External Analogue Control 1 2 3 4 Connect a 4.7 k potentiometer to the control terminals as shown in Fig. 4 or apply a 0 - 10 V signal between pin 2 (0V) and pin 3 (AIN+). In both cases, position jumper JP304 to connect 0V to AIN-. Ensure that a link is fitted between pin 5 (DIN1) and pin 1 (P10+). Check that voltage input is selected by ensuring that the jumper is fitted to JP301. Refit the cover, tighten the cover screws to the correct torque and then apply mains power to the inverter. (c) Siemens plc 1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 5 Turn the external potentiometer (or adjust the analogue control voltage) until the desired frequency is achieved. The unit will not switch on until a minimum of 2 V has been applied. Note: The frequency set by the external voltage is added to the frequency set by the internal potentiometer. As with Basic Operation (2), a run/stop switch can be used to start and stop the motor, or the direction of rotation can be changed by connecting the link to DIN2 instead of DIN1. 11 Operation - Digital Control This method of operation requires either a Clear Text Display (OPm2) or a serial link connection. For a basic startup configuration using digital control, proceed as follows: 3 1 4 2 Remove the link that connects control terminal 5 to terminal 1 (if one has been fitted). Connect control terminal 5 to terminal 1 via a simple on/off switch. This sets up the inverter for clockwise rotation (default). If counter-clockwise operation is required, connect a switch between control terminals 6 and 1. 5 6 Connect the OPm2 or serial link to SK200. Refit the cover, tighten the cover screws to the correct torque and then apply mains power to the inverter. Set parameter P006 to 000 to specify digital setpoint. Set parameter P005 to the desired frequency setpoint. Set the external on/off switch to ON or press the ON button on the OPm2 (set P007 = 001 to use the OPm2). The inverter will now run at the frequency set by P005. Stopping the Motor Via the external on/off switch: Setting the switch to OFF overrides the setting on the potentiometer and causes the motor to come to a controlled stop. Via the potentiometer: Turning the potentiometer counter-clockwise until the input voltage drops below 2 V causes the motor to slow to a stop. . If an external potentiometer is applied, the input voltage must also be below 2V to stop. If the Motor Does Not Start Up Check the LEDs on the side of the inverter: 12 LED State COMBIMASTER / MICROMASTER Integrated Status Green Yellow ON ON Mains power on, inverter not running (STANDBY) ON OFF Inverter running, as per control commands (ON) Flashing Flashing Current limit warning Flashing ON Inverter overtemperature (PTC) ON Flashing Motor overtemperature OFF ON Other fault (e.g. tripped) OFF Flashing Mains undervoltage OFF OFF Mains supply fault (e.g. faulty external switch) If a fault occurs: If a warning occurs: Switch off, disconnect and then reconnect the power, and then switch on again. Switch off if the fault condition persists. Trips can be reset by using DIN3. Switch off, disconnect and reconnect the power and then switch on again. If the fault/warning persists, further investigation requires an OPm2 or a serial link connection. (c) Siemens plc1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 OPTIONS / ACCESSORIES Description: Order Number: Clear Text Display (OPm2) 6SE3290-0XX87-8BF0 Interface cable for OPm2 - 3m screened 6SE9996-0XA31 Reference Manual 6SE9996-0XA35 PROFIBUS Module (CB155) 6SE9996-0XA18 Note : For CS B , Issue A units : use : 6SE9996-0XA20 PROFIBUS T-Connector 6SE9996-0XA21 PROFIBUS Terminator 6SE9996-0XA22 PROFIBUS Cable - 1m 6SE9996-0XA23 PROFIBUS Cable - 5m 6SE9996-0XA24 Shortcode: (for ordering with unit) PROFIBUS Cable - 10m 6SE9996-0XA25 PROFIBUS Cable Link 6SE9996-0XA26 CS A Inverter Fan Option (MICROMASTER Integrated only) 6SE9996-0XA01 M41 CS B Inverter Fan Option (MICROMASTER Integrated only) 6SE9996-0XA02 M41 CS A Electro-mechanical Brake Control Unit (Note :Expected Product release: August 6SE9996-0XA07 1999) CS B Electro-mechanical Brake Control Unit 6SE9996-0XA10 CS B Pulse Resistor Braking Unit 6SE9996-0XA11 SIMOVIS PC Software 6SE3290-0XX87-8SA2 Note: CS A covers power range 120W to 1.5kW CS B covers power range 1.5kW to 7.5kW (c) Siemens plc 1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 13 ELECTRICAL DATA | COMBIMASTER CS A Low Voltage Single Phase Units Model: Order Number: 2 pole 4 pole Frame size: 2 pole 4 pole Motor Output Rating: CM12 CM25 CM37 CM55 CM75 1UA7053-2B[z]0. 1UA7060-4B[z]0. 1UA7063-2B[z]0. 1UA7070-4B[z]0. 1UA7070-2B[z]0. 1UA7073-4B[z]0. 1UA7073-2B[z]0. 1UA7080-4B[z]0. 1UA7080-2B[z]0. 1UA7083-4B[z]0. 56 63 63 71 71 71 71 80 80 80 0.12kW 0.16hp 0.25kW 0.33hp 0.37kW 0.49hp 0.55kW 0.73hp 0.75kW 1.0hp Operating Input Voltage: 1 AC 208 - 240 Vrms 10% Operating Input Frequency: 47 - 63 Hz Output Frequency: 0 - 50Hz Output Frequency with Opm2 or serial link: 2 pole 0 - 100Hz 0 - 100Hz 0 - 100Hz 0 - 100Hz 0 - 100Hz 4 pole 0 -140Hz 0 - 140Hz 0 - 140Hz 0 - 140Hz 0 - 140Hz Input Current: 1.8 A rms 3.2 A rms 4.6 A rms 6.2 A rms 8.2 A rms Mains fuse: 10 A 16 A Mains Lead crosssection 1mm2 1.5mm2 * [z] = filter option: U = Unfiltered, A = Class A filter, B = Class B filter. Position 12 (shown as ".") is for the construction type from the Siemens M11 catalogue.(ref.: E2002-K1711A201-A2-7600) CS A Low Voltage Three Phase Units Model: CM12/2 CM25/2 CM37/2 CM55/2 CM75/2 1UA7053-2BU1. 1UA7060-4BU1. 1UA7063-2BU1. 1UA7070-4BU1. 1UA7070-2BU1. 1UA7073-4BU1. 1UA7073-2BU1. 1UA7080-4BU1. 1UA7080-2BU1. 1UA7083-4BU1. Frame size: * 2 pole 4 pole 56 63 63 71 71 71 71 80 80 80 Motor Output Rating: 0.12kW 0.16hp 0.25kW 0.33hp 0.37kW 0.49hp 0.55kW 0.73hp 0.75kw 1.0hp Order Number: * 2 pole 4 pole Operating Input Voltage: 3 AC 208 - 240 Vrms 10% Operating Input Frequency: 47 - 63 Hz Output Frequency: Output Frequency with Opm2 or serial link: 2 pole 4 pole Input Current: 0 - 50Hz 0 - 100Hz 0 -140Hz 0 - 100Hz 0 - 140Hz 0 - 100Hz 0 - 140Hz 0 - 100Hz 0 - 140Hz 0 - 100Hz 0 - 140Hz 1.1 A rms 1.9 A rms 2.7 A rms 3.6 A rms 4.7 A rms Mains fuse: 10 A Mains Lead crosssection 1mm2 * Note that these units are available Unfiltered only. Position 12 (shown as ".") is for the construction type from the Siemens M11 catalogue.(Ref.: see above) 14 (c) Siemens plc1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 CS A High Voltage Three Phase Units Model: Order Number: * 2 pole 4 pole Frame size: 2 pole 4 pole Motor Output Rating: CM37/3 CM55/3 CM75/3 CM110/3 CM150/3 1UA7070-2B[zz]. 1UA7073-4B[zz]. 1UA7073-2B[zz]. 1UA7080-4B[zz]. 1UA7080-2B[zz]. 1UA7083-4B[zz]. 1UA7083-2B[zz]. 1UA7090-4B[zz]. 1UA7090-2C[zz]. 1UA7096-4C[zz]. 71 71 73 80 80 80 80 90S 90S 90L 0.37kW 0.49hp 0.55kW 0.73hp 0.75kW 1.0hp 1.1kW 1.5hp 1.5kW 2.0hp Operating Input Voltage: 3 AC 380 - 480 Vrms 10% (filtered units only) 3 AC 380 - 500 Vrms 10% (all units) Torque derating required below 380Vrms Operating Input Frequency: 47 - 63 Hz Output Frequency: Output Frequency with Opm2 or serial link: 2 pole 4 pole Input Current: 0 - 50Hz 100 Hz 140Hz 100Hz 140Hz 100Hz 140Hz 100Hz 140Hz 100Hz 140Hz 2.2 A rms 2.8 A rms 3.7 A rms 4.9 A rms 5.9 A rms Mains fuse: 10 A Mains Lead crosssection 1mm 2 * [zz] = filter option: U = Unfiltered, A = Class A filter, B = Class B filter and mains voltage code: 2 = 380 - 500V, 3 = 460 - 500V/60Hz . Allowed combinations: A2, B2, U2 and U3. Position 12 (shown as ".") is for the construction type from the Siemens M11 catalogue. (Ref.: see above) CS B High Voltage Three Phase Units Model: Order Number: * 2 pole 4 pole Frame size: 2 pole 4 pole Motor Output Rating: CM150/3 CM220/3 CM300/3 CM400/3 CM550/3 CM750/3 1UA70902B[zz]. 1UA70964B[zz]. 1UA70962B[zz]. 1UA71064B[zz]. 1UA71062B[zz]. 1UA71074B[zz]. 1UA71132B[zz]. 1UA71134B[zz]. 1UA71302B[zz]. 1UA71304B[zz]. 1UA71312B[zz]. 1UA71332B[zz]. 90S 90L 90L 100L 100L 100L 112M 112M 132S 132S 132S 132M 1.5kW 2.0hp 2.2kW 2.9hp 3.0kW 4.0hp 4.0kW 5.3hp 5.5kW 7.3hp 7.5kW 10.0hp Operating Input Voltage: 3 AC 380 - 500 Vrms 10% (all units) 3 AC 380 - 480 Vrms 10% (filtered units only) Torque derating required below 380Vrms Operating Input Frequency: 47 - 63 Hz Output Frequency: 0 - 50Hz Output Frequency with Opm2 or serial link: 2 pole 4 pole 100 Hz 140Hz Input Current: 3.5 A rms 100Hz 140Hz 100Hz 140Hz 4.7 A rms 6.4 A rms 100Hz 140Hz 90Hz 140Hz 10.0 A rms 12.2 A rms 90Hz 140Hz 16.0 A rms Mains fuse: 10 A 16 A 20 A Mains Lead cross-section 1mm2 1.5mm2 2.5mm2 * [zz] = filter option: U = Unfiltered, A = Class A filter, B = Class B filter and mains voltage code: 2 = 380 - 500V, 3 = 460 - 500V/60Hz . Allowed combinations: A2, B2, U2 and U3. Position 12 (shown as ".") is for the construction type from the Siemens M11 catalogue. (Ref.: see above) (c) Siemens plc 1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 15 ELECTRICAL DATA | MICROMASTER Integrated CS A Low Voltage Single Phase Units Model: Order Number: * Motor Output Rating: MI12 MI25 MI37 MI55 MI75 6SE96107BF[y]0-Z=C87 6SE96115BF[y]0-Z=C87 6SE96120BF[y]0-Z=C87 6SE96126BF[y]0-Z=C87 6SE96134BF[y]0-Z=C87 0.12kW 0.16hp 0.25kW 0.33hp 0.37kW 0.49hp 0.55kW 0.73hp 0.75kW 1.0hp 6.2 A rms 8.2 A rms Operating Input Voltage: 1 AC 208 - 240 Vrms 10% Operating Input Frequency: 47 - 63 Hz Output Frequency: 0 - 50Hz Output Frequency with Opm2 or serial link: Input Current: 0 - 400Hz 1.8 A rms 3.2 A rms 4.6 A rms Mains fuse: 10 A 16 A Mains Lead crosssection 1mm2 1.5mm2 * [y] = filter option: 1 = Unfiltered, 5 = Class A filter, 6 = Class B filter. CS A Low Voltage Three Phase Units Model: Order Number: * Motor Output Rating: MI12/2 MI25/2 MI37/2 MI55/2 MI75/2 6SE9610-7CF10Z=C87 6SE9611-5CF10Z=C87 6SE9612-0CF10Z=C87 6SE9612-6CF10Z=C87 6SE9613-4CF10Z=C87 0.12kW 0.16hp 0.25kW 0.33hp 0.37kW 0.49hp 0.55kW 0.73hp 0.75kW 1.0hp 3.6 A rms 4.7 A rms Operating Input Voltage: 3 AC 208 - 240 Vrms 10% Operating Input Frequency: 47 - 63 Hz Output Frequency: 0 - 50Hz Output Frequency with Opm2 or serial link: Input Current: 0 - 400Hz 1.1 A rms 1.9 A rms 2.7 A rms Mains fuse: 10 A Mains Lead crosssection 1mm2 * Note that these units are available Unfiltered only. 16 (c) Siemens plc1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 CS A High Voltage Three Phase Units Model: Order Number: * Motor Output Rating: Operating Input Voltage: MI37/3 MI55/3 MI75/3 MI110/3 MI150/3 6SE96111DF[y]0-Z=C87 6SE96114DF[y]0-Z=C87 6SE96118DF[y]0-Z=C87 6SE96127DF[y]0-Z=C87 6SE96137DF[y]0-Z=C87 0.37kW 0.49hp 0.55kW 0.73hp 0.75kW 1.0hp 1.1kW 1.5hp 1.5kW 2.0hp 3 AC 380 - 500 Vrms 10% (all units) 3 AC 380 - 480 Vrms 10% (filtered units only) Operating Input Frequency: 47 - 63 Hz Output Frequency: 0 - 50Hz Output Frequency with Opm2 or serial link: Input Current: 0-400Hz 2.2 A rms 2.8 A rms 3.7 A rms Mains fuse: 10 A Mains Lead crosssection 1mm2 4.9 A rms 5.9 A rms * [y] = filter option: 1 = Unfiltered, 5 = Class A filter, 6 = Class B filter. CS B High Voltage Three Phase Units Model: MI150/3 MI220/3 MI300/3 MI400/3 MI550/3 MI750/3 Order Number: * 6SE96137DD[y]0Z=C87 6SE96158DD[y]0Z=C87 6SE96173DD[y]0Z=C87 6SE96211DD[y]0Z=C87 6SE96213DD[y]0Z=C87 6SE96217DD[y]0Z=C87 1.5kW 2.0hp 2.2kW 2.9hp 3.0kW 4.0hp 4.0kW 5.3hp 5.5kW 7.3hp 7.5kW 10.0hp Motor Output Rating: Operating Input Voltage: 3 AC 380 - 500 Vrms 10% (all units) Operating Input Frequency: 3 AC 380 - 480 Vrms 10% (filtered units only) 47 - 63 Hz Output Frequency: 0 - 50Hz Output Frequency with Opm2 or serial link: Input Current: 0-400Hz 3.5 A rms 4.7 A rms 6.4 A rms 10.0 A rms 12.2 A rms 16.0 A rms Mains fuse: 10 A 16 A 20 A Mains Lead cross-section 1mm2 1.5mm2 2.5mm2 * [y] = filter option: 1 = Unfiltered, 5 = Class A filter, 6 = Class B filter. PARAMETER SUMMARY LIST This list is applicable for operation using Opm2 - Clear Text Display (optional). = Parameter can be changed during operation. = Value depends on the rating of the motor. (c) Siemens plc 1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 17 18 Parameter Function Default Parameter Function Default P000 Operating display - P043 Fixed frequency 3 (Hz) 15.00 P001 Display mode 0 P044 Fixed frequency 4 (Hz) 20.00 P002 Ramp up time (seconds) 10.00 P045 Inversion fixed setpoints for fixed frequencies 1 - 4 0 P003 Ramp down time (seconds) 25.00 P046 Fixed frequency 5 (Hz) 25.00 P004 Smoothing (seconds) 0.0 P047 Fixed frequency 6 (Hz) 30.00 P005 Digital frequency setpoint (Hz) 50.00 P048 Fixed frequency 7 (Hz) 35.00 P006 Frequency setpoint source selection 1 P050 Keypad control 0 Inversion fixed setpoints for fixed frequencies 5 - 7 0 P007 P009 Parameter protection setting 0 P051 P011 Frequency setpoint memory 0 1 Selection control function (DIN1 - terminal 5) fixed frequency 3 or binary fixed frequency bit 0 P012 Minimum motor frequency (Hz) 0.00 P052 Selection control function (DIN2 - 2 terminal 6) fixed frequency 2 or binary fixed frequency bit 1 P013 Maximum motor frequency (Hz) 50.00 P053 P014 Skip frequency 1 (Hz) 0.00 Selection control function (DIN3 - 10 terminal 7) fixed frequency 1 or binary fixed frequency bit 2 P015 Automatic restart after mains failure 0 P056 Digital input debounce time 0 P016 Start on the fly 0 P058 RUN command delay (seconds) 0.0 P017 Smoothing type 1 P061 Selection relay output RL1 6 P018 Automatic restart after fault 0 P062 Skip frequency bandwidth (Hz) 2.00 Electro-mechanical brake option control 0 P019 P063 Flying start ramp time (seconds) 25.00 External brake release delay (seconds) 1.0 P020 P021 Minimum analogue frequency (Hz) 0.00 P064 External brake stopping time (seconds) 1.0 P022 Maximum analogue frequency (Hz) 50.00 P065 Current threshold for relay (A) 1.0 P023 Analogue input type 2 P071 Slip compensation (%) 0 P024 Analogue setpoint addition 0 P072 Slip limit (%) 500 P027 Skip frequency 2 (Hz) 0.00 P073 DC injection braking (%) 0 P028 Skip frequency 3 (Hz) 0.00 P074 I2t motor derating 0 P029 Skip frequency 4 (Hz) 0.00 PO76 Pulse Frequency 0 or 2 P031 Jog frequency right (Hz) 5.00 P077 Control mode 0 P032 Jog frequency left (Hz) 5.00 P078 Continuous boost (%) 50 P033 Jog Ramp Up time (V3.00) 10.00 P079 Starting boost (%) 0 P034 Jog Ramp Down time (V3.00) 10.00 P081 Nominal frequency for motor (Hz) P035 Reverse motor direction 0 P082 Nominal speed for motor (RPM) P041 Fixed frequency 1 (Hz) 5.00 P083 Nominal current for motor (A) P042 Fixed frequency 2 (Hz) 10.00 P084 Nominal voltage for motor (V) (c) Siemens plc1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 Parameter Function Default Parameter Function Default P085 Nominal power for motor (kW/hp) P152 Yellow LED function 5 P086 Motor current limit (%) 150 P201 PI closed loop mode 0 P087 Motor PTC enable 0 P202 P gain (%) 1.0 P089 Stator resistance () P203 I gain (%) 0.00 P091 Serial link slave address 0 P205 Sample interval (x 25 ms) 1 P092 Serial link baud rate 6 P206 Transducer filtering 0 P093 Serial link timeout (seconds) 0 P207 Integral capture range (%) 100 P094 Serial link nominal system setpoint (Hz) 50.00 P208 Transducer type 0 P095 USS compatibility 0 P210 Transducer reading (%) - P099 Communication adapter type 0 P211 0% setpoint 0.00 P101 Operation for Europe or North America 0 P212 100% setpoint 100.00 P111 Inverter power rating (kW/hp) P220 PI frequency cut-off 0 P112 Inverter type 8 P331 Analogue mode 2 P113 COMBIMASTER model - P332 Fine adjustment (%) 10 P121 Enable/disable RUN button 1 P723 State of digital inputs - P122 Enable/disable FORWARD/REVERSE 1 button P845 Motor current limt for flying start (V3.00) 50 P123 Enable/disable JOG button 1 P910 Local/Remote mode 0 P124 Enable/disable and buttons 1 P922 Software version - P125 Reverse direction inhibit 1 P923 Equipment system number 0 P131 Frequency setpoint (Hz) - P930 Most recent fault code - P132 Motor current (A) - P931 Most recent warning type - P133 Motor torque (% nominal torque) - P944 Reset to factory default settings 0 P134 DC link voltage (V) - P971 EEPROM storage control 1 P135 Motor RPM - P986 Relay Output 0 P137 Output voltage (V) - P140 Most recent fault code - P141 Most recent fault code -1 - P142 Most recent fault code -2 - P143 Most recent fault code -3 - P151 Green LED function 4 WARNING Please refer to the Reference Manual before changing any parameters. (c) Siemens plc 1999 | G85139-H1731-U400-D2 19 For Technical Support Information, and to submit your suggestions for improvements, see our Web Site: Herausgegeben vom Bereich Automatisierungsund Antriebstechnik (A&D) Geschaftsgebiet Standard Drives Postfach 3269, D-91050 Erlangen *6SE9996-0XA36* 6SE9996-0XA36 Siemens plc Automation & Drives Standard Drives Division Siemens House Varey Road Congleton CW12 1PH *H1731-U400-D2* G85139-H1731-U400-D2 August 1999 English Order Number: 6SE9996-0XA36 Anderungen vorbehalten Specification subject to change without prior notice