High Dynamic Range
Low Noise GaAs FET
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Mimix Broadband, Inc., 10795 Rockley Rd., Houston, Texas 77099
Tel: 281.988.4600 Fax: 281.988.4615 mimixbroadband.com
Characteristic Data and Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2006 Mimix Broadband, Inc.
Export of this item may require appropriate export licensing from the U.S. Government. In purchasing these parts, U.S. Domestic customers accept
their obligation to be compliant with U.S. Export Laws.
August 2006 - Rev 03-Aug-06
Low-Noise Figure from 0.8 to 2.0 GHz
High Gain
High Intercept Point
Highly Stable
Easily Matched to 50
70 mil Package
Cellular Base Stations
PCS Base Stations
Industrial Data Networks
Celeritek’s CFB0301 is a high performance GaAs
MESFET with 600 µm gate width and 0.25 µm gate length.
The low noise figure and high intercept point of this device
makes it well suited for use as the low-noise amplifier of the
base station receiver in PCS, Japanese PHS, AMPS, GSM and
other communications systems. The CFB0301 is in an indus-
try-standard 70 mil package. It is surface mountable and
available in tape and reel.
Electrical Specifications (TA = 25°C, 2 GHz)
noitaiveDpyTniMsnoitidnoCsretemaraP 4Max Units
Vd= 2V, Id= 25 mA
Noise Figure 2Bd6.0
Associated Gain 2Bd61erugiF esioN @
Pout 1, 3 P-1 mBd0.51
IP33+5 dBm POUT mBd42enoT/
Id3@ P-1 Am53
Vd= 4V, Id= 30 mA
Noise Figure 2Bd7.0
Associated Gain 2Bd71erugiF esioN @
Pout 1, 3 P-1 mBd5.02
IP33+5 dBm POUT mBd03enoT/
Id3@ P-1 Am65
Vd= 4V, Id= 70 mA
Noise Figure 20.8 0.08 0.9 dB
Associated Gain 2Bd4.07161erugiF esioN @
Pout 1, 3 P-1 20 21 0.4 dBm
IP33+5 dBm POUT mBd9.04323enoT/
Id3@ P-1 Am77
Transconductance Vds = 2 V, Vgs ohm04107V 0 =
Saturated Drain Current Vds = 2 V, Vgs Am081051021V 0 =
Pinchoff Voltages Vds = 2 V, Ids V5.0-3.1-5.2-Am 1 =
Thermal Resistance @ Tcase W/C°002tset latsyrc diuqil C°051 =
Notes: 1. @ Tcase = 25°C. Derate 5 mW/°C for Tcase >25°C.
2. Input matched for low noise.
3. Matched for power transfer.
4. Standard deviation based on 10 wafers randomly selected
and is provided as an estimate of the distribution only.
Trademarks are the property of their respected owners.
High Dynamic Range
Low Noise GaAs FET
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Mimix Broadband, Inc., 10795 Rockley Rd., Houston, Texas 77099
Tel: 281.988.4600 Fax: 281.988.4615 mimixbroadband.com
Characteristic Data and Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2006 Mimix Broadband, Inc.
Export of this item may require appropriate export licensing from the U.S. Government. In purchasing these parts, U.S. Domestic customers accept
their obligation to be compliant with U.S. Export Laws.
August 2006 - Rev 03-Aug-06
Typical Noise Parameters (Vds = 4 V, Ids = 30 mA)
Frequency Fmin 1Gamma Opt
(GHz) (dB) Mag Ang Rn/50
0.8 0.4 0.6 27 0.19
1.0 0.4 0.6 29 0.17
1.2 0.4 0.6 32 0.18
1.4 0.4 0.6 35 0.18
1.6 0.4 0.5 38 0.17
1.8 0.4 0.5 41 0.16
2.0 0.5 0.5 45 0.15
2.2 0.5 0.5 49 0.15
2.4 0.5 0.5 54 0.14
2.6 0.5 0.5 60 0.13
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Rating
Drain-Source Voltage Vds +8V
Gate-Source Voltage Vgs -5V
Drain Current Ids Idss
Continuous Dissipation1Pt 750 mW
Channel Temperature Tch 175°C
Storage Temperature Tstg -65°C to +150°C
Typical Scattering Parameters (TA = 25°C, VDS = 2 V, IDS = 25 mA)
Frequency S11 S21 S12 S22
(GHz) Mag Ang Mag (dB) Ang MAG (dB) ANG MAG ANG
0.5 0.98 -20 7.17 161 0.02 78 0.42 -11
1.0 0.94 -40 6.90 148 0.03 70 0.41 -24
2.0 0.85 -76 6.00 119 0.05 52 0.36 -46
3.0 0.76 -108 5.00 95 0.07 38 0.32 -65
4.0 0.70 -130 4.30 75 0.08 30 0.30 -75
5.0 0.64 -150 3.83 55 0.09 20 0.27 -85
Optimum Noise Figure and Associated Gain
vs Frequency Vds = 2V, Ids = 25 mA
Frequency (GHz)
Noise Figure (dB)
810 12
Associated Gain (dB)
Noise Figure
Associated Gain
Optimum Noise Figure vs Ids & Vds
Frequency = 2 GHz
Ids (mA)
Noise Figure (dB)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Ids (mA)
Associated Gain vs Ids
Vds = 2V, Frequency = 2 GHz
Gain (dB)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Typical Performance
Note: 1. Fmin values reflect the circuit losses in the test fixture when
matched to optimum noise figure.
High Dynamic Range
Low Noise GaAs FET
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Mimix Broadband, Inc., 10795 Rockley Rd., Houston, Texas 77099
Tel: 281.988.4600 Fax: 281.988.4615 mimixbroadband.com
Characteristic Data and Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2006 Mimix Broadband, Inc.
Export of this item may require appropriate export licensing from the U.S. Government. In purchasing these parts, U.S. Domestic customers accept
their obligation to be compliant with U.S. Export Laws.
August 2006 - Rev 03-Aug-06
Ordering Information
The CFB0301GaAs FET is available in tape and reel. An evaluation board is also available. Ordering part numbers are listed.
Part Number for Ordering Function Package
egakcap lim 07TEF egnar cimanyd hgih esioN-woL1030BFC
CFB0301-000T Low-Noise high dynamic range FET 70 mil package in tape and reel
PB-CFB0301 Evaluation Board
Test Circuit
Evaluation Board Schematic
Evaluation Board Substrate:
ER = 4.65
Thickness = 0.036
Transmission Lines (Dimensions in mm.):
T1: 0.203 (W) x 11.55 (L)
T2: 0.203 (W) x 5.05 (L)
PB-CFB0301 Evaluation Board
(SMA Connectors not shown)
Evaluation Board Parts List
rebmuN traPrerutcafunaMytitnauQnoitpircseDrotangiseD ecnerefeRmetI
TJ062-2102H1-BHstcudorP dlroW15080 daeb etirref pihC12B1
KJ201A581HCMmhoR13060 ,Fp0001 ,roticapaC32C2
3 C21, C24, C26, C28-C37 Capacitor, 39pF, 0603 13 Rohm MCH185A039JK
KJ301A581HCMmhoR13060 ,Fµ10.0 ,roticapaC52C4
5 L26, L28 Inductor, 82nH, INDA5T-3 2 Toko LL2012-F8NK
065 575PWCRelaD13060 ,mhO 6.5 ,rotsiseR12R6
7 R22, R23 Resistor, 18 Ohm, 0603 2 Dale RCWP575 181
028 575PWCRelaD13060 ,mhO 2.8 ,rotsiseR62R8